Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.201725 : Anonymous [2020-03-15 13:31] [Report] 1584293475858.jpg (1273052 B, 1125x1497) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1273052 B

Thirsty thot.

No.236631 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 09:42] [Report] []

Who's this stud??

No.236688 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 12:57] [Report] []

Lives in LA. Looking for his insta to post. Can’t remember it off the top of my head. Has rep of not being very nice.

No.236694 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 13:04] [Report] []

>>236688 His first name is J0$hu@

Don't remember his IG either, just recall the last few times he was requested several people said he's a bitter waiter and always complaining about hating LA.

I've seen him on Grindr. Lists himself as a top/vers top. In his 40s.

No.236695 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 13:05] [Report] 1591376725439.jpg (1194890 B, 1125x1563) [YIS] [GIS] []
1194890 B


No.236861 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 19:20] [Report] []


No.237106 : Anonymous [2020-06-06 12:13] [Report] []

>>201725 any more of him?

No.237676 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 13:30] [Report] []

>>236695 woof!

No.237695 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 13:53] [Report] []

>>236694 If he's always leaving LA then maybe he isn't cut out for it and therefore should leave. Take off to a southern state sweety like the rest of them.


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