Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.200068 : Anonymous [2020-03-07 17:11] [Report] 1583619071797.jpg (140324 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
140324 B

0w3n Lindb3rg? Model from LA.

No.200274 : Anonymous [2020-03-08 18:23] [Report] []

https:// freepornhd /2020/03/runway-model-asher-ramone-cant-handle-the-latina-booty-on-jessica-nunez.html

No.202372 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 04:46] [Report] []

GH fucked up not getting him to do a gay scene.

No.202373 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 05:14] [Report] []

I like those models turn gay porn actors.

No.202521 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 22:47] [Report] []

Oh they tried to. He didn't accept.
The issue is he's trying to have it both ways: a modelling career as well as a side job doing porn. The trouble is his modelling career is only modestly successful, not a runaway success like he and his mom were hoping for. While he thinks he still has a chance in modelling, he will not commit to do any gay porn. Even tho we've seen (in his own messages) he's happy to get sucked off camera by guys for $$$

No.202548 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 23:34] [Report] []

any white guy who has a toned body with a full set of teeth call themselves models lol..... have they even SEEN belami?

No.202577 : Anonymous [2020-03-19 00:45] [Report] []

Just wait til he stops booking jobs than maybe he will change his tune on gay porn

No.202873 : Anonymous [2020-03-20 05:05] [Report] []

I’d pay to suck his dick!

No.203031 : Anonymous [2020-03-20 17:02] [Report] []

Will cost you $1000

No.203433 : Anonymous [2020-03-21 23:00] [Report] []

Daaaaaamn, I mean, I’d love to pay that, but I had a 3sum with two insta-thots for less than that. And i definitely got my money’s worth. I bet it would be the worst blowjob ever

No.203462 : Anonymous [2020-03-22 00:43] [Report] 1584852235368.jpg (123453 B, 750x931) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.203487 : Anonymous [2020-03-22 03:07] [Report] []

Yup, I know what you mean. I've had sessions with three insta-thots too (separately) and they didn't cost as much as that! I look at it is like this: they're basically looking for sex, (usually on the basis of cash) but they're too coy to put up a real escort profile. It's up to you to approach them and be discrete.

No.203567 : Anonymous [2020-03-22 12:06] [Report] []

>>203433 >>203487
So who were these instathots? Just interested.

No.203587 : Anonymous [2020-03-22 13:13] [Report] []

which insta-thots are available for escorting?

No.203627 : Anonymous [2020-03-22 15:37] [Report] []

Who were these Insta thots of the threesome or separates? Or share pics of them. I know a few of the straight bro Instagram fitness models do a bit of pay for play. Typical in the city.

No.203671 : Anonymous [2020-03-22 17:51] [Report] []

This is the poster about the insta-thot threesome...

I’ll start a new thread about Instagram boys (gay and straight) that are available for escorting so we can keep this on track with Ow€n

No.203837 : Anonymous [2020-03-23 01:35] [Report] []

Good idea! When you do, I'll follow up with the three hotties I snagged separately. None of them cost me more than $400 each for one hour, which is cheap considering that $1000- blowjob from Owen. Hint: one of my boys was a smooth, young, muscular Russian model.

No.204019 : Anonymous [2020-03-23 13:37] [Report] []

I started the thread... would love to hear more about your boys...

No.204051 : Anonymous [2020-03-23 15:17] [Report] []


can you give the link to your new thread?

No.204395 : Anonymous [2020-03-24 14:30] [Report] 1585074628504.jpg (146359 B, 750x923) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.205666 : Anonymous [2020-03-28 15:08] [Report] 1585422537391.jpg (114117 B, 750x918) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.209066 : Anonymous [2020-04-06 15:59] [Report] 1586203173589.jpg (125605 B, 750x918) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.209526 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 14:56] [Report] 1586285807526.jpg (170246 B, 828x1472) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.209765 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 00:11] [Report] []

It's weird how much he looks like the guy Joe exotic is currently married to in that pic

No.209894 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 11:10] [Report] []

>>209526 I always think about what the owners of Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher used to say about their models. They would get guys from questionable backgrounds, like boy-toy the guy from Tiger King, give him a fresh haircut and add some makeup to turn them into porn stars.

A good haircut and properly fitting clothes can really add a point or two to a guys attractiveness.

No.210071 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 17:29] [Report] []

I agree

No.210083 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 17:43] [Report] []

>>209894 adding to this. I loved seeing SC clips where the guy would be interviewed but I could tell that his jeans were slightly out of date. They all tried, but you just know that most come from poorer to working class backgrounds. Not knocking these guys because they make up the porn industry, but the 2000s porn model with interviews and such gave away some hints about the socioeconomic background of these gorgeous men.

No.210114 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 18:37] [Report] []

Some good insight there. On another thread discussing the decline in quality on both SC and CF, a recruiter for CF lists one of the reasons as being the stronger economy. Young guys with better job prospects just weren't interested in doing g4p porn any longer. But now that the economy is on the skids, it's quite possible that we may see a return to better looking guys on these sites. I note that Nixon has returned to SC. Of course, he's just one guy and not exactly new. So I don't regard that as a return to 'better days'. But still, I do live in hope....

No.210148 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 20:09] [Report] []

>>210114 when these sites started there was still a plausible deniability to be linked to your porn, especially if you were in just an audition. Then Facebook put every young person online with their face and real name, thus you couldn't run. To counter this, SC and CF used to pay BIG bucks for their talent. They were raking in serious cash in the 2000s so they could afford to get the best.

Then social media influencing and OnlyFans/Cam Sites (for the really bold) stole a lot of the thunder. Every cute guy has a page. Thirst trapping girls and gay men for likes. We are going into hyper mode sexualizing our male youth. But whatever they love the attention.

Really good looking guys on Instagram get approached all the time via dms. First you overspend on a couple of private R rated videos. Then ask for a jerk-off vid, then ask for a meeting. Escorting is huge right now thanks to Instagram turning the wold's youth into a meat locker. Personally, I love it, but this and free streaming site like PornHub destroyed CF and SC.

No.210247 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 00:21] [Report] []


That's so sad about Nixon. Last we talked he was trying to start a business. I'm so disappointed :(

No.210265 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 01:01] [Report] []

>>210148 You have summarized the decline of the studio porn industry so succinctly. Literally nothing to add there.

I find Nixon not be as hot as he once was. He's a bit older yes but also he doesn't seem as into it. And they've gone back to him being a top again when they know that's not what we want.

Another thing that's killing studio porn: bareback throughout then pull out to cum and push back in. Like NO!!!! Breed the bottom then let him push it out. That is the new standard. When will they fucking learn?! lol. The big OF pages do this consistently for the most part and play into people's desires.

No.210303 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 03:01] [Report] []

In the 80s they watched gay porn on VHS tapes. In the 90s it was DVD. In the 00s it was through 'mega' sites (featuring huge stables of guys) like CF, SC, Randy Blue, Chaos Men etc. Now the trend is on 'micro' sites like OF and CB which focus on the one performer instead of a stable of guys.

Yes, I like the fact that there are more guys willing to perform online now compared to the 90s and 00s. But there are two aspects I really hate about the current trend:

(1.) Performers are so diffused now. You can't get a bunch of hot guys together in the one site. Instead, you have to jump around from one OF/CB account to another. Not to mention shelling out for each and every guy individually. It gets tiring and wasteful real quick!

(2.) Because they're all separated (i.e. diffused) instead of being in one stable, the chances of seeing an actual fuck scene between two or more hot guys is much lower now. Instead, what we see is a proliferation of solo wanking, teasing, posing, etc. But hard core sex is now harder to find. Not impossible, just harder.

Personally, I can't wait for the next big trend in porn delivery/platform, so we can get away from these micro sites. Yes, there are many thousands of hot performers out there now, but the quality and quantity (of actual fucking) is no longer there.

No.210341 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 07:02] [Report] []

Nixon was happy to do porn until his girlfriend found out (some assholes mentioned Nixon's porn work on her IG!!) and apparently she threatened to walk unless he quit porn. Now he's back, I guess either they've split up or she changed her mind.

No.210346 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 08:09] [Report] []

All of the in-depth discussion in this thread...

Wow you fags are losers.

No.210421 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 11:12] [Report] []

>>210114 I used to recruit for them and other sites as well even when I had a good full time job since it was fun and paid a lot.

But prices came down and started not to be worth the time that it actually takes to recruit guys since a very low percentage will be interested and only some of those interested will have interest from the studios, and then of course a portion of those guys would get cold feet and not show up for the shoot. So a high payout would make up for all that time you spent on the duds, and as the payout lowered it just was not worth it for me and I guess a lot of other recruiters who were all independent contractors. That definitely us a part of it too, a takes a lot of time to find that diamond in the rough, especially straight guys.

And yes a lot of the guys were actually straight especially the ones that came from recruiters like myself because gay guys were likely to just apply through the studios website themselves. A lot of the models I found had never even considered doing porn, and never thought they could get paid to jerk off, and some went on to do gay for pay because the money was so good. But once that pay dropped, especially after SC was bought out, it was less enricing for them as well. Idk how much SC pays anymore, but they used to pay a lot, but once men got there you could tell the quality went down. They kept paying me the same but they became a lot more picky as to who they would pay that big commission for, they wanted guys willing to do sex scenes from the get go for instance. But that was the beauty of the old way you eased them in with a solo. Most wouldn't come back to do more but a lot of the straight guys that did g4p were absolutely sure they would never do g4p that they would do just solo when I first got them to do it. All those guys get lost these days as they won't usually hire guys only willing to do solos, so the pipeline of models is just no where near what it used to be when all these factors get combined which means lower quality.

No.210530 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 15:39] [Report] 1586461165486.jpg (97321 B, 1080x1121) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.210585 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 17:38] [Report] []

They can speak in more than one sentence. You should try it one day, shit-for-brains. LOL

No.210676 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 20:47] [Report] []

Hello >>210421 can yo give us any stage names for the type of guys you mentioned? Also, how did the recruitment process work?

No.210679 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 20:51] [Report] 1586479874857.jpg (124523 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.210713 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 22:10] [Report] []

That was a super interesting look behind the recruiting process! Thanks for that. Can you go more in-depth about how you found the straight guys and actually convinced them? Seems like it would be tough.

No.211211 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 01:51] [Report] []

Sorry I won't release any names of models.

And yeah it was a lot of work, most guys wouldn't be hired. Chaosmen actually gave all his scouts access to his talent management system since he was a one man shop, and we would upload our pictures there. But could also see everyone else's guys lol. The pelthra of nudes haha, not to mention the huge library each scout likely had on thier own. I would try to find guys wherever I could. Craigslist back in the day was actually really good but that slowly became shit. I would use Facebook and other social sites, tinder once that went around. Not going to lie, I pretended to be a girl on there or they never would've swiped right lol. I would just make sure they were 18 first then spring the proposal on them. Most would say no but a few would show interest and we would move on from there. Would get their info, sometimes I would photograph them if they were local and send the info to the studios to see if they were interested. They would book then and fly them out. If they successfully finished the shoot i would be paid. And of course that did not always happen, guys would get cold feet all the time and back out, or couldn't perform on camera. A lot of hot guys ended up like that haha. So it was a tough in that way, not something I would ever count on doing full time. Basically all commission based. I tried every once and awhile to get gay guys on grinder and that's actually the hardest haha. Guys would fane interest but all they really wanted was to just hook up haha. They would say yeah I could do that but want to meet with you first and yada yada yada, they never had any real interest in doing porn.

From my experience about 20-30 % of guys I asked were some what interested. Of those probably 50% actually went through and applied and sent in pics. Probably 20% would get picked up by Sean Cody, and about 30% by other places. Half of those would either flake or decide against it before getting booked. If the guys who actually went through with it about 10-20% probably failed to perform.

No.211215 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 02:34] [Report] 1586586856250.png (351001 B, 828x1792) [YIS] [GIS] []
351001 B

Owen gay for pay

No.211231 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 04:13] [Report] []

I agree. These days both gay and straight porn suck. Guys and in straight porn even chicks are no more as attractive as they used to be. Mostly due to many people having social networks which makes them easily trackable. Also, sites like onlyfans, flirt4free and the likes draw hotter guys to do porn independently and get all the proceeds. The thing is that they cant do the shooting and make the set as professionally as regular studios so the final quality of the porn is really low. As was mentioned they also dont do guy on guy fucking, just solos, because they work individually and independently. All in all porn is less attractive, more boring. Also many actors, who retired, are getting back. Do you really want to watch guys who you have seen in so many positions and angles many times before? I dont. I want to see new fresh hot young guys.

No.211385 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 13:17] [Report] []

"I'm an alpha" Hahahahahahahaha

No.211510 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 18:15] [Report] []

>>211211 How did you get into recruiting?

No.211792 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 12:48] [Report] []

>>211510 was in grad school and saw an ad that Sean Cody had for referring models and getting paid. Started working with them and then cold contacted other studios and setup relationships with them to do the same. Just learned good techniques along the way, actually took me a few months to get my first successful model and get paid.

No.211798 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 13:05] [Report] []

Thanks for elaborating on the process. It’s interesting to hear the behind the scenes stuff. I miss the old Sean Cody.

No.211970 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 21:39] [Report] []

Yup, we sure do miss the 'old' Sean Cody.

No.212513 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 01:44] [Report] 1586843040011.jpg (120853 B, 828x828) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.212548 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 06:35] [Report] []

I remember reading that SC only accepted “referrals” from other models and not from randoms.
I guess you started out when the site was still new.

The site started to go downhill a year or so before mindgeek took over. The blowjobs started looking rough and they tried to squeeze in two sessions for one scene. The moans also became more and more outrageous. Take Daniel for instance...

No.212566 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 08:39] [Report] []

Same here.
Mindgeek ruined it.

No.214629 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 00:18] [Report] []

Anything new on ow3n

No.215350 : Anonymous [2020-04-20 19:06] [Report] 1587423973655.jpg (67868 B, 600x847) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.215351 : Anonymous [2020-04-20 19:06] [Report] 1587423988186.jpg (58465 B, 533x760) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.215625 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 13:21] [Report] []

nice dick

No.215821 : Fuzzyboi [2020-04-21 20:12] [Report] 1587514365282.jpg (160255 B, 1920x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.215822 : Fuzzyboi [2020-04-21 20:13] [Report] 1587514380867.jpg (162460 B, 1920x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.215823 : Fuzzyboi [2020-04-21 20:13] [Report] 1587514395583.jpg (152724 B, 1920x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.216239 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 18:38] [Report] []

I wish he would go back to porn at least once and do a scene with a guy but I know he won't.

No.216536 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 14:00] [Report] []


No.216577 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 15:32] [Report] 1587670324323.jpg (128125 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.221431 : Anonymous [2020-05-04 01:31] [Report] 1588570288697.jpg (151720 B, 800x1163) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.225348 : Anonymous [2020-05-13 00:51] [Report] 1589345484899.jpg (274895 B, 800x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.228377 : Anonymous [2020-05-20 00:20] [Report] []

He should have never stopped doing porn

No.228652 : Anonymous [2020-05-20 19:02] [Report] []

I agree

No.235823 : Anonymous [2020-06-03 18:42] [Report] []

Anything new on him?

No.235834 : Anonymous [2020-06-03 19:17] [Report] 1591226264580.jpg (107187 B, 828x1472) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.237262 : Anonymous [2020-06-06 18:44] [Report] []

He was having a hissy fit on Instagram last night because people were calling him out for saying the N-word

No.237266 : Anonymous [2020-06-06 18:47] [Report] []

>>237262 I live for this drama. was it on live? I don't see it on his ig anywhere

No.237386 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 00:03] [Report] []

Yes it was and he refused to apologize for saying it because he has black friends.

No.237406 : Miko [2020-06-07 01:07] [Report] []

Haha and now he's been posting several pics on insta stories of him with black guys to prove he has black friends.

No.237674 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 13:30] [Report] []

He's also asking his followers to find and take out the people that are calling him out for saying the n word

No.237755 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 16:15] [Report] []

Lol too much drama for nothing. Who cares about his vocabulary. I am here for nudes not political views.

No.237833 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 18:42] [Report] []

Unlike you some people don't like racists

No.238252 : Anonymous [2020-06-08 13:50] [Report] 1591638608890.jpg (168343 B, 828x1472) [YIS] [GIS] []
168343 B

More crazy stories from Owen

No.238366 : Anonymous [2020-06-08 18:46] [Report] []

It seems like everyday he is telling another crazy story that allegedly happened to him.

No.240361 : Anonymous [2020-06-12 20:23] [Report] 1592007781520.jpg (111480 B, 828x1472) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.240522 : Anonymous [2020-06-13 05:25] [Report] []

I had my first model on my first day of recruiting for SeanCody. Then it was a long dry time till the second one.

No.243618 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 15:19] [Report] 1592680785048.jpg (61972 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.243721 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 00:31] [Report] 1592713906319.jpg (129078 B, 828x1472) [YIS] [GIS] []
129078 B

Another week another weird story from Owen

No.243856 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 12:39] [Report] []

he's bi and an escort. next.

No.243869 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 13:34] [Report] []

How do you know ?

No.243915 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 16:06] [Report] []

>>243869 me and my sugar daddy have used him before. he's also currently doing personal training for another escort (@flowgio on insta)

No.243977 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 18:37] [Report] []

Was he a top or bottom or vers

No.243996 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 19:24] [Report] []

It doesn't surprise me at all he's bi and doing a bit of escorting on the side with guys. But with guys like him, all he's probably going to let you do is suck him.

No.246294 : Anonymous [2020-06-28 14:24] [Report] 1593368644780.jpg (284205 B, 828x1472) [YIS] [GIS] []
284205 B

He really does have daily stories of his crazy life

No.247758 : Anonymous [2020-07-02 18:24] [Report] []

Bi? I thought he was gay all this time.

No.247760 : Anonymous [2020-07-02 18:46] [Report] []

His family is conservative so he might be deeply in the closet

No.248699 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 00:46] [Report] 1594010779643.jpg (69294 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.248701 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 00:46] [Report] 1594010798758.jpg (30603 B, 450x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.249620 : Anonymous [2020-07-08 14:52] [Report] 1594234353894.jpg (143244 B, 828x1472) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.249621 : Anonymous [2020-07-08 14:53] [Report] 1594234388592.jpg (48052 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.252062 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 14:55] [Report] 1594839301665.png (295397 B, 1280x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
295397 B

This is the merch he created. Why would anyone want to buy this. Not to mention who launches merch in the middle of a pandemic

No.253784 : Anonymous [2020-07-20 15:28] [Report] 1595273280721.jpg (54419 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.253785 : Anonymous [2020-07-20 15:28] [Report] 1595273298378.jpg (233817 B, 1124x1965) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.254134 : Anonymous [2020-07-21 14:41] [Report] []

Is anyone actually buying that

No.254158 : Anonymous [2020-07-21 15:52] [Report] []


he writes like a retard

No.254195 : Anonymous [2020-07-21 18:22] [Report] []

>>252062 That's a lot to spend on a cum rag.

No.262512 : Anonymous [2020-08-15 14:12] [Report] 1597515168380.jpg (64247 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.262593 : Anonymous [2020-08-15 21:25] [Report] 1597541143631.png (845385 B, 2508x1198) [YIS] [GIS] []
845385 B

would love to see his hole spread wider and opened up

No.273866 : Anonymous [2020-09-19 14:19] [Report] []

same here
to bad it wont happen

No.276000 : Anonymous [2020-09-26 14:31] [Report] 1601145092331.jpg (236606 B, 1242x1668) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.318324 : Anonymous [2021-02-16 15:14] [Report] 1613506454922.png (549438 B, 1280x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
549438 B

He set up a new OF account

No.318534 : Anonymous [2021-02-17 11:24] [Report] []

Super exciting! I can’t wait to see what he puts up there

No.321880 : Sugaa [2021-03-02 13:41] [Report] 1614710499194.gif (9861737 B, 312x552) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.321882 : Sugaa [2021-03-02 13:42] [Report] 1614710539870.gif (8542301 B, 600x857) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.322053 : Anonymous [2021-03-03 08:09] [Report] []

Are both of these on his OF? The second one seems to be from someone else’s

No.327346 : Lauren'sBitch [2021-03-24 15:46] [Report] 1616615193536.jpg (1276259 B, 4000x4000) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.327352 : Anonymous [2021-03-24 16:04] [Report] []

How is this guy a model, he's got the most punchable Beiber face. The Tina Turner mop does no favors either.

No.327409 : Anonymous [2021-03-24 21:06] [Report] []

>>327346 hes not a good model thats why hes on onlyfans. We live in an age were if you’re popular online you’re suddenly a model

No.327557 : Anonymous [2021-03-25 12:58] [Report] []

i mean he has the body type/height? for a model lol

No.328289 : Anonymous [2021-03-28 14:38] [Report] 1616956722639.jpg (2783556 B, 3024x3918) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.328290 : Anonymous [2021-03-28 14:39] [Report] 1616956748325.jpg (2703681 B, 3024x3897) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.328370 : Anonymous [2021-03-28 22:22] [Report] []

I love his sexy freckles and moles. on his ass especially.

No.366865 : Boss001 [2021-10-01 12:51] [Report] []
No.366867 : Daniel [2021-10-01 12:56] [Report] []
No.370614 : Anonymous [2021-10-21 23:09] [Report] []
No.370632 : Anonymous [2021-10-22 04:57] [Report] []

More videos and pics, please
Paid content

No.373217 : Anonymous [2021-11-06 18:00] [Report] 1636236015402.jpg (96054 B, 828x970) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.404128 : Anonymous [2022-05-15 19:17] [Report] 1652656638560.jpg (2246127 B, 3024x4032) [YIS] [GIS] []


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