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No.206557 : Anonymous [2020-03-31 10:31] [Report] 1585665079471.jpg (1144534 B, 1080x1593) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1144534 B

Does anyone have Rob's nudes? Any juicy story even?

No.206686 : Anonymous [2020-03-31 16:02] [Report] []

Jesus fuck. Stop making new threads on this hairy Sasquatch looking gay.

No.206728 : Anonymous [2020-03-31 17:57] [Report] []

>>206557 why do you insist on constantly self-posting?

Aren't the other three threads you started on yourself enough?

No.206759 : Anonymous [2020-03-31 20:30] [Report] []

I fucked him a couple weeks after world pride, got chlamydia. Can't hold it against him, he bragged about taking a lot of anonymous dick

No.206807 : Anonymous [2020-03-31 22:37] [Report] []

>>206557 funny AND handsome. everyone should follow and subscribe. he's getting me through this quarantine!

No.206853 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 00:35] [Report] []

>>206728 gurl wake up. Who u trying to convince with this self post bs. Stop it on all these threads. Post pics of keep your opinion to your self unless u paying for server costs.

No.206855 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 00:36] [Report] []

>>206807 this sounds like a self-post...

No.206895 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 03:53] [Report] []

we went out a couple of times, he seemed weirdly preoccupied but it's whatever. Sorta out of nowhere he got real into the idea of hooking up and I was thinking okay he's weird but hot, okay. When the pants came off he turned around and said he loves to get rimmed but he was definitely NOT in a state to be eaten out. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he had showered but honey... if you go #2 after a shower it disqualifies you from being rimmed. Total mood killer and he's lucky I didn't puke all over him.

No.206947 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 10:46] [Report] []

i love him. his insta is so funny. id definitely rim him if he asked me to

No.207033 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 15:20] [Report] []

>>206895 you should submit this fiction to a publisher and try to make some money at least

No.207041 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 15:48] [Report] []

>>206895 that sounds like a lie that no one should listen to. he probably had just come back from a run to keep his body as tight as it is.

No.207204 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 22:48] [Report] []

>>207041 JFC stop with the self-replies, it's embarrassing

No.207205 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 22:52] [Report] []


Good lord I wish we could get threads deleted when there was such obvious and nauseating self-posting. NO ONE CARES.

No.207211 : Anonymous [2020-04-01 23:15] [Report] []

>>206895 maybe not this dude.. but man if this hottie i use to see at the gym asked me to rim him after lifting.. Id do it and even yes after takin #2!! Fucking tasty haha

No.207235 : Anonymous [2020-04-02 00:29] [Report] []

>>207205 clearly you do troll. You need to stop with the baseless a accusations 🙄

No.207912 : Anonymous [2020-04-03 17:02] [Report] []

Can we see the dick plz

No.209737 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 23:08] [Report] []

Someone has to have his dick pic

No.209775 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 00:47] [Report] []

Skskks... I really don’t care if he’s self posting, it’s kinda hilarious. Just wanna see the nudes.

If you’re self-posting. Please pretend to be someone else and post hot nudes of “him”!! We won’t hold it against you! I mean “him” ;)

No.209802 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 03:26] [Report] []

that wig line is tragic

No.210730 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 23:35] [Report] []

I’m really desperate to see it guys. Who’s got a dick pic

No.210734 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 23:39] [Report] []

Dick dick Dick 🤣

No.211522 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 19:01] [Report] []

Assuming y’all have nothing!?

No.211528 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 19:35] [Report] []

>>206947 He is not funny at all. His humor is cringey and lame. Being a faggot and liking gay sterotypes is not a replacement for a personality.

No.211565 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 21:39] [Report] []

Kinda cute but ITA. Not funny at all.

And judging by his replies to this thread, not very clever either.

No.212285 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 14:03] [Report] []

I would still lie to see his bush

No.212875 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 22:10] [Report] []

damn, his wig is awful.

No.212890 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 22:55] [Report] []

>>212875 how do you know he wears a wig?

No.212976 : Anonymous [2020-04-15 03:45] [Report] []

I followed his insta. Je is hot, hairy, not roided up bit fir. But his posts and comments, he is a weirdo.

No.212994 : Anonymous [2020-04-15 06:30] [Report] []

>>212890 we have eyes

No.215391 : Anonymous [2020-04-20 21:03] [Report] []

He fully snapped and posted a video on Twitter gays that was really funny but he had such anger in his eyes and voice...

No.215569 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 09:42] [Report] []

>>215391 the joke is that he literally embodies half of the things he's supposedly criticizing

No.215652 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 14:04] [Report] []

Lmao this blatant self-post is so funny after his obnoxious video complaining about gay twitter, he’s clearly mad people didn’t leap to his defense about his “original” content being “stolen” so now he’s here grasping for any kind of validation he can get that anyone in the gay world cares about him except desperate pick mes

No.215662 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 14:20] [Report] []

Hes cute but the posts he makes are terrible. Hes just a bad gay stereotype.

No.215668 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 14:32] [Report] []

>>206557 I don’t think it’s smart to be picking a fight with “gay Twitter” or any group of people on the internet when everyone is locked inside, frustrated, and just looking for people to get angry with. But good luck heart throb!

No.215741 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 16:52] [Report] []

I follow his tik tok and I get the impression that he's trying to do a meta "self aware" type thing, where half of his humor is now jokes about the fact that he's criticized, or seen as some sort of stereotype. It's funny for a second then you just realize it's his latest crutch. One of the easiest ways to keep getting views and clicks is to make jokes about calling out people, under the guise of sarcasm, because he can have his cake and eat it too. If it's taken seriously he can play it off like "see, they ARE acting offended when I jus made a joke saying they get offended". It's not witty and it's not a good way to build a brand.

He should really be making posts about how his hair magically stays the same length during quarantine.

No.215797 : Anonymous [2020-04-21 18:52] [Report] []

>>215662 I agree.

If I just saw him at a bar, I'd think he was kind of cute. But his whole social media presence is so off-putting. And those twitter gays are way more clever than he could ever hope to be.

And he's clearly posting to his own threads here. wave

No.216010 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 08:09] [Report] []

His latest tiktok rant on how some Disney star used his idea and didn’t give him credit... that is the point of tiktok... unemployment is not a good look on him.

No.216177 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 16:14] [Report] []

>>216010 not exactly.

TiK Tok is about re-using the same sound effect but doing your own thing over it. Be it dance moves, or a spoken word thing. It's like when you see a meme and come up with your own caption. You're taking an existing thing and building on to it. The original creator of the sound is automatically credited every time someone uses it.

What the Disney guy did was see Rob's video (which had a bunch of song snippets looped together, that he acted out bits to) went and found all the same songs (adding in one extra, to make it technically different) and acted it out the same exact way. If he looped together different songs, or varied it somehow where there was an actual purpose to reconstruct the sound effect file, then sure.

But he didn't do that, he copied the idea and the execution. The only reason to do that is to look like the one who created the sound effect.

The Disney guy got called out big time for this by Tik Tok users, so it's not like Rob is being delusional about anything, he's in the right.

No.216224 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 18:05] [Report] []

Ok Rob

No.216246 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 18:51] [Report] []

>>216177 all you have to do is click on the audio track to see what everyone that used the audio track did. It's pretty business as usual for big tik tokkers to copy smaller tik tokkers w/o credit. but it's not really their fault, because tik tok thrives on trends and fads and most popular tik tokkers only do what their fans request because its easy and will have 1m+ views easy.

No.216251 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 18:58] [Report] []

>>216010 He's head of marketing at a digital media company lol

No.216261 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 19:20] [Report] []

Rob replying to everything here is comical

No.216300 : Anonymous [2020-04-22 21:16] [Report] []

>>216251 ok rob

No.216376 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 03:02] [Report] []

Rob's self-replies here are way funnier (albeit unintentionally) than any of that stupid shit he posts on IG.

You aren't very good at this, but ya keep trying!

No.216381 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 03:41] [Report] []

>>216300 lol I'm not rob. Correcting someone when they say he is unemployed makes me Rob himself?

It's like, if you're not ragging on him, you're automatically him?

This site really attracts stupid people.

No.216386 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 04:03] [Report] []

>>216246 except that the Disney guy created his own new track, taking the snippets that Rob used. So if you click on it, it shows that he created it. If he used Rob's audio, then yes it would show his.

Not sure what's so hard to understand about someone taking an idea. Again, imagine seeing a funny tweet but instead of retweeting it, you type it out in a new tweet and then it goes viral, looking like you created it. It's just bad form.

And not his isn't Rob lol, I can grow hair on my head.


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