Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.200251 : Anonymous [2020-03-08 16:16] [Report] 1583698618945.jpg (345362 B, 753x362) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
345362 B

Keeping a spot for the hot guys of the Big D on the new board

No.200310 : Anonymous [2020-03-08 22:59] [Report] []

Reup the Dallas guys

No.200323 : Anonymous [2020-03-08 23:58] [Report] 1583726333743.jpg (666058 B, 2048x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
666058 B

Who knows who this scruff hottie is? Talked to him in Denton

No.200513 : Anonymous [2020-03-09 23:48] [Report] 1583812112565.png (748826 B, 886x596) [YIS] [GIS] []
748826 B

Anything on this vers cub? His grindr profile says he likes groups and is only looking for raw fun. Tall and beefy guy. Seems like the kind of guy that would have a few vids floating around.

No.200632 : Anonymous [2020-03-10 15:16] [Report] 1583867765312.jpg (229847 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
229847 B

Anything on him?

No.200781 : Anonymous [2020-03-11 01:06] [Report] 1583903219644.png (241818 B, 434x585) [YIS] [GIS] []
241818 B

Muscle lawyer guy and his bf are in Miami with all the other musc thots. Any more on them?

No.200825 : Anonymous [2020-03-11 09:40] [Report] []

>>200781 his cock is in the archive in Dallas thread. It’s pretty big & long. self post?

No.200874 : Anonymous [2020-03-11 15:02] [Report] []

>>200825 Which archive? Not a self post lol. Had hoped maybe for vids with the bf.

No.201567 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 02:06] [Report] []

>>200781 which one?

No.201603 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 03:58] [Report] []

>>200323 omg we used to hook up in college!! He doesn’t like giving BJ’s only receiving (kinda boring hook up tbh but cute cutie)

No.201776 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 17:09] [Report] 1584306560081.jpg (519843 B, 1125x1116) [YIS] [GIS] []
519843 B

Tbh, he did fuck anything that was roided and younger than him. Anyone have his nudes? I’ve heard it’s big and uc

No.201789 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 18:22] [Report] 1584310927273.jpg (1247590 B, 1242x2136) [YIS] [GIS] []
1247590 B

Anything on Wyatt? Seems like any other Dallas gay.

No.202202 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 13:51] [Report] 1584467518880.jpg (995509 B, 1125x1928) [YIS] [GIS] []
995509 B

Jessey really does it for me. Anyone have the nudes?

No.202333 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 23:13] [Report] []

Looks like a few Dallas sluts weren't social distancing this weekend. Anyone recognize any of them?

No.202741 : Anonymous [2020-03-19 15:53] [Report] []

>>202333 anyone have any full videos? Especially any from tbru?

No.202799 : Anonymous [2020-03-19 21:48] [Report] []

>>202333 that’s so gross. All of it.

No.202943 : Anonymous [2020-03-20 12:22] [Report] []

>>202202 I second this request! Appreciate anything that you guys are able to share.

No.203208 : Anonymous [2020-03-21 11:03] [Report] 1584802999558.jpg (469802 B, 1155x1860) [YIS] [GIS] []
469802 B

Anything on him?

No.203659 : Anonymous [2020-03-22 17:09] [Report] []

Yes for more dallas guys

No.203662 : Anonymous [2020-03-22 17:31] [Report] []

What is his insta? >>200323

No.205223 : Anonymous [2020-03-27 00:05] [Report] []

More ppl?

No.205830 : Anonymous [2020-03-29 01:21] [Report] []

>>202202 I got some on j3ssey. super hot dude. average dick but he makes up for it by knowing what to do with it.

No.205837 : Anonymous [2020-03-29 01:50] [Report] []

>>203208 Former Calgary guy. I'm not really sure there would be much out there.

No.208308 : Anonymous [2020-04-04 20:52] [Report] 1586047935328.jpg (502981 B, 1120x1849) [YIS] [GIS] []
502981 B

Anything on P@ul?

No.208486 : Anonymous [2020-04-05 11:11] [Report] 1586099465630.jpg (388908 B, 1125x1260) [YIS] [GIS] []
388908 B

So many requests and no one willing to share. Here's this guy.

No.208487 : Anonymous [2020-04-05 11:11] [Report] 1586099480821.jpg (259265 B, 1125x1484) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.208518 : Anonymous [2020-04-05 13:08] [Report] []

>>208308 yeah

No.208527 : Anonymous [2020-04-05 13:29] [Report] []

>>208486 he is so steroid out now. It’s sad. Poor baby is socially awkward with others. It’s strange watching out he acts in Equinox.

No.208528 : Anonymous [2020-04-05 13:34] [Report] []

>>208487 I love that cock. Mmmm

No.208630 : Anonymous [2020-04-05 18:26] [Report] []

>>208518 care to share with us anything you have on him? So sexy

No.209077 : Anonymous [2020-04-06 16:25] [Report] 1586204754074.jpg (363608 B, 1124x1560) [YIS] [GIS] []
363608 B

Anything on this guy from Fort Worth?

No.209078 : Anonymous [2020-04-06 16:27] [Report] 1586204842098.jpg (546958 B, 1125x1536) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.209084 : Anonymous [2020-04-06 16:32] [Report] 1586205128004.jpg (418676 B, 1125x1546) [YIS] [GIS] []
418676 B

Any more pictures or videos on this stud?

No.209085 : Anonymous [2020-04-06 16:32] [Report] 1586205155460.jpg (215603 B, 700x1050) [YIS] [GIS] []
215603 B

That big cock!!!!

No.209569 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 16:59] [Report] []

>>209085. Damn. More please! :)

No.209579 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 17:28] [Report] []

Who was it that got the other Dallas thread shut down?

No.215737 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 16:38] [Report] []

any updates on these Dallas gays?

No.215748 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 17:17] [Report] []

>>209078 I’d love to see more of this guy any pics? Or tea?

No.215750 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 17:21] [Report] []

>>208308so sexy

No.215870 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 22:23] [Report] 1587522231157.png (3772952 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
3772952 B

Who’s the top?? The video was made in the Dallas area

No.215887 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 22:54] [Report] []

>>215870 link?

No.215895 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 23:08] [Report] []

>>215870 I’ve talked to him before on Grindr. He lives or lived in the las colinas area, a total top (he says). But in this video it was the most boring top ever haha that was a really lame fuck for Colby Keller

No.216142 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 14:51] [Report] []


No.216148 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 15:04] [Report] []

>>215895 i watched that too, totally agree, he didnt fuck Colby passionately which is a shame

No.217068 : Anonymous [2020-04-24 19:40] [Report] []

>>216148 Also looks like he didn't even cum?

No.218950 : Anonymous [2020-04-28 14:48] [Report] []

>>215870 yeah, I’d love a name or a social if anyone recognizes him

No.219170 : Anonymous [2020-04-29 00:44] [Report] []
No.220895 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 02:47] [Report] []

Anything new on Dallas guys? Quarantine has made them crazy

No.221102 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 12:18] [Report] []

Anyone follow willk0rn3g@y on insta? He just recently got married to his boyfriend Mas0n. Huge extravagant wedding in South Africa, tons of hot people and guys. Well I guess one of them has a lake house they’ve been hanging out at during quarantine. They seem to always have a different guy with them, think they just pick out a hot muscle gay guy to bring there and have a threesome with? #goals
0=o 3=e @=a

No.221114 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 12:52] [Report] []

Anyone follow willk0rn3g@y on insta? He just recently got married to his boyfriend Mas0n. Huge extravagant wedding in South Africa, tons of hot people and guys. Well I guess one of them has a lake house they’ve been hanging out at during quarantine. They seem to always have a different guy with them, think they just pick out a hot muscle gay guy to bring there and have a threesome with? #goals
0=o 3=e @=a

No.221151 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 14:07] [Report] []

>>215895 What's his grindr profile?

No.221182 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 15:08] [Report] []

>>221102 I honestly don’t think that they are open... just nice guys that are friendly and congenial. That wedding was a little much tho

No.221183 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 15:11] [Report] []

>>220895 what happened to d@ve bowm@n? Heard he was found dead in a hotel room this weekend

No.221269 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 18:40] [Report] []

What about C0l3 S. and H3ct0r?

No.221739 : Anonymous [2020-05-04 18:02] [Report] []
>> 221102 need tea on this couple
No.221741 : Anonymous [2020-05-04 18:03] [Report] []

>>221269 they are so hot wow. If no one has pics then share a story hehe

No.221832 : Anonymous [2020-05-04 21:39] [Report] []

>>221183 how did you hear about this? I haven’t heard found anything about it on social media or the news. Is he actually dead?

No.221863 : Anonymous [2020-05-04 23:33] [Report] []

>>221183 the muscle daddy? Damn what happened?

No.221875 : Anonymous [2020-05-04 23:55] [Report] 1588650913746.jpg (222248 B, 750x999) [YIS] [GIS] []
222248 B

Damn looks like it’s true :(. How did he die?

No.221973 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 08:43] [Report] []

>>221875 so sad. What happened?

No.222041 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 12:31] [Report] []

>>221875 OD’ed at a hotel room sex/drug party.

No.222060 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 13:17] [Report] []

Kind of sad but also kinda funny.
Heavy roid user + hard drugs are not a good combination.

No.222072 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 13:58] [Report] 1588701489219.jpg (79681 B, 592x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
79681 B

>>222041 he was such a hot muscle daddy, can’t believe he’s gone :(

No.222175 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 18:48] [Report] []

>>222041 wtf. Sex and drugs party during covid times? Whyyyyy

No.222237 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 21:15] [Report] []


Heart attack I'm sure. Steroids are like a deal with the devil. At least it's usually a quick way to go.

No.222252 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 21:45] [Report] []

>>222072 that's sad. his body looked so gross with all the excessive veins bulging and cartoony muscles anyway.

would have looked way better and might still be alive without all the drugs.

No.222321 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 00:35] [Report] []

>>222072 damn his Insta is private, I’m assuming he’s not accepting my follow request anytime soon...

No.222571 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 16:33] [Report] []

Heard there was drama with coltondtx and a party bus?

No.222575 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 16:47] [Report] 1588798024118.jpg (289310 B, 1240x2171) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.222576 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 16:47] [Report] 1588798050295.jpg (301045 B, 1240x2162) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.222579 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 16:47] [Report] 1588798076827.jpg (247188 B, 1240x1975) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.222580 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 16:48] [Report] 1588798098068.jpg (262066 B, 1240x1968) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.222583 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 16:48] [Report] 1588798121913.jpg (264614 B, 1240x1956) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.222584 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 16:49] [Report] 1588798145377.jpg (303629 B, 1240x1998) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.222654 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 19:37] [Report] []

they got together for coltons birthday and all got on a party bus..
these gays don’t know how to self isolate all they know is partying and going balls to the wall every single day..
Heard they were getting death threats after they posted on socials! Yikes!

No.222679 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 20:49] [Report] []

>>222654 it’s so sad. That group and Colton are known as the trash of Oaklawn. Most stay away from them as we don’t want any of there drug infested buttholes. Colton used to look so good...shame she let herself go.

No.222682 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 20:57] [Report] []

>>222654 lol. Saw him coming into my neighbors complex the other night in Oaklawn...she got fucked and bread hard. We could hear it from her hallway.

No.222688 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 21:28] [Report] []

>>222654 wow. Shirtless party bus... that’s classy...

No.222750 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 00:31] [Report] 1588825888459.jpg (821255 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
821255 B

This one gets around for his age

No.222837 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 09:21] [Report] 1588857672732.jpg (211634 B, 1125x772) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.222885 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 12:04] [Report] []

That whole group, every single one of them, is messy and irresponsible as fuck for doing this AND all the other social gatherings they kept having while we were supposed to be in a lockdown

No.222988 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 16:01] [Report] []

>>222837 "i'm sorry you were offended."

LOL that's not an apology.

No.223091 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 18:54] [Report] []

>>222837 oh she is not sorry at all lol. And she wonders why most hate her in Dallas.

No.223107 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 19:40] [Report] []

How long do people need to stay under house arrest though?

Its not like people have completely refused to even try it, but its coming up on 2 months now.

How long is enough? 3 months? 4? All of this is based off of a nearly random unknown element, that isn't even nearly as dangerous as we've been told.

Throwing a fit because people dare to leave their home because "da TV said not to" is fucking stupid. You are all weak babies. Consider staying indoors permanently.

No.223143 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 21:57] [Report] []

>>223107 Hi Colton 👋🏼

No.223152 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 22:09] [Report] []

>>223107 That’s an excellent point. I’m going to share your thoughts with a couple of my friends and a coworkers who have lost loved one to COVID-19. I’ll just tell them that they were “weak babies” and that’s probably why they died. Also, assuming you don’t watch the news, but after reading your post, you obviously don’t, anyway... Dallas has a shelter in place order until May 15th.

No.223199 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 01:20] [Report] []

If you’re healthy and you acknowledge the risk pop off and do what you want. Too much fear is controlling this. Yes, we should obey the order but what happens when it’s over we stay inside and cower forever. Not saying we should party up a storm but just be aware in what we do

No.223206 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 01:38] [Report] []

>>223107 oh for fuck's sake, anyone complaining about having to stay home and bake banana bread and watch netflix is the weak baby.

why don't you fucking think about someone other than your ugly, overly tanned self?

No.223210 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 01:57] [Report] 1588917470466.jpg (33402 B, 251x446) [YIS] [GIS] []
33402 B

Anything on him?

No.223246 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 06:08] [Report] []

Any tea on Wi11 and Mas0n? W just posted some wedding pics on his story, it looked like a bomb ass wedding. Way over the top!

No.223411 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 14:43] [Report] 1588963423654.jpg (181081 B, 682x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
181081 B

>>223246 what kind of humblebrag pose is this? Is this just trying to show off that you bought expensive shoes for your wedding?

No.223429 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 15:44] [Report] []

>>223411 I think they’re both pretty hot. W has a nice bod. I bet M is bigger downstairs though. That whole wedding was anything but a humble brag lol. They even went on some like African safari, it looked pretty cool tbh. To clarify, I’ve never met either of them, I just live vicariously through W’s insta post and stories. He has some hot friends too!

No.223440 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 15:58] [Report] []


Not exactly the most effortless and understated attempt to show off the brand of your shoes. Who sits that way to show the full scuffed bottom of their shoe sole in a picture? Who dressed these boys?

No.223469 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 17:45] [Report] []


what's the tea on this one?

No.223486 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 18:24] [Report] []

>>223411 lol. They are a messy couple. Always wasted and one of them always cries at the bar. The little one is a cruiser at Equinox.

No.223516 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 20:37] [Report] []

>>223469 she lives in OK...but frequents to Dallas

No.223534 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 21:19] [Report] []

>>223440 the wedding really was impressive, but they worked way too hard to show it off to the world.

No.223535 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 21:20] [Report] []

>>223486 cries? Really? I’ve never seen that happen

No.223536 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 21:21] [Report] []

>>208308 his insta posts have gotten so thirsty. Has anyone been breeding him during lockdown?

No.223554 : Anonymous [2020-05-08 22:35] [Report] []

>>223535 hi Mason. We know you’re obsessed with the site lol.

No.223617 : anonymous [2020-05-09 03:23] [Report] []


is she a hoe? fill me in

No.223833 : Anonymous [2020-05-09 17:36] [Report] 1589060197607.jpg (192963 B, 764x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
192963 B

What about hot weather daddy Scott?

No.223861 : Anonymous [2020-05-09 19:11] [Report] 1589065874296.jpg (1057107 B, 1104x1033) [YIS] [GIS] []
1057107 B

Anything on this Fort Worth guy? His Grindr says hung for hung.

No.223876 : Anonymous [2020-05-09 19:52] [Report] []

>>223833 self post lol

No.223893 : Anonymous [2020-05-09 21:18] [Report] []

>>223876 actually it wasn’t. Some of us are into guys that aren’t boring carbon copies of every IG skank out there

No.224016 : Anonymous [2020-05-10 07:34] [Report] []

More on Mason and Will! Has anyone hooked up with them?

No.224023 : Anonymous [2020-05-10 08:27] [Report] []

I want to hear more tea about W cruising equinox

No.224781 : Anonymous [2020-05-11 23:17] [Report] []

>>224023 someone’s just trying to stir shit up. M wouldn’t cruise

No.225415 : Anonymous [2020-05-13 03:59] [Report] []

>>224023 lol everyone cruises at equinox, so what?

No.225447 : Anonymous [2020-05-13 07:19] [Report] []

>>224781 I’ve actually seen Mason cruise there a few times. One time him and I stroked ourselves in the sauna. It was alright. It wasn’t long as the cleaning was around.

No.225556 : Anonymous [2020-05-13 10:54] [Report] []

>>225447 how’s the dick?

No.226190 : Anonymous [2020-05-14 17:50] [Report] 1589493035284.jpg (309946 B, 1125x1930) [YIS] [GIS] []
309946 B

Anyone know who this is in the Dallas area?

No.226328 : Anonymous [2020-05-14 22:41] [Report] []

>>226190 looks promising. Something on him?

No.226423 : Anonymous [2020-05-15 05:04] [Report] 1589533495315.jpg (370985 B, 1124x1531) [YIS] [GIS] []
370985 B

Anything on him?

No.226517 : Anonymous [2020-05-15 11:44] [Report] []

>>225556 maybe 6 inches cut. He has one hairy hole. I wasn’t expecting that. He won’t send nudes. But occasionally is on Grindr when they fight or one is out of town.

No.227239 : Anonymous [2020-05-17 04:13] [Report] []

>>223535>>223833 yes please

No.227551 : Anonymous [2020-05-17 23:30] [Report] []

>>221114>>223440 if anything the suits were amazing

No.227553 : Anonymous [2020-05-17 23:39] [Report] []

Mason doesn’t go to equinox so you must’ve stroked with someone else ... awkward

No.227570 : Anonymous [2020-05-18 00:55] [Report] []

Will goes to Equinox, not Mason

No.227586 : Anonymous [2020-05-18 02:14] [Report] []

>>227553 hi mason! Yes you do.

No.227655 : Anonymous [2020-05-18 10:09] [Report] []

>>223411 I loved seeing Will cruise Equinox in Dallas. Met up with him one time after the gym. You always know when they are fighting, Will becomes a secret slut lol.

No.227719 : Anonymous [2020-05-18 13:27] [Report] []

They’re married now and instead of working on whatever issue they’re having when fighting one of them just goes and gets his fix at the local gym? Why are gay guys so awful omg

No.227721 : Anonymous [2020-05-18 13:28] [Report] []

>>227655 seems kinda childish on Will’s part tbh

No.228006 : Anonymous [2020-05-19 00:17] [Report] []

>>227570 they don’t go to the same gym?

No.228131 : Anonymous [2020-05-19 11:30] [Report] []

>>228006 must be on purpose....

No.229097 : Anonymous [2020-05-21 21:15] [Report] 1590110126349.jpg (303192 B, 1109x1926) [YIS] [GIS] []
303192 B

Anything on this model? He has a bf

No.230869 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 02:32] [Report] []

Anything new on the Dallas guys? They’re all back whoring

No.233375 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 17:40] [Report] []

Anything on this messy bunch? We need more tea, pics and or vids

No.235033 : Anonymous [2020-06-01 23:09] [Report] 1591067394798.jpg (964095 B, 1125x1301) [YIS] [GIS] []
964095 B

What’s his ass like?

No.235040 : Anonymous [2020-06-01 23:58] [Report] []

>>235033 Amazing. Someone has to have pics

No.235046 : Anonymous [2020-06-02 00:12] [Report] []

>>235040 he always filled out his shorts well, but I’ve never seen him naked

No.235169 : Anonymous [2020-06-02 11:24] [Report] []

>>235033 I thought he lived in SF?

No.235269 : Anonymous [2020-06-02 15:20] [Report] []

>>235169 he’s on the grid in Dallas rn

No.235339 : Anonymous [2020-06-02 17:25] [Report] []

>>235033 any other photos, tho?

No.236295 : Anonymous [2020-06-04 16:26] [Report] []

>>235033 hot! Tea????

No.237089 : Anonymous [2020-06-06 10:50] [Report] []

>>200781 Are they open?

No.237123 : Anonymous [2020-06-06 12:57] [Report] []

>>237089 is that a joke? Lol

No.237170 : Anonymous [2020-06-06 15:24] [Report] []

>>200251 just got this guys snap. College kid who swims and is a jock, met him on tinder super hot but don’t know much about him. His snap is: swimfast177. Anyone know anything?

No.237433 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 04:02] [Report] []

>>237123 Lol. I know there are vids, but did anyone save them?

No.238475 : Anonymous [2020-06-09 00:02] [Report] []

>>235033 What's his IG?

No.239154 : Anonymous [2020-06-10 10:52] [Report] []

>>237170 what does he look like... pic?

No.241891 : Anonymous [2020-06-16 14:37] [Report] []

>>236295 meh

No.242147 : Anonymous [2020-06-17 00:18] [Report] 1592367532959.jpg (320889 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
320889 B

Anything on this uncut Latino?

No.242425 : Anonymous [2020-06-17 16:58] [Report] []

>>242147 HOT

No.242440 : Anonymous [2020-06-17 17:38] [Report] []

>>242147 What's his IG?

No.242447 : Anonymous [2020-06-17 17:48] [Report] []

>>242147 hungry bottom. Good looking cock. Uncut, about 7-7.5 and on the thick side.

No.242519 : Anonymous [2020-06-17 20:47] [Report] []

>>242147 ID?

No.242534 : Anonymous [2020-06-17 21:46] [Report] 1592444812670.jpg (247468 B, 1125x1933) [YIS] [GIS] []
247468 B

Nice uncut dick

No.242644 : Anonymous [2020-06-18 02:03] [Report] []

Wow, he is very handsome

No.242729 : Anonymous [2020-06-18 07:10] [Report] 1592478622599.jpg (632791 B, 828x996) [YIS] [GIS] []
632791 B

Anything on this guy?

No.242730 : Anonymous [2020-06-18 07:10] [Report] 1592478650295.jpg (696738 B, 828x1031) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.242858 : Anonymous [2020-06-18 13:48] [Report] 1592502492704.jpg (114309 B, 1080x1121) [YIS] [GIS] []
114309 B

Anything on him?

No.242877 : Anonymous [2020-06-18 14:36] [Report] []
No.242893 : Anonymous [2020-06-18 15:09] [Report] []

>>242858 meth head

No.246885 : Anonymous [2020-06-30 11:16] [Report] []

Lots of commentary and not enough pics. Haha anymore pics?

No.248059 : Anonymous [2020-07-03 19:53] [Report] 1593820400136.jpg (87245 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
87245 B

Anything on him?

No.248089 : Anonymous [2020-07-03 21:58] [Report] []

>>248059 WOW!! who is he??

No.248238 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 11:11] [Report] 1593875478817.jpg (292428 B, 1088x1830) [YIS] [GIS] []
292428 B

>>248089 his name is J0rdan

No.248240 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 11:12] [Report] []

>>248238 jordan what?

No.248242 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 11:17] [Report] []
No.248243 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 11:30] [Report] []


Omg yes Wyatt, does anyone have any nudes of him!!?!

No.248244 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 11:31] [Report] 1593876701226.jpg (406082 B, 1440x1600) [YIS] [GIS] []
406082 B

Any of this boy? He's hot af

No.248258 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 13:23] [Report] []

>>248243 yes, please!

No.248300 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 16:28] [Report] []

>>248271 what’s that link of?

No.248334 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:27] [Report] []

>>248238 dreamy... !!

No.248363 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 20:05] [Report] []

>>248271 vintage straight porn. Don't waste your time

No.248408 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 00:26] [Report] 1593923167008.jpg (147979 B, 675x1191) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.248420 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 01:12] [Report] []

>>248059 more of him please

No.248502 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 10:01] [Report] []

>>248238 J0rd@n Tunn311 - he’s married to his equally hot husband Ch@nd13r. I think they might be open but only like musclely gays like everyone else?

No.248590 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 16:21] [Report] 1593980461396.jpg (1159117 B, 1125x1266) [YIS] [GIS] []
1159117 B

Anything on this dude?

No.248809 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 10:32] [Report] []

>>248502 they are open. I think they do stuff together and occasionally separate.

No.248810 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 10:33] [Report] 1594046017671.jpg (1002730 B, 1125x1562) [YIS] [GIS] []
1002730 B

Any tea or pics on this one? He’s somewhat new to town...

No.248841 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 12:16] [Report] []

>>248835 what is this link? Is someone just trying to spam or throw malware?

No.248856 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 13:12] [Report] []

>>248841 Spam and malware. Report and ignore.

No.248951 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 17:33] [Report] []

>>248810 hot! Any tea?

No.248957 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 17:55] [Report] 1594072534069.jpg (512563 B, 1440x1585) [YIS] [GIS] []
512563 B

>>248244 this boys hot, hoping his nudes leak

No.249005 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 21:11] [Report] 1594084262545.jpg (448727 B, 2448x3264) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.249006 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 21:11] [Report] 1594084285084.jpg (131519 B, 1152x829) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.249008 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 21:12] [Report] 1594084328746.jpg (234924 B, 1237x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.249116 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 05:00] [Report] []

>>248951 not that I know of. But tea would be a close consolation prize to nudes. Lol

No.249631 : Anonymous [2020-07-08 15:21] [Report] []

Ugh Dylan and Wyatt are so hot

No.249867 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 08:59] [Report] []

>>248238 omg, more of him and his husband please!

No.249945 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 14:10] [Report] 1594318239576.png (9337456 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
9337456 B

Any info on him?

No.249946 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 14:11] [Report] 1594318261363.png (4323910 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.250003 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 15:54] [Report] []

>>249945 huge amazing muscle ass

No.250020 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 16:20] [Report] []

>>250005 more spam and malware.

No.250539 : Anonymous [2020-07-11 05:46] [Report] 1594460777631.jpg (65350 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
65350 B

>>201789 yes to Wyatt and Dylan. Someone has to have a vid

No.250611 : Anonymous [2020-07-11 11:41] [Report] []

>>250539 that’s neither Wyatt or Dylan....

No.250621 : Anonymous [2020-07-11 12:04] [Report] 1594483490704.jpg (483195 B, 1440x1698) [YIS] [GIS] []
483195 B

>>250611 no you're right. It's just Dylan's phone, face, gym, body and posted on his insta but what do I know? Sit down girl, your age is showing from your obvious loss of eye sight

No.250626 : Anonymous [2020-07-11 12:14] [Report] []

>>250621 that’s a lot of emotion for safe

No.250920 : Anonymous [2020-07-12 06:44] [Report] []

>>250621 tea on them!

No.251863 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 01:39] [Report] 1594791596348.png (2457931 B, 1125x1936) [YIS] [GIS] []
2457931 B

anyone have anything on d3vin jam3s?

No.251960 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 10:00] [Report] 1594821601921.png (7470953 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
7470953 B

Anything on T d0n? User name for his IG is in the pic.

No.252009 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 12:12] [Report] []

>>251863 any more of him?

No.252032 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 13:20] [Report] []

>>252009 had a pretty good hookup once. Huge ass

No.252073 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 15:03] [Report] []

>>251863Hot boy

No.252146 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 18:18] [Report] []

>>250621 Id love to see his friend Connor.

No.253394 : Anonymous [2020-07-19 09:27] [Report] 1595165249238.png (4561355 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.253656 : Anonymous [2020-07-20 08:22] [Report] []

>>253394 That pic is edited to the Gods.

No.253657 : Anonymous [2020-07-20 08:23] [Report] []

>>251960 holy woof. Somebody has to have something on him!!

No.255269 : Anonymous [2020-07-25 10:33] [Report] 1595687599005.png (5505953 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
5505953 B

Anything on him?

No.255476 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 01:17] [Report] []

>>248841 more tea please!

No.255609 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 12:48] [Report] 1595782101330.jpg (3918 B, 91x150) [YIS] [GIS] []
3918 B

Anymore of him?
Insta is:

3= "e"

He has a Snap too.

No.255689 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 15:46] [Report] []

>>255269 that dude is a big bottom

No.255739 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 18:33] [Report] 1595802793100.png (7484918 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
7484918 B

Tbh I’d take any of these guys 🥵
Any pics/stories?

No.255750 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 19:03] [Report] []

>>255739 If you have some coke that Javier dude will do anything with ya

No.255751 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 19:06] [Report] 1595804818831.jpg (532512 B, 1965x1124) [YIS] [GIS] []
532512 B

Wondering how many of them are gonna come back and spread Corona all over. These group hasn’t stopped partying throughout all of this pandemic. eye roll

No.255754 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 19:35] [Report] []

>>255739 lmao, this is def a self-post. Heyyyy, Matt. xD

No.255799 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 21:46] [Report] []

the gay second from the right is the worst

No.255814 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 22:37] [Report] 1595817469773.jpg (1075696 B, 1125x1399) [YIS] [GIS] []
1075696 B

Anything on Ni€?

No.255829 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 23:07] [Report] []

>>255814 hot. Any tea?

No.255830 : Anonymous [2020-07-26 23:08] [Report] []

>>255739 diego is cute

No.255853 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 00:26] [Report] []

>>255751 tragic queens of oaklawn.

No.255855 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 00:30] [Report] []


These queens b sexy af. Let's see some of their spreader asses

No.255911 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 08:43] [Report] []

>>255853 spill the tea baby!

No.256007 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 14:03] [Report] []

>>255751 Kyle has a pretty nice cock

No.256024 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 14:38] [Report] []

>>256007 have any pics?

No.256034 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 15:10] [Report] []

>>256007 which one is kyle?

No.256050 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 15:28] [Report] []

>>255751 the white one (lmao)

No.256127 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 19:28] [Report] []

>>255751 Connor is Yumm!

No.256128 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 19:29] [Report] []

>>255814 damaged goods queen, just pass!

No.256149 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 21:06] [Report] []

>>255739 youre telling me these three people are not the same person?

No.256389 : Anonymous [2020-07-28 14:51] [Report] []

>>255269 what’s the deal with him?

No.256546 : Anonymous [2020-07-28 23:01] [Report] []

>>256389 submissive bottom. Big big ass. Pale and smooth.

No.256562 : Anonymous [2020-07-28 23:42] [Report] []

>>256546 submissive... yea loves a gang bang

No.256585 : Anonymous [2020-07-29 01:07] [Report] []

>>256562 I’ve heard he’s done anon loads. Do you think there’s any truth to that?

No.256865 : Anonymous [2020-07-29 20:28] [Report] []

>>256562 got any pics of him?

No.257124 : Anonymous [2020-07-30 14:02] [Report] []

>>255739 diego cute with his twink body

No.257450 : Anonymous [2020-07-31 11:53] [Report] 1596210820354.jpg (1461248 B, 1125x1285) [YIS] [GIS] []
1461248 B

>>255739 more diego please

No.257460 : Anonymous [2020-07-31 12:13] [Report] []

Lol a whole thread of no nudes, Dallas boys obviously talk a big game but are teases😂😂

No.257470 : Anonymous [2020-07-31 12:27] [Report] []

They share plenty on Instagram 😉

No.257487 : Anonymous [2020-07-31 13:10] [Report] 1596215453977.jpg (76374 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.257505 : Anonymous [2020-07-31 13:52] [Report] []

I have to agree. Not enough nudes in this thread 👎

No.257517 : Anonymous [2020-07-31 14:40] [Report] []

>>257460 cause these guys are gross duh!

No.257522 : Anonymous [2020-07-31 14:49] [Report] []

>>257487 cute, who is he?

No.257800 : Anonymous [2020-08-01 09:56] [Report] 1596290169055.jpg (104383 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
104383 B

More pics, less talk

No.257801 : Anonymous [2020-08-01 09:56] [Report] 1596290189523.jpg (75175 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.257960 : Anonymous [2020-08-01 19:27] [Report] []

>>257800 i like your style. Who’s this?

No.258302 : Anonymous [2020-08-02 19:50] [Report] 1596412235382.jpg (774328 B, 1440x1440) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.258336 : Anonymous [2020-08-02 22:29] [Report] []

>>258302 the no picture or shirtless torso Grindr guys

No.258360 : Anonymous [2020-08-03 00:58] [Report] []

>>258302 they guy in the back farthest right is definitely the cutest

No.258373 : Anonymous [2020-08-03 02:04] [Report] []

>>258302 imagine, all these guys meet in the bathroom in the morning. An orgy is a sure thing.

No.258502 : Anonymous [2020-08-03 14:15] [Report] []

>>258360 he used to cam with his brother

No.258631 : Anonymous [2020-08-03 21:46] [Report] []

>>258502 what?! I think that merits more context ...
I think this crew super hot

No.259020 : Anonymous [2020-08-05 03:13] [Report] []

>>258502 really?? Any details or links?

No.259779 : Anonymous [2020-08-07 16:24] [Report] 1596831869791.jpg (1064948 B, 1125x1271) [YIS] [GIS] []
1064948 B

Any tea or pics of either of them?

No.259926 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 02:00] [Report] []

>>248059 isn’t he use to do porn?

No.259995 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 09:24] [Report] []

>>259779 ew! Clearly a self post

No.260012 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 11:40] [Report] []

This thread has becoming nothing but self posts and pics from Instagram from the same-ish group of dudes from Dallas. We need to share some nudes (I have), maybe some links to their Alt accounts on twitter (where they post a lot of their nudes) or something better than just a lame Instagram post

No.260015 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 12:06] [Report] 1596902797371.jpg (1021075 B, 1125x1485) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260018 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 12:09] [Report] []

>>260015 who’s this?

No.260019 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 12:10] [Report] 1596903021757.jpg (1108419 B, 1125x2109) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260022 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 12:18] [Report] 1596903498614.jpg (1374994 B, 1103x1802) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260023 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 12:18] [Report] 1596903530114.jpg (1264500 B, 1125x1778) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260024 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 12:19] [Report] 1596903553753.jpg (973736 B, 1125x1465) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260030 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 13:09] [Report] []

>>260022 IG, he's hot?

No.260057 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 14:34] [Report] 1596911667271.jpg (297041 B, 1124x1250) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260058 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 14:35] [Report] 1596911726432.jpg (640342 B, 2048x1862) [YIS] [GIS] []
640342 B

>>260057 let’s keep this going with more nudes

No.260059 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 14:35] [Report] []

>>260057 is that a self post or just trying to get someone to share their nudes of him?

I don’t think he takes random loads any more since he became a third

No.260060 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 14:36] [Report] []

>>260059 he became a third? Who’s he with?

No.260065 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 14:55] [Report] []

>>260058 wow. That’s really hot

No.260108 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 18:11] [Report] 1596924712968.jpg (410524 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
410524 B

>>202202 anyone have dick pics?

No.260129 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 19:18] [Report] []

>>260108 lol self post!

No.260131 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 19:20] [Report] []

>>260019 it’s so weird how he is a bottom dating a bottom.

No.260133 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 19:23] [Report] []

>>260131 How is that weird? Sometimes you like/fall in love with someone who isn’t 💯 sexually compatible.

No.260143 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 20:35] [Report] []

All you dallas gays are just on here trash talking each other lol why so much toxicity?

No.260144 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 20:37] [Report] []

Hahaha I know javi is probably the mastermind behind all the shit talking On here 😂 get a life!

No.260175 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 00:21] [Report] []

>>260129 actually I’m not and would really love to see the nudes if anyone has them. Almost like what this fucking site is for.

No.260316 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 11:55] [Report] []

whers the frontal on this one?
hes a bttm

No.260333 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 12:44] [Report] 1596991464421.jpg (39954 B, 399x399) [YIS] [GIS] []
39954 B

Anyone knows who this is?

No.260459 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 19:02] [Report] 1597014136325.jpg (872316 B, 1125x2087) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260460 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 19:02] [Report] 1597014167002.jpg (1104587 B, 1125x1902) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260470 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 19:57] [Report] 1597017450311.png (4493515 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
4493515 B

Anything on him?

No.260477 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 20:22] [Report] []

>>260460 Nice. I think he’s so cute!

No.260479 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 20:27] [Report] 1597019251559.jpg (332779 B, 1125x1355) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260480 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 20:27] [Report] 1597019264311.jpg (333971 B, 1125x1350) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260481 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 20:27] [Report] 1597019278470.jpg (401749 B, 1124x1970) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260482 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 20:28] [Report] 1597019291716.jpg (368372 B, 1124x1910) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260483 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 20:28] [Report] 1597019321328.jpg (350014 B, 1124x1450) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.260493 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 21:15] [Report] []

>>260477 his ex was cuter.

No.260511 : Anonymous [2020-08-09 22:01] [Report] []

>>260479 fuck who is this

No.260612 : Anonymous [2020-08-10 07:00] [Report] []

>>260460 Damn, who's this?!

No.260652 : Anonymous [2020-08-10 10:48] [Report] []

>>260060 his daddies are both on the DNP

No.260819 : Anonymous [2020-08-10 20:51] [Report] []

>>258302 what’s the gossip on these gays?

No.260853 : Anonymous [2020-08-10 23:08] [Report] []

>>260460 who is this???

No.261156 : Anonymous [2020-08-11 19:24] [Report] 1597188275130.jpg (189062 B, 1125x1105) [YIS] [GIS] []
189062 B

PLEASE something on this bottom

No.261158 : Anonymous [2020-08-11 19:39] [Report] []

>>261156 I used to. Average cock and hot hairy ass

No.261181 : Anonymous [2020-08-11 20:52] [Report] []

>>261158 yeah, tbh I just wanna see that hole so bad

No.261182 : Anonymous [2020-08-11 20:53] [Report] []

>>261156 Woof. Name/IG?

No.261224 : Anonymous [2020-08-11 23:41] [Report] 1597203710542.jpg (424127 B, 1690x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
424127 B

Can anyone ID Twitter user cravingthecock?

No.261228 : Anonymous [2020-08-11 23:50] [Report] []

>>261224 He’s so fucking hot. I want to know, too. There are so many Alt accounts on twitter from DFW guys.

No.261265 : Anonymous [2020-08-12 02:28] [Report] 1597213717011.jpg (2135381 B, 1242x1551) [YIS] [GIS] []
2135381 B

Anything on him? He’s in the Frisco area and also is on Grindr in College Station sometimes

No.261469 : Anonymous [2020-08-12 16:18] [Report] []


Wouldn’t mind seeing these two together, someone should get them in touch

No.266452 : Anonymous [2020-08-29 10:39] [Report] 1598711996282.jpg (1501046 B, 1125x2079) [YIS] [GIS] []
1501046 B

This furry guy drives me crazy. Anyone got his pics?

No.267142 : Anonymous [2020-08-31 18:56] [Report] 1598914593860.jpg (1564660 B, 1125x1898) [YIS] [GIS] []
1564660 B

anything ladies????

No.267143 : Anonymous [2020-08-31 18:56] [Report] 1598914616866.jpg (811322 B, 1125x1309) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.267205 : Anonymous [2020-08-31 23:25] [Report] 1598930728493.jpg (195050 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
195050 B

Can someone please help me find nudes of this hot SMU professor

No.269448 : Anonymous [2020-09-08 15:35] [Report] []

>>255269 anything on this guy?

No.269672 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 08:39] [Report] []

>>269448 total bottom. Big ass. Avg cock.

No.269820 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 15:33] [Report] []

>>269672 pics?

No.269862 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 17:52] [Report] []

>>267205 professor or adjunct lecturer?

No.270156 : Anonymous [2020-09-10 11:39] [Report] []

>>269862 adjunct, lol

No.272946 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 03:22] [Report] 1600327366510.jpg (210399 B, 750x1281) [YIS] [GIS] []
210399 B

Does anybody know what happened to M@tt? Heard he passed away :(

No.272975 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 07:17] [Report] []

>>272946 what???? Are you serious?

No.273139 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 15:33] [Report] []

Yep. It showed up all overmy Facebook feed :(

No.273141 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 15:51] [Report] []

>>273139 are they saying how he died or of what? This is shocking!

No.273226 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 18:21] [Report] []

>>273141 nope, that’s why I’m asking

No.273253 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 19:19] [Report] []

>>272946 is it suicide? No one is really talking about it, so I just think that’s what’s most likely

No.273254 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 19:20] [Report] []

Terrible news. How did Matt die?

No.273261 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 19:34] [Report] 1600385668558.jpg (336455 B, 1122x1527) [YIS] [GIS] []
336455 B

How about this Dallas top, Freddie?

No.273357 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 23:10] [Report] []

>>273261 yes!

No.273372 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 00:09] [Report] []

>>273261 top?!?!? Lol. Since when?

No.273456 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 08:44] [Report] []

>>273372 seems like you know something. Spill the tea

No.273515 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 12:18] [Report] []


No.273553 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 14:01] [Report] []

>>260022 more d3vin please!!!

No.273589 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 15:49] [Report] 1600458574284.png (3416147 B, 1857x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3416147 B

Any of ricky? He used to have videos everywhere 🤤🤤

No.273603 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 16:15] [Report] 1600460112371.png (2232125 B, 1489x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2232125 B

Any of Brandon?!?!

No.273673 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 20:13] [Report] []


No, it wasn't suicide. Accidental.

No.273680 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 20:55] [Report] []

>>273673 accidental drug overdose?

No.273889 : Anonymous [2020-09-19 15:36] [Report] []

>>267142 I'm pretty sure I saw him on Reddit last year. Hot average cut cock!

No.273893 : Anonymous [2020-09-19 15:58] [Report] []

>>273603 did he die ?

No.273901 : Anonymous [2020-09-19 16:31] [Report] []

>>272946 so sad! He was such a sweetie and so cute. He passed away by an accident (not drugs or suicidal).

No.273903 : Anonymous [2020-09-19 16:37] [Report] []

>>273889 if you ever dig it up PLEASE fill me in lmao

No.274266 : Anonymous [2020-09-20 20:28] [Report] []

>>273261 someone on another thread said they had his pics, so they’re out there.

No.278151 : Anonymous [2020-10-03 17:35] [Report] 1601760937437.jpg (1228019 B, 1125x1561) [YIS] [GIS] []
1228019 B

okay i wanna see r0mans hole

No.278488 : Anonymous [2020-10-04 23:47] [Report] 1601869675022.png (6087219 B, 1242x1677) [YIS] [GIS] []
6087219 B

Anything on this guy? He's near Love Field on Grindr

No.278489 : Anonymous [2020-10-04 23:48] [Report] 1601869699618.png (2425531 B, 1242x2018) [YIS] [GIS] []
2425531 B

Or this one. Also near Love Field on Grindr

No.278501 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 00:50] [Report] []

>>278489 seems fake

No.278507 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 01:06] [Report] []

>>278501 he's real. looking for his nudes

No.278514 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 02:04] [Report] []

>>278151 He's a big slut, so I'm sure there are some out there.

No.278612 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 13:48] [Report] []

>>278514 damn that’s what I’m trying to find out more of!!!!! Lmao, any stories, is he as good of a bottom as he lets on to be

No.278779 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 21:57] [Report] []

>>278488 FUCK he is beautiful

No.278785 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 22:11] [Report] 1601950300080.png (5053967 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
5053967 B

>>278489 he’s a prostitute. Just offer him money.

No.278786 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 22:12] [Report] []

>>273901 uh. Can you put any more detail on this...?

No.278797 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 23:36] [Report] []

>>278785 it says his membership is frozen and can't be contacted. any more info?

No.278863 : Anonymous [2020-10-06 00:32] [Report] []

it says his membership is frozen and can't be contacted. any more info?

No.278900 : Anonymous [2020-10-06 00:57] [Report] []

>>200781 IDs?

No.279284 : Anonymous [2020-10-07 07:53] [Report] 1602071588213.png (3842101 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
3842101 B

Anybody got any pics of td0n? Lives in Dallas. This is his profile on scruff.

No.279309 : Anonymous [2020-10-07 10:11] [Report] 1602079918792.jpg (152905 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.279330 : Anonymous [2020-10-07 11:03] [Report] []

>>278785 bump for more info on Gi@llo!

No.279356 : Anonymous [2020-10-07 12:55] [Report] []

bump for Tdn

No.279493 : Anonymous [2020-10-07 21:53] [Report] []


ty woof woof

No.280077 : Anonymous [2020-10-09 23:40] [Report] 1602301237811.png (5152842 B, 1242x1197) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.280092 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 01:24] [Report] []

>>280077 he’s a prostitute. Just ask him directly for cash.

No.280164 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 14:16] [Report] []

>>280092 he is inactive on RentMen so that's not an option...

No.280559 : Anonymous [2020-10-12 09:15] [Report] []

>>279309 omg. Any more on him. So hot.

No.286075 : Anonymous [2020-11-01 21:43] [Report] []

Who has a list of the well hung guys in the big D? I’m talking 7.5 and above
Help a thirsty hole out!

No.286189 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 10:35] [Report] 1604331306459.jpg (191353 B, 1170x697) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.286199 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 10:53] [Report] []


This one is huge : >>200781

No.286316 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 17:15] [Report] []

>>286189 any tea on him?

No.286318 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 17:36] [Report] []

>>286189 small dick. Has some mental or mood issues. She is crazy.

No.286365 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 21:41] [Report] []

>>286318 well, who has a big one in his crew? Lol

No.286404 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 00:27] [Report] []

>>279309 he has OF now

No.286959 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 14:16] [Report] []

>>286404 what’s his OF under? Can’t find him?

No.286980 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 15:21] [Report] []

>>260460 damn isn’t this @ll.things.3lliott?

No.288022 : Anonymous [2020-11-08 13:46] [Report] []

>>286980 yup

No.288025 : Anonymous [2020-11-08 13:56] [Report] []

>>288022 that’s hot. Now she lives with her new man. She upgraded from that annoying Equinox thirsty bottom she was with.

No.288068 : Anonymous [2020-11-08 17:09] [Report] []

>>288025 who was the annoying equinox thirsty bottom?

No.288094 : Anonymous [2020-11-08 19:43] [Report] []

>>288068 they both tried so hard on Instagram. It was so annoying. I hope they calmed down and stopped trying to be influencers

No.288849 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 21:45] [Report] []

>>242858 Still nothing on him? I know Ive seen him on grindr several times back in the day

No.288851 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 22:01] [Report] 1605150069581.jpg (1852805 B, 1242x1894) [YIS] [GIS] []
1852805 B

>>260460 Yeah same bed and everything haha

No.288862 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 22:51] [Report] []

>>288851 so hot! He is sexy but doesn’t live in Dallas anymore.

No.288864 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 23:01] [Report] []

>>288862 dang that's too bad. He is pretty sexy.

No.288878 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 23:50] [Report] 1605156619702.jpg (96339 B, 740x830) [YIS] [GIS] []
96339 B

Anything on Alex?

No.289059 : Anonymous [2020-11-12 15:47] [Report] []

>>280077 His face is not that cute though. Doesnt match the body haha. I tried to find a pic but I guess I deleted them.

No.289097 : Anonymous [2020-11-12 18:50] [Report] []

>>289071 self post

No.289114 : Anonymous [2020-11-12 20:56] [Report] []

>>288878 eww!

No.289245 : Anonymous [2020-11-13 10:14] [Report] []

>>289114 hahahaha

No.289261 : Anonymous [2020-11-13 11:05] [Report] []

>>288878 self post. You’re such a creep!

No.289994 : Anonymous [2020-11-16 00:41] [Report] 1605505266624.jpg (1387704 B, 1125x1413) [YIS] [GIS] []
1387704 B


No.290285 : Anonymous [2020-11-16 23:19] [Report] []

Any Dallas guys with onlyfans?

No.292707 : Anonymous [2020-11-24 17:21] [Report] []

what’s new in dallas, y’all

No.292810 : Anonymous [2020-11-25 01:13] [Report] []

>>292707. Nothing haha. It’s been nice to have the strip back

No.293116 : Anonymous [2020-11-26 01:36] [Report] []

b @ c 0 n b 0 y 4 u ?

No.293675 : Anonymous [2020-11-28 10:58] [Report] 1606579116245.jpg (1012239 B, 1170x1333) [YIS] [GIS] []
1012239 B

Any deets?

No.293720 : Anonymous [2020-11-28 15:28] [Report] []

>>293675 hot!!

No.293737 : Anonymous [2020-11-28 16:35] [Report] []

>>293675 new to Dallas. Has a bf.

No.293863 : Anonymous [2020-11-29 01:38] [Report] []

>>293737 nudes? Is he a top? Btm?

No.293865 : Anonymous [2020-11-29 01:51] [Report] []

>>293675 dang, even he left LA? Like rats fleeing a sinking ship. lol

No.294049 : Anonymous [2020-11-29 17:21] [Report] []

>>293675 need tea on him

No.294323 : Anonymous [2020-11-30 14:52] [Report] 1606765922942.jpg (160026 B, 1365x1365) [YIS] [GIS] []
160026 B

Does he mess around with guys? I’ve heard rumors that he does and that he’s hung but no confirmation of either

No.296703 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 18:02] [Report] 1607468569393.png (10021684 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
10021684 B

I’m literally begging y’all to post this stud’s cock pleeeease

No.296721 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 19:10] [Report] []

>>296703 really?

No.296723 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 19:11] [Report] []

>>203208 who dat

No.296728 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 19:23] [Report] []

>>296703 definitely a self post

No.296796 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 23:30] [Report] []

>>296703 he is hot!

No.298289 : Anonymous [2020-12-13 23:11] [Report] []

>>296703 he has an above average dick. it’s nice

No.298440 : Anonymous [2020-12-14 14:44] [Report] []

>>298289 pics?

No.298491 : Anonymous [2020-12-14 16:38] [Report] 1607981887826.jpg (822203 B, 1125x1535) [YIS] [GIS] []
822203 B

Anyone got the goods on this stud? He’s so fucking fine.

No.298497 : Anonymous [2020-12-14 16:46] [Report] []

>>298491 yes. google does.

No.298727 : Anonymous [2020-12-15 14:31] [Report] []

>>298491 Honest question, what happened to his face? Seems to have a more pronounced brow bone, is that due to steroids?

No.298816 : Anonymous [2020-12-15 20:46] [Report] []

>>298727 usually if steroid use causes changes to the face it is the jaw that becomes larger and more square, but it doesn’t affect the brow. Could be Botox or some kind of procedure

No.301250 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 13:44] [Report] 1608835495838.jpg (192553 B, 1440x1440) [YIS] [GIS] []
192553 B

Anyone have info on this guy, Mad@na Klo$$? His IG is private but he hmu on grindr and he seems a bit crazy. Hoping someone else has had any experience with him? He seems bipolar or something...

No.301404 : Anonymous [2020-12-25 03:11] [Report] []

>>301250 self post lol

No.301406 : Anonymous [2020-12-25 03:13] [Report] []

>>294323 this soooo hot, hoping moreee

No.301414 : Anonymous [2020-12-25 04:24] [Report] 1608888250424.jpg (0 B, 902x1792) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

>>256007 Kyle 🤷🏼‍♂️

No.301481 : Anonymous [2020-12-25 13:44] [Report] []


no a selfpost lol - he made his ig public again but the newest posts of him are like a year old

No.301643 : Anonymous [2020-12-26 08:16] [Report] []

>>301414 what a wonderful Christmas gift. I always thought his dick would be bigger for some reason, but I’d still fuck!

No.302037 : Anonymous [2020-12-27 16:58] [Report] []

I live here and I don't know who half these people are...

No.302053 : Anonymous [2020-12-27 17:56] [Report] []

>>302037 That’s a good thing, trust me.

No.302124 : Anonymous [2020-12-27 22:04] [Report] 1609124677136.jpg (110372 B, 747x1107) [YIS] [GIS] []
110372 B

Anyone know who this is or have more pics?

No.302125 : Anonymous [2020-12-27 22:05] [Report] 1609124743809.jpg (405859 B, 2048x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302126 : Anonymous [2020-12-27 22:06] [Report] []

>>302124 what area is he at?

No.302130 : Anonymous [2020-12-27 22:15] [Report] []

>>302125 well that was fast and hes hot!

No.302134 : Anonymous [2020-12-27 22:30] [Report] []

>>302130 same poster, those are the ones I already had. Not sure exactly where located maybe by white rock

No.302221 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 02:45] [Report] []

>>302125 Massive chest with perky nips and a FAT cock. Sign me up!

No.302232 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 03:39] [Report] []

302125 - WOW. Physically my dream man. Any social media 411?

No.302294 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 10:11] [Report] []

>>302125 IG?

No.302328 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 12:24] [Report] 1609176292173.jpg (639924 B, 700x1285) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302329 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 12:25] [Report] 1609176337321.jpg (656294 B, 709x1297) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302330 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 12:26] [Report] 1609176385752.jpg (648433 B, 701x1305) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302335 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 12:43] [Report] []

>>302329 holy fuck who is he

No.302352 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 13:24] [Report] []

>>302124 holy fuck. He’s hot as hell. Real tho?

No.302353 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 13:25] [Report] []

>>302125 He’s either, new to the city, recently out or just fake.

No.302363 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 13:42] [Report] []

>>302352 he’s real. Moved back recently from Houston

No.302610 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 03:32] [Report] []

302125 - hot man. any social media 411?

No.302655 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 09:42] [Report] 1609252967052.jpg (836050 B, 993x1963) [YIS] [GIS] []
836050 B

Let’s see his uncut cock

No.302660 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 10:09] [Report] []

>>302655 It’s a nice one. Uncut and kinda thick too

No.302676 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 10:39] [Report] 1609256381045.jpg (246213 B, 1124x1720) [YIS] [GIS] []
246213 B

>>302655 I don’t have dick, but I have this. We talked over on Grindr like last year and he was ready to take my dick raw. He’s looking good lately.

No.302688 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 11:19] [Report] []

>>302125his name??

No.302869 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 23:06] [Report] []

>>302330 hot!

No.302973 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 10:59] [Report] []

Is that Chr1s1i@n ?

No.302999 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 12:06] [Report] []

>>302973 yeah.

No.303021 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 13:34] [Report] []

>>302676 self post

No.303036 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 14:27] [Report] []

>>303021 I don’t know about the others, but this one I got from him on Grindr awhile ago

No.303164 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 23:39] [Report] []

>>302328 you have any more or an IG for him?

No.304232 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 02:05] [Report] 1609657507079.jpg (532368 B, 1170x1897) [YIS] [GIS] []
532368 B

Was the one on the left their pass around party bottom? I’ve heard that the other four all get into group

No.304266 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 05:39] [Report] []

>>304232super sexy

No.304275 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 07:08] [Report] []

>>304232 Did they rub their dicks before taking the pic?

No.304328 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 10:56] [Report] []

they seem like trash

No.304333 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 11:00] [Report] []

>>304328 based on this picture or do you know things?

No.304360 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 12:13] [Report] []

>>304232 More medical professionals being fucking irresponsible.
>>304328 Yes, they’re trash!

No.304402 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 13:28] [Report] []

>>304360 I think he already got covid so he doesn’t care any more...

No.304501 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 18:15] [Report] []

>>304232 any more pics?

No.304564 : Anonymous [2021-01-03 21:17] [Report] []

>>304501 they all give out nudes pretty easily on the apps if you find them

No.304598 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 00:07] [Report] 1609736878859.jpg (873787 B, 1170x1356) [YIS] [GIS] []
873787 B

Do you guys know anything?

No.304607 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 00:24] [Report] 1609737893921.jpg (0 B, 1125x1855) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Anything for this dude. Pics/stories.

No.304914 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 19:31] [Report] []

Damn who’s this guy?
Anyone got nudes?

No.305025 : Anonymous [2021-01-05 00:18] [Report] 1609823894157.jpg (1513066 B, 1284x2006) [YIS] [GIS] []
1513066 B

Anything on him?

No.305036 : Anonymous [2021-01-05 00:44] [Report] []

>>304914 he’s on the grid... that’s about all I know

No.307077 : Anonymous [2021-01-10 13:44] [Report] 1610304252528.jpg (1099507 B, 1170x1371) [YIS] [GIS] []
1099507 B

Any pics or tea on him? He’s got a a big meat and really big loads.

No.307127 : Anonymous [2021-01-10 16:52] [Report] 1610315523021.jpg (1415639 B, 1170x1470) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.307187 : Anonymous [2021-01-10 20:00] [Report] 1610326847734.jpg (352544 B, 1125x1485) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.307188 : Anonymous [2021-01-10 20:01] [Report] 1610326896804.jpg (362645 B, 1125x1781) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.307191 : Anonymous [2021-01-10 20:03] [Report] 1610326985163.jpg (383516 B, 1125x1863) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.307217 : Anonymous [2021-01-10 23:01] [Report] []

>>307187is that the one on the left?

No.307222 : Anonymous [2021-01-10 23:11] [Report] []

>>307217 yes, bout a year ago when he wasn’t shaving his body

No.307233 : Anonymous [2021-01-11 00:02] [Report] []

>>307222 nice. Thanks for sharing. I didn’t think his dick would be that big

No.307244 : Anonymous [2021-01-11 00:15] [Report] 1610342122187.jpg (350887 B, 1125x2025) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.307247 : Anonymous [2021-01-11 00:40] [Report] []

>>307244 nice balls. Shame that they are covering his hole.

No.307280 : Anonymous [2021-01-11 04:26] [Report] []


No.307284 : Anonymous [2021-01-11 04:47] [Report] 1610358460572.jpg (980736 B, 828x943) [YIS] [GIS] []
980736 B

Anything on this hairy stud?

No.307381 : Anonymous [2021-01-11 13:11] [Report] []

>>307191 wow thxxx!

No.307617 : Anonymous [2021-01-11 23:34] [Report] []

>>307244 nice

No.307678 : Anonymous [2021-01-12 07:19] [Report] 1610453994329.jpg (322871 B, 1124x1257) [YIS] [GIS] []
322871 B

Anything on this couple?

No.308356 : Anonymous [2021-01-14 13:48] [Report] []

>>302329 who is this? Any more?

No.308388 : Anonymous [2021-01-14 15:41] [Report] []

>>307678 hot mess!

No.308446 : Anonymous [2021-01-14 18:59] [Report] []

>>200513 absolutely disgusting

No.308485 : Anonymous [2021-01-14 20:35] [Report] []

>>308388 How so? They fool around together?

No.308486 : Anonymous [2021-01-14 20:42] [Report] []

>>308388 they are adorable! So sweet

No.309658 : Anonymous [2021-01-18 19:10] [Report] []

>>307678 Anything on them? Tanner is hot

No.310562 : Anonymous [2021-01-21 17:21] [Report] 1611267687272.png (1818422 B, 1172x1050) [YIS] [GIS] []
1818422 B

Anything on J0ey or his bf? BF is on Grindr A LOT

No.311184 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 13:06] [Report] 1611425175724.jpg (728864 B, 1125x1169) [YIS] [GIS] []
728864 B

So what’s the deal with TPP? Who runs it and where they at in Dallas? Anyone ID any local queers in their vids?

No.315209 : Anonymous [2021-02-04 11:34] [Report] []

>>293116 he lives in San francisco

No.315730 : Anonymous [2021-02-06 14:35] [Report] []

This thread is so dry

No.316249 : Anonymous [2021-02-08 23:26] [Report] 1612844796653.jpg (1153549 B, 1170x1992) [YIS] [GIS] []
1153549 B

Is this guy as much of a trash personality as he seems on social?

No.316454 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 16:44] [Report] []

>>31249 that’s such an amazing dick, though. Any other Dallas gays with alt accounts?

No.316515 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 21:20] [Report] []

>>316454 several

No.316527 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 22:14] [Report] []

>>316515 post them

No.316529 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 22:41] [Report] []

>>316515 share the alts... hopefully it’s juicer than this thread

No.316640 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 11:57] [Report] []

Come on y'all. There is some decent trade in this town. We can do better.

No.316686 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 14:31] [Report] []

>>316640 Amen! I’ve shared all the ones I have so far... more people need to share

No.316715 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 15:49] [Report] []

>>310562 bump

No.317116 : Anonymous [2021-02-11 23:13] [Report] 1613103223412.jpg (122506 B, 1073x535) [YIS] [GIS] []
122506 B

Anyone have pics of this guy?

No.317119 : Anonymous [2021-02-11 23:30] [Report] 1613104235162.jpg (183302 B, 1230x1574) [YIS] [GIS] []
183302 B

What about Daltons sexy ass?

No.317187 : Anonymous [2021-02-12 10:18] [Report] []

>>317116 self post!

No.317364 : Anonymous [2021-02-12 22:52] [Report] []

>>317187 nah used to chat with him but never got his nudes

No.317366 : Anonymous [2021-02-12 22:54] [Report] 1613188447016.jpg (666090 B, 1170x1145) [YIS] [GIS] []
666090 B

Does he take her loads?

No.317464 : Anonymous [2021-02-13 12:41] [Report] []

Anyone have anything on e@tstyled@ll@s? think his name is alex

No.317482 : Anonymous [2021-02-13 14:31] [Report] []

>>317464 definitely a self post request. You’re not cute Alex.

No.318296 : Anonymous [2021-02-16 13:18] [Report] []

Don’t care if it was a self post or not, I second the request for Dalton, anything on him?

No.319987 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 01:01] [Report] []

>>318296 amen! Where’s the pics boys?!

No.319988 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 01:05] [Report] []




No.321178 : Anonymous [2021-02-27 23:48] [Report] 1614487731062.jpg (845345 B, 1125x2094) [YIS] [GIS] []
845345 B

this daddy in Dallas?

No.321179 : Anonymous [2021-02-27 23:49] [Report] 1614487769488.jpg (610141 B, 1125x1861) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.321180 : Anonymous [2021-02-27 23:50] [Report] 1614487807592.jpg (1109408 B, 1125x2105) [YIS] [GIS] []
1109408 B

>>321178 more pic of him

No.322571 : Anonymous [2021-03-05 16:21] [Report] 1614979314574.jpg (1728827 B, 1125x1951) [YIS] [GIS] []
1728827 B

damn kyle looks good

No.322585 : Anonymous [2021-03-05 16:47] [Report] []

>>322571 he’s been posted in, like, every dallas thread in the past year but nothing ever comes up

No.322811 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 11:42] [Report] []


Self post

No.322835 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 13:19] [Report] []

>>322811 this thread is so fucking unproductive because literally everything that gets posted is called out as a self post. shut the fuck up and post nudes.

No.322855 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 14:51] [Report] 1615060286991.jpg (330406 B, 1170x1164) [YIS] [GIS] []
330406 B

I’ll try to help get this back on track.


Post what you got.

No.322859 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 15:20] [Report] []

>>322855 fucked him 15 lbs ago when he was single. Great great great bottom...

No.322865 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 15:41] [Report] []

>>322571 self post. And that’s an old pic. You don’t look like that anymore

No.322868 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 15:51] [Report] []

>>322859 I am super jealous. He looks like he is a great time.

No.322870 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 16:05] [Report] []


self-post of a scruff screenshot. old pic with a current generation iphone. y’all are so exhausting.

No.322878 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 16:30] [Report] []

So anyways, back to C@m. Does anyone have anything??

No.323023 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 11:14] [Report] 1615133642022.jpg (383032 B, 1000x1484) [YIS] [GIS] []
383032 B

Alright then. How about next up N@te

No.323050 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 13:35] [Report] []

>>323023 ew, self post

No.323060 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 15:21] [Report] []

>>323050 ::eye roll:: Not a self post. I got it from his IG. Im trying to keep this fucking Dallas group alive.

No.323064 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 15:30] [Report] []

Dallas is good as dead... just like CF

No.323094 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 19:18] [Report] []

>>322878 really Nate? Self posting...

No.323115 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 21:28] [Report] []

If y’all are going to self post, at least follow through and self post your nudes.. like what’s the point of posting if you’re not going to give us the results?

No.323121 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 21:52] [Report] []

>>323094 For the second time, it's not a self post. I posted his pic. I want to see his nudes!

No.323135 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 23:06] [Report] []

>>323023 he’s huge. Huge. Huge.

No.323141 : Anonymous [2021-03-07 23:53] [Report] []

>>323135 Let’s see it. How do you know??

No.323145 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 00:14] [Report] []

>>323141 it was at the gym years ago. I don’t think he’s on the apps. But he’s bigger than skoof

No.323214 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 10:26] [Report] []

>>323145 I don't think he is on the apps either. He has been married for a few years, and I have always suspected whatever they do together or separate is kept under the radar.

No.323221 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 10:50] [Report] []


Actually bitch, it's because nobody wants to see all these self posters naked. They're not spanking material, thus the need to post themselves.

No.323229 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 12:02] [Report] []

>>323214 they always hung out with S@m p@adgett. I always wondered if they messed around

No.323236 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 12:38] [Report] []

>>323023 that hair is laugh out loud ew. It would be douchey if it weren't so faggy

No.323259 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 14:23] [Report] []

>>323236 His parents are loaded and pay for everything. He lives in a 4.9 mil dollar house, and his salary couldn't even pay for the property taxes.

He had an over the top expensive wedding at Disney.

He travels and stays in very upscale hotels.

His husband is or used to be a major pot head. I'm pretty B isn't even employed.

No.323262 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 14:30] [Report] []

>>323259 I come here just for this kind of tea! Love it.

No.323263 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 14:33] [Report] []

>>323262 Hey, if I'm not going to get his dick, I am at least going to spill his tea.

No.323265 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 14:49] [Report] []

>>323023 he’s damn good in bed. Best I’ve had in a long time.

No.323272 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 15:16] [Report] []

>>323265 Care to elaborate? Or are you just trolling.

No.323273 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 15:19] [Report] []

>>323265 did he top or bottom? Hope he’s a total top if his cock really is that big

No.323340 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 20:23] [Report] []

Lol at the self post about being loaded
No amount of money can make this guy attractive
If he had that much money he’d have. A better colorist

No.323359 : Anonymous [2021-03-08 21:59] [Report] []


Used to see him all the time on Grindr but not anymore. So hot. Anyone have his sm?

No.323436 : Anonymous [2021-03-09 10:48] [Report] []

>>323359 LOL no you didn't. I have not known him to be on a single app in at least the last 6 or 7 years.

No.323438 : Anonymous [2021-03-09 11:08] [Report] []

>>323436 I think you’re looking at the wrong post. The guy from 302124 has been on Grindr for a while in Dallas, but haven’t seen him in a couple weeks

No.323445 : Anonymous [2021-03-09 11:51] [Report] []

>>323438 You are right. My bad.

No.325414 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 21:00] [Report] 1615942835590.png (9227928 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
9227928 B

Anyone know who this is in Dallas?

No.325417 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 21:04] [Report] 1615943090440.png (8578161 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.325418 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 21:06] [Report] 1615943216826.png (3503915 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
3503915 B



No.325420 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 21:22] [Report] []

>>325414 where in Dallas? Zip code? I can try to find out

No.325969 : Anonymous [2021-03-19 00:16] [Report] []

>>316249 yeah, his entire personality is “i’M sO qUiRkY aNd NoT lIkE oThEr GaYs At AlL”

No.326050 : Anonymous [2021-03-19 11:34] [Report] []

>>325969 for reals. Just needs to own that he’s a thirsty top and wants cash from randos.

No.326056 : Anonymous [2021-03-19 12:03] [Report] []

>>325969 Jesus. I just looked at his twitter and it made my fucking brain hurt.

No.329801 : Anonymous [2021-04-04 10:07] [Report] 1617545260212.jpg (1124256 B, 1170x1121) [YIS] [GIS] []
1124256 B

What’s the story with this one? IG looks like he is still dating PJ but hes always out at the bars in other cities taking guys home. Two of my friends in Hou went back with him and said he’s the best sex they’ve ever had

No.329813 : Anonymous [2021-04-04 10:33] [Report] []



No.329908 : Anonymous [2021-04-04 18:59] [Report] []

>>329801 who is he ?

No.330057 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 15:30] [Report] []

>>329801 I thought he’s dating pierce? Pierce is super cute

No.330071 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 18:31] [Report] []

>>329801Who is lucky boy?

No.330136 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 23:03] [Report] []

>>329813 B@ban_mo

No.330200 : Anonymous [2021-04-06 08:14] [Report] 1617711252227.jpg (1004353 B, 1170x1308) [YIS] [GIS] []
1004353 B

Anything on these?

No.330201 : Anonymous [2021-04-06 08:16] [Report] []

Super sexy boy

No.330238 : Anonymous [2021-04-06 11:21] [Report] 1617722492643.jpg (648833 B, 1125x1058) [YIS] [GIS] []
648833 B

T on this?

No.330559 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 15:47] [Report] []

>>330200 bump for the guy on the left!

No.330562 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 15:52] [Report] []

>>325414 wow bump!

No.330625 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 19:41] [Report] []

>>330559 thick and uncut. He’s a really aggressive top. Doesn’t care much if it hurts you if it’s just a hookup.

No.330629 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 20:02] [Report] []


Ouch. What’s his IG @?

No.330654 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 23:25] [Report] []

but is it good?

No.330940 : Anonymous [2021-04-09 00:21] [Report] []

>>330625 he could rip me open anytime...

No.330954 : Anonymous [2021-04-09 02:20] [Report] []

>>330238 as she is on Grindr and Scruff all day LOL. But these queens in Dallas are vicious. You piss them off and they do blast you online or through social media. So lesson is to play nice from what I am seeing here.

No.331425 : Anonymous [2021-04-11 12:51] [Report] []

>>330200 anything on Hani??

No.331837 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 02:00] [Report] 1618293634731.jpg (496876 B, 1242x1392) [YIS] [GIS] []
496876 B

anyone got anything on this dude? name is jose but goes by adam. on twitter he claims he’s a top. there was once a “grindr exposed” twitter that burned people everywhere. they posted 2 nudes of him. (i’ll reply with them in a bit) but i wanna see more. i know if you has had to have seen him. i know he has a reputation for being a hoe.

No.331838 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 02:04] [Report] 1618293841776.jpg (110201 B, 675x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
110201 B


here’s one. anyone else?

No.331841 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 02:12] [Report] 1618294338939.jpg (117944 B, 675x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
117944 B


and #2

No.332031 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 20:11] [Report] []

>>330200 any more tea on this big boy?

No.332034 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 20:39] [Report] []

>>332031 it looks like his face has changed a lot over the last few years

No.332042 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 20:58] [Report] []

>>331837 Totally smells like a self-post. Nobody wants to see his dick, he looks like a serial killer.

No.332287 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 18:52] [Report] []


LOL i don’t know your thought process for having come to the conclusion that this is a self post but you’re wrong. and i wanna see his nudes. hence me asking for it. if you don’t have any of his pictures then fuck off

No.332355 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 00:23] [Report] []

>>330200 where’s the dick?

No.332356 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 00:25] [Report] []

>>332355 slide into his DMs

No.332451 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 11:44] [Report] []

You got any pics? Experience doing that?

No.335296 : Anonymous [2021-04-26 19:17] [Report] 1619479053034.jpg (109303 B, 750x1148) [YIS] [GIS] []
109303 B

>>302124 he’s back on Grindr. Anyone get more from him?

No.335301 : Anonymous [2021-04-26 19:43] [Report] []

>>335296 IG?

No.335310 : Anonymous [2021-04-26 20:57] [Report] []

>>249945 anyone have his socials?

No.335312 : Anonymous [2021-04-26 21:09] [Report] []

I would’ve guessed late twenties but that body is nice.

No.335325 : Anonymous [2021-04-26 22:08] [Report] []


Where? Can’t find his profile

No.336191 : Anonymous [2021-04-29 15:16] [Report] 1619723764964.png (511672 B, 600x687) [YIS] [GIS] []
511672 B

Anyone recognize whose alt this is? He also has a super large back tattoo

No.336377 : Anonymous [2021-04-30 09:46] [Report] 1619790376969.png (967662 B, 662x744) [YIS] [GIS] []
967662 B

Anything on these studs?

No.336663 : Anonymous [2021-05-01 23:32] [Report] 1619926370541.jpg (211637 B, 1368x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
211637 B

This thot came back to town. Big ole ass. Any pics?

No.336671 : Anonymous [2021-05-02 01:02] [Report] 1619931773124.png (390118 B, 324x593) [YIS] [GIS] []
390118 B

This one is back visiting too. Any stories or pics?

No.339224 : Anonymous [2021-05-16 01:14] [Report] []

>>336663 old ass pic
doesn’t look like that anymore.

No.339301 : Anonymous [2021-05-16 11:58] [Report] []

>>339224 does he look better now? How about the nudez

No.341786 : Anonymous [2021-05-30 05:12] [Report] []

Anything new on Dallas guys?

No.342798 : Anonymous [2021-06-04 03:21] [Report] 1622791312647.jpg (198423 B, 1170x2067) [YIS] [GIS] []
198423 B

Anyone have stuff on this guy? He used to be on Reddit as Smooth_Animator9988 but took his content down.

No.342815 : Anonymous [2021-06-04 07:23] [Report] 1622805782241.jpg (183876 B, 960x958) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.342820 : Anonymous [2021-06-04 08:06] [Report] 1622808391537.jpg (149654 B, 1122x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.342822 : Anonymous [2021-06-04 08:12] [Report] []

>>342798 I talked to him on Reddit before he deleted his profile. He's looking for guys to do his OF with. His content was pretty good. I'm sad it's all down.

No.342828 : Anonymous [2021-06-04 08:35] [Report] 1622810158798.jpg (218311 B, 1194x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
218311 B

>>342798 He sent me this on Grindr

No.342830 : Anonymous [2021-06-04 08:59] [Report] []

>>342828 He hit me up on Grindr as well wanting to do content for his OF.

No.342833 : Anonymous [2021-06-04 09:21] [Report] []


No.344191 : Anonymous [2021-06-12 08:28] [Report] 1623500886596.jpg (581332 B, 1079x1329) [YIS] [GIS] []
581332 B

anyone know if this one is gay? I can't tell based off his instagram

No.347560 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 20:54] [Report] 1625360092420.jpg (814456 B, 1170x1030) [YIS] [GIS] []
814456 B

Did these guys accept a free trip with this daddy in exchange for giving up their asses?

No.348192 : Anonymous [2021-07-07 22:11] [Report] 1625710302897.jpg (492922 B, 738x852) [YIS] [GIS] []
492922 B

Anything on this bottom?

No.348232 : Anonymous [2021-07-08 08:49] [Report] 1625748565958.jpg (717555 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.348233 : Anonymous [2021-07-08 08:51] [Report] 1625748688687.jpg (350268 B, 1537x2305) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.348246 : Anonymous [2021-07-08 11:32] [Report] []

>>348233 he posts these on reddit right? What's his username? I forget

No.348841 : Anonymous [2021-07-11 18:52] [Report] 1626043923328.jpg (408153 B, 1440x1440) [YIS] [GIS] []
408153 B

Any gossip or pictures? Are they open?

No.348867 : Anonymous [2021-07-11 22:04] [Report] []


Anything on Cl@y in the purple shorts?

No.348870 : Anonymous [2021-07-11 22:41] [Report] []

>>348867 it’s average in all respects. Not big but not small. Husband sized

No.348872 : Anonymous [2021-07-11 22:52] [Report] []


Do you have any pics you could share ?

No.348875 : Anonymous [2021-07-11 23:30] [Report] []

>>348872 they are all from years ago before he got in a ltr

No.348877 : Anonymous [2021-07-11 23:39] [Report] []


Yeah? Would be awesome if you could post them. I’d definitely appreciate it !

No.349368 : Anonymous [2021-07-13 19:20] [Report] 1626218452262.jpg (203180 B, 1242x1929) [YIS] [GIS] []
203180 B

Sexy boy is back in white rock. Anyone got socials or more pics?

No.349801 : Anonymous [2021-07-15 22:11] [Report] []

>>347560 yeah

No.349805 : Anonymous [2021-07-15 22:19] [Report] []

>>349801 hot. I’d pay to breed them too. I wonder what destinations are on their wish list next

No.349807 : Anonymous [2021-07-15 22:24] [Report] 1626402254742.jpg (1082890 B, 1080x1340) [YIS] [GIS] []
1082890 B

>>344191 some VPL going on here

No.349840 : Anonymous [2021-07-16 03:30] [Report] []

>>349807 that’s Tyler Hopf of the left. He’s got a great alt account @gayb0tb0y. Facebook work from home ….woof

0 = o

No.350179 : Anonymous [2021-07-17 22:27] [Report] []


Does anyone have pics of Cl@y?

No.350192 : Anonymous [2021-07-18 02:04] [Report] []

>>349840 That's an amazing alt account. Thx for the tip!

No.350224 : Anonymous [2021-07-18 09:17] [Report] []

His hole is rekt

No.350229 : Anonymous [2021-07-18 10:14] [Report] []

>>350224 he’s so sexy. I’m sure that it feels amazing

No.350418 : Anonymous [2021-07-19 10:18] [Report] 1626704305728.jpg (1215639 B, 1242x1780) [YIS] [GIS] []
1215639 B

Anyone see what this guys packing?

No.350453 : Anonymous [2021-07-19 15:08] [Report] []

>>350418 He’s a hung twink. Mainly bottoms. Get’s around DFW. Shares pics but don’t have any.

No.350454 : Anonymous [2021-07-19 15:08] [Report] []

>>350418 He’s a hung twink. Mainly bottoms. Gets around DFW. Shares pics but don’t have any.

No.350527 : Anonymous [2021-07-20 00:36] [Report] []

What's with the donald duck lips and the ski slope hairdo???

No.350528 : Anonymous [2021-07-20 00:39] [Report] 1626755992778.jpg (851407 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
851407 B

Who does this ass belong to?

No.351712 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 01:29] [Report] 1627277391098.jpg (718141 B, 1242x1084) [YIS] [GIS] []
718141 B

Anything on him?

No.351753 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 08:42] [Report] 1627303361319.jpg (100735 B, 212x469) [YIS] [GIS] []
100735 B

Anything on J0ey? Used to dance at BJs and Tin Room. Always wanted to see that huge cock.

No.351754 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 08:43] [Report] 1627303416216.jpg (173623 B, 764x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.351755 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 08:44] [Report] 1627303462281.jpg (126236 B, 598x802) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.352262 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 10:19] [Report] []
No.352263 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 10:20] [Report] 1627482002057.jpg (339586 B, 935x834) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.352264 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 10:20] [Report] 1627482042507.jpg (752365 B, 1242x1822) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.352430 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 00:27] [Report] []

>>352263 lmfao for real 8.5 what??

No.352518 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 12:38] [Report] []

>>352430 nice ass but definitely no 8.5

No.353154 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 17:37] [Report] 1627853824725.png (5081626 B, 1170x2532) [YIS] [GIS] []
5081626 B

Who has hired him?

No.353232 : Anonymous [2021-08-02 00:03] [Report] 1627877027530.jpg (286370 B, 1440x1262) [YIS] [GIS] []
286370 B

Any tea or nudes on the blonde?

No.353351 : Anonymous [2021-08-02 15:34] [Report] []


What about the one on the left?

No.353378 : Anonymous [2021-08-02 17:25] [Report] []

>>353351 I’ll help you if you help me ha

No.353414 : Anonymous [2021-08-02 21:12] [Report] []

>>353232 big uncut dick

No.353608 : Anonymous [2021-08-03 17:48] [Report] []

>>353232 anything on this?

No.353747 : Anonymous [2021-08-04 11:20] [Report] []

>>353414 He and his man open?

No.353752 : Anonymous [2021-08-04 12:11] [Report] []

>>353747 idk. My experience is from when he was single

No.354698 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 17:31] [Report] 1628458271982.jpg (618331 B, 1170x880) [YIS] [GIS] []
618331 B

He looks like he reverted to a cave man. His facial features transformed just like Sylvester Stallone’s. Is that too much HGH?

No.354699 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 17:33] [Report] []

I was wondering the same
Did he have surgery? Anyway any new nudes of his uncut meat?

No.354706 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 18:01] [Report] []

>>354699 the only nudes I have are back from when he was hot. The sex wasn’t as good as I thought it’d be. But it is big and uncut

No.354761 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 21:26] [Report] []

That’s disappointing why was it bad? Let’s see the nudes

No.354762 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 21:45] [Report] []

Who is he?

No.354763 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 21:45] [Report] []

>>354761 he just tries to be aggressive. Not much skill behind it. Not worth repeating

No.354908 : Anonymous [2021-08-09 15:35] [Report] []

>>354763 sux
How big? Share nudes?

No.355236 : Anonymous [2021-08-10 22:02] [Report] []

>>354763 yeah bad fuck good body fucked up face
I had his nudes anyone got them?

No.355372 : Anonymous [2021-08-11 11:43] [Report] []

>>248590 he’s in a relationship I believe

No.355997 : Anonymous [2021-08-14 16:31] [Report] 1628973092200.jpg (226808 B, 404x757) [YIS] [GIS] []
226808 B

When they aren’t busy talking about going to school board meetings or earning social justice cred, they are shilling generic cialis. I guess it helps them get their dicks up when they bring daddy chasers over to their suburb house when they get their twins to stay at a friends house

No.356001 : Anonymous [2021-08-14 16:48] [Report] []

>>248810 I wanna know more. He’s so hot

No.357470 : Anonymous [2021-08-21 09:37] [Report] 1629553028606.jpg (554033 B, 575x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
554033 B

What the fyck did he do to his face? Any nudes?

No.357478 : Anonymous [2021-08-21 10:44] [Report] []

>>357470 who’s the guy in a hat and sunglasses next to him?

No.357555 : Anonymous [2021-08-21 16:38] [Report] []

>>357470 looks like HGH for 5 years straight

No.357670 : Anonymous [2021-08-22 08:57] [Report] []

>>357555 that’s a side effect?

No.358112 : Anonymous [2021-08-24 08:32] [Report] 1629808371983.jpg (893159 B, 1170x1145) [YIS] [GIS] []
893159 B

Anyone know who this is? Grindr profile says 26 yo

No.359902 : Anonymous [2021-09-01 09:31] [Report] []

>>279309 damn. Anymore of Him?

No.359921 : Anonymous [2021-09-01 10:48] [Report] []

>>358112 What part of town is he in

No.359972 : Anonymous [2021-09-01 14:52] [Report] []

>>359921 West Village / Cityplace

No.359982 : Anonymous [2021-09-01 16:14] [Report] []

At xmas I like to dress like an undertaker and get all moody and serious around the tree....

No.361250 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 10:11] [Report] []

>>359982 Post a nude or sex story. Save your attempt to read for your RPDR debut.

No.361347 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 16:39] [Report] []

Well you better use a better pic next time before you self-post here and get all defensive about looking like a fucking undertaker at christmas time. LOL

No.361504 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 06:24] [Report] []

>>361347 oh the classic “self-post” retort

No.361509 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 07:21] [Report] []

Karen, you DO realize this entire forum is self-post central, right?

No.361575 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 11:47] [Report] []

>>361509 100%

No.361593 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 11:56] [Report] []

>>353232 who are these?

No.361863 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 14:24] [Report] []

>>200781 Anything new on this guy?

No.361866 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 14:37] [Report] []

>>361863 I think they broke up maybe. The top has been hooking up a lot

No.361871 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 15:05] [Report] []

>>361866 Is he on Grindr?

No.361875 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 15:35] [Report] []

>>361871 frequently

No.362202 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 03:51] [Report] []


Anything new of Scott?

No.362207 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 04:43] [Report] []


Can’t believe there’s still no ID on this meaty hunk of a man

No.362238 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 10:43] [Report] []

>>362205 that’s a big cock

No.362239 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 10:44] [Report] []

>>362205 must be an old picture if he’s holding a condom. I think he only breeds now

No.362245 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 11:08] [Report] []

>>362207 I know! Saw him on Grindr the other day and was hoping someone here would come through with more but hasn’t happened yet

No.362948 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 09:54] [Report] 1631627643404.jpg (0 B, 1220x1238) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

anything on these two?

No.362989 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 13:33] [Report] []

>>362948 they are on the apps all the time… I think they’ve had guys come over back to back in the same day before… both of them have really big cocks

No.363011 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 15:14] [Report] 1631646895834.jpg (29056 B, 350x264) [YIS] [GIS] []
29056 B

>>329813> Anything? Think they just moved here from Nash

No.363040 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 16:57] [Report] []


No.363049 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 17:17] [Report] []

Hmm bump!

No.363053 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 17:23] [Report] []


No.363056 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 17:37] [Report] 1631655470867.jpg (723232 B, 1170x1101) [YIS] [GIS] []
723232 B

Anything on this guy

No.363088 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 20:36] [Report] []

>>363079 Both bottom? They ever play separate? J@cob is hotter to me.

No.363089 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 20:38] [Report] []

>>363079 you’re just trolling for comments. They are good dudes

No.363090 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 20:38] [Report] []


I heard m@rk likes to get bred by big hung dom tops but still pretends he’s a total top

No.363093 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 20:56] [Report] []

>>363090 lies. He’s total top

No.363097 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 21:05] [Report] []


No. He waits till J@cob is out of town and gets his ass torn up.

No.364376 : Anonymous [2021-09-20 13:51] [Report] 1632160298483.jpg (805534 B, 671x1414) [YIS] [GIS] []
805534 B

anything on this guy?

No.364433 : Anonymous [2021-09-20 17:41] [Report] []

>>364376 is he in any of the apps?

No.364447 : Anonymous [2021-09-20 18:40] [Report] []

>>364433 i don’t think so. See him out most weekends. His name is Ry@n

No.364449 : Anonymous [2021-09-20 18:43] [Report] []

>>364447 is he single?

No.364494 : Anonymous [2021-09-20 23:16] [Report] []

>>364449 i don’t know. Just want his load down my throat.

No.364796 : Anonymous [2021-09-21 23:25] [Report] []

>>260057 what happen to his twitter account?

No.364799 : Anonymous [2021-09-21 23:27] [Report] 1632281276498.jpg (1334682 B, 1125x1549) [YIS] [GIS] []
1334682 B

Why did he close his Twitter account?

No.364870 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 07:09] [Report] []

I don’t know. It was a good one. Any other Twitter accounts we should know about?

No.364935 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 14:49] [Report] []

>>364799 loved seeing him deep dick his side piece on Twitter. It was always so dirty

No.364942 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 15:13] [Report] 1632337994091.jpg (722337 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
722337 B

>>364870 this is what he publicly posted so I assume it’s in public domain

No.364943 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 15:13] [Report] 1632338018046.jpg (267403 B, 1536x1398) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.364944 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 15:14] [Report] 1632338042101.jpg (475669 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.364946 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 15:14] [Report] 1632338068743.jpg (290183 B, 1030x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.364988 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 18:23] [Report] 1632349401396.jpg (437112 B, 1125x1108) [YIS] [GIS] []
437112 B

>>364943 is that this guy on the right? Anymore of him? He looks like a fun bottom

No.365058 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 23:07] [Report] []

>>364988 i think so, you can see the two moles on his left shoulder blade from this post match the moles on his back in >>364943

No.365107 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 07:18] [Report] []

>>364988 there was a vid of him getting topped by Sean Zevran on some cam site a while ago, but i can't find it

No.365190 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 16:46] [Report] 1632430017928.jpg (128664 B, 675x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
128664 B

Anyone recognize this guy/have anything?

No.365217 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 19:10] [Report] []

>>365107 any idea what cam site? Would love to find it. Did it show his face?

No.365242 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 22:08] [Report] []

Texas guys group just got made recently? Try to see some dnp guys

No.365287 : Anonymous [2021-09-24 06:24] [Report] []

>>365217 don't know the cam site, but this is the video:

I'm sure if you knew what to look for you could probably find it in better quality

No.365313 : Anonymous [2021-09-24 10:06] [Report] 1632492371674.jpg (1303608 B, 1242x1506) [YIS] [GIS] []
1303608 B

anything on this one?

No.365324 : Anonymous [2021-09-24 11:09] [Report] []

>>364946Amazing cock....twitter??

No.365327 : Anonymous [2021-09-24 11:53] [Report] []

>>365313 I heard that he and his bf get into some kinky stuff. But would love to know more

No.365333 : Anonymous [2021-09-24 12:15] [Report] []

>>365313 post his nudes. So hot.

No.366682 : Anon [2021-09-30 13:20] [Report] []

>>365313 give us the nudes and bf’s too

No.366739 : Anonymous [2021-09-30 19:44] [Report] []

>>366682 He’s about to transition from being a model to a waiter to a flight attendant. Does that mean that he’s too low class for HC and TA to fuck or too high class? I’m not sure how this works

No.367353 : Anonymous [2021-10-03 23:45] [Report] []

>>364942 glad you saved those photos,
Dose he has any new Twitter account?

No.368281 : Anonymous [2021-10-08 09:38] [Report] 1633700293345.jpg (500636 B, 828x930) [YIS] [GIS] []
500636 B

Any pics or info on this one?

No.368349 : Anonymous [2021-10-08 16:40] [Report] []

>>348192 Anything on Brandon? Haven’t seen him on Grindr lately.

No.369743 : Anonymous [2021-10-16 15:56] [Report] 1634414208390.jpg (167081 B, 1018x906) [YIS] [GIS] []
167081 B

How about Eric?

No.369920 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 18:47] [Report] []

>>368281 I think Brent Rodgers fucks him

No.369926 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 19:18] [Report] []

OMG Brent Rodgers?! I remember him from LA like 10 years ago.
What's his story now?

No.369955 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 23:17] [Report] []
No.370337 : Anonymous [2021-10-20 10:19] [Report] []

>>369926 his businesses seem to be failing. He abandoned his leases in all of the equinox locations and they’re holding his equipment as collateral. So if anyone is looking for a sugar daddy, brent’s Peter Thiel payoff money has seemingly dried up

He did have a hot twink in town with him a while back that looked to be about 20 though

No.370338 : Anonymous [2021-10-20 10:52] [Report] []

>>370337 What happened to him and his husband?

No.370547 : Anonymous [2021-10-21 19:32] [Report] []

>>370338 husband probably left because Brent is such a vapid bore

No.370622 : Anonymous [2021-10-22 00:32] [Report] []

>>370337 checks out. He’s still hot tho

No.372873 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 08:00] [Report] 1636027214282.jpg (1636182 B, 1170x2415) [YIS] [GIS] []
1636182 B

>>364988 he’s single and ready to mingle! Any nudes?

No.373598 : Anonymous [2021-11-09 10:05] [Report] 1636470348701.jpg (26147 B, 248x320) [YIS] [GIS] []
26147 B

Anything on this guy?

No.373923 : Anonymous [2021-11-11 07:56] [Report] 1636635382840.jpg (1035805 B, 828x1132) [YIS] [GIS] []
1035805 B

Anything on this guy?

No.373926 : Anonymous [2021-11-11 07:57] [Report] 1636635443578.jpg (535032 B, 828x930) [YIS] [GIS] []
535032 B

Anything on this guy? Bottom?

No.373927 : Anonymous [2021-11-11 07:58] [Report] 1636635506458.jpg (704630 B, 828x930) [YIS] [GIS] []
704630 B

Anything on this guy?

No.373939 : Anonymous [2021-11-11 10:37] [Report] []

>>373927 He’s got an amazing ass

No.374050 : Anonymous [2021-11-12 03:28] [Report] []

>>364988>>372873 who is he? His insta? I need to see his dick. So hot.

No.374051 : Anonymous [2021-11-12 05:03] [Report] 1636711380085.jpg (904936 B, 1088x1999) [YIS] [GIS] []
904936 B

Any of their cocks? Besides Aaron’s oc (but he is still hot af despite your hatered. I bet you wank to his leaked nudes.) Looks like Dominic is pretty fluid. Fucks girls but when a rich gay republican pays shovels his dick anywhere.

No.374155 : Anonymous [2021-11-12 21:20] [Report] []

>>373927 anyone got anything on him?

No.374174 : Anonymous [2021-11-12 23:45] [Report] []

damn. nick topel looks good. wonder how much aaron paid him.

No.374220 : Anonymous [2021-11-13 11:06] [Report] []

Nick looks like the perfect frat fuck in an orgy

No.374268 : Anonymous [2021-11-13 17:06] [Report] []

>>315209 anything???

No.377780 : Anonymous [2021-12-07 09:32] [Report] 1638887566870.jpg (590322 B, 828x933) [YIS] [GIS] []
590322 B

Anything on w3s?

No.377781 : Anonymous [2021-12-07 09:33] [Report] 1638887616695.jpg (688595 B, 828x1051) [YIS] [GIS] []
688595 B

Anything on Josh?

No.377784 : Anonymous [2021-12-07 09:54] [Report] 1638888864058.png (1507871 B, 700x982) [YIS] [GIS] []
1507871 B

Anything on this guy? Is he still with his bf?

No.379921 : Anonymous [2021-12-23 19:19] [Report] []

>>353154 dont let him in your house if you hook up. He steals.

No.379937 : Anonymous [2021-12-23 22:56] [Report] []

>>377781 Look at those thighs! Would love to see the cock and balls!

No.380101 : Anonymous [2021-12-25 02:07] [Report] 1640416064361.jpg (222673 B, 828x1005) [YIS] [GIS] []
222673 B

anything on this couple located in arlington?

No.381764 : Anonymous [2022-01-02 18:35] [Report] 1641166514702.jpg (214466 B, 2048x993) [YIS] [GIS] []
214466 B

>>349368 his Grindr and insta..anyone have more of him?

No.381767 : Anonymous [2022-01-02 19:02] [Report] []

can someone post his 9 pictures? I want to see that face

No.383449 : Anonymous [2022-01-11 01:21] [Report] 1641882062004.jpg (171107 B, 831x1016) [YIS] [GIS] []
171107 B

anything on di3go?

No.384668 : Anonymous [2022-01-17 14:53] [Report] 1642449235779.jpg (454647 B, 1242x1691) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.384669 : Anonymous [2022-01-17 14:55] [Report] []

>>384668 always on Grindr looking

No.386852 : Anonymous [2022-01-30 23:10] [Report] []

spot on.

No.386853 : Anonymous [2022-01-30 23:13] [Report] []

>>347560 Ju$tin and D@ylon. Throuple. This is an accurate comment.

No.387225 : Anonymous [2022-02-02 01:29] [Report] []

>>386853 knew it. Thanks for the confirmation

No.394381 : Anonymous [2022-03-25 11:53] [Report] 1648223585794.jpg (89237 B, 474x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
89237 B

Anything on Caden? Grindr says he’s vers.

No.394491 : Anonymous [2022-03-26 10:12] [Report] []

>>373598 He says he’s huge

No.397027 : Anonymous [2022-04-10 01:31] [Report] []

>>316249. Yes. Absolutely. Hooked up a few years ago when he was in college. Absolute trash personality and not a very good top.

No.397048 : Anonymous [2022-04-10 02:03] [Report] []

And you fell for that line? lol

No.397750 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 08:23] [Report] 1649766224538.jpg (12583 B, 205x189) [YIS] [GIS] []
12583 B

G@rre++ D@n!el$

No.398770 : Anonymous [2022-04-15 08:26] [Report] []

>>397750 ig?

No.398820 : Anonymous [2022-04-15 14:09] [Report] []

>>397750 such a small... photo lol

No.404723 : Anonymous [2022-05-20 01:13] [Report] []

Really nothing new? Hot boy summer is here

No.405196 : Anonymous [2022-05-23 09:27] [Report] []

Anything or C013 Sw3@r or his man?

No.405217 : Anonymous [2022-05-23 12:31] [Report] 1653323480202.png (2126152 B, 1439x1970) [YIS] [GIS] []
2126152 B

Anything on this guy?

No.405286 : Anonymous [2022-05-23 18:01] [Report] []

>>405196 they aren’t open. Used to hookup before they were together. Great guys

No.405351 : Anonymous [2022-05-24 08:17] [Report] []

Where are the nudes tho?

No.405673 : Anonymous [2022-05-26 23:58] [Report] []

>>405196 he’s showing some vpl in one of his recent Tik toks. Kinda small though

No.406692 : Anonymous [2022-06-05 13:42] [Report] []

>>200781 Anything new on Scott?

No.408624 : Anonymous [2022-06-24 10:16] [Report] 1656080164528.jpg (885827 B, 897x1236) [YIS] [GIS] []
885827 B

Anything on Aust!n?

No.408632 : Anonymous [2022-06-24 13:04] [Report] []


As far as I know, he’s still pretending to be straight and is very careful not to leak any nudes

No.408635 : Anonymous [2022-06-24 14:16] [Report] []

>>408624 damn. I want a piece. Top or bottom? G4P?

No.408886 : Anonymous [2022-06-26 20:38] [Report] []

>>408635 He's not straight but pretends to be

No.408966 : Anonymous [2022-06-27 12:07] [Report] []

>>405196 any stories on them at least?

No.408967 : Anonymous [2022-06-27 12:08] [Report] []

>>408624 so sexy

No.408976 : Anonymous [2022-06-27 13:50] [Report] []

>>408967 word let's see more

No.409181 : Anonymous [2022-06-28 12:49] [Report] []

>>397750 more of him?

No.409456 : Anonymous [2022-06-29 18:45] [Report] []

More Cole please

No.411942 : Anonymous [2022-07-20 19:48] [Report] 1658360915704.jpg (213808 B, 1170x740) [YIS] [GIS] []
213808 B

Why is he back in dallas? Did he get fired from another job? New sugar daddy? Lost a sugar daddy?

No.412488 : Anonymous [2022-07-24 10:46] [Report] []

>>411942 >>411942 he burned all his bridges in Atlanta then briefly moved to LA because he had a sugar daddy there but after the daddy spent more than a few days around him, he cut him off. Poor thing had to sell his car to get by. Now he’s back and working with that cellulite assed queen at Audi Dallas until they randomly drug test him.

No.412643 : Anonymous [2022-07-25 16:29] [Report] []

>>412488 this comment is stone cold.

No.412663 : Anonymous [2022-07-25 19:33] [Report] []

>>412643 it's all facts

No.416697 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 03:13] [Report] []


Last name?

No.417378 : Anonymous [2022-08-29 07:42] [Report] 1661773371437.jpg (396957 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.417379 : Anonymous [2022-08-29 08:00] [Report] []

>>417378 we were FBs years ago. Idk if he still messes around. Nice bod. Nice dick

No.418269 : JasonB [2022-09-06 09:14] [Report] []

>>222679. Let’s not forget about Caleb Barton here. He’s ridiculous. Steals money and stuff now from hookups.

No.418291 : Anonymous [2022-09-06 11:03] [Report] []

>>222837. Colton is trash! He acts like he is high class and isn’t at all. He really let himself go. He was super nice and cute and fun back when he was living with Ty and Caleb but I don’t know what happened to that friendship… Colton is coke head amongst other things. It’s so sad really and I always thought he was a top 🤣🤣🤣. Anyone got pics of him nude or his dick pics? I’ll share my em

No.418295 : Anonymous [2022-09-06 12:08] [Report] []

>>418269 I know Caleb. He uses a lot of different names now buts always on Grindr and Twitter. Still afraid of his own identity. A lot of anger issues and better than you Dallas attitude when he’s got not a pot to piss in. Dude says he wants a relationship but isn’t capable of even handling a 15 min hookup. Get tested if you sleep/slept with him. +

No.418382 : Anonymous [2022-09-06 23:17] [Report] 1662520632570.jpg (254365 B, 1125x1458) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.418383 : Anonymous [2022-09-06 23:18] [Report] 1662520727241.jpg (301412 B, 1125x1975) [YIS] [GIS] []


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