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No.222266 : What about this guy offici@ljt? [2020-05-05 22:29] [Report] 1588732143387.jpg (677529 B, 750x1016) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
677529 B

What about this guy offici@ljt?

No.222300 : Anonymous [2020-05-05 23:46] [Report] 1588736762503.jpg (405590 B, 750x930) [YIS] [GIS] []
405590 B

He is J0rd@n T0rr3s, there must be something

No.222318 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 00:27] [Report] []

There will never be anything and if there were it would go viral on twitter

No.222403 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 09:04] [Report] []

>>222266 modeled with him in LA. Pretty sure he’s g4p and an escort (inside sources). he also must’ve not been wearing deodorant that day because he smells so fucking bad.

No.222416 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 10:25] [Report] []

Then he’s definitely an escort, he knows his audience. Old homos love the smell of armpits. So why spend your hooker money on deodorant if you get more business when you smell like you need a shower?

No.222481 : Anonymous [2020-05-06 12:43] [Report] []

>>222403 love love love the tea! Can you tell us any other juicy gossip about him or the modeling industry in general?

No.222830 : Anonymous [2020-05-07 08:27] [Report] []

>>222481 if you pay attention he’s frequently hanging out with and “thanking” older white men for their help (with “acting” or something of the like), but that’s usually on Facebook. He also stages paparazzi pics which is really odd- he’s been doing this for years. I get some people on the internet think he’s hot, but paparazzi do not follow Instagram thots around lol. He also doesn’t work out his legs which is why he’s always in sweatpants.


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