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No.231368 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 06:59] [Report] 1590577148840.jpg (52677 B, 600x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
52677 B

Anyone know where Raphael Donaghue went to or what he's up to now?

No.231370 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 06:59] [Report] 1590577197448.jpg (45169 B, 1094x833) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.231371 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 07:00] [Report] 1590577241548.jpg (20499 B, 224x554) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.231372 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 07:04] [Report] []

fuck yes I need everything on this one

No.231373 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 07:11] [Report] 1590577872846.gif (1004149 B, 322x281) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.231569 : Anonymous [2020-05-27 16:25] [Report] []

>>231368 someone recently boasted about how they found him on Tiktok and IG here

No.232430 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 16:38] [Report] []

what was his response when you DMd him

No.232539 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 18:07] [Report] []

>>231368 he has a wife and kids now and its sort of gross how the gays will ruin anyones life for fun

No.232545 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 18:11] [Report] []

>>232539 Can you really call having a wife and the mundane burden of a child, a life?

No.232646 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 20:22] [Report] []

>>232545 a REAL normal life yes, not a messy gay life of drugs and sex

No.232652 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 20:27] [Report] []

>>232646 Yes, yes that "normal" straight life where you do jerk off porn for $$. Just another day on the cul-de-sac. LOL

No.232770 : Anonymous [2020-05-28 22:04] [Report] []

>>231368 so we should glorify jerking off and try and out him to his family? lets destroy lives ok

No.233348 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 17:05] [Report] []

For one thing he made the choice to do porn. I'm sure you know once you do it it's out there. Also, who's talking about telling his wife. I'm just interested to see what he's up to these days.

No.233382 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 18:03] [Report] []

No intentions of ever hooking up with this guy, and I don't care about his personal life or if he is married to a vag. I'm only here to look at hot pics of hot guys. He is hot as fuck and those balls are just gorgeous.

No.233405 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 18:31] [Report] []

so back to the matter at hand, doesn't this kind of look like him?

www(dot)g@yb0ystube(dot)com/video / 643821 / teen-ginger-jerker

No.233416 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 18:49] [Report] []


Other than being a ginger, not even remotely.

No.233420 : Anonymous [2020-05-29 18:50] [Report] []

>>233416 shit seriously? guess I'm off my game

No.233844 : Anonymous [2020-05-30 14:55] [Report] []

Ummm. Pretty sure I just followed him and his wife on Tik Tok. Lol. Wtf. Didn’t realize this is him.
Still hot. Has a tattoo or too.
Would love to suck him dry.

No.233860 : Anonymous [2020-05-30 15:53] [Report] []

>>233844 can you post more pics of him please? He’s so hot

No.234216 : Anonymous [2020-05-31 12:18] [Report] []

Any chance you could point me in the right direction? :)

No.235994 : Anonymous [2020-06-04 02:48] [Report] []


No.236190 : Anonymous [2020-06-04 13:54] [Report] []

Post the tiktok! Tiktok it too important to people for them ever to go private lol

No.236325 : Anonymous [2020-06-04 17:25] [Report] []

>>233844 what titktok?

No.236343 : Anonymous [2020-06-04 17:48] [Report] []

That's a WOWWW. I'd bury my face on that

No.238622 : Anonymous [2020-06-09 12:06] [Report] []

anyone know his tiktok?

No.267917 : Anonymous [2020-09-03 14:06] [Report] []

So did we ever find his social media, or more pictures from it?

No.268184 : Anonymous [2020-09-04 15:32] [Report] []

>>267917 Yes, his handle was posted here, but it was deleted. Not all that much on there, and anyways it’s prob better that way. Can’t trust you army of skanks.

No.268301 : Anonymous [2020-09-05 01:02] [Report] []

Could someone repost his insta handle?

No.268352 : Anonymous [2020-09-05 09:12] [Report] []

Maybe someone could share pictures from it.

No.268375 : Anonymous [2020-09-05 11:12] [Report] []

We need that handle lol

No.268736 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 15:27] [Report] []

>>268184 repost please

No.268854 : Glee [2020-09-06 23:21] [Report] 1599448874793.png (1225055 B, 1182x893) [YIS] [GIS] []
1225055 B

Perfect body, angel face, big balls swaying, but not only that his hole makes me want to be top, his wife is so lucky, he used his real name for the first porn movie lol imagine this super dad is so hot, he made pornography he wants R @ ph @ & l exhibition with his name you can easily find tiktok!

No.269015 : Anonymous [2020-09-07 14:21] [Report] []

>>268854 What's his tiktok name?
Has he done porn other than voyeur boys?

No.270529 : Anonymous [2020-09-11 06:29] [Report] []

Come on, someone must remember it.

No.270578 : Anonymous [2020-09-11 10:19] [Report] []

I don't like the selfish people on this site. If you know something, share it. You benefit from others sharing why not give back?

Best believe as soon as I find his tiktok, I'm posting on here. Like I said, TikTok clout is too important (it's now even monetized) for them to delete their account even if people say stuff but please don't lol

No.271822 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 14:21] [Report] []

Someone please share the handle. Or at least some of the pictures and videos from it.

No.272031 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 22:54] [Report] []

Yeah he's gorgeous

No.289708 : Anonymous [2020-11-15 00:33] [Report] 1605418413130.png (686121 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
686121 B

Wow I’m so glad this thread is going on right now. Just a week or two ago I was trying to find Raphael again and saw that on Twitter some guy called josh Samson had apparently found his Instagram. I DMd josh asking if he still had it and could share, and the asshole tried to charge me 30£ for a username. the bitch was really trying to sell someone else’s private info...
Anyway if anyone else has it could you please share? I don’t have any bad intentions, I just really want to see more pictures of Donaghue.

No.346868 : Anonymous [2021-06-29 12:30] [Report] []

Can someone repost his name? I remember it was short and positive, something like Noah Bliss or something….

No.347446 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 07:53] [Report] []

anyone have his name?

No.347604 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 04:55] [Report] []

N0@h Y0ung (ig: ny0ung724) (tiktok: _they0ungf@mily)

No.366970 : Anonymous [2021-10-02 06:34] [Report] 1633170897322.jpg (0 B, 447x756) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Erm.. Is this him?

No.366971 : Anonymous [2021-10-02 06:36] [Report] []

If yes I'll share his IG haha

No.366973 : Anonymous [2021-10-02 06:46] [Report] []

There are only guys here. Where are the trannies, cross dressers, dwarfs and other freaky freaks? I'm telling you the lack of 'diversity' in this pic is disturbing. Oh, I feel threatened and offended by this pic.


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