Archive/Dongs 2021

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Dongs archived. Archive/Dongs 2021.



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1. If a thread is locked and images are removed, reposting the media will result in a ban.

2. Dongs archives Archive/Dongs 2021, Archive/Dongs 2020, Archive/Dongs 2019, Archive/Dongs 2018, and Archive/Dongs 2017.

No.221830 : Anonymous [2020-05-04 21:36] [Report] 1588642596548.jpg (6251 B, 195x96) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
6251 B

Is a DNP list really even necessary? Unless an image is produced for commercial reasons and copyrighted, I really find it difficult to believe that most of these individuals could either afford to, know how to, or want to take the risk of taking legal action. Doing so would only bring more attention to something that they probably want to just "go away" if they didn't produce the image for commercial reasons to begin with.

No.221954 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 07:41] [Report] []

do you really think the list is there for legal reasons?

No.221982 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 09:01] [Report] []

What is the list for, then? Keep our morals aligned in a site for sharing nudes? 🤡

No.222028 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 11:53] [Report] []

Yes there is a reason for the list. If someone sees their pics here and requests them to be removed, and the site does so, that make any sort of legal action harder. 99% of the people on the DNP list wouldn't want to spend the resources to pursue legal action, but if they ever did, the web site can take the stance that it operates fairly and respects take-down requests.

Privacy rights are a big grey area, so having a DNP list is a step this site can take to be on the right side of things, legally speaking. Regarding copy write issues, the way someone comes into possession of an image can determine a lot. In the extreme case that someone posts a photo that they got illegally like accessing someones phone without permission, there is a case to be made that they don't own that photo. But if a photo is posted that you were given (like, it was sent to you on grindr or texted to you) then in theory you own that photo too. Again, in the event someone did pursue legal action, copy write is a gray area based on how the photo was acquired, so the DNP list helps to limit issues with that.


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