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closed No.230480 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 07:19] [Report] 1590405541988.jpg (0 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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Anyone have the T0m Harw00d nudes?

He's all over UK media today and it reminded me they exist

No.230482 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 07:33] [Report] []

Oh yes, they do exist. But what did Tom do today?

No.230486 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 07:53] [Report] []


Just doing lots of TV interviews blowing Dominic Cummings

No.230632 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 14:44] [Report] []

He's been on all day and Twitter is talking about his pics, but no one is actually posting them!

No.230669 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 17:11] [Report] 1590441111721.jpg (0 B, 1280x1168) [YIS] [GIS] []
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One of the pics

No.230675 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 17:19] [Report] []

Oh thank you, thank you, kind sir. Any more, please?

No.230678 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 17:20] [Report] []


Amazing! Any more?

No.230681 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 17:34] [Report] 1590442440176.jpg (0 B, 1125x647) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Happy Memorial Day! / Spring Bank Holiday!

No.230687 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 17:41] [Report] []

>>230480 but how do we know these are him? could be any old twink lol

No.230692 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 17:47] [Report] []

You’re doing the lords work. Keep them coming please!

No.230720 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 18:46] [Report] []

Woop! Thanks! More if you got them please

No.230734 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 19:43] [Report] 1590450212573.jpg (0 B, 1500x1500) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.230736 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 19:46] [Report] 1590450395926.jpg (0 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.230744 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 20:03] [Report] []

I would love to further wreck that hole for him.

No.230745 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 20:08] [Report] 1590451705068.jpg (0 B, 1280x1647) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.230762 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 20:38] [Report] []

Thank you! If only you could see me now. I'm drenched in my own cum from jerking off 3 times in 40 mins to these pics!

No.230766 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 20:43] [Report] []


You're welcome

No.230768 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 20:44] [Report] 1590453895475.webm (0 B, 360x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
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here's the vid of him. Anyone have anything newer?

No.230781 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 21:24] [Report] []

>>230736 goddamn looks like Tom has enjoyed a fist or 10

No.230782 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 21:25] [Report] []

I'm surprised no one has exposed him yet... Bet his right wing extremist friends wouldn't support this

No.230784 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 21:28] [Report] []

why are you mentally ills so obsessed with "exposing" everyone

No.230788 : Anonymous [2020-05-25 21:32] [Report] []


Nah it's more that I'm surprised that didn't happen yet considering he's dealing with politics - this is such an easy target

No.230883 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 03:36] [Report] []


Oh my, the sounds he makes!

No.230886 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 03:49] [Report] []


Rumour has it there are screengrabs of him on grindr saying he likes young guys, piss and scat....but no one seems to have those so it's more likely that's just political smear

No.230888 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 03:55] [Report] []

These are amazing! Anymore?

No.230897 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 04:55] [Report] []

It's pretty sad how those losers chose to attack him personally rather debate than his views like grown ups. And of course no proof at all about those rumors....

No.230949 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 08:52] [Report] []

"Attack him personally"? eye roll Spot the Tory-sympathisers... this piece of shit deserves exposing for the hypocrite he is.

No.230980 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 10:59] [Report] []


Eh, or it might just be that we would like some proof of how kinky he is for more wank fuel

No.231081 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 16:18] [Report] []

I think you just proved his entire point about personal attacks by your diatribe, you dumb ass. LOL

No.231102 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 17:00] [Report] []

Found the bitter, anti-British Commie...

No.231109 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 17:09] [Report] []


"this piece of shit deserves exposing for the hypocrite he is."

Listen, Einstein. I'll say this real slow for you: He. Is. Out. And. Proud.

I'm not sure what you're trying to "expose" here since he's not exactly in the closet. But then again, I don't think you have a clue either.....

More cock and ass. No politics. Is that simple enough for you?

No.231146 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 19:10] [Report] []

Listen numbnut... don't give a fuck if he's 'out and proud'... a gay tory is sick in the head

No.231162 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 19:40] [Report] []


>a gay tory is sick in the head


No.231193 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 21:06] [Report] []

So much spewing hate at others. And you accuse others of being "sick in the head"!? Take yourself to a clinic and see what the NHS can do for you....

No.231258 : Anonymous [2020-05-26 23:58] [Report] []

He's cute when he looks serious.

No.231260 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 00:02] [Report] []

"Nah" - not even a proper word. Your entire demeanour (and vocabulary) leaves much to be desired. Now, once again, my dear child: more cock and no politics, please.

No.231324 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 03:36] [Report] []

He's cute when he has a fat plug in his hole

No.231329 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 03:50] [Report] []

any more pics?

No.231403 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 09:49] [Report] []

Not a refutation, though, is it? You merely assert something as fact and expect others to treat you seriously? If you think being a gay Tory makes you "sick in the head" then "nah" is the sort of response you deserve, honestly.

No.231560 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 15:56] [Report] []

Hook, line and sinker. Thanks for biting.

No.231608 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 17:59] [Report] []

You're not making any sense, and you still haven't explained how being gay and a Tory makes one "sick in the head", but okay then.

No.231827 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 23:20] [Report] []

I've seen his nudes before, but they got reported on lpsg

No.232504 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 17:31] [Report] []

He's cute when he has a fat plug in his hole

No.232538 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 18:05] [Report] []

He's always cute.

No.232625 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 20:08] [Report] 1590710909360.jpg (0 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.232792 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 22:15] [Report] []

Thank you. Now I just wish we could get actual fuck pics. That would be so hot.

No.232976 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 04:23] [Report] 1590740583083.jpg (0 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.233068 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 07:02] [Report] []

>>232625 wow what a hole

No.233149 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 09:32] [Report] 1590759133698.jpg (0 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Anyone got anything new? I've only seen the lpsg pics

No.233732 : Anonymous [2020-05-30 09:35] [Report] 1590845740292.jpg (0 B, 750x1125) [YIS] [GIS] []
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from London pride a year ago

No.233741 : Anonymous [2020-05-30 09:59] [Report] []


tom is a lovely bitchboy.. but who's the hungry pussy with him?

No.234140 : Anonymous [2020-05-31 07:40] [Report] []

>>230736 What a hungry looking hole!

No.234319 : Anonymous [2020-05-31 16:15] [Report] []

Dreamboy. I want his hole so bad...

No.234770 : Anonymous [2020-06-01 14:14] [Report] []

bumping this

No.234840 : Anonymous [2020-06-01 16:41] [Report] 1591044082191.jpg (0 B, 406x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.235412 : Anonymous [2020-06-02 20:22] [Report] 1591143733419.jpg (0 B, 356x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.235669 : Anonymous [2020-06-03 12:24] [Report] 1591201461756.jpg (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Anything new of Tommy?

No.236113 : Anonymous [2020-06-04 10:56] [Report] []

Anything new on him?

No.236608 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 09:02] [Report] 1591362125033.jpg (0 B, 720x717) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.236621 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 09:29] [Report] 1591363761612.jpg (0 B, 1056x792) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.236622 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 09:29] [Report] 1591363784668.png (0 B, 1056x1056) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.236690 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 13:01] [Report] []

wow... any more videos? or cock pics?

No.236698 : Anonymous [2020-06-05 13:09] [Report] 1591376954071.jpg (0 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Wish there were some uncaged pics

No.237451 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 05:57] [Report] 1591523853772.webm (0 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
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He got a bit wet yesterday

No.237488 : Anonymous [2020-06-07 08:25] [Report] []

God he's even cuter when wet

No.238089 : Anonymous [2020-06-08 05:25] [Report] 1591608351733.png (0 B, 952x1192) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.238090 : Anonymous [2020-06-08 05:26] [Report] 1591608379670.png (0 B, 1194x1190) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.238091 : Anonymous [2020-06-08 05:26] [Report] 1591608399424.jpg (0 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.238140 : Anonymous [2020-06-08 09:16] [Report] []

Any more of this twink? Wish there were more dick pics


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