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No.201262 : Anonymous [2020-03-13 14:14] [Report] 1584123296759.png (1031367 B, 972x1072) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1031367 B

anyone has his OF videos?

No.201367 : Anonymous [2020-03-13 22:56] [Report] []

he is so hot any videos?

No.201456 : Anonymous [2020-03-14 12:18] [Report] []

I had subscribed back in December/January-ish. Mostly pics, but not many. A lot of his videos he deletes so they're not sitting there. The only few left were a couple of him stroking for a few seconds, maybe one small cum vid.

You'll find more content just looking him up on streaming sites than by finding any OF content.

No.201549 : Anonymous [2020-03-14 22:43] [Report] []

>>201456 could your share what you got? x

No.201650 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 08:49] [Report] 1584276585566.jpg (52315 B, 600x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
52315 B

>>201262 Such a hot dude, such a right-wing gun nut. His dick: perfect. He filed one of those google complaints about his images, most stuff got removed, but his gladiator video is still up. The OF stuff shows his aspirations as a "serious" model, teasing, bulge, some dick. He keeps taking them down. Google the name with variatons on the vowels. Old pic...

No.201757 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 15:45] [Report] []

>>201549 I didn't save anything, it wasn't worth it

No.201807 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 20:14] [Report] []

Real name: K3v1n Just1n B@1n3s

No.201808 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 20:16] [Report] []

I used to be his FB friend but I had to unfriend him because of all of his pro-trump, pro gun bullshit. He actually marched with the white nationalists in Charleston, and also went to the pro-gun rallies in Richmond late last year.

No.201815 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 20:39] [Report] []

I don't give a shit about his politics and neither does anyone else. If he's got a hot bod and hard cock that's all that matters! We get enough politics in the real world every day. Don't drag it in here....

No.201835 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 22:19] [Report] []

>>201815 agreed any of his new videos?

No.205274 : Anonymous [2020-03-27 08:16] [Report] []

any video of him fucking?

No.205363 : Anonymous [2020-03-27 14:29] [Report] []


Fuck the Trump supporters

No.207611 : Anonymous [2020-04-02 21:14] [Report] []

anyone can share his OF?

No.208541 : Anonymous [2020-04-05 14:09] [Report] []


No.208660 : Anonymous [2020-04-05 19:33] [Report] []

>>201815 You’re part of the problem bb

No.210684 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 20:56] [Report] []

>>208666 mind download and share to us?

No.210704 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 21:41] [Report] []

Unless you actually pay close attention to US politics and can begin to see some of the profound problems with the Democratic Party, you are in no position to categorically demonize innumerable swaths of your fellow citizens that chose Trump over Hillary.

No.210846 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 07:27] [Report] []


No.211094 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 19:04] [Report] []

wanna see his new fucking video

No.211369 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 12:38] [Report] []

>>211094 ??? Explain please. I thought he only had solo videos out there.

No.213286 : Anonymous [2020-04-15 20:39] [Report] []

>>211369 where is that?

No.256099 : Anonymous [2020-07-27 17:21] [Report] []

Please post!


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