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No.214127 : Anonymous [2020-04-17 20:06] [Report] 1587168399590.jpg (26985 B, 620x350) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
26985 B

Anything on ex-gay YouTuber Ben Hobson? He's married to a woman now but used to identify as a gay bottom

No.214652 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 01:18] [Report] []

Heard that he has bi polar disorder and made his coming out vid during a manic episode. Don't think he ever was gay and probably just went along with pretending to be gay after he saw the success the coming out video had.

No.214678 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 02:49] [Report] []

>>214652 Didn't he come out two different times though?

No.214688 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 04:13] [Report] 1587284029620.jpg (88830 B, 1080x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
88830 B

He used to cam under the username "Hobdog".

No.214734 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 09:27] [Report] []

He's in Hawaii now. You can find him on Grindr from time to time.

No.214961 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 20:48] [Report] []

Last time I checked he was marrying some woman in one of the mid western states. If he's on grindr than he clearly isn't straight.

No.216599 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 16:47] [Report] []

Lunatic dude, eww

No.216602 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 17:10] [Report] []

>>214688 Anymore screenshots or vids? And the whole him being bipolar stance might just be a cover up for him going back into the closet for some unknown circumstances.
He's probably bi

No.216605 : Anonymous [2020-04-23 17:26] [Report] []

Unfortunately I cant find anything other than that one pic it seems as if everything from the time he was a cam model and saying he was gay has been wiped from the internet.
except for a couple of stories of people saying they fucked him and he was a massive bottom

No.216607 : Loko [2020-04-23 17:30] [Report] []

back when he was out his ex wife and her family were refusing to let him see his kids because he was gay and they didn't want them around gay people.
so it wouldn't surprise me if he went back in the closet so he could see his kids.

No.216756 : Anonymous [2020-04-24 01:33] [Report] []

>>216607 that's not real. no parent can keep a child from the other based on sexuality, lol he was/is just a mess, plain an simple.

No.216933 : Anonymous [2020-04-24 14:20] [Report] []

Actually you can in some states.
Not to mention his family wasn't on his side so if she was suing for sole custody who do you think the judge would side with. Back when he was out he said multiple times that his ex wife and her family said they wouldn't sue for sole custody if he wasn't gay.

P.S. I know these things personally because one of the guys he was dating when he was out is one of my friends from high school.

No.216935 : Miko [2020-04-24 14:24] [Report] []

Actually I have at least 3 friends who after they came out their exes refused to let them see their kids because they were gay. And guess what the judges in all 3 cases sided with the exes. So yes it does happen.

No.217376 : Anonymous [2020-04-25 13:47] [Report] []

anyone have any of his videos from when he cammed ?

No.218400 : Anonymous [2020-04-27 13:36] [Report] []

Cute little butt

No.218905 : Anonymous [2020-04-28 13:14] [Report] []

>>216935>>216933 Again, this isn't real. If they're on the birth certificate as the father/mother, the other parent literally can't deny them their rights and no judge would help them do so unless thit lives are a mess and if that is the case your friends should work on their lives before they worry about raising a child anyway. LOL

No.218923 : Miko [2020-04-28 13:52] [Report] []


  1. the justice system is fucked so yes there are homophobic corrupt judges who would.
  2. one of my friends was a docter one was a teacher and the other owned their own business.

P.S. do you have a law degree or are you just googling shit

No.219066 : Anonymous [2020-04-28 19:11] [Report] []

Again: who cares? He's wacko.(Probably because he's been to conversion therapy multiple times) but everyone here just wants to see his cock.

No.219159 : Anonymous [2020-04-29 00:08] [Report] []

Exactly can someone please find the videos of him camming

No.220038 : Anonymous [2020-04-30 23:34] [Report] []

yeah i just wanna see a pic of him busting a nut

No.220735 : Anonymous [2020-05-02 18:36] [Report] []


No.222740 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 00:07] [Report] []

Anything at all

No.225202 : Anonymous [2020-05-12 18:46] [Report] []

Update ?

No.227992 : Anonymous [2020-05-19 00:07] [Report] []

Does anyone have his cam vids anyone at all ?

No.228373 : Anonymous [2020-05-20 00:17] [Report] []

Unfortunately I think they have all been scrubbed from the Internet

No.229437 : Anonymous [2020-05-22 18:39] [Report] []

Heard he is secretly on Grindr all the time is that true ?

No.230392 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 00:06] [Report] []
No.246685 : Anonymous [2020-06-29 18:35] [Report] []
No.267140 : Anonymous [2020-08-31 18:47] [Report] []

Wish I could have seen him naked before he went back into the closet

No.284804 : Anonymous [2020-10-27 18:43] [Report] []
No.319451 : Anonymous [2021-02-20 18:32] [Report] []


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