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No.201498 : Anonymous [2020-03-14 16:53] [Report] 1584219237929.jpg (298509 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
298509 B

Anyone have anything on him? Milk man Nick on Twitter (no spaces)

No.243280 : Anonymous [2020-06-19 16:11] [Report] []

he's so sexy, any pics out there?

No.310069 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 00:35] [Report] 1611120922840.jpg (249810 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
249810 B

>>201498 this is the next I got

No.310070 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 00:36] [Report] 1611120989557.jpg (210800 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
210800 B

>>243280 he’s getting more desperate for attention so I do expect him to leak a nude eventually

No.310071 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 00:37] [Report] 1611121046565.jpg (401449 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
401449 B

>>201498 he’s getting really thirsty

No.310073 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 00:39] [Report] 1611121158356.jpg (422041 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
422041 B

>>201498 I think MilkmanNick is eventually going to start webcamming, he getting a taste for more attention.

No.310074 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 00:41] [Report] 1611121282151.jpg (305808 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
305808 B

>>243280 follow his twitter MilkmanNick he’s honestly so entitled and I can see him start doing onlyfans to pass the time. He lives off mommy and daddy’s money. Can you believe she has an apartment in NYC his parents pay for while he also is spending time at his parents in California.

No.310107 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 02:48] [Report] 1611128934633.jpg (110567 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
110567 B

>>201498 like this?

No.310203 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 12:21] [Report] []


No.310237 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 14:33] [Report] 1611171185280.jpg (358514 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
358514 B

>>201498 he’s got a few but no nudes unless someone has some to share?

No.310239 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 14:39] [Report] 1611171562578.jpg (309531 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
309531 B

>>201498 he’s on twitch but rarely streams shirtless

No.310272 : Anonymous [2021-01-20 15:47] [Report] []

Had to unfollow him quite a while ago. I didn’t vibe with his tweets. Didn’t seem that nice or friendly, and I’m not interested in video games or Twitch.

No.310408 : Anonymous [2021-01-21 04:06] [Report] 1611219981855.jpg (597357 B, 1538x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
597357 B

>>201498 this gay is very thirsty keep finding shirtless but no nudes yet

No.310409 : Anonymous [2021-01-21 04:07] [Report] []

>>310272 he’s very snobby and also has a big head thanks to his pick me’s.

No.310492 : Anonymous [2021-01-21 12:56] [Report] 1611251803273.jpg (257547 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
257547 B

>>201498 does this count as a sexy pic?

No.310495 : Anonymous [2021-01-21 13:04] [Report] []

>>201498 does anyone have actual nudes of this guy?

No.310536 : Anonymous [2021-01-21 16:00] [Report] 1611262804915.jpg (277525 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.310564 : Anonymous [2021-01-21 17:25] [Report] []

Insufferable twitter but would love to see it

No.310681 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 01:28] [Report] []

>>310564 ugh this twitter gay is too much. But with that being said I wouldn’t mind shoving my cock in that mouth to shut him up.

No.310682 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 01:31] [Report] 1611297103400.jpg (236679 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
236679 B

>>201498 for a guy with an ok body he site likes to show off. #lighting

No.310939 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 21:01] [Report] []

>>201498 guys the worst lay, you’re not missing anything. Also messy.

No.310947 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 21:23] [Report] []

Spill the details!

No.310951 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 21:26] [Report] []

>>310947 he just lays there. Like he’s just a pretty face. The body is all lighting in those pics in realty it’s like squishy. He has no muscles or definition. And at the end I had some mud on the turtle.

No.311000 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 00:19] [Report] []

>>310951 not mud on the turtle!!!! Was the dick nice at least?

No.311017 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 01:05] [Report] 1611381901930.jpg (127289 B, 933x1313) [YIS] [GIS] []
127289 B

>>310951 MUD ON THE TURTLE!!

No.311121 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 11:06] [Report] []

he’s got an ugly little dick that’s why he doesn’t send nudes

No.311304 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 20:09] [Report] []

>>311121 would explain why he’s a bottom also

No.311337 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 21:33] [Report] []

He’s a great guy

No.311384 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 00:31] [Report] []

>>311337 I agree, he's really nice and fun to be around.

No.311402 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 02:13] [Report] []

>>311384 yeah he’s totally a fine guy

No.311431 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 07:06] [Report] []

He's a cutie, someone come through with some D pix

No.311575 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 15:38] [Report] []

>>311431 anyone got anything?

No.311576 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 15:40] [Report] []

His pick-me’s have landed in this thread!

No.311582 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 15:43] [Report] []

>>311576 LMAO is he gonna talk about it on his twitch

No.312261 : Anonymous [2021-01-26 14:59] [Report] []

He's so sexy, I just know he has a yummy dick, someone come through

No.312374 : Anonymous [2021-01-26 20:34] [Report] []

>>312261 it’s meh

No.312410 : Anonymous [2021-01-26 22:34] [Report] []

Depressing little man-child

No.312411 : Anonymous [2021-01-26 22:52] [Report] 1611719533170.jpg (451039 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
451039 B

>>312410 I thought he was tall.

No.312646 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 16:48] [Report] []

>>201498 where the nudes!?

No.313764 : Anonymous [2021-01-30 15:17] [Report] []

>>201498 I found his pup play video, does that count?

No.313766 : Anonymous [2021-01-30 15:17] [Report] 1612037832705.jpg (89544 B, 1080x599) [YIS] [GIS] []
89544 B

>>201498 I found his pup play video, does that count?

No.313805 : Anonymous [2021-01-30 16:55] [Report] []

>>313766 what da fuck is he into

No.314072 : Anonymous [2021-01-31 15:40] [Report] 1612125629762.jpg (954571 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.314127 : Anonymous [2021-01-31 20:21] [Report] []

>>313766 this triggered my fight or flight

No.314144 : Anonymous [2021-01-31 22:33] [Report] []

>>314127 what is happening in that image

No.314234 : Anonymous [2021-02-01 11:09] [Report] []

He's so sexy tbh!

No.314246 : Anonymous [2021-02-01 12:29] [Report] []

>>314234 let’s see that cock!!

No.314494 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 07:39] [Report] []

>>314246 yes please!!! He's a babe

No.314586 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 12:35] [Report] 1612287350894.jpg (363906 B, 1538x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.314606 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 13:20] [Report] []

>>314586 total babe!!

No.314642 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 14:45] [Report] []

>>201498 I think he talked about this on twitch. He’s on to us, so he might as well spill the D

No.314758 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 21:31] [Report] []

He def started and populated this thread lmao y’all are too gullible

No.314773 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 22:18] [Report] []

Are we just gonna ignore >>313766 ?????

No.314780 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 22:43] [Report] []

>>314773 what da fuck is that??

No.314826 : Anonymous [2021-02-03 04:26] [Report] []

>>314642 he’s like 6.5” and it’s pretty

No.314829 : Anonymous [2021-02-03 05:24] [Report] []

>>314826 show us the goods!

No.314833 : Anonymous [2021-02-03 06:38] [Report] []

>>314826 got any d pics?? Please!

No.314909 : Anonymous [2021-02-03 12:55] [Report] []

>>201498 bump

No.315101 : Anonymous [2021-02-04 00:14] [Report] []

Just remembered he flew across the country at the height of the pandemic and endangered his whole family. I have to laugh.

No.315103 : Anonymous [2021-02-04 00:18] [Report] []

>>315101 someone called him out on twitch over it and he just tried to ignore it but his pick me’s came to his defense. His excuse was flying was safer than a subway... also my god he must come from money if he has an apartment in NY while able to just stay at his parents beach house. Phew child this is too much.

No.315225 : Anonymous [2021-02-04 12:21] [Report] []

lol yea he was trying to defend himself saying he “quarantined for 5 days” before he flew and would quar again when he got there and then immediately posted a pic hugging his mom...... nice quarantine bro

No.315277 : Anonymous [2021-02-04 15:18] [Report] []

>>315225 I can’t with these fags. I swear not caring about others.

No.315282 : Anonymous [2021-02-04 15:45] [Report] []

>>315277 seriously rich people have NO empathy or sympathy for others. all they give a fuck about is doing exactly what they want

No.315283 : Anonymous [2021-02-04 15:47] [Report] []

he has the torso of someone that's never done a pushup. his friend group is all a bunch of wannabe influencers with terrible faces.

No.315302 : Anonymous [2021-02-04 16:39] [Report] []

>>315283 I’m assuming he’s the only one with a decent face in her friends group.

No.315410 : Anonymous [2021-02-05 00:37] [Report] 1612503476728.jpg (554350 B, 1284x1288) [YIS] [GIS] []
554350 B

>>201498 ooof she’s not happy

No.315483 : Anonymous [2021-02-05 10:31] [Report] []

>>315410 imagine how many lives he ruined by being a super spreader lmao

No.315522 : Anonymous [2021-02-05 14:39] [Report] []

>>315483 it’s ridiculous how he doesn’t care, especially when he has a shield of pick me’s.

Anyway who’s got the nudes.

No.315579 : Anonymous [2021-02-05 19:09] [Report] []


Most of Manhattan is either upstate, in the Hamptons or in whatever flyover state they came from. I can't blame anyone for not wanting to be in a small apartment in a densely populated location in the cold of winter.

No.315585 : Anonymous [2021-02-05 19:39] [Report] []

>>315579 what privilege.
—Gia Gunn 2013

No.315715 : Anonymous [2021-02-06 13:36] [Report] []

Where's that D though?

No.315719 : Anonymous [2021-02-06 13:44] [Report] []

>>315715 I second that.

No.316016 : Anonymous [2021-02-08 00:08] [Report] []

>>201498 ugh this guy? He’s so obnoxious and child like.

No.316160 : Anonymous [2021-02-08 15:14] [Report] []

Still waiting for those D pics to show up

No.316680 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 14:06] [Report] []

>>201498 y’all really find this wanna be celebrity attractive?

No.317235 : Anonymous [2021-02-12 14:01] [Report] []

>>316680 you know it!

No.317497 : Anonymous [2021-02-13 15:49] [Report] 1613249363445.jpg (223803 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
223803 B

Y’all when we getting more risqué pics than these

No.317561 : Anonymous [2021-02-13 22:34] [Report] 1613273695292.jpg (174585 B, 1284x399) [YIS] [GIS] []
174585 B

Oh she mad

No.317562 : Anonymous [2021-02-13 22:37] [Report] []

They know it exists, yet they still send out nudes.

No.317577 : Anonymous [2021-02-14 00:41] [Report] []

>>317562 it’s like a cycle. They complain but in reality directs more attention to them to play the pity card and get that sweet attention. And do over.

No.317613 : Anonymous [2021-02-14 06:15] [Report] []

>>317561 As if they aren't on here looking themselves.

No.317715 : Anonymous [2021-02-14 15:57] [Report] []

>>317561 didn’t he start this thread...

No.317831 : Anonymous [2021-02-14 23:39] [Report] []

Yes he did!

No.317867 : Anonymous [2021-02-15 02:48] [Report] []

>>317831 y’all we just playing cat and mouse. My god he is so sad!

No.318158 : Anonymous [2021-02-16 00:48] [Report] []

I’m surprised there’s no videos out there

No.318309 : Anonymous [2021-02-16 14:27] [Report] []

Something tells me she’s into some Pokémon furry shit

No.319846 : Anonymous [2021-02-22 09:13] [Report] []

Where's the D??

No.320643 : Anonymous [2021-02-25 19:42] [Report] 1614300141688.jpg (262471 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
262471 B

He’s wearing this right now on his stream ... he might as well take the top off TBH

No.320649 : Anonymous [2021-02-25 20:04] [Report] []

>>320643 why are you all obsessed with this wanna be twink.

No.320653 : Anonymous [2021-02-25 20:11] [Report] []

>>201498 I bet he has a hairy hole. Come on someone come through with those nudes.

No.320659 : Anonymous [2021-02-25 20:19] [Report] []

He’s a tease good luck getting nudes from him.

No.320664 : Anonymous [2021-02-25 20:26] [Report] 1614302796134.jpg (1457257 B, 1284x1599) [YIS] [GIS] []
1457257 B

I don’t know he looks so weak.

No.320665 : Anonymous [2021-02-25 20:30] [Report] []

I’m debating if I’d hit it, like I’m seeing him streaming live and he seems like meh. milkmannick

No.320667 : Anonymous [2021-02-25 20:38] [Report] []

He’s a spoiled brat. Don’t bother.

No.320740 : Anonymous [2021-02-26 06:53] [Report] []

>>320643 so cute

No.320827 : Anonymous [2021-02-26 15:47] [Report] []

>>320664 looks like a wet emaciated chihuahua

No.320850 : Anonymous [2021-02-26 18:59] [Report] []

>>320827 seem many guys like emaciated chihuahua 🙃

No.320860 : Anonymous [2021-02-26 19:43] [Report] []

>>320850 don’t do that. He’s not gonna fuck you.

No.320908 : Anonymous [2021-02-27 00:15] [Report] []

You either think he’s hot and expose him, or you think he’s ugly and annoying and expose him out of hate. Either way I think we all win!

No.321092 : Anonymous [2021-02-27 19:37] [Report] []

>>320908 I’m confused what are we exposing? The many times he’s been at the orgys before they went away

No.321218 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 03:28] [Report] []

>>321092 wait what’s the tea here

No.321223 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 03:45] [Report] 1614501926800.jpg (433189 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
433189 B

He needs to just take this off

No.321576 : Anonymous [2021-03-01 08:18] [Report] []

>>321223 yes please!

No.322389 : Anonymous [2021-03-04 18:45] [Report] []

Ugh not this gay

No.325206 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 00:20] [Report] []

>>322389 the way this comment killed this thread

No.325356 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 17:22] [Report] []

>>325206 this wanna be twink is annoying but I still want to see those nudes! Someone has had to have hooked up with him and have those nudes

No.325364 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 18:03] [Report] []

How are there 22 images in this thread and no nudes? He tweeted that someone leaked his nudes on lpsg, someone who has them should post them here

No.325504 : Anonymous [2021-03-17 06:06] [Report] []

>>325364 oh really.... we’ll come on girls someone has to spill.

No.325678 : Anonymous [2021-03-17 21:15] [Report] []

The dick isn’t that good.

No.325704 : Anonymous [2021-03-17 23:35] [Report] []

>>325678 how do u know?

No.325709 : Anonymous [2021-03-18 00:13] [Report] []

>>325704 I’ve fooled around with him. He’s a lame lay. He’s just awkward and very childish.

No.325811 : Anonymous [2021-03-18 12:15] [Report] []

>>325709 so the sex isn’t good or his dick isn’t good? Or both? 😂

No.325900 : Anonymous [2021-03-18 19:16] [Report] []

>>325811 both. I also didn’t like the stuffed Pokémon staring at me while I was doing my business.

No.326197 : Anonymous [2021-03-19 21:26] [Report] []

>>325900 WHAT? this grown ass man still collects Pokémon?

No.326619 : Anonymous [2021-03-21 14:49] [Report] 1616352548251.png (525962 B, 719x421) [YIS] [GIS] []
525962 B

>>326197 yeah so imagine these toys staring at you.

No.327222 : Anonymous [2021-03-24 00:53] [Report] []

>>326619 Pokémon stares sound kinky. Isn’t he also a furry?

No.327228 : Anonymous [2021-03-24 01:44] [Report] []

>>327222 I have heard rumors about that. He sometimes slips and likes furry art on his twitter.

No.327394 : Anonymous [2021-03-24 19:46] [Report] []

>>327228 LOLs. Girl if I could only tell you the stories I’ve heard about him. 😬

No.327541 : Anonymous [2021-03-25 12:24] [Report] []

>>327394 he sounds like he is a weirdo, he jerks off to video game characters it seems.

No.327542 : Anonymous [2021-03-25 12:24] [Report] 1616689469125.jpg (862767 B, 1284x1787) [YIS] [GIS] []
862767 B

>>327394 he sounds like he is a weirdo, he jerks off to video game characters it seems.

No.328543 : Anonymous [2021-03-29 17:33] [Report] 1617053586767.jpg (455434 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
455434 B

I think I’ll take his friend on the left. Anyone have pics of him?

No.328562 : Anonymous [2021-03-29 21:35] [Report] []


why don't u take the one in the middle?

No.328563 : Anonymous [2021-03-29 21:49] [Report] []

>>328562 The one on the left is way fucking hotter

No.328569 : Anonymous [2021-03-29 22:18] [Report] []

>>328563 the one on the left looks like depressed with life but I’ll take him anyway

No.328570 : Anonymous [2021-03-29 22:19] [Report] []

>>313766 also I’m not over this, what is this?!?!

No.328781 : Anonymous [2021-03-30 14:06] [Report] []

>>328570 it’s his furry porn video

No.328917 : Anonymous [2021-03-31 02:28] [Report] []

The one on the left is the epitome of mediocre. An awful fuck and loves to Facetune.

They’re all desperate.

No.329009 : Anonymous [2021-03-31 12:54] [Report] []

>>328917 does he just lay there?

No.329330 : Anonymous [2021-04-01 23:23] [Report] 1617333818730.jpg (83675 B, 1334x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
83675 B

This white boy is into some kinky shit.

No.329856 : Anonymous [2021-04-04 14:40] [Report] 1617561603630.jpg (224547 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
224547 B

You better watch out bitches she’s gonna try and get they summer body... with one dumbells.

No.329878 : Anonymous [2021-04-04 16:08] [Report] []


If you're going to be catty, at least learn some grammar. and don't make shit up

It would be "with one dumbbell" not "one dumbbells"

also if you read the text with the tweet, he said he didn't realize it was only one, He thought he was ordering 2.

No.329930 : Anonymous [2021-04-04 22:09] [Report] []

Yeah y’all got mean for no reason

No.329964 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 02:58] [Report] []

>>329930 Nobody hates gays more than gays hate gays.

No.330079 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 19:03] [Report] []

>>329878 milk man nick, is that you? Show us your peen!

No.330082 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 19:13] [Report] 1617664398509.jpg (329913 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
329913 B

I found this image from his furry alt.

No.330083 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 19:14] [Report] []

>>310951 LMAO. Wow

No.330115 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 20:48] [Report] []

>>330082 What kind of trauma response is this

No.330121 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 21:15] [Report] []

>>330115 I have some questions... first what’s the @ ?

No.330124 : Anonymous [2021-04-05 21:21] [Report] 1617672092311.jpg (328663 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.330152 : Anonymous [2021-04-06 00:49] [Report] 1617684588280.jpg (286168 B, 1380x2047) [YIS] [GIS] []
286168 B

Well I’ll say this, he’s def the better looking sibling.

No.330223 : Anonymous [2021-04-06 09:40] [Report] []

>>330152 the bar is on the floor

No.330289 : Anonymous [2021-04-06 14:03] [Report] 1617732180964.jpg (292220 B, 1241x1745) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.330300 : Anonymous [2021-04-06 14:32] [Report] []

So where's the D??

No.330421 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 03:17] [Report] []

cock or end this thread y’all

No.330498 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 12:40] [Report] []

>>330421 come on Nick, stop self posting we need that cock

No.330502 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 13:10] [Report] 1617815459715.jpg (270607 B, 1558x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
270607 B

Now he’s just teasing

No.330515 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 13:38] [Report] 1617817123276.jpg (161462 B, 850x1699) [YIS] [GIS] []
161462 B

He doesn’t send out nudes anymore since he’s “twitch famous” but before that era he would send them. Here’s one from my archives. Hopefully someone has more.

No.330529 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 14:21] [Report] []

>>330515 finally. Now we need an ass shot to go with this.

No.330550 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 15:22] [Report] []

>>330515 Thats not him, that's that polo guy from Twitter. Let's see the real D

No.330556 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 15:39] [Report] []

>>330550 who’s the polo guy?

No.330657 : Anonymous [2021-04-07 23:38] [Report] 1617853112706.jpg (410669 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
410669 B

Some image from his furry alt

No.330682 : Anonymous [2021-04-08 05:05] [Report] []

>>330657 Drop the alt.

No.330846 : Anonymous [2021-04-08 16:10] [Report] []

>>330657 pretty sure this is from his main twitter, he just posts these kinda pics anyway

No.330963 : Anonymous [2021-04-09 05:35] [Report] 1617960908268.jpg (275579 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
275579 B

>>330846 boy is a freak being into dressing like a cow

No.331044 : Anonymous [2021-04-09 14:49] [Report] 1617994142216.jpg (220853 B, 1242x1810) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.331063 : Anonymous [2021-04-09 16:13] [Report] []

Such a babe

No.331089 : Anonymous [2021-04-09 18:02] [Report] []

>>331063 he needs to drop that hole pic

No.332341 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 23:22] [Report] []

>>330515 wait is this him ?

No.332363 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 00:52] [Report] []

What an ugly uncut dick

No.332381 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 04:01] [Report] []

>>332363 no way dude it’s big

No.332822 : Anonymous [2021-04-16 20:49] [Report] []

>>330515 we need more!

No.332838 : Anonymous [2021-04-16 23:17] [Report] []

skinny ugly!

No.332942 : Anonymous [2021-04-17 14:07] [Report] []

>>332838 right. She has no muscle or looks like she’s ever lifted anything without mommy or daddy’s help.

No.333589 : Anonymous [2021-04-20 05:22] [Report] []

>>330963 wtf is happening here

No.333592 : Anonymous [2021-04-20 06:12] [Report] []

Tell us more...

No.333736 : Anonymous [2021-04-20 18:57] [Report] 1618959448414.jpg (369300 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
369300 B

>>330515 that is him, here he is with that same necklace

No.333776 : Anonymous [2021-04-20 23:17] [Report] []

>>333736 okay cool it’s his cock, now what about his friends back there. They looking like a snack.

No.333783 : Anonymous [2021-04-20 23:49] [Report] []

>>333736 it’s the same style necklace but a different necklace and also the freckles in the picture don’t match his freckles in the other pictures.

No.333798 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 01:23] [Report] []

>>333783 damn y’all are like hawks.

No.333816 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 06:30] [Report] []

>>328543 does anyone have anything on the guy on the left?

No.333938 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 16:30] [Report] []

Facetune. Skinny small dick. Balding.

No.333951 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 17:03] [Report] []

>>333938 and I oop. Who’s balding?

No.334089 : Anonymous [2021-04-22 10:53] [Report] []

That's not his dick

No.334131 : Anonymous [2021-04-22 14:44] [Report] []

>>334089 shave you seen it?

No.334173 : Anonymous [2021-04-22 17:39] [Report] []

>>334089 except it is lol

No.334205 : Anonymous [2021-04-22 20:10] [Report] []

>>334173 ugh is it his or not because I don’t know what I’m jerking off to

No.334289 : Anonymous [2021-04-23 07:43] [Report] []

It is not. That's a screenshot from a video of Marco, they photoshoped his tattoo out. Also look at the details, he has no moles on his chest, and the guy on the video does

No.334433 : Anonymous [2021-04-23 19:34] [Report] []

>>334289 wait who had moles? Moles are disgusting

No.334927 : Anonymous [2021-04-25 21:15] [Report] []

>>334433 there’s a mole snitching on us to milk man is seens

No.335894 : Anonymous [2021-04-28 13:10] [Report] []

I’m calling it, this thread is a deadend, let’s call it a day and move on folks

No.335971 : Anonymous [2021-04-28 19:45] [Report] []

>>335894 sigh. We never got that hole pic. He’s bound to slip one day.

No.336271 : Anonymous [2021-04-29 21:25] [Report] 1619745955731.jpg (228964 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
228964 B

Just dropping by to see if anything new has popped up

No.336272 : Anonymous [2021-04-29 21:27] [Report] 1619746029905.jpg (1498654 B, 1284x1991) [YIS] [GIS] []
1498654 B

Anyone have this pic without the stupid emojis

No.337202 : Anonymous [2021-05-04 15:07] [Report] []

>>336271 so cute

No.338660 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 20:19] [Report] 1620865159931.jpg (730435 B, 1284x1540) [YIS] [GIS] []
730435 B

Okay, who leaked her nudes and where are they? She locked her account and changed the name for a reason.

No.339931 : Anonymous [2021-05-19 23:26] [Report] 1621481171396.jpg (102148 B, 615x1142) [YIS] [GIS] []
102148 B

It was because of the Joshua Bassett tweet he made (and deleted) following Joshua coming out.

No.339946 : Anonymous [2021-05-20 03:48] [Report] []

>>338660 The use of the feminine pronoun to discuss gay men is dated and tacky. If you think you're being clever or arch, think again. You come across a bitter old queen, no matter what your age.

No.340022 : Anonymous [2021-05-20 14:40] [Report] []

>>339931 wait so he deleted it because it wasn’t true?

No.340037 : Anonymous [2021-05-20 16:01] [Report] []

>>339946 Jesus, you people are exhausting.

No.340073 : Anonymous [2021-05-20 17:36] [Report] []

>>340037 pero like, where is the lie though?

No.344176 : Anonymous [2021-06-12 04:24] [Report] []

>>201498 do any updates on her nudes?

No.346462 : Anonymous [2021-06-26 19:07] [Report] 1624748833437.jpg (289609 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
289609 B

She had an orgy this weekend it seems

No.346471 : Anonymous [2021-06-26 20:18] [Report] []

>>346462 Qwhite the group there.

No.346548 : Anonymous [2021-06-27 11:12] [Report] []

>>346471 what exactly do you want people to do? Hold open call auditions with an ad saying “i need POC friends!”??? Wouldn’t it be problematic for people to take pics with POC for optics and treat them like their token POC friends? Like this whole “qwhite” thing makes no sense.

No.346549 : Anonymous [2021-06-27 11:27] [Report] []

>>346548 Don’t hold open auditions. Just be more inclusive of your friends. That includes POC and women. It’s really not that hard unless you want to keep hanging with just gay white men all the time.

No.346551 : Anonymous [2021-06-27 11:34] [Report] []

>>346549 okay but like how does one do that? Like you can be inclusive and open-minded and have white friends. Saying someone HAS to have POC or female friends is very weird, very much patrolling their friend group.

No.346625 : Anonymous [2021-06-27 17:41] [Report] []

>>346549 it’s one fucking picture. Relax. Stop being so fucking judgemental

No.346629 : Anonymous [2021-06-27 18:53] [Report] []

Wow, you seem like a barrel of fun. Must have people of all races and creeds lining up to be your friend.

No.346630 : Anonymous [2021-06-27 19:06] [Report] []


u new to this site?

No.346640 : Anonymous [2021-06-27 20:26] [Report] []


>inclusivity in 2021: invite women to your gay orgy
No.346685 : Anonymous [2021-06-28 04:13] [Report] []

>>346462 what is this the rejects orgy?

No.346963 : Anonymous [2021-06-30 02:26] [Report] []

>>346685 so any pics of this so called orgy?

No.347526 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 16:05] [Report] 1625342730008.jpg (203994 B, 946x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
203994 B

Seems he came to the dark side finally

No.347531 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 16:09] [Report] 1625342996892.jpg (1316629 B, 1284x2270) [YIS] [GIS] []
1316629 B

>>201498 looks fishy

No.347538 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 16:37] [Report] []

>>347526 it’s a scam. Lolol

No.347543 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 18:06] [Report] []

>>347538 but do they have actual nudes of his 🤔

No.347556 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 20:19] [Report] []

>>347543 there’s one on this thread

No.347557 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 20:27] [Report] []


lol I always wondered who were the idiots that fell for these fake instagram onlyfans pages.

No.349521 : Anonymous [2021-07-14 15:08] [Report] 1626289690838.jpg (198907 B, 1284x393) [YIS] [GIS] []
198907 B

Revealing she’s a cumpiggy, anyone got Vice?

No.349554 : Anonymous [2021-07-14 18:17] [Report] []

>>349521 I have video of him getting fucked, but it’ll cost you

No.349568 : Anonymous [2021-07-14 19:20] [Report] []

>>349554 Nah, eat shit.

No.349625 : Anonymous [2021-07-14 23:44] [Report] 1626320695043.jpg (377077 B, 2048x1536) [YIS] [GIS] []
377077 B

>>349568 look look a pick-me! Guess his army of pick-me’s have landed.

By the way can you tell your leader that he’s getting a little round, maybe he needs to lay off the video games and hit the gym.

No.351006 : Anonymous [2021-07-22 01:19] [Report] 1626931169106.jpg (983806 B, 1284x2122) [YIS] [GIS] []
983806 B

he keeps denying he has nudes and his poopy accident

No.351467 : Anonymous [2021-07-24 14:34] [Report] 1627151672043.jpg (402420 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
402420 B

These girls are wild, they brought a propane tank to their latest orgy

No.351474 : Anonymous [2021-07-24 15:19] [Report] 1627154361852.jpg (230457 B, 996x2047) [YIS] [GIS] []
230457 B

Idk the orgies looks like a bore.

No.351613 : Anonymous [2021-07-25 15:08] [Report] 1627240127155.jpg (271488 B, 996x2047) [YIS] [GIS] []
271488 B

This looks like the grossest threesome. I can smell the bad BO from here.

No.351661 : Anonymous [2021-07-25 20:02] [Report] []

>>351613 🤮🤢

No.351671 : Anonymous [2021-07-25 21:49] [Report] []

evidence of that -screenshot? and how much?

No.351741 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 05:50] [Report] 1627293024957.jpg (591013 B, 1284x1774) [YIS] [GIS] []
591013 B

This guy really plays everyone for fools. He comes from money yet meanwhile he’s trying to take advantage of his pick me’s and get them to give him money for how moving expenses. Must be nice.

I swear he should just start an onlyfans at least I’d have a little more respect for him actually working for his money and not asking for handouts.

No.351883 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 18:46] [Report] []

>>351741 not surprising usually guys who get everything handed to them are never satisfied. A shame he’s asking for handouts like this while he has money

No.352215 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 23:40] [Report] 1627443640303.jpg (371037 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
371037 B

He’s back to his cow fetish ways. Guys a freak.

No.352219 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 23:53] [Report] 1627444412185.jpg (1959341 B, 1284x2198) [YIS] [GIS] []
1959341 B

The closest I got was this that he sent me once on Grindr. He never shared nudes, such a prude.

No.352221 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 00:27] [Report] []

>>351671 yeah where’s the beef?

No.352235 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 04:40] [Report] []

>>352219 he’s so lanky and skinny here. Ugh gross.

No.353135 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 15:46] [Report] 1627847205989.jpg (1284075 B, 1284x1926) [YIS] [GIS] []
1284075 B

He got his own place which now that means he’ll be able to host those orgys at his place now. Stay tuned for this video leaks 😉

No.353141 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 16:58] [Report] []

>>352235 oh, fuck off

No.353148 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 17:19] [Report] []

>>353141 yeah fuck off, he’s gotten fatter so that’s that. I can’t wait to see the new thicc nick coming out soon.

No.353346 : Anonymous [2021-08-02 15:13] [Report] []

>>353148 this makes me sad. Why can’t guys stay in shape.

No.354654 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 14:56] [Report] 1628448988021.jpg (328474 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
328474 B

He’s really packing those quarantine ponds.

I give it a year he becomes a bear.

No.354675 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 16:15] [Report] []

>>354654 get a life you fucking weirdo

No.354685 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 16:30] [Report] []

>>354654 LMAO YA’ll are too much. This has become my new entertainment, from the thread fighting and now this, circling rolls of guys who are getting fat.

No.354784 : Anonymous [2021-08-08 22:42] [Report] []

>>354685 guys on here are so picky, now they’re drawing circles on guys?!

No.354831 : Anonymous [2021-08-09 09:04] [Report] []

>>354784 It's one person doing it.

No.354910 : Anonymous [2021-08-09 15:38] [Report] 1628537905163.jpg (221169 B, 1170x1170) [YIS] [GIS] []
221169 B

Yum we got feet 🤤

No.354911 : Anonymous [2021-08-09 15:40] [Report] 1628538007146.jpg (285074 B, 1089x1089) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.354919 : Anonymous [2021-08-09 16:06] [Report] []

I am more interested in the one person who is obsessed with him than the guy himself

No.354951 : Anonymous [2021-08-09 17:33] [Report] []

>>354919 for real.

No.356425 : Anonymous [2021-08-16 21:37] [Report] 1629164243737.jpg (393453 B, 1284x1090) [YIS] [GIS] []
393453 B

If anyone is interested he’s looking for loads

No.356429 : Anonymous [2021-08-16 21:50] [Report] []

>>356425 baby that’s Yik Yak

No.356432 : Anonymous [2021-08-16 21:55] [Report] []

^ and omg YY is back so nvm

(not his tho)

No.356435 : Anonymous [2021-08-16 23:11] [Report] 1629169887171.jpg (296279 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
296279 B

>>356425 ha, good luck he’s into ahem pillow men.

No.356497 : Anonymous [2021-08-17 09:02] [Report] []


YikYak is back!? Shook

No.358228 : Anonymous [2021-08-24 19:46] [Report] 1629848817647.jpg (373196 B, 1534x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
373196 B

Still waiting on that dick pic

No.358231 : Anonymous [2021-08-24 20:02] [Report] 1629849730479.jpg (164873 B, 1014x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
164873 B

>>358228 he’s too busy on Grindr trying to act out his inner furry fetish

No.358427 : Anonymous [2021-08-25 22:59] [Report] []

>>358228 what is he? A white halfbreed?

No.358799 : Anonymous [2021-08-27 15:17] [Report] 1630091860621.jpg (140796 B, 1284x463) [YIS] [GIS] []
140796 B

Who’s got the video?

No.361414 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 22:16] [Report] 1631067360202.jpg (121810 B, 1125x1599) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361436 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 23:23] [Report] []

Is that really him? I feel like I’ve seen this dick pic on Twitter before

No.361446 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 23:36] [Report] []

>>361436 same. Not convinced its him.

No.361489 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 03:20] [Report] []

>>361414 if that’s his dick, it’s a shame a bottom like that got a big one like that

No.361494 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 03:33] [Report] []

>>361414 not sure it’s him, he has Jack skellington fingers and those don’t look like Jack skellington fingers

No.362555 : Anonymous [2021-09-12 17:05] [Report] []

>>361414 that’s actually tr@vk421

No.362639 : Anonymous [2021-09-12 23:09] [Report] []

>>362555 More of him?

No.363348 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 21:10] [Report] []

>>361414 did we ever find out if this was him or not?

No.363350 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 21:17] [Report] 1631755063464.jpg (355455 B, 1538x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.363381 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 23:07] [Report] 1631761630192.jpg (78242 B, 680x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
78242 B

>>201498 he’s out and about

No.363394 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 00:13] [Report] []

>>363381 ummm is this a self post bc “edit profile”?

No.363396 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 00:21] [Report] []

>>363394 SCREAMING these fags do be stupid

No.363409 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 01:58] [Report] 1631771897504.jpg (114017 B, 944x998) [YIS] [GIS] []
114017 B

>>363394 omggggg! 💀💀💀
He must be like:

No.363414 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 03:01] [Report] []

>>363394 y'all didn't catch on from the first post? There is a reason why this thread has been consistently on the fp in spite of the guy in the op looking a tragedy. lol

No.363422 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 04:29] [Report] []

>>363414 some gays are just desperate to be social media famous. Even if it means self posting. A pity, nobody likes you mr. milkmannick!

No.363437 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 06:49] [Report] []

Well... since that just happened: SHOW US YOUR DICK PLEASE.

No.363445 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 08:02] [Report] []

>>363381 yikes!

No.363495 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 13:18] [Report] []

y’all are wild. it’s not a self post, he’s older than 21; one of you has a psychotic obsession with this guy and feels the need to bump the thread all the time. weird

No.363540 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 16:43] [Report] 1631825014696.jpg (486624 B, 1284x698) [YIS] [GIS] []
486624 B

>>363495 nick you got caught, the jig is up!

No.364187 : Anonymous [2021-09-19 14:06] [Report] []

>>363540 fuck y’all you don’t have anything and won’t get anything

No.364200 : Anonymous [2021-09-19 15:40] [Report] []

>>364187 dude, you've been replying to yourself. I don't think anyone that isn't you WANTS anything pertaining to ur nudes. LOL

No.370835 : Anonymous [2021-10-22 22:22] [Report] []

>>364200 speak for yourself lol

No.380331 : Anonymous [2021-12-26 14:41] [Report] []

>>361414 is this real?

No.380341 : Anonymous [2021-12-26 15:20] [Report] []

>>201498 idc if this is Nic or not, you’re cute and I want to see those feet

No.392125 : Anonymous [2022-03-07 22:55] [Report] 1646711720288.jpg (495129 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
495129 B

>>201498 she’s been filling up nicely. Anyone ever got nudes of this past twink

No.405528 : Anonymous [2022-05-25 16:28] [Report] []

>>392125 bump

No.412406 : Anonymous [2022-07-23 14:35] [Report] 1658601357361.jpg (450276 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
450276 B

Where’s the nude??

No.412429 : Anonymous [2022-07-23 21:45] [Report] []

>>412406 isn’t he dating some guy recovering from meth addiction?


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