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No.209530 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 15:17] [Report] 1586287036233.png (981828 B, 779x797) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
981828 B

Does anyone know where these came from and who has the video? It’s dyI@n g31ck

No.209531 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 15:17] [Report] 1586287069878.png (1742543 B, 1200x1039) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.209532 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 15:18] [Report] 1586287095073.png (767710 B, 780x466) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.209570 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 17:02] [Report] []

I heard there’s hundreds of files

No.209601 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 18:17] [Report] []

Damn, we need to know

No.209603 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 18:19] [Report] []

Is he still selling his ass or has he knuckled down to concentrate on college??

No.209614 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 18:33] [Report] []

He who posts the video shall be showered in good fortune. I have spoken it into existence!

No.209625 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 18:49] [Report] []

It's finally happening :)

No.209627 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 18:50] [Report] []

>>209603 He joined the army lmao.

No.209667 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 20:07] [Report] 1586304468568.jpg (110599 B, 828x804) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.209673 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 20:20] [Report] []

Guys we might well get corona soon, let's spread some love (and DG nudes) and make the world a better place.

No.209677 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 20:26] [Report] []

>>209532 i literally never thought this would happen LOL

No.209690 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 21:15] [Report] []

Please someone post the vid!

No.209711 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 22:14] [Report] []

Where is the video from? A chat room or private?

No.209731 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 22:57] [Report] []

>>209603 He was selling nudes? I'd buy

No.209740 : Anonymous [2020-04-07 23:09] [Report] []

He was selling to rich daddies. I cant wait to see vids.

No.209789 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 02:12] [Report] []

Fuck I never thought this day would cum

No.209864 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 09:52] [Report] []

Omg I can’t believe this. I’ve wanted to see him naked desperately for years

No.209881 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 10:20] [Report] []


There were rumors that videos existed in the Daddy circles Dylan hovers around. Videos of him escorting or doing whatever he does with them behind closed doors. No proof ever came out

I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if that Michael dude has tons of videos of Dylan. Probably with other escorts on trips and what not

No.209890 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 10:58] [Report] 1586357910473.jpg (154090 B, 1080x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
154090 B

He joined the army he's in Fort Benning Georgia

No.209940 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 13:09] [Report] []

This is taking too long where is the rest a bitch is thirsty and impatient

No.209960 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 13:39] [Report] []

So, who is this guy? Was he a local "famous" NYC A-gay? An Instagram thot? I don't follow guys who are popular for being cute so I'm always confused when he pops up. Who is he and why is he popular?

No.210023 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 15:42] [Report] []

oh my goddddd thank you i need more

No.210031 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 16:06] [Report] []

he became kinda popular when some website did a story about him being an out gay wrestler. then he got even more popular when he got in a relationship with a youtuber for a while. that's the basics

No.210045 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 16:31] [Report] []

someone for the love of god cure my quarantine boredom and post the vids and pics 🤤

No.210072 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 17:30] [Report] []

>>209960 He got popular as the hot high school jock coming out as gay. From there I think he dated some Instathot and worked from there.

No.210150 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 20:23] [Report] []

This better not be all we get bring out the goods!!!

No.210157 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 20:35] [Report] []

He’s popular because he’s hot. Can’t wait for this video. I’ve been waiting years guys, we need to celebrate this haha

No.210201 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 22:28] [Report] []

Everyone acting like Dylan was popular pre-Jackson needs to get a grip. Dylan dated Jackson Krecioch at the height of Jackson's internet fame stardom, and they both became super popular as an IG/younow couple with the tweens. Then Dylan apparently cheated (with Joey Mills) and they broke up. lol

No.210214 : Anonymous [2020-04-08 23:17] [Report] []

Jackson and Joey could be brothers...they look almost the same

No.210278 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 01:30] [Report] []


Joe is way cuter in the face though. They probably both have big dicks in common tbh. Dylan seems to have a thing for tall lanky pretty Twinks with big dicks.

No.210292 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 02:11] [Report] []


Where did you hear/read that?

No.210300 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 02:37] [Report] []

>>210214 Jackson's cuter. Joey looks like he wears makeup. lol

No.210321 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 03:49] [Report] []

Never heard of this guy until today - he is cute. How do I get in the daddy circles for which he allegedly hangs? lol

No.210410 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 10:48] [Report] []

Is this seriously all we are going to get? WHERE ARE THE GOODS!?

No.210466 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 13:18] [Report] []

Dont expect them to be posted here if they are out there. Nothing good is ever posted here anymore. Its basically just stalking of random nobody grindr sluts at this point

No.210480 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 13:40] [Report] []

^someone prove him wrong

No.210654 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 20:04] [Report] []

I refuse to let this die.

No.210660 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 20:16] [Report] []

>>210654 Oh honey, it’s already dead.

No.210663 : Anonymous [2020-04-09 20:20] [Report] []

it will leak eventually. Dylan probably pissed off the wrong daddy. LOL

No.210761 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 00:27] [Report] []

I am really hoping for more but I doubt it. People have become super selfish and if they get something good they only sell or trade. Nobody shares anymore

No.210773 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 00:58] [Report] []

I'm surprised the images already posted haven't been taken down. Dylan must be strapped for cash if he can't even afford the most basic legal services that get this stuff removed. OF guys can get their stuff taken down...

No.210778 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 01:24] [Report] []

I hate that he turned into a prostitute for old rich men like all of them, he was supposed to be different tbh

No.210807 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 04:30] [Report] 1586507401448.png (6334942 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
6334942 B

He is just a young guy enjoying the company of older rich man, which one of here would say no to a rich man flying us around in private jet?

No.210808 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 04:32] [Report] []

Not a fan, but at least he's doing something useful for himself and serving his country by joining the army. Unlike that rapidly deteriorating piece of shit Cameron Dallas. LOL.

No.210831 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 06:27] [Report] []


Lol Dylan is in basic training. If he were to take them down he would do so himself not have a lawyer do it.

He’s not Chris Evans with a massive legal team to help him haha.

No.210898 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 10:45] [Report] []


Anyone with a little self-respect who knows that these rich men are not flying you around and buying you things purely out of the goodness of their hearts. They do it for the dick and the ass and only vapid, materialistic whores with no self-respect think that that is a trade worth making

No.210902 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 10:53] [Report] []

>>210831 Did Chris Evans have pics out there? Please god post them

No.210909 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 11:26] [Report] []

Omg yes I love Dylan. Don’t care what anyone says about him he’s made mistakes y’all would too if you weren’t haggard trolls. More more more pls

No.210948 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 13:12] [Report] []


Not everyone with self-respect is a bridge troll. But much like the rich men who have rented his body, I want to see it too so bring on the nudes!

No.211027 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 16:24] [Report] []

lp5g users say a video was posted but was taken down, anyone have it?

No.211044 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 17:07] [Report] []

Nooo i missed the pics

No.211075 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 18:17] [Report] []

Wow! Rentboy money must've dried up real quick for him to become a soldier. Unless he's changing his rentboy ways?

No.211081 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 18:36] [Report] []

hasn't he had a tattoo on his chest for years.. are these photos underage?

No.211092 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 19:02] [Report] []

it's edited out for some reason...

there is same photo(with cum) with watermarks when you can clearly see that tattoo.

No.211093 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 19:03] [Report] []

There's also a set of watermarked screenshots - the same as those posted - but these have the tatt. So either someone photoshopped it on or off for some reason.

No.211121 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 20:02] [Report] []

>>209532 This "cum" looks kinda fake... (Not like someone shopped it, more like he faked it.)

No.211123 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 20:19] [Report] []

>>211081 lmao, here come the underage concern trolls. It's definitely about to leak.

No.211154 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 22:35] [Report] 1586572539917.jpg (203355 B, 1030x751) [YIS] [GIS] []
203355 B

You can tell just from looking at the pic set these were "audition" shots for super rich daddies, so obviously the daddies are angry at Dylan for "leaving" and likely leaking everything out of spite. I feel gross and sad for him looking at these, but I still want to see them! LOL

No.211155 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 22:38] [Report] 1586572705338.jpg (62030 B, 862x479) [YIS] [GIS] []
62030 B

For those crying 'underage!!!' you'll remember the backdrop from when he was with Jackson. lol

No.211160 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 22:53] [Report] []

>>211154 Where is this from??? Do you have the full file??

No.211163 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 22:57] [Report] []

We need to do better by our gay boys and not let this happen to them. We need to out the predators that take advantage of our boys.

No.211166 : Anonymous [2020-04-10 23:14] [Report] []

My body is ready for it ALL

No.211181 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 00:07] [Report] []

>>211154 omg pls share

No.211182 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 00:09] [Report] []

>>211155 the guy is 21 now so it’s not that far fetched that he was underage when we took these grainy photos.

No.211195 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 01:03] [Report] []

He set his IG to private before the leaks showed up, so he knew this was going to happen. Must've pissed off a sugar daddy and known what his punishment would be.

There's someone else with him in one of the preview photos - wonder who that is.

No.211206 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 01:42] [Report] []

>>211195 I noticed that too. photo 160. looks like it could be Jackson. please god let the whole folder leak

No.211273 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 07:12] [Report] []


And he knows what he’s doing too. Dylan knew right away that he could use his body to get what he wants. Good for him and lucky for us

No.211274 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 07:15] [Report] []

Whoever paid for this was obsessed with his body. They got everything. Armpits, Ass arched up showing his hole and face together, on his back legs spread (full face and body), looks like there’s even a video of him pissing, and one he filmed in his wrestling uniform. This guy got everything and he’s had it for awhile too

So jealous

No.211284 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 07:56] [Report] []

What do we know about this black market baits dealer. Legit?

No.211288 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 08:19] [Report] []

>>211182 He didn't start hanging around with yacht daddies until his freshman year at Columbia. He chronicled the whole thing on his IG. If these really were auditions for them, and it looks like that's what they are, he was 18 when he took them

No.211289 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 08:21] [Report] []

>>211163 No one took advantage of Dylan. He knew he was hot and wanted money and parties.

No.211295 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 08:47] [Report] []

Supposedly the collection has 250 pictures!? Needs to be leaked asap

No.211307 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 09:18] [Report] []


I know it’s supposed to have 6-7 videos. I haven’t read anywhere about that many pictures

No.211308 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 09:20] [Report] []


I mean how many older gay men has Dylan take advantage of? I’m sure plenty

He was 18–19 years old making these guys thirst for him and pay for trips just to have him around. He was using them almost more haha

No.211310 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 09:25] [Report] []

It looks like they are screenshots from the videos and not pictures

Maybe a mixture. Guess we will have to see

No.211316 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 09:49] [Report] []

I genuinely wonder how many old dudes loads he took for money when he was 19

No.211333 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 10:43] [Report] []

How do you contact black market baits? I can’t find them?

No.211359 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 11:39] [Report] []

>>211333 on telegram, apparently he only wants to trade rather than sell

No.211407 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 14:18] [Report] []
>You can tell just from looking at the pic set these were "audition" shots for super rich daddies

Have to agree, the number of photos and the types of poses are stuff I can't see him agreeing to unless it's for something like that. I can't believe these are baits.

Some dude Dylan tried to cheat with said he sent a video of him and Jackson having sex - it was unclear whether Jackson knew he was being recorded/being sent around. I'm willing to bet his sugar daddies got copies of the videos with all the guys he's been with.

The most interesting question is why are these leaking now! He must've pissed someone off.

No.211433 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 15:19] [Report] []


It was a video of Jackson going down on Dylan actually. Not sex

It’s pretty clear from the pictures/screenshots of the videos that he did them for money. They are specific poses and body parts the person wanted to see and you can tell he made them only for that. Armpit shots. Peeing video maybe? Looks like a video in his high school wrestling outfit? It actually makes it way hotter to see him be such a slut.

Can tell the person was like “I want full face and your ass up looking back at the camera, and I want to see your hole too”

Genuinely jealous of whoever got him to make these and told him what to do

No.211440 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 15:29] [Report] []


Pissing someone off whom he used to make things for/or Escort for seems to be one of the only idea for it coming out now. Especially videos from 2017 (it seems). Makes no sense for them not to otherwise for 3 years almost now

No.211445 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 15:37] [Report] []

Lol. He joined the army? What a dumbass.
Wasn’t he going to some ivy?

No.211454 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 15:53] [Report] []

Price to pay for free vacations and having your very expensive ivy league tuition paid for. Guess he said "fuck this" and that's why he dropped out and joined the army. He knew retaliation was arriving. His influencer status is gonna sink and he'll probably do gay porn next to stay relevant...oh well another teenage jock will take his place for these daddies. Circle of life hope he cherished those memories, not many people had great opportunities like he did. Another one ruins his chance to reach the elite using just his looks alone. Guess he wasn't that smart.

No.211461 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 16:13] [Report] []

hoping this eventually leaks

No.211485 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 16:57] [Report] []

I just feel so bad for him. Dropping out of a school like Columbia must feel like such a failure. Now he’s enlisted with the dumbest saddest and poorest of our country. They’ve used him, tossed him aside and now stabbed him in the back with releasing these.

No.211512 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 18:33] [Report] []

Dylan probably knew this was coming, that's why he joined the army i guess? You don't get into the daddy/escort lifestyle w/o being warned by those already in it. And you don't just leave either.

No.211545 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 21:06] [Report] []

He dropped out long before he joined the army. Think he was there for a little over one year...

No.211549 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 21:09] [Report] []

Dylan could easily have made an OnlyFans and be making 6 figures off that instead of joining the army. He should have done it anyways because he’d make bank

No.211553 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 21:13] [Report] []
>Looks like a video in his high school wrestling outfit? It actually makes it way hotter to see him be such a slut.

Agreed! I chatted to him a bit when the Outsports article first came out, and he was really protective about the wrestling thing - saying he wouldn't wear his singlet for sexy stuff, insisting nothing about wrestling was sexy, etc. Seeing how he broke down once someone flashed cash at him is pretty hot. There's GOT to be a video of him jacking in his singlet.

>Can tell the person was like “I want full face and your ass up looking back at the camera, and I want to see your hole too”

Again, agreed! And it's so hot. We all know he's a bottom, but even then it's hard to imagine him accepting taking orders like that and actually posing like a whore for them. I say like a whore, he IS a whore!

Didn't one of the sugar daddies unfollow him at some point fairly recently? Anth0ny W@t50n? I think they refollowed each other after a few days, but does suggest something was going down behind the scenes in his last few weeks of civilian life.

No.211554 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 21:16] [Report] []

No-one should feel bad for him. He was warned about this. I was one of the ones on DL when he posted on there and we were warning him. He ignored it all because, as always, he thinks he knows better.

I'm not sure I buy the idea he joined the Army to escape the sugar daddy life - that seems too responsible a decision for Dylan. I wonder if his family put their foot down.

No.211575 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 21:58] [Report] []

His parents put their foot down? Lol. He’s over 20 years old. They have no say.

No.211580 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 22:15] [Report] []

Any of you follow him? Apparently he posted something about the leaks

No.211594 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 22:43] [Report] []

>>211554 getting slutty nudes released isn't some great tragedy, especially for a Gen-z gay. They all send nudes. His life wasn't going to be glamorous once he signed up to join the Army. Everyone, absolutely everyone, including his parents, knew he was turning tricks once they saw those fancy trips and private jets with old men.

The tragedy isn't being a sugar baby, that's actually a wonderful way to build a sizable nest egg. The problem is that he threw away an Ivy League education and the good will he built after the Advocate article. He could have obtained a degree from Columbia then joined the Army as an officer if he felt the patriotic bug.

I doubt he's officially done hooking. Those ankles will reach the skies once he is setup on a base. $5-10k here and there for a weekend's worth of work is hard to reject.

Remember, Dylan's summer in Hollywood where he thought he'd become the next Logan Paul? He ended up as another pass around bottom, like Brent Corrigan during his failed attempt at breaking into Hollywood. The real tea is that Dylan tried to recruit under age guys for guys like B. Singer. Dylan is a good source because he is constantly on the prowl for underage to 18 year old dick.

To protect me from lawyers, this is all alleged...

No.211595 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 22:47] [Report] []

Damn this is so hot. He is a guy who literally could have had it all. Ivy League degree and corresponding job, some amount of internet fame and some money as a college student, boyfriend who obviously supports him, a real career in the future. And literally the first chance he gets, he's whoring himself out, sending hole pics, gold digging with no foresight, easily enticed by a few private jet rides and luxury vacations, not realizing he's a dime a dozen for this older rich daddies... telegraphing his life across on social media. You think he would have caught on to the fact the the other boytoys keep their day jobs (e.g., evan feeley). Did he not realize being a student at Columbia and an athlete WAS his hook?

Now he's enlisted military in the army, something that is more typical for people who could barely get into a college, let alone Columbia, with no real career prospects. Columbia is done. No more youtuber boyfriend who literally move to NY and rents his own large place that you basically live at, while everyone else is sharing cramped dorm rooms. I doubt the private jets and luxury vacations are will continue.

Either he had some serious issues or he was just a natural born whore. He should just make an onlyfans, make six figures (probably) and slink back to college and get a degree in something.

Wish him all the best but if you're a whore and we all know it, just bite the bullet and start an onlyfans.

No.211603 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 23:10] [Report] []


He’s definitely a whore. The thumbnail proves that for the right price he did what he was told and put his ass up and presented his very unvirgin teenage hole. I can’t imagine how many Daddy’s have roughed him up and called him a slut, banging him ruthlessly doggy style, his jock pecs and big nipples just shaking from how hard he’s being fucked, after giving him enough money he went cloudy eyed and let them do what they wanted. Anything probably.

Btw his ass is so hot looking. He definitely knows that’s his selling point

No.211611 : Anonymous [2020-04-11 23:52] [Report] []


> I was one of the ones on DL when he posted on there and we were warning him.

Can you give some more detail here and explain what this means?

No.211614 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 00:14] [Report] []

de jure vs de facto. look it up, dumbass

No.211620 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 00:24] [Report] 1586665476833.jpg (129099 B, 828x589) [YIS] [GIS] []
129099 B

Dylan is doing what countless playboy bunnies, anna nicole smith and many others do. using their good looks and body to get ahead and filthy rich yacht daddies want to pay him to breed his hole.
If one of us had Dylan's looks and instagram fame, and rich daddies came to us offering private jet lifestyle, shopping, gucci clothes, in return for bending over and taking it from daddy and his rich friends, we would do it too.
Its not his fault he was catapulted to fame because the world couldnt get enough of a gay wrestler.

No.211625 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 00:37] [Report] []

Haha "price to pay"? He's basically admitting he was a toy for the sugar daddies.

>his jock pecs and big nipples just shaking from how hard he’s being fucked

Is that what caused the pecs to sag?

No.211630 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 00:52] [Report] []

Nope. I would not.
I’d let them watch, but I wouldn’t let them anywhere near me.

No.211631 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 00:55] [Report] []


maybe its coronavirus isolation, ut im so turned on from reading that

No.211634 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 01:11] [Report] []

>>211631 It's not just u, I came after reading that lol

No.211635 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 01:25] [Report] []

He was a boy toy for Anthony W@tson for ages and got everything he ever wanted and whored out models and boys to him and Bryan S!nger.
NOW he's bored lol

No.211638 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 01:41] [Report] []

>>211620 You people need to stop saying that. There is such thing as people having self-respect

No.211644 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 01:50] [Report] []

Time for BigWillyDilly to make an Onlyfans.

No.211648 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 03:12] [Report] []

So much tea but where are the nudes?

No.211661 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 04:33] [Report] []


so hot! reading that and then picturing it

No.211676 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 05:43] [Report] []


I came after reading

No.211677 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 05:44] [Report] 1586684688747.png (6530156 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.211678 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 05:46] [Report] 1586684768279.png (6436300 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.211750 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 10:38] [Report] []

So where are these pics?

No.211802 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 13:10] [Report] 1586711424417.jpg (326070 B, 1440x3040) [YIS] [GIS] []
326070 B

From the Telegram and LPSG they claim this is the screen shot from his sex tape.

No.211805 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 13:13] [Report] []

New pic allegedly D with a porn star

No.211814 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 13:35] [Report] []

^^ignore, it's not him after all, it's a Rafael Alencar video

No.211816 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 13:37] [Report] []

The sex video recently posted was FAKE NEWS!

No.211849 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 15:22] [Report] []

Funny how fast that still from
PornHub got disproven but also how fast it spread around haha

No.211881 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 17:14] [Report] []


So, after he sells his ass for a amount number of rich daddys. Now his conscious hit back regretting everything?

Well, is better now than tomorrow...

No.211882 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 17:17] [Report] []


He will see the reaction his nudes generate and realize how stupid he’s been to not have an OF this whole time hopefully

No.211886 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 17:32] [Report] []

Release the goods already!

No.211891 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 17:44] [Report] []

This has nothing to do with conscience. He got exposed and now he's trying for sympathy, that's all.

The ridiculous thing is his fangirls will now tell him he was a victim - when they all watched and said nothing as he lived it up with the sugar daddies.

No.211893 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 17:45] [Report] []

With all that full time whoring and travel, I'm surprised no one has mentioned the possibility that the reason behind his fall was PERHAPS that he got quietly expelled from Colombia for lack of commitment/bad grades?

Without the cachet of being the gay wrestling 'it' boy from an Ivy League college, he is reduced to basically common stuff. As someone said earlier, his whole schtick revolved around being an Ivy League athlete!

No.211903 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 18:33] [Report] []
>Without the cachet of being the gay wrestling 'it' boy from an Ivy League college, he is reduced to basically common stuff. As someone said earlier, his whole schtick revolved around being an Ivy League athlete!

Probably why he joined the Army, so now he's not the Ivy League jock boy toy, he can be the Army stud boy toy. Wouldn't be surprised if he has enough connections to ensure he gets a cushy assignment once he completes training.

No.211907 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 18:38] [Report] []

It's blurry and crappy but it's better and nothing - finally, his dick. Zoom in on the circled pics. This is different from the preview page already posted, someone forgot to censor the piss pics

No.211911 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 18:46] [Report] []

>>211805 where?

No.211919 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 19:08] [Report] []

It didn't attach before

No.211920 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 19:08] [Report] 1586732918247.jpg (179017 B, 1032x752) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.211934 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 20:03] [Report] []

what/where is blackmarketballs?

No.211995 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 23:14] [Report] 1586747650988.jpg (40728 B, 308x180) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.211996 : Anonymous [2020-04-12 23:14] [Report] 1586747660931.jpg (41782 B, 292x180) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.212010 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 00:21] [Report] 1586751706618.jpg (79762 B, 999x611) [YIS] [GIS] []
79762 B

Dylan tops too?

No.212017 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 00:53] [Report] []

the good sis deleted his IG. A mess. LOL

No.212033 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 01:57] [Report] []


The troll has a point. IIRC Dylan said something about him getting his tattoo on his chest around the time he turned 18. I don't recall specifics. He's got a stick n poke here and there a friend did before he was legal, but they're not on his upper body.

No.212038 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 02:10] [Report] []

Just as I expected. He's got a small dick. No wonder he's a bottom whore.

No.212040 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 02:13] [Report] []


Doesn't look like him? Whose room is that?

No.212042 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 02:36] [Report] []


I don't buy it. That triangle tattoo looks photoshopped. I would be shocked if this is genuine.

No.212047 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 02:49] [Report] []


Dylan deleted his instagram, more stuff coming out

No.212051 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 03:04] [Report] []

Lame picture of Al3x C0h3n getting fucked by some headless torso jock...

No.212054 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 03:09] [Report] []

>>212010 lmao, isn't that the guy MG is obsessed with that has numerous threads and he either gets the pix taken down or the thread deleted? I forget his name Alex or something?, but Dylan never fucked him. Did they ever even cross paths?

No.212060 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 03:20] [Report] []

>>212010 anyone else think that guy bottoming looks like @l3x Gr@nt

No.212118 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 05:50] [Report] []


That’s not Dylan. Doesn’t even look like his body. Plus he’d never hook up with Alex. He isn’t his type at all lol

No.212121 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 05:52] [Report] []


His dick looks fine and I’m sure his body is 100 times hotter than yours so I wouldn’t be talking shit lmao

No.212160 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 09:59] [Report] []

>>212054 they actually hung out a few times cause they are “friends” with the same sugar daddies

No.212176 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 10:33] [Report] []


Alex one time hung out with the same crew. Not nearly as many times as Dylan. Nor did he go on trips

As far as I’m aware they’ve only met once at a Club in NYC. Alex posted a pic with Dylan and that was the sum of it lol

No.212239 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 12:36] [Report] []

been following this thread for the past 6 days. anyone have?

No.212242 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 12:44] [Report] []
>Plus he’d never hook up with Alex. He isn’t his type at all lol

But what if a sugar daddy said he wanted to see the two of them go at it?

No.212270 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 13:40] [Report] []


AG was on some boat. Remember that yacht they were on in Sept or Aug 2018?

No.212287 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 14:03] [Report] []


Nope. He was not on the yacht ever with Dylan at the same time. Alex posted a picture from a pool of one of the Daddy’s but that was about the extent of it. The only picture of them together is at a gay club in NYC. Believe me Dylan would have taken a picture with Alex if he was on the yacht haha. He did it with that hot Evan boy and the other boys whenever he was on the yacht.

No.212376 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 16:53] [Report] []

>>212060 That is AG (the video is on his OF), but the top def wasn't Dyl@n

No.212392 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 17:59] [Report] []

Please stop being mean to Dylan. He's trying to change his life for good.

No.212426 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 19:58] [Report] []

Well, it's down to us MG. The LPSG thread has been shuttered. Expose this boy!

No.212447 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 21:33] [Report] []

>>212376 I can't find it on his OF?

No.212458 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 22:00] [Report] []

I remember DMing him a couple months after the article. I asked about private videos and he said in so many words, he was interested but had no way of making sure it wouldn't leak, so he declined.

No.212471 : Anonymous [2020-04-13 22:39] [Report] []

>>212426 It's back now. They just locked it to clean out the CP. (Wasn't Dylan though)

No.212582 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 09:39] [Report] []

can someone share the lpsg link?

No.212591 : Anon [2020-04-14 10:00] [Report] 1586872832553.jpg (785484 B, 1125x1456) [YIS] [GIS] []
785484 B

Go follow this account he says he’ll leak them at 10k

No.212596 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 10:06] [Report] []

Some fuckhead on twitter is scamming everyone for Dylan's leaks. Do not follow trippy ghetto

No.212605 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 10:34] [Report] []

So are the actual pictures getting posted, ever?

No.212670 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 12:11] [Report] []

>>212596 I mean, you don't lose anything by clicking follow. And if it is bullshit and they don't leak anything, you just click unfollow.

No.212676 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 12:19] [Report] []

How dumb are some of you people to be falling for these scams...seriously?

No.212871 : Anonymous [2020-04-14 22:00] [Report] []

Any other leads

No.213105 : Anonymous [2020-04-15 12:45] [Report] []

I cant believe thats all we are going to get

No.213168 : Anonymous [2020-04-15 15:21] [Report] []

I dont think we were ever going to actually see them. I think this was just one or more of his daddies reminding him that they still own his ass

No.213179 : Anonymous [2020-04-15 15:55] [Report] []

>>211620 lol speak to yourself, I have absolutely no interest in letting old men fuck me.

No.213608 : Anonymous [2020-04-16 14:56] [Report] []

I won’t let this die

No.213629 : Anonymous [2020-04-16 15:46] [Report] []

I have a feeling the leaked was only a warning from the sugar daddies to get Dylan back in line.

No.213784 : Anonymous [2020-04-16 23:08] [Report] []

So were just never going to see the goods then?

No.213833 : Anonymous [2020-04-17 01:44] [Report] []

>>213784 Correct.

No.214092 : Anonymous [2020-04-17 17:43] [Report] []

they'll eventually leak once. all these types of threads on these hookers, err, instagays always end up leaking, it usually takes a few months.

No.214625 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 00:14] [Report] []

I really hope so

No.215333 : Anonymous [2020-04-20 18:25] [Report] []

Yep, it will leak once sometime in the near future. You'll be lucky enough to snag it, or you can look forward to a period where hundreds of people start trying to make a buck off them. Once it's clear everyone willing to pay has already, someone will release them.

No.216581 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 15:44] [Report] []

the guy who said he'd leak them at 10k on twitter just reached that hopefully he delivers

No.216610 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 17:37] [Report] []

That person is going to sell off that account with 10k 'followers' and make a profit while you guys get nothing in return.

No.216763 : Anonymous [2020-04-24 02:14] [Report] []

Account already gone lmao.

No.216817 : Anonymous [2020-04-24 07:12] [Report] []

Lol this Twitter account got deleted.

No.216832 : Anonymous [2020-04-24 08:25] [Report] []

does anyone have the telegram link?

No.217120 : Anonymous [2020-04-24 23:09] [Report] []

Or he deleted it knowing he couldn't post something he didn't have

No.217162 : Anonymous [2020-04-25 01:32] [Report] []

the nudes were more than likely never circulated beyond the daddy circles or whoever was running things when Dylan was in the game and this whole thing was an exercise in getting Dylan to heel, or else. and it worked, it seems, so no nudes for us! T__T

No.217172 : Anonymous [2020-04-25 02:44] [Report] []

Getting him to heel in what way though? What would he have done to piss them off?

No.217184 : Anonymous [2020-04-25 04:12] [Report] []

That's what I what keep asking myself. Guys here are just assuming that he 'did something' and the limited pic release was a 'warning' without evidence. Not even a mere hint of evidence. Just idle speculation.

No.217496 : Anonymous [2020-04-25 17:33] [Report] []

he's back on insta

No.217524 : Anonymous [2020-04-25 18:52] [Report] []

>>217172 he joined the army. imo, that was his big F. U. to the game. and he should be getting out soon as convid-19 lockdown restrictions are lifted, and this reminds Dylan who is in charge.

No.217920 : Anonymous [2020-04-26 13:34] [Report] []

>>217524 He's stuck in the army for years, he's not getting out anytime soon

No.218254 : Anonymous [2020-04-27 07:08] [Report] []

we're never gonna see them

No.219451 : Anonymous [2020-04-29 16:00] [Report] []


No.219505 : Anonymous [2020-04-29 18:18] [Report] []

i wonder if he's being heteronormative in the army and letting the other guy make faggot jokes

No.219552 : Anonymous [2020-04-29 19:53] [Report] []

Nah, he was probably put in the gay whites divisions. They have one for blacks too.

No.219566 : Anonymous [2020-04-29 20:18] [Report] []

>>217920 lol, no he's not.

No.219906 : Anonymous [2020-04-30 16:09] [Report] []

>>219505 That's what he did on his wrestling team, he even said so himself

>>219566 And you know that how? So you're claiming he has some special deal where he only has to do training?

No.223936 : Anonymous [2020-05-09 23:30] [Report] []

anything new on him?

No.223963 : Anonymous [2020-05-10 01:14] [Report] []

I really wanna see those pissing pics in full quality

No.224093 : Anonymous [2020-05-10 12:04] [Report] []

It amazes me how there's always a contingent on here and LPSG who claim that these sugar babies don't actually get fucked by the fat rich old men, they only hang out with them. Like, really? You expect us to believe that they're getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in benefits for just their sparkling personalities?

No.224216 : Anonymous [2020-05-10 18:43] [Report] []

Haha So True

No.224338 : Anonymous [2020-05-11 00:26] [Report] []

>>224093 I always assumed the daddies just had the boys fuck each other and got their cuck on. Like, y'all had Dylan and Tanner from SC on your payroll and didn't watch them pound? Wasted opportunity.

No.224376 : Anonymous [2020-05-11 02:53] [Report] []

i'm sure plenty of sugar daddies/babies do fuck, but also... not everyone is obsessed with fucking. not everyone has some huge desire for anal sex. and if you don't make your sugar baby fuck, he might find it easier to rationalize selling himself to you.

you can hang out, feel important and powerful, watch him make out and play with other boys, and maybe even jerk off or do massage or whatever, and he can pretend he's participating in an "arrangement" rather than just being a straight-up prostitute

No.224482 : Anonymous [2020-05-11 11:17] [Report] []

>>224376 sure you CAN do that. Or you can get them on your private plane and slide into their tight muscle pussy all you want. Or have them fuck you. I'd imagine the latter are far more common.

No.230597 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 13:39] [Report] []

Any updates please?

No.230707 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 18:21] [Report] []

i agree with >>218254
they're probably too "valuable" for anyone to leak for free, and he may not even be legal in them (i'm not really convinced one way or the other)

No.230893 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 04:27] [Report] []

theres another supposed fake edit of him that's been released by red cube

No.231058 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 15:41] [Report] []

>>230893 It got reposted on LPSG but deleted within 30min again however, if it was fake then it sure as hell was a VERY convincing one.

No.231217 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 21:54] [Report] 1590544449159.jpg (46409 B, 785x391) [YIS] [GIS] []
46409 B

Here is what was posted. Never seen a fake this convincing which is why I believe it's real.

The scummy bait accounts who have it are pushing the narrative that it's fake because they're trying to make a profit from it (Which they can't do if someone gives it out for free, obvs)

No.231222 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 22:11] [Report] []

If this is fake, it's the best damned fake I've seen.

No.231229 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 22:44] [Report] []

Not that it matters anymore. The Twitter account that said they'd post it for 500 retweets immediately deleted the tweet once they hit the goal. RMFE.

No.231261 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 00:06] [Report] []

That doesn't look fake to me

No.231293 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 01:14] [Report] []

The one aspect which makes me think it might be a fake is that the pissing pics didn't show that kind of contrasting tone on his dick. His head should stand out more in those pics, even with how small they were, if it is that much lighter than his shaft.

No.231297 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 01:44] [Report] []

>>231293 are we supposing he's pissing with an erection? lol

No.231314 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 02:46] [Report] []

>>231297 Does the colour of your dick change based on whether it's hard or not?

No.231315 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 02:48] [Report] []

>>231217 but the bait accounts which have the files aren't even selling them, they're just hoarding the photos

No.231317 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 02:53] [Report] []

Where did you learn grammar?!

No.231318 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 02:54] [Report] []

>>212010 I could swear the bottom is Alex Grant.

No.231320 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 03:14] [Report] []

This guy is nothing special seriously y’all are obsessed and creep like

No.231405 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 10:23] [Report] []

>>231314 yes? the skin can all be dark/similar in tone when it's all bunched together/the dick is flaccid but when the skin's all stretched out/you have an erection tone difference can become very prominent. have y'all never seen a penis before? lol

No.231517 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 14:17] [Report] []

>>231405 Which is why I specifically mentioned the head, and no I've never come across a dick where the head changes colour

No.231591 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 17:24] [Report] []

>>231318 It is totally Alex Grant. And I don't think that is Dylan behind him.

Dylan early on in his relationship with Jackson, were on YouNow daily. It was there we learned that Jackson has a huge dick. When Dylan implied that he was the top Jackson clearly corrected him.

No.231718 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 22:21] [Report] []

>>231591 He did make sure to let everyone know he did top Jackson at least a couple of times. It does rather seem, though, that he mainly tops to maintain his image as the masc jock type.

It's a shame his ass isn't more impressive. Given how much he works out you'd think he'd have more of a bubble.

No.240503 : Anonymous [2020-06-13 04:22] [Report] []

These have to be out there. Please. :)

No.243417 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 01:11] [Report] 1592629868726.png (840732 B, 579x981) [YIS] [GIS] []
840732 B

somebody just leaked a jo vid on twitter. tattoo's there, face shown, grunts, cum. it's a dream come true. also, the "contrasting tone on his dick" is there, so the pic posted here above is real, girls. damn.

No.243419 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 01:15] [Report] []

>>243417 link??

No.243424 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 01:37] [Report] []

>>243422 Jeez, name calling on such a joyous occasion. Why are gays like this? lol

No.243425 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 01:38] [Report] []

He didn't post the link, he deserves it

No.243447 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 03:15] [Report] []

Thx for sharing!

No.243462 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 04:36] [Report] []

Thanks! Imagine all those rich daddies who've been impaled on that cock. It's an average cock, admittedly. But attached to a nice, hard young body. BTW: I'm assuming he was the top. Am I wrong?

No.243491 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 07:57] [Report] []

The day has finally arrived

No.243526 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 10:25] [Report] []

>>243491 i honestly dont believe it. I wonder if there are vids out there of him bottoming

No.243540 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 10:56] [Report] []

>>212010 are you sure thats not dylan

No.243545 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 11:15] [Report] []

Of all the days I decide to visit MG (haven’t been here in months), I pick this one. Can you say “blessed”?

No.243549 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 11:28] [Report] []


is it average? It looks like 7 inches (which to me is the perfect size. It's at least by some standards above average lol

No.243550 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 11:35] [Report] []

Looks about 6-7 inch and big balls. Is he cut or uncut?

No.243564 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 11:59] [Report] []

It's all I ever wanted, wow. The way his abs and pecs tighten up as he cums. What a day.

No.243574 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 13:00] [Report] []

now that something has FINALLY leaked, and it's above and beyond what anyone could have asked for - not only a jo vid, but cum shot w/ face and lots of grunting! - the value of all the other stuff is gonna go waaaay down, so everything else will probably be leaking soon.

No.243580 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 13:18] [Report] []


That’s obviously a fake.

No.243624 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 16:08] [Report] []
>> 243580 lol sure Dylan
No.243625 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 16:11] [Report] []

>>243624 I think they're making fun of the anons that said the dick pic >>231217 (that we now know was real) was fake. LOL

No.243658 : Anonymous [2020-06-20 19:07] [Report] []

Fate. It was meant to be.

No.243725 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 01:35] [Report] []

It was inevitable. If you are young, beautiful, gay and stupidly sending full body dick pics, especially with face and you become quasi-famous? Your shit is going to be all over the internet forever. He has a nice cock, he really has nothing to be ashamed of. Embarrassing I am sure, but he will get over it.

No.243764 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 04:54] [Report] []

that video is so hot hopefully the rest leaks soon too

No.243908 : Anonymous [2020-06-21 15:47] [Report] []

>>243764 Or at least the original file seeing as this one was a phone screen being recorded.

No.244355 : Anonymous [2020-06-22 20:36] [Report] 1592872612802.jpg (63671 B, 1024x558) [YIS] [GIS] []
63671 B

Here's another uncensored file.

This one was specifically claimed as "fake" by someone because they said the made it themselves, but as we can all see; it's the same dick as the other stuff.

No.244360 : Anonymous [2020-06-22 21:14] [Report] []

>>244355 this one probably is fake, because the upper part of the tip/shaft is dark, while the rest is lighter... that's the opposite of how his dick looks in the jo vid + the other pic posted further up in the thread. lol

No.244722 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 00:22] [Report] []

I think he just removed his Instagram. anyone know why?

No.244733 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 00:59] [Report] []

>>244722 a bunch of dumbos were probably blowing up his dms.

No.244751 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 01:42] [Report] []

>>243452 wow, thanks.

No.244802 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 08:27] [Report] []

>>244722 lol dying at this “anyone wanna know why?”

Because this community is fucking pathetic. And they trolled him. Over his penis. Over his past. This site and the people in this thread are the reason why. You fucking idiot.

No.244803 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 08:29] [Report] []


Mental health issues in gay community is real — look at the way we talk about our own. Look at how many fucking comments are on this thread of people BEGGING to see this guys nudes. Have some fucking empathy. He clearly didn’t want his nudes out there for you to see.

No.244804 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 08:30] [Report] []

>>209530 y’all are fucking predators

No.244816 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 09:26] [Report] []
>mental illness

Girl cry me a fucking river. It never stops to amaze me that guys are surprised (feeling violated even) that the dick pics they shared first end up on a public porn site for everyone to see.
C'mon how simple are you. Of course that shit gets shared and shared and shared.

No.244825 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 09:45] [Report] []

>>212118 you aren't Dylan to say if Alex is his type or not lol

No.244826 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 09:48] [Report] []

>>244821 welcome to this forum where most of the content is like that, then stop viewing this page and go, double faced

No.244827 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 09:54] [Report] []

>>244821 I'm 72 thank you very much. I do remember the dumb shit I did when I was 18 and I'm very thankful that the internet didn't exist back then. But the internet wasn't invented yesterday. And the world has changed. You share your nudes expect them to be share indefinitely.

No.244829 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 09:59] [Report] []

The internet exist for so long now. We should have a generation of dads who are aware of the dangers. Like sending out nudes. And should be able to educate their sons to not make the same mistakes as their dads.

No.244842 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 10:52] [Report] []

Enter his name and Twitter and the video is everywhere.

No.244876 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 13:25] [Report] []

Samefagging can be a sign of mental illness sweety.

No.248403 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 00:02] [Report] []
No.248714 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 01:43] [Report] []

any more!?

No.248762 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 06:18] [Report] []


yo guys...don’t download this wtf was that, it’s like a weird all female orgy ? i hope that’s all it was ?? wtf

No.248764 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 06:38] [Report] []


The link was also posted in another thread. Doesn't belong here. Can Mod pls block that user!

No.259519 : Anonymous [2020-08-06 18:52] [Report] []


No.260165 : Anonymous [2020-08-08 22:51] [Report] []

He seems to be more active again on the socials.

No.261154 : Anonymous [2020-08-11 19:22] [Report] []

who is gonna post all the nudes

No.272770 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 17:43] [Report] []

like seriously who

No.281561 : Anonymous [2020-10-15 15:11] [Report] []

I can't believe we can't find this stuff.

No.284231 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 20:48] [Report] 1603673315443.jpg (85578 B, 525x525) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.284232 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 20:48] [Report] 1603673337019.jpg (86511 B, 525x525) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.284233 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 20:49] [Report] 1603673359680.jpg (120093 B, 1080x1754) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.284234 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 20:49] [Report] 1603673383949.jpg (199960 B, 640x846) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.284238 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 21:04] [Report] []

>>284230 There is cum in that one, but the quality was so bad I missed it. haha. Better quality here. Cums at 0:15.

No.284240 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 21:06] [Report] 1603674387605.jpg (239682 B, 1041x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
239682 B

>>284231 Those are his BF.

No.284249 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 21:45] [Report] []

The dude has some fans left, but he's struggling to stay relevant now he's no longer the 'It boy'. I predict self release of fuck vids soon to rekindle interest, but it won't work. New year, new boys. That's the way it's always been....

No.284255 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 22:12] [Report] []

>>284249 nah it will work. Once he's out of the army he can start a popular onlyfans and make some decent $$

Unless he wants to go back to the escort route...or excuse me "traveling with his 50 year old rich friend"

No.284280 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 01:12] [Report] []

If you say so.

No.284290 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 02:46] [Report] []

>>284249 lmao, girl if he ever wants to "comeback" he's still got time. He just has to do a couple of shirtless tiktoks doing the trend/song/dance of the moment and it will go viral af. I don't think he wants that, tho. Seems like he's trying to reconcile his personal beliefs with what he has to do to maintain his internet fame. He will probably lock down some rich older guy (not an older grandpa, but some producer or interior designer or whatever), and just continue being uppity on IG.

No.284292 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 03:00] [Report] []

If he had any sense, he would utilize his military benefits and go back to school and get on a career path that will not inevitably terminate by the time he is 40.

No.284315 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 07:28] [Report] []

>>284234 This is fake, in the real pic he's wearing shorts

No.284320 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 07:55] [Report] 1603713355129.jpg (105454 B, 640x908) [YIS] [GIS] []
105454 B

>>284315 This fake is like some of the assumptions on this thread : they don't match the trail.

It's a matter of personal taste of course, but i find truth sexier.

No.284324 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 08:06] [Report] []

Anthony Watson is the same uber-rich gay who squired Max Emerson, right?

No.284421 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 14:44] [Report] []

>>284231> I've been wondering about Jackson's cock for years. anyone here seen the rest of his onlyfans? I'm nearly tempted to pay the $12.99 just to see if it lives up to all the hype.....nearly.

No.284447 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 16:32] [Report] 1603744322613.jpg (88387 B, 828x1792) [YIS] [GIS] []
88387 B

>>284421 He hasn't posted any full nudes so don't bother. He's still pretending to be shy to drive up the price.

A few months ago he was saying he'd send a dick pic for $700.

No.284449 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 16:32] [Report] []


No.284456 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 16:48] [Report] []

We've all seen his unimpressive cock already. You gotta be a real fanatic to pay $800 for a cock that's only slightly bigger than a cocktail sausage.

No.284478 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 18:00] [Report] []

>>284238 thanks for sharing the video! too bad he got tattoos as he was hotter without them

No.284524 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 21:34] [Report] []
No.286442 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 07:44] [Report] []
No.286450 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 08:42] [Report] []


Dylan would have had an epic OF the last couple years

No.290577 : Anonymous [2020-11-17 22:10] [Report] []

Would love to see more!

No.317511 : Anonymous [2021-02-13 16:45] [Report] []

can someone repost the jo vid?

No.319717 : Anonymous [2021-02-21 18:07] [Report] []

hot any more?

No.331733 : Anonymous [2021-04-12 16:29] [Report] 1618259386965.jpg (115345 B, 718x951) [YIS] [GIS] []
115345 B

And he's created an OF. Apparently it's all just Instagram type shit so far

No.331734 : Anonymous [2021-04-12 16:30] [Report] 1618259420500.jpg (75626 B, 592x727) [YIS] [GIS] []
75626 B

This bottom calling himself a daddy lol

No.331759 : Anonymous [2021-04-12 19:25] [Report] []

What’s funny is that he’s charging $19 for pg pics when we’ve already seen way more for free.

No.331842 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 02:22] [Report] []

LOL he said he would never now look at him

No.331843 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 02:41] [Report] []


Awesome and good for him. He’s going to be making bank

No.331850 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 03:41] [Report] []

Gotta disagree on that one. He peaked circa 2018. His freewheeling escort days when he the 'it boy' was THE time to make bank. In 2021 the novelty is well and truly over and so is the opportunity for big $ on an overcrowded OF universe full of current 'it boys' and 'has-beens'. Basically he's a bottom feeder now (no pun intended).

No.331863 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 05:30] [Report] []


Damn, I’re not wrong. He basically peaked after his little book of poems came out and all the gay websites (Queerty...etc) were doing articles about him giving him good exposure. Painted him out to be this attractive hyper masc out gay boy dating another “it boy” from YouTube (Jackson). He rode on the coat tails of that fame, traveling around with the Sugar Daddy Mafia. Treated like 100% prime instagay meat and then....BOOM!

He joined the army, started a YouTube channel, and now an OF. The dude’s basically the hetero version of a football player peaking in high school. I don’t see his relevancy really lasting after this year. Unless he goes full porn star or possibly (which I don’t see) him becoming an actor.

No.331922 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 11:26] [Report] []


He’s already made bank based off the subscribers he’s made in one day. No reason to write long negative posts. He’s going to do real well

No.331925 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 12:02] [Report] []

>>331922 did he get kicked out of the army? I thought most enlistments were 3-4 years long. I saw that he got demoted while he was in. Any tea on that?

No.331936 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 12:35] [Report] []


So basically he got into the army and realized he hated it. Said it was stopping him from expressing himself “creatively”. He started breaking rules like leaving base and going on fancy trips with friends to NY and other stuff. He just really didn’t want to be apart of the military machine so he got out of his contract by proclaiming he’s a conscientious objector. Now he’s on this whole pacifist journey or whatever.

Short story long. Army life sucks and he wasn’t about it so he gtfo and now is going the way of the social media influencer life.

No.331939 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 12:42] [Report] []

>>331936 gosh. I couldn’t roll my eyes any harder at this. I believe it all. But this feels like such a millennial pile of crap.

No.331946 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 13:14] [Report] []


Uhhh Dylan is def a GenZ baby but let’s not make this generational. You act like he’s the first one to ever pull this kind of stunt in history. I’ agree tho, it’s not the most attractive circumstance to be in

No.331951 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 13:31] [Report] []

>>331936 And despite all that, he's still using the idea he did military service to promote himself. He did some interview which basically called him a soldier poet. He desperately wants people to think of him as a new Hemingway

No.331987 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 16:10] [Report] []

'New Hemingway'?! Oh, please...more like an even worse version of jim carrey

No.331999 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 17:13] [Report] []

His brother Mason has created an OF too

No.332101 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 03:09] [Report] []

He got into Columbia uni and fucked it up by whoring his tight ass instead of wrestling and studying, so he had to leave. Then he got into the army. And fucked that too. This boy only lives in the moment - no sense of future security. So now he's on OF........if anybody could fuck up an OF gig, it has to be dylan. Watch this space......

No.332103 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 03:36] [Report] []

He will be fine. Already got a ton of followers

No.332111 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 04:59] [Report] []

Hi us your cock and ass.

No.332194 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 11:29] [Report] []

>>332101 lol I always wondered what happened at Columbia. Thought he decided it wasn't "for him"

No.332249 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 15:40] [Report] []

He’s already made about $9k this month.
With Instagram pics...

No.332269 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 17:35] [Report] []

>>332249 How so?

No.332270 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 17:36] [Report] []

>>332101 Just means he will crash hard once he reaches his upper 20s and eventually 30s.

No.332324 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 21:10] [Report] []

That's just a statement - not a fact. But out of charity, let us assume for a moment it's true. And then ask yourself: how does a measly 9K compare to having status and recognition which comes with a diploma from one of the world's best colleges? Further, how does a measly 9K compare to the lifetime job security and stability offered by the army? All of a sudden that 9K looks like pocket change...especially with his expensive tastes. Boyish good looks peak in your and an army career lasts a lifetime. He blew his chances!!

No.332334 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 22:26] [Report] []

I sort of prefer him be short sighted. If he throws everything away for short term windfalls, the more likely he'll be peddling his hole on RentMen in three years. Then, I can fuck him for less than 500.

No.332337 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 22:41] [Report] []

And exactly how much money does a poet with a degree from Columbia make per year? ...because that was his focus.

Their are guys way past their prime that are still making bank on OF. Look at the vile Austin wolf. He makes tons from exploiting naive minorities.

Idiots will continue to pay him (Dylan) as long as he gets more adventurous.

No.332343 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 23:30] [Report] []

He didn't get a degree. Just left college early because....whoring.

No.332344 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 23:36] [Report] []

Exactly! With these sort of guys, eventually they'll make themselves available to anyone via escort apps. I've seen more than a few formerly high profile models and C-grade internet 'celebs' escorting. Happens after they get older and the fame wears off and their sugar daddies get someone younger....

No.332393 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 06:12] [Report] []

>>332337 Actually he always said he wanted to be a lawyer

No.332397 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 06:49] [Report] []

Even a 'bad' lawyer, requires an attention span and memory which is slightly higher than a goldfish's. Dylan is pretty much sub-goldfish level.

No.333907 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 14:05] [Report] []

now that he has an OF can someone release all the nudes from earlier in this thread pls

No.333909 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 14:25] [Report] []

>>332393 Well there goes that dream because if he wanted to be a top lawyer then he would have stayed at Colombia. Oh well.

No.333910 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 14:26] [Report] []

>>333909 Guess being a whore was higher priority

No.333932 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 16:07] [Report] []

I am 100% certain that his OF is nothing more than a way to monetize his instagram-grade posts.

No.333963 : Anonymous [2021-04-21 17:25] [Report] []

>>333932 Same. He is too vanilla. Sad, I liked his averge-sized cock.

No.337131 : Anonymous [2021-05-04 09:54] [Report] []

anything new on his vanilla dick?

No.337137 : Anonymous [2021-05-04 10:20] [Report] []

>>333963 Average sized cock, flat ass, and not particularly muscular. Why is this guy more relevant than what he should be?

No.337171 : Anonymous [2021-05-04 12:46] [Report] []

I never really cared for Dylan's boxy face or personality, but his body is banging so here I am. But to call his dick "average" is hilerious. You call normal-sized dicks "small" and very obviously above average-sized dicks "average". I cannot w/ you messy queens. xD

No.337177 : Anonymous [2021-05-04 13:21] [Report] []

>>331936 yet he posts army stuff acting like a veteran. He can't commit to shit. His parents must have have been on his ass throughout high school in order for him to get the grades to qualify for an Ivy. This kid is one lazy fucker. The only thing he seems good at is the gym and I think, given his flat ass and chicken legs that his body has more to do with genetics and some consistent workouts over true dedication to the gym. He obviously goes but he only does half the work as his lower body shows.

No.337332 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 10:42] [Report] []
>His parents must have have been on his ass throughout high school in order for him to get the grades to qualify for an Ivy

Or he cheated. Throw someone a fuck to get them to do your work.

No.337339 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 11:44] [Report] []

>>337332 fucking someone wont help you pass the tests and quizzes. I'm sure he was at least in the top 5 or 3% of his class.

No.337352 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 14:12] [Report] []

>>337339 or he was a recruited athlete

No.337357 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 14:30] [Report] []

I totally forgot this dude existed.
Sounds he is like another wannabe Pete Buttplug in training, but the zoomer version: reeking internalized homophobia, ivory league shill, butterface looks, wannabe famous, and just another bland yt guy.

another reminder that the bar is incredibly low for yt guys just because they have a nice body and that's about it.

No.337359 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 14:55] [Report] []

Nobody cares about your essays ugly homos.
So where are his dick pics and videos?

No.337374 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 15:30] [Report] []


Post like this are just unhealthy.

No.337382 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 15:40] [Report] []

how big of a scam is his only fans?

No.337383 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 15:46] [Report] []

>>337382 It's pretty much just stuff that could be posted on Instagram.

No.337386 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 16:08] [Report] []

called it.
And idiots are still subbing.

No.337401 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 16:42] [Report] []


not YOU bitching about TRUTHFUL comments and deliberately ignoring the FACT that those students attending/graduating from these overpriced and elitist schools come from (mostly) wealthy and privileged backgrounds with many of them being legacy and/or "cheating" admits and the remaining ones are just yt washed minorities wanting to assimilate to the elitist status quo.

What's toxic about pointing out the truth, dumbass?

No.337409 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 17:19] [Report] []


Jeezus... did someone order a windbag with a side order of baseless opinions? WT serious F?

No.337426 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 18:32] [Report] []


yes, you.
now stop being so #pressed, hun.

No.337448 : Anonymous [2021-05-05 20:16] [Report] []

Or flat out buying their admission by making sizable “donations.”

No.339043 : Anonymous [2021-05-14 23:51] [Report] []
No.339156 : Anonymous [2021-05-15 18:37] [Report] []

someone post his nudes

No.361025 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:27] [Report] 1630960043859.jpg (1003571 B, 1076x1299) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361027 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:28] [Report] 1630960080647.jpg (768570 B, 1076x1315) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361028 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:28] [Report] 1630960106000.jpg (48675 B, 632x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361030 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:29] [Report] 1630960146033.jpg (257987 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
257987 B

He wears panties now

No.361033 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:31] [Report] 1630960281987.jpg (172542 B, 1084x1624) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361034 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:31] [Report] 1630960304016.jpg (230614 B, 1515x1619) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361035 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:32] [Report] 1630960328112.jpg (182971 B, 1134x1610) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.390548 : Anonymous [2022-02-22 23:41] [Report] []

>>361035 Share more

No.390573 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 02:48] [Report] []

Dylan Geick is so 2016 and is obviously struggling for relevance in 2022. The novelty of an Ivy League, outwardly gay wrestler no longer has any social or cultural cachet.

Clearly 99% of readers here have forgotten him and moved on to 'fresh meat' (hence the dire lack of posts!!).....I suggest you do too.

No.390574 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 03:05] [Report] []

I still wanna see him getting fucked by a daddy escorting personally. Sure someone who’s paid to have him got record of it

No.390634 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 15:44] [Report] []

>>390574 True.

No.390635 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 15:46] [Report] []

Even rich big tech/hollywood sugar daddies have moved on from Dylan.

No.390654 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 16:45] [Report] []

>>390635 I'm Dylan Geick and you will never be like me.

No.390657 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 16:57] [Report] []

>>390654 pfftttt who cares if you are Dylan?

Can you compete with ME?!

I work on Wall Street ✔️
I have my own apartment ✔️
I fuck with hot guys(architects,models, lawyers, real estate agents,athletes, etc)✔️
I have a great body ✔️
Good friends ✔️

No.390659 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 17:04] [Report] []

>>390654 The funniest thing about this is how fucking generic he is. The only difference is whereas most guys who look like him are deluded about their athletic skills, Dylan is deluded about his ability as a writer

No.390666 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 17:20] [Report] []

Well that would explain the bumping of this pathetic thread. You ain't that hot, and without Columbia University you no longer have a point of reference worth anything.

No.390667 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 17:25] [Report] 1645655105898.jpg (4891 B, 166x304) [YIS] [GIS] []
4891 B

Let us not overlook how underwhelming Dylan's wee-wee is. The best you could say is that it is approaching 'average' size, but not even average. Which leads me to conclude he was a bttm for hire...Am I wrong???

No.390693 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 19:57] [Report] []

>>390667 He likes to get topped by hung twinks

No.390702 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 20:26] [Report] []

>>390667 lmao, what? The main thing the girls were gagged by was how pretty and big his dick is. It's nowhere near average. We get it, you hate him, but there is more to drag him over than his dick size girl. xD

No.390705 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 20:47] [Report] []

>>390702 It isn't big though

No.390711 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 21:31] [Report] []

The pictures don't lie. Sorry.

No.390714 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 22:05] [Report] []

So easy to make up things on an anon server.

No.390721 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 22:53] [Report] []

>>390667 True. He was a bottom in the army. 🙊

No.390723 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 23:02] [Report] []

>>390705 If I didn't know any better I would think you were anonbttm, but he is sweet and doesn't have the time for this thread.

No.390729 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 23:28] [Report] []

>>390711 exactly. we all saw how big his dick is, so IDK why you all are trying to act like it's suddenly small. xD

No.390732 : Anonymous [2022-02-23 23:39] [Report] []

>>390721 I'd like to see the videos of Dylan getting fucked in the army.

No.390747 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 03:01] [Report] []

I’d like to see videos of Dylan being bred period. Also who cares what size his dick is? With that body id bang his brains out and not even need to touch his dick. Bang him like a damn whore tbh. Plus his balls are hot

No.390751 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 04:24] [Report] []

He only got fucked in the ass for $$$$ by rich sugar daddies (so far), not by his army squad buddies. But he may have dropped his 'standards' since the Tony Watson who knows?

No.390753 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 04:32] [Report] []

Forgot to add that the way he dropped out of high-society real quick was suspicious. Yes, rentboys do fade but that is usually a drawn-out process taking a number of years. But Dylan got dropped almost overnight like a hot potato by literally every rich bastard paying for his ass. You just know there's a hot juicy story behind that precipitous move...Care to spill the details, Dylan?

No.390773 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 09:59] [Report] []

He did a few videos about his army life on Youtube, I really liked it but he got the YT videos all deleted. Why would he go to army after college?

No.390783 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 11:12] [Report] []


He is def more a bottom than a top it seems. Loves lanky tall Twinks with big dicks and pretty faces. Escorting seems like he’s exclusively a bottom. Doubt anyone paying for him wouldn’t fuck the life out of him, esp how expensive he probably is

No.390812 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 16:20] [Report] []

>>390751 That's a lie, Jackson was topping him, likely so were the other fem guys who he dated etc.

>>390753 It looks like at some point he had a falling out with W@ts0n, they unfollowed each other, photos were removed, etc. They seem to have made up and refollowed, but Dylan's never been fully readmitted to that life since.

No.390815 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 16:34] [Report] []

>>390751 we been knew he's a bottom and likes skinty twinks w/ big dicks. Jackson Krecioch, Joey Mills, etc. LOL

No.390860 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 21:46] [Report] []

He was not an exclusive Watson boy. Watson was the most obvious sugar daddy, but Dylan whored around.

No.390863 : Anonymous [2022-02-24 22:12] [Report] []

>>390753 Dylan stole money from his Sugar Daddy.

No.390879 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 01:28] [Report] []

I know a twink who insisted he fucked Dylan but I never believed him without proof (pics or vid). Now I think he may NOT have been lying to me because he fits the bill described here: a pretty faced, lanky twink with a BIG swinging cock!!

No.390940 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 16:25] [Report] []

>>390860 Sure he whored around, but the post I was responding to was about how he got dropped out of high society, and it was W@t5on who was taking Dyl along to those events.

Any truth to the rumor that the time he went AWOL in the army was so he could hook up with a sugar daddy?

No.390942 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 16:55] [Report] []

Sooo I feel like this is a better time than any to post this Sugar Daddy squad I read so much about in this plus other threads.

Who are these Sugar Daddies that fund these lil instaTwinks? I’m dying to know?! The only one I’m fully aware of is the Director Bryan Singer

No.390948 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 17:32] [Report] []

>>390940 wasn't the whole story back then that he wanted out of the sugar bebe industry, and was being "pressured" to continue on with the release of his nudes, but he sort of just shut his eyes and ears and jumped into the army and started posting his own artsy nudes on OF to counter?

No.390953 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 20:24] [Report] []

Somewhere here or in another thread, someone summed up Dylan pretty well: he's a quitter in everything he does.
Got into wrestling - quits.
Got into ivy league - quits.
Got into the army - quits.
Got into 'poetry' - quits.
And that sugar baby phase? Well that was just about the ONLY thing he didn't quit. He was run out the sugar baby gravy train because he - stole someone else's property.

No.390962 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 22:56] [Report] []

>>390732 Dylan was fucked in the army by two guys. The videos haven't been leaked yet.

No.390963 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 22:57] [Report] []

>>390953 yeah, that's all fanfic. LOL I've always believed he use the army to get out of being a sugar baby and that jo vid was some sort of blackmail he jusy released himself to get out from under.

No.390966 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 23:01] [Report] []

Soooooooo, Dylan was never a wrestler who went to Columbia who was a rentboy, who joined the army and wrote crap prose?? I've heard of denial, but you are Biden-level stupid x 100

No.390970 : Anonymous [2022-02-25 23:16] [Report] []

>>390966 Trumptard clorox alert.

No.390973 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 00:04] [Report] []

"When all they can muster back in reply is 'Trump etc. etc.', you know you've won....." LOL

No.390974 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 00:04] [Report] []

>>390966 that's not what I'm talking about, lol. and why are you so mad, anyway? also, didn't he just finish a new book of crap poetry he's trying to sell to his stans? so that's that. anyway, all the stuff about him stealing and getting kicked out of the sugar baby clurb. that's what sounds like fanfic.

No.390976 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 00:10] [Report] []

It's simple, really. Try to explain yourself succinctly (one point at a time is helpful) to avoid ambiguity and muddling yourself and others. Also, don't contradict established facts. It's quite simple, really!

No.390979 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 00:25] [Report] []

>>390973 I agree, Trumptards are dumb as fuck LOL

No.390988 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 03:26] [Report] []

There’s no way Dylan would deliberately leak a video will full face and him cumming. Always had the theory that it was someone who was mad he wasn't escorting with them anymore.

One thing that’s always been weird about the video though is it’s a recording of the video. So we don’t have the actual HD video. Have always wondered why bc it’s not a snapchat clip etc

No.390990 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 04:41] [Report] []

With a whole galaxy of young asses-for-rent out there, I seriously doubt someone rich and powerful would be besotted with Dylan to that extent. These asses are rented for a weekend and then disposed of! More likely he was pushed out or had to leave.....

No.390992 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 04:52] [Report] []

Buddy, you really must read that post again. It was the exact opposite of what you think!!!!

No.390995 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 06:58] [Report] []


The only reason it’s an idea is the method of the release and how it’s a recording of a recording. Could still be a vindictive release but not a SugarDaddy

Bc why not just post the actual video? Just theorizing lol

No.391002 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 08:42] [Report] []

>>390974 Nah, he finished the book and got it self-published absolutely ages ago, he's just been too lazy to actually bother selling it until recently

No.391004 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 08:47] [Report] []

>>390948 I don't buy that at all. People have to remember Dylan freely sent nudes around to a bunch of people, including vid of him and Jackson fucking (and it being unclear if Jackson knew it was being sent). It's not like it's only sugar daddies who have his nudes.

Besides, he's never tried to get it taken down. If it was a form of blackmail, he'd obviously be sending out takedown requests. And just in case - if you start sending them now Dylan, everyone's just going to know you read here

No.391013 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 11:31] [Report] []


I wanna know :3

No.391031 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 15:19] [Report] []

>>391002 I'm a writer.

No.391037 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 15:52] [Report] []

Self publishing is like wearing a plastic toy medal from a Cap'n Crunch cereal box and saying you're a genuine war hero..LOL
Self publishing also means not a single editor wanted your manuscript!!

No.391047 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 17:57] [Report] []

>>391013 because of covid most of the sugar daddies/babies don't post stuff on their IGs anymore so it's hard for MG peeps to spin any tall tales, lbr. lol

No.391048 : Anonymous [2022-02-26 18:12] [Report] []

And some sugar daddies have a strict 'no social media' policy. Rentboys usually from poor/lower middle class backgrounds don't really understand discretion. And are the worst at showing literally everyone 'their' luxurious hotels, planes, gifts etc. to make people think they've made it. Kevin and Laurent high profile examples but there's plenty of em out there...

No.391127 : Anonymous [2022-02-27 19:33] [Report] []

Geick's second book of poetry has been self published. Stand back Maya Angelou, you got competition!

No.391141 : Anonymous [2022-02-27 20:59] [Report] []

Deprive him of attention and cash and he'll eventually turn his OF hardcore.

No.391177 : Anonymous [2022-02-28 02:52] [Report] []

Is Dylan into fisting like Alex Grant? I've fisted Alex! Would loooove to fist Dylan some day too.

No.391225 : Anonymous [2022-02-28 14:17] [Report] []


Ew hopefully not.

No.391258 : Anonymous [2022-02-28 21:40] [Report] []

>>391127 That got an evil cackle out of me. I need that, thanks! :)

No.391275 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 01:04] [Report] []

Anyone read his 'poetry'?
Someone said he wanted profundity, like The Sonnets of the Minoans or Beowulf. But instead he ended up with something in the vein of "Twinkle twinkle little star......"

No.391294 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 06:07] [Report] []

"An Ode to Love & Celery Sticks" by Dylan Geick, Poet Laureate.

My LOVE is like a celery stick
Divided into two....
The leaves I give to Jackson
But the stalk I give to You.

No.391318 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 13:24] [Report] []

I fucked him a year ago. I paid $1500

No.391334 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 15:28] [Report] []

>>391318 Congrats, you're a fucking moron.

No.391337 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 15:51] [Report] []

"An Ode to My Abs & Dessert" by Dylan Geick, Pulitzer Prize Winner

My abs are like Banana Flambe
Sizzling thru the mist....
But lo! What's that I feel within?
It's Watson's big fucking fist!

No.391345 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 16:09] [Report] []

>>391275 At least Twinkle Twinkle rhymes.

Dylan seems to think that as long as you insert line breaks every five or six words, it's poetry.

He apparently won awards for writing at high school, which makes me wonder if they were just rewarding the jock, or someone else was doing his schoolwork for him, because everything I've seen of his is so bad. And so pretentious.

No.391346 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 16:44] [Report] []


He would def cost more than that lmao

No.391356 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 18:11] [Report] []

Dyl must've been fucking the school nerd to write that poetry shit back in the day. Or should it be the school nerd was fucking Dyl??

No.391400 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 22:32] [Report] []

>>391346 $1500 + the clothes I bought for him.

No.391409 : Anonymous [2022-03-01 23:19] [Report] []

'An Ode to Basic Training Days' by Dylan Geick, U.S. Congress Poet-in-Residence.

My drill sergeant is man of steel
And fixed me with his stare..
He motioned yonder to his desk
"Geick! Go bend down over there!"

No.391430 : Anonymous [2022-03-02 05:06] [Report] []


AMA on the dude who got with him.

How was he? Was it worth the money? Did you just drop him a DM or this come up naturally irl? And are you a suga daddy or below the age of 35?

No.391504 : Anonymous [2022-03-02 16:11] [Report] []

Any new noods from our wrestler/ivy leaguer/prostitute/model/singer/soldier/poet/serial killer?

No.391513 : Anonymous [2022-03-02 18:00] [Report] []

Zzz at this old hag. Go find fresher sacks of meat out there ya tits

No.391520 : Anonymous [2022-03-02 19:36] [Report] []

>>391400 hairy hole?

No.391522 : Anonymous [2022-03-02 19:53] [Report] []

Surely I can't be the only one who thinks Geick's unusually square face is a turn-off? Cock is ok (just). Ass has to be super tight. But face is unfortunate.

No.391526 : Anonymous [2022-03-02 20:15] [Report] []

>>391522 Unfortunately his hole is no longer tight. He has been fucked by several older men. Dylan hasn't tried fisting and double penetration yet.

No.391532 : Anonymous [2022-03-02 20:38] [Report] []

I've fucked dancers and athletes, and they all have in common very tight asses. Despite the poundings they've obviously had before me! So I'm still confident Dylan's hole is tiiiiight. Unlike that piece of shit Alex Grant. His hole is so loose, bats mistake it for a cave.

No.391546 : Anonymous [2022-03-02 23:06] [Report] []

>>391532 I forgot to mention that Dylan has also been fucked by twinks with big dicks. Sugar Daddies don't like a gaping hole. I bet that's why his Sugar Daddy left him.

No.392035 : Anonymous [2022-03-07 06:55] [Report] 1646654150703.jpg (67206 B, 1080x1163) [YIS] [GIS] []
67206 B

For anyone who wants to see just how bad his poetry is

No.392049 : Anonymous [2022-03-07 11:31] [Report] []


I’m sure if you did all that you’d have a lot more details to share haha

No.392063 : Anonymous [2022-03-07 12:09] [Report] []

oh lord

No.392089 : Anonymous [2022-03-07 15:33] [Report] []

Eat your heart out, Walt Whitman!

No.392101 : Anonymous [2022-03-07 18:17] [Report] []

I think I prefer the "Celery Stick" poem to this.....

No.392120 : Anonymous [2022-03-07 21:55] [Report] []

>>392035 Totally worth throwing away an Ivy League education for. Maya Angelou is going to soon be forgotten with his mastery of prose.

No.392143 : Anonymous [2022-03-08 03:16] [Report] []

I heard Dylan is now writing the next Great American Novel. I also heard Steinbeck, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Hemingway are in full-panic mode because of their imminent downfall. We have a genius on our hands!

No.392180 : Anonymous [2022-03-08 11:57] [Report] []

Who cares about his poetry skills? I just wanna fuck his hot body

No.392223 : Anonymous [2022-03-08 15:49] [Report] []

I feel like if Dylan had a chance to read his poetry to Putin, then peace will prevail. Singer James Blunt stopped WWIII from happening in Kosovo, so I feel these high-brow, sophisticated artistic types are what the world needs right now. Read your poems, Dylan! READ! Read for peace in Ukraine!!

No.392254 : Anonymous [2022-03-08 21:38] [Report] []

>>392143 Catcher in the what? Gatsby who? No. There is only the Great American story, "One Less Quiet Little Faggot" that will be studied my english lit majors for generations to come. Geick's brilliance, particularly his choice to place a photo of his nice wee wee in the endorsement on the back complex.

No.392273 : Anonymous [2022-03-09 04:30] [Report] []

The funniest part of this is that Dylan is probably angriest about people mocking his writing, rather than anything else people say about him.

No.392322 : Anonymous [2022-03-09 13:29] [Report] []

>>392035 does he even know what Helvetica looks like? Poor pretty boy should stop talking with that mouth and put a cock back in it.

No.392332 : Anonymous [2022-03-09 14:49] [Report] []

It is weird that with that bangin ass body he doesn’t show it off more. I’d be milking OF and everything if I was that hot. It’s what everyone wants to see the most from him anyways, so why not? Esp looking that good.

No.392337 : Anonymous [2022-03-09 15:13] [Report] []

Of course he doesn't Helvetica from a block of cheese. But when you're 'composing' poetry on the level of 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.....' it really doesn't matter.

No.392445 : Anonymous [2022-03-10 16:08] [Report] []

I think you're right. He's passing himself off as a 'transcendental' poet right now. Whatever the fuck that means.

No.392455 : Anonymous [2022-03-10 17:12] [Report] []

He is just expressing himself. Not sure the trolling over his poetry is fair. At least he’s interesting

No.392465 : Anonymous [2022-03-10 18:23] [Report] []

He is interesting, I agree. But the trolling on his poetry is inevitable. His prose is really quite bad, actually, and explains the self publishing. No sensible publisher would touch that drivel unless they want to lose money on unsold volumes. Harsh, but true.

No.392498 : Anonymous [2022-03-11 00:53] [Report] []

He should write a long-form poem about his time sex trafficking boys for Michael Cohen

No.392503 : Anonymous [2022-03-11 02:12] [Report] []

Basically his inspired prose would read like:

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
FUCK, fuck fuckity-fuck
Fu, Fu, Fu, Fuuuuuuck
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck yeah!
[and repeat for the next 50 lines]

No.392508 : Anonymous [2022-03-11 06:06] [Report] []

Exactly this. Also explains why we never heard him talk about his English classes at Columbia or hanging around with classmates.

No.392595 : Anonymous [2022-03-11 17:30] [Report] []

>>391965 who is he ? I tried searching on Caleb on Ig nothing comes up. I know the alt but what’s his socials ?

No.392638 : Anonymous [2022-03-12 02:33] [Report] []

y'all are jealous of me !

No.392682 : Anonymous [2022-03-12 12:27] [Report] []

>>392638 I have money and I'm not a whore like you.

No.392721 : Anonymous [2022-03-12 17:42] [Report] []


Would totally acknowledge being jealous. Also very jealous of the Sugar Daddys that have dropped loads in that ass and gotten to do whatever they wanted with that tight hot body.

No.393146 : Anonymous [2022-03-16 07:24] [Report] []

Yeah, jealous of giving up an Ivy League education to share a one bedroom apartment with your older brother in Skid Row

No.393215 : Anonymous [2022-03-16 16:43] [Report] []

Really want Dylan to sit on my dick so I can rub his pecs as I breed his hole

No.412031 : Anonymous [2022-07-21 12:03] [Report] []

>>391004 Really? So why is it none of these alleged sex videos and nudes never appeared online anywhere? There were attention whores though who tried to spin tales without any proof and that died down quickly.

No.412032 : Anonymous [2022-07-21 12:11] [Report] []

>>211295 Apparently they were taken before he turned 18 as the crown tattoo on his chest isn't there as he got that after he turned 18. There was a comment from Dylan's Twitter back when he had it that those pictures were taken when he wasn't yet of the age of consent which is 18 to pose nude. Nothing more was said other than he did ask they be removed from Twitter due to him being underage. Which blows that theory out of the water he posed for sugar daddies. He didn't get with Jackson until after he turned 18.

No.412115 : Anonymous [2022-07-21 20:49] [Report] []

>>412032 Well his JO video does have the tattoo so there's no arguing that one.

No.412119 : Anonymous [2022-07-21 20:54] [Report] []


That’s not entirely true. It’s obvious from those screenshots that he was showing off his body in high school to guys online for money.

No.412120 : Anonymous [2022-07-21 20:56] [Report] []


Picture is so hot

No.412189 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 06:49] [Report] 1658486952978.jpg (31756 B, 435x602) [YIS] [GIS] []
31756 B

>>412031 You're an idiot

No.412196 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 08:02] [Report] []


It’s so frustrating to know that there are tons of hot nudes and videos of him out there but they haven’t been posted/leaked. Jealous of the people who have them

No.412197 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 08:07] [Report] []


Just look at that pec and his shoulder. GD he was fucking flawless for awhile. How could anyone have turned that shit down?

No.412211 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 10:08] [Report] []

>>412119 He had a boyfriend at the time he was still in high school, Grant was his name then they broke up and he met Jackson after he turned 18. The cache of photos could have been for his boyfriend at the time. But he was still at home at the time these pics were taken so this was way pre-Jackson and way before he met those wealthy guys he hung around with in NYC.

No.412212 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 10:12] [Report] []

>>412119 He did threaten to sue some of those people who posted the cache of censored pictures on Twitter back in 2020 when he still had a Twitter account. Which may have caused that person who originally dropped this cache on Twitter to disappear after claiming to have them out of fear that they may have been taken when he was underage as he said.
But who knows what the real story is and how someone got a hold of all those pictures.

No.412213 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 10:16] [Report] []

>>390753 He left NYC and moved to California after he got out of the army. That year though 2021 was when a lot of bad things happened like his father dying. I see on his Instagram there are still some of those alleged "sugar daddies" commenting on his pictures, so they are still around his circle of people. Dylan still does go on several trips around the world each year so I assume his wealthy friends are paying for it.

No.412214 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 10:23] [Report] []

>>390667 Looks thick to me and I prefer the width over a long skinny dick any day. I would say a thick 7" inches and had you actually posted more stills from this video you would have known that.

No.412216 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 10:36] [Report] []

>>390879 You should get him to tell his story on here or somewhere else.. LOL

No.412229 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 12:39] [Report] []


If you look through the screenshots they look like the kind of poses you take for someone who paid for specific pictures. Or paid for a Skype show and is asking to show off certain things. One thing we can surmise from it though is he was a teenage whore

It’s also definitely a fact that there’s a lot of content of him out there and people are sitting on it but it’s sure to leak eventually.

No.412230 : Anonymous [2022-07-22 12:42] [Report] []


Someone paid him for them. Just like guys pay to drop loads in him

No.416956 : Anonymous [2022-08-26 07:43] [Report] []
No.416977 : Anonymous [2022-08-26 09:46] [Report] []

I'm surprised the article didn't mention Dylan being a longtime recruiter for Cohen.

Dylan's like the Ghislaine to Cohen's Eppstein

No.416978 : Anonymous [2022-08-26 09:49] [Report] []

>>416977 Not quite, Cohen was the middleman, so he was more like the Ghislaine to Anth0ny Wats0n/Bry@n S!nger/J3ff D@vis's Epstein.

Dylan was like the women Ghislaine would recruit to recruit for her - except Dylan seems to do it willingly

Meanwhile, another Cohen boy, Rainer Dawn, just got cast in the new J3ff D@vis show - the same D@vis who was an investor in Cohen's bar. Who says the casting couch is dead?


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