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No.201666 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 10:14] [Report] 1584281660342.jpg (153437 B, 1080x1296) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
153437 B

Anything on F@bian Gir@co? fgiraco1 on IG. Spanish guy, was in NYC and in a miami for a few weeks recently

No.201899 : Anonymous [2020-03-16 07:12] [Report] []

He is THE MAN. I'm sure any of our american folks hooked up with him and can help

No.201932 : Anonymous [2020-03-16 10:38] [Report] []

He is an scort, recently was in ny staying with an old rich man in soho

No.202097 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 04:21] [Report] []

I’d rent him

No.202099 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 05:10] [Report] []

big feet

No.202176 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 12:14] [Report] []


oh... i knew he hide something. i was wondering how he afforded that NYC for a month working retail in madrid

No.202199 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 13:50] [Report] []

Escort? Proof?

No.202260 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 17:36] [Report] []

>>201932 are you sure? I always just thought be was born rich

No.202275 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 19:32] [Report] []

More tea? Nudes?

No.202320 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 22:51] [Report] []

But he is coming in June I think cause his sugar daddy going to pay him everything...

No.202436 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 13:59] [Report] []

yes please

No.202464 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 16:33] [Report] 1584563594995.jpg (188569 B, 1125x2000) [YIS] [GIS] []
188569 B

That info sounds accurate. I always wondered too about the trip to the US. If I were old and rich I would pay too, just look at this work of art

No.202529 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 22:55] [Report] []

Stunning body but I've always thought that face is not cute.

No.202685 : Anonymous [2020-03-19 13:00] [Report] []

>>202464 if he is not absolutely loaded then he must be an escort, hes only 22. Its so od because he looks easily 32

No.211664 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 04:49] [Report] []

>>202685 thats thanks to steroids, drugs and viagra. It is demanding to keep your dick up and hard for ugly daddies.

No.211773 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 11:49] [Report] []

>>211664 The funny thing is that I've seen him claiming on instagram that he only works out "once" or "twice" a week. He must live in a different reality or something.

No.211857 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 15:42] [Report] []

>>211773 LOL he’s definitely working out at least 5 days a week and on a strict diet plan. But I still think hes the type to go to the gym just for the insta photo op

No.212398 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 18:19] [Report] []

Nyc gays must have some stories

No.212538 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 03:41] [Report] []

He was a volleyball player but he received a lot of proposal of being an scort... that’s why he went in NY with a rich man and then I was with another man who paid his company in Miami.
But he will be back to the states cause all the money are there not in Spain.

He is nobody... if you’ll see his rent/room....

No.216410 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 06:34] [Report] 1587638079063.jpg (88376 B, 360x561) [YIS] [GIS] []
88376 B

Sort of dog faced without the lighting. Body upgraded fast. Those feet though 😋

No.216411 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 06:36] [Report] 1587638197024.jpg (139726 B, 684x1077) [YIS] [GIS] []
139726 B

I dont even like feet but Id suck his toes. Wheres the d pics???

No.216412 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 06:37] [Report] 1587638248579.jpg (138320 B, 627x947) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.216496 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 12:29] [Report] []


Seriously? There's nothing "dog faced" about him. A lot of guys that are hot today were are a little awkward when they were younger.

No.220095 : Anonymous [2020-05-01 03:57] [Report] []

This guy is so ugly just his body it’s perfect but that face....

No.220436 : Anonymous [2020-05-01 23:38] [Report] []

>>220095 yeah he looks wayyy older without facetune. Like mid 30s and hes not even 25.

No.221011 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 10:02] [Report] []

I’d love to see how’s his ass 🤤

No.221014 : Anonymous [2020-05-03 10:06] [Report] []

Why is everyone’s go to response to tear someone down. Such a damaged society.

No.221749 : Anonymous [2020-05-04 18:13] [Report] []

He was at the sobe eqx with some roided (yes, very apparent. No, not hating) daddies over nye.

No.272011 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 21:55] [Report] []

bump -1!!

No.272017 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 22:25] [Report] []

He definitely escorts

No.272044 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 23:18] [Report] []

>>272017 how do you know that?

No.286861 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 05:42] [Report] []

Any more details about this escort?

No.326345 : Anonymous [2021-03-20 13:18] [Report] 1616260727947.png (289988 B, 584x898) [YIS] [GIS] []
289988 B

which of you freaks is harrising him

No.326406 : Anonymous [2021-03-20 18:40] [Report] []

Anyone know anything about his cock?

No.326631 : Anonymous [2021-03-21 16:22] [Report] []

>>326406 rt for his cock

No.341895 : Anonymous [2021-05-30 17:16] [Report] []

top or bottom?

No.341902 : Anonymous [2021-05-30 17:53] [Report] []


how "surprising" and funny to read that he will notice and pay attention to his DMs only when it's something about him.

No.341918 : Anonymous [2021-05-30 19:14] [Report] []

yeah "funny"

sooooo weird how he will pay attention to threats and harassments but not the love letters of nasty stalkers

No.341944 : Anonymous [2021-05-30 21:56] [Report] []

He gives me bottom energy


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