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No.230332 : Anonymous [2020-05-24 21:29] [Report] 1590370196612.jpg (1639002 B, 1242x1543) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1639002 B

There must be some stuff out there on Riley. Even if it’s from a few years ago

No.230351 : Anonymous [2020-05-24 22:16] [Report] []

We all know who’s he connected to.... Can we go a thread without saying their names, in order to keep this going?

And if you don’t know, ask a friend. Don’t bog this thread down with “who?”

No.230363 : Anonymous [2020-05-24 22:31] [Report] 1590373885436.jpg (20897 B, 480x360) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.230394 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 00:08] [Report] []

Exactly let’s just find the content.

No.230419 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 01:14] [Report] []

>>230351 so, exactly what you did...

No.230421 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 01:17] [Report] []

>>230351 who? lmaoooo

No.230432 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 02:17] [Report] []

>>230421 😂

No.230554 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 11:47] [Report] []

Well if you didn’t know so before, T & H are the biggest douchebags posting IG stories of boat parties no masks. Out at restaurant with no masks and waiter wipes whipped cream on T’s face. They are such morons who are careless douchebags who care more about posting thirst traps with barely legal twinks then their fellow humans. Everyone should unfollow these aging narcissists.

No.230561 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 11:55] [Report] []

>>230332 can we please get his nudes? looks like he's topping @lec based on his recent insta pics and stories.

No.230573 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 12:43] [Report] []

>>230554 gurl n o b o d y cares! Keep typing those paragraphs for your own psycho needs. Bye Karen Jr ✌️

No.230590 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 13:25] [Report] []

>>230554 Seems you’re not intelligent enough to know that each state, county, and city sets their own guidelines.
They are not violating any current guidelines so fuck off.

No.230593 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 13:29] [Report] []

>>230561 lol oh yeah he def is, has been for awhile

No.230595 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 13:36] [Report] []

Guess you’re not intelligent to know that Fox News isn’t the CDC. Just because a state has different guidelines doesn’t mean the virus transmission isn’t caused by the same activities. The country is still in the midst of this crisis and they are out partying recklessly and for “fun” not necessity and posting in on IG. If you don’t see something wrong with than you are as shallow and unintelligent as them.

No.230598 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 13:41] [Report] []

What's his @?

No.230599 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 13:42] [Report] []

Georgia’s governor is an absolute moron who stole the election from Stacy Abrams. The fact that you troll for gays nudes on this board and think that Trumpist governor had anyone’s best interest in mind and opened the state so T & H could go have gay orgies on their boat...smh

No.230611 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 14:11] [Report] []

lol the absolute state of the left
maybe if you didn't let a new cock into your ass every day, you wouldn't be so butthurt

No.230612 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 14:12] [Report] []

Self hating trolling the internet for nudes...god you must be a looker

No.230647 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 15:16] [Report] []

>>230599 preach sis

i want nudes as much as the next but these fucking magats are something else

No.230712 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 18:31] [Report] []

>>230595 in case you need help, which you clearly do:

We are not under any stay at home orders any longer and masks are suggested not required.

So to recap, no rules or laws are being ignored. Fuck allllll the way off sis.

No.230713 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 18:33] [Report] []

>>230599 How fucking stupid are that you are not even talking about the right state. Let’s go over geography lesson once again: Charlotte is in NC. That is a different state from Georgia.

Just stop.

No.230716 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 18:39] [Report] []

>>230599 “moron” but still beat that fat black lol

No.230721 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 18:53] [Report] []

Share his pics or stfu

No.230756 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 20:35] [Report] []

>>230721 yes you should stfu

No.230957 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 09:32] [Report] []

Racist POS. How can you support Republicans and be on this board? You are a self-hating ugly homo who can’t get any action IRL. Thomas Allen and Hank Cain wouldn’t give you the time of day IRL. Thomas Allen and Hank Cain are douches and so are you. Thomas Allen Hank Cain Thomas Allen Hank Cain

No.230973 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 10:29] [Report] []

>>230957 Yikes someone didn’t read the new rules. Enjoy the IP ban.

No.230976 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 10:42] [Report] []

>>230973 huh? I see one pic of some dude who isn't on dnp and a bunch of faggotry text. what's the ban for?

No.230988 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 11:21] [Report] []

>>230957 pls get help

No.231054 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 15:36] [Report] []

>>230957 jump off a bridge in Minecraft, you dirty jogger globalist

No.231063 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 15:53] [Report] []

More smug white gays? Send the nudes!

No.231066 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 15:59] [Report] []

>>230973 thank God, I hope they follow through with the IP ban...for all the racists assholes on here.

No.231068 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 16:01] [Report] []

>>231066 you're going to get banned, asshole.

No.231157 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 19:31] [Report] []

Back to R1l3y, anyone have anything?

No.231202 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 21:26] [Report] []

He is never with the boys anymore did they boot his ass out from the trips and spending sprees

No.231223 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 22:19] [Report] []

Seems like he has a boyfriend now. That tiny CrossFit dude.

No.231284 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 00:41] [Report] []

He should make an only fans. He’s wide

No.231285 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 00:49] [Report] []

Those boys like the barely legal ones.

No.231392 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 09:14] [Report] []

You’re all stupid fags, now shutup and share pics

No.231824 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 23:19] [Report] []

why hasn't this ever surfaced? him an alec are cute but won't last, its long distance

No.232056 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 09:09] [Report] []

>>231392 god bless you

No.232071 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 09:26] [Report] []

Yo but he doesnt even seem to associate with TA and HC anymore -which is awesome. Hes so much hotter than them and he has a brain! I wish he would date someone that isnt a vapid cross fit man baby living with his parents forever to be a social media thot influencer. But anyways have yall noticed how Riley actually has a job? Its so hot.

No.232227 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 12:58] [Report] []

>>232071 they won't last after quaratine real life will set in again

No.232235 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 13:04] [Report] []

>>232071 jealous jan 🙄

No.232281 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 14:08] [Report] []

hank and thomas don't even follow him on insta anymore

No.232301 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 14:35] [Report] []

can we stop talking about them please jesus

No.232491 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 17:24] [Report] []

Something definitely must’ve happened. He was practically their third and it was a near thrupple

No.232651 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 20:26] [Report] []

>>230332 him and Alec have group-fucked hank and Thomas and there are vids

No.232654 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 20:28] [Report] []

>>232651 share. Let's see. Never seen Alec in action

No.232690 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 20:55] [Report] []

>>232651 wait, I thought Hank is a total top..been dying to see him get fucked but all the leaks are him topping. Would be hot if someone has his bottoming vids.

No.232697 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 20:59] [Report] []

>>232690 he sent it as a disappearing video on IG

No.232719 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 21:19] [Report] []

>>232651 Alec has never topped in his life

No.232761 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 21:59] [Report] []

He probably didn’t want to give it up to one of the old rich daddies.

No.233053 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 06:57] [Report] []

>>233045 its fake

No.233058 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 06:58] [Report] []

>>233045 i received a same d pick from someone else before so..

No.233341 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 16:53] [Report] []

So hunnies what do we think happened?? I've got two theories: 1) H totally went overboard with the pics of R and made the thrupple situation blatantly obvious and Riley got embarrassed as he has non-gay-thot friends that could see it for exactly what it is and distanced himself -or-
2) R was totally after T (who can blame him T is gorgeous) and had to distance himself because of his strong feelings for T
(I really want theory 2 to be true hehe)
T and Hs divorce is inevitable, Im really not rooting for it but as Joe Biden says "come on, man"

No.233589 : SFC [2020-05-30 00:24] [Report] []

>>233341 or perhaps with social distancing they have mostly hung out with their geographically closer friends, did that ever cross your mind? All the gay events were cancelled so we’re obviously not gonna see them together as much

No.233809 : Anonymous [2020-05-30 13:11] [Report] []

>>232719 how do you know? Share the tea!

No.233928 : Anonymous [2020-05-30 18:28] [Report] []

You don’t unfollow each other on social media do to COVID

No.233929 : Anonymous [2020-05-30 18:29] [Report] []

>>233928 they never did

No.233959 : Anonymous [2020-05-30 20:33] [Report] []

They were in an obvious throupple situation

No.235814 : Anonymous [2020-06-03 18:25] [Report] []

Crazy that there’s nothing out there him. He must’ve not been gave before his previous throuple lol.

No.235887 : Anonymous [2020-06-03 21:30] [Report] []

Maybe he had to sign an NDA

No.279740 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 17:55] [Report] 1602194155513.jpg (214973 B, 981x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
214973 B

He doesn't look that big

No.279747 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 18:28] [Report] []

>>279740 Neither does he. And yet... lol Stop the mess, girl.

No.279782 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 20:43] [Report] []


ive never noticed how nice riley's nipples are

No.279814 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 23:43] [Report] []

>>279782 he’s such a good kisser too

No.279861 : Anonymous [2020-10-09 03:16] [Report] []

>>279740 they str8?


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