Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.214757 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 10:56] [Report] 1587308210808.jpg (203207 B, 828x1322) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
203207 B

Anything on him

No.214832 : Anonymous [2020-04-19 15:38] [Report] []


No.220305 : Anonymous [2020-05-01 16:45] [Report] 1588365958984.jpg (108823 B, 1440x1440) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.238050 : Anonymous [2020-06-08 02:59] [Report] []

What a hot ginger!!

No.274717 : Anonymous [2020-09-22 13:01] [Report] []

IG on original photo doesn't exist anymore. Does he have a new one?

No.274725 : Anonymous [2020-09-22 13:12] [Report] []

>>220305 terrible haircut

No.274776 : Anonymous [2020-09-22 15:50] [Report] []

>>274725 Another faggot who thinks gays have great taste, not realizing that she herself, like the majority of fairies, has a terrible eye.

That is a great haircut.

No.274839 : Anonymous [2020-09-22 18:23] [Report] []

>>274776 there is nothing flattering about a fugly mullet, dear. I guess you think you’re a trendy queen. I’m not concerned with trends. It’s a fugly haircut.

No.274840 : Anonymous [2020-09-22 18:25] [Report] []

>>274776 and for the record, I’m a very successful hair stylist who wold never give anyone a fugly mullet. Or green hair, but that’s a separate issue. Book someone else if you want that fugly shit.

No.274958 : Anonymous [2020-09-23 03:07] [Report] []

Post dick and no one will bitch about your ugly ass haircut.

No.275014 : Anonymous [2020-09-23 09:13] [Report] []

Very successful hairstylist! Haha of course. That’s why I said “she, herself” and called you a fairy. Andy Lecompte has terrible taste.

No.275021 : Anonymous [2020-09-23 10:24] [Report] []

>>275014 okay, shallow trend slave queen. post dick or go away.


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