Archive/Dongs 2021

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closed No.201963 : Anonymous [2020-03-16 12:39] [Report] 1584376743453.jpg (0 B, 750x1089) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
No thumbnail

Anything on @lioridel

No.202092 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 03:54] [Report] []

Dayum. Daddy!

No.202233 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 15:37] [Report] []

Perfect body. Any other pics?

No.202322 : Anonymous [2020-03-17 22:55] [Report] []

another roided up israeli

No.202446 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 14:52] [Report] []

>>202322 oh it's the guy that continuously writes "another roided up [insert nationality here]" to any guy who is in good shape. It's getting old.

No.202448 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 15:00] [Report] []

cept dis jew is actually hot.

No.202449 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 15:03] [Report] []

Who’s the anti steroid troll who seems to comment on every thread?

No.202475 : Anonymous [2020-03-18 17:47] [Report] []

>>202322 if you think that easily-obtained physique is a result of AAS, or even GNC creatine and NO supplements for that matter, you gotta be the biggest skinny-fat pussy that ever existed. Or maybe fat-fat. Certainly you’re gross.

No.202725 : Anonymous [2020-03-19 14:50] [Report] []


"Roided up Americans. Roided up Israeli."

You fucking cunts all sound the fucking same. Why don't you suck my cock, you ugly mofo?


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