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No.244575 : Anonymous [2020-06-23 15:04] [Report] 1592939043696.png (1766265 B, 1125x1311) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1766265 B

Do we know who this is?

No.244682 : Anonymous [2020-06-23 21:44] [Report] []

It's anti-gay, white trash racist and Trump supporter Bryan H.

No.244807 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 08:59] [Report] []

Boring ass racist. He’s the scum of the earth. His OF is shitty, btw.

No.244888 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 14:13] [Report] []

>>244682 what evidence is there?

No.244891 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 14:19] [Report] []

>>244888 lollll all over his twitter

No.244933 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 16:11] [Report] []

>>244891 ok screenshots or? You haven’t told us his twitter name like we’re just supposed to automatically know.

No.244974 : Anonymous [2020-06-24 17:53] [Report] []

All you have to do is search “Bryan hawn racist” on twitter. It’s not that hard.

No.245078 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 01:43] [Report] []

>>244974 His last name wasnt posted before so simmer down.

No.245102 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 03:56] [Report] []

So lemme get this right, cause I'm stupid. You casually label this guy "racist" and "scum of the earth" while offering no proof, of course. And despite him being all those things (according to you), you still paid good money to subscribe to his OF and drool at his cock and ass. Interesting. Is this stupid guy missing something?!

No.245131 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 06:29] [Report] []

>>245102 You forget that once blood flows to the dick men stop thinking logically.

No.245155 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 09:12] [Report] []

I’m not stupid enough to pay for this homophobe’s of. He never shows anything.

No.245192 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 10:51] [Report] []

>>245102 he’s saying it’s really easy to find. He’s a wicked racist Trump supporter. Fuck him.

No.245223 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 12:34] [Report] []

I don’t think what he said is that bad. Maybe I didn’t find all of it but saying that he doesn’t like seeing cities destroyed isn’t racist.

No.245226 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 12:42] [Report] 1593103378838.jpg (82037 B, 1589x736) [YIS] [GIS] []
82037 B

He has a long history of being a con man, anti semitic, anti asian and making racist statements. Pro Trump, etc.

No.245277 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 14:56] [Report] []

one of the most disgusting gay people on the earth. He is EXTREMELY racist

No.245296 : Anonymous [2020-06-25 16:09] [Report] []

>>245226 Any deets on the criminal trespassing?!? What were that little con man and his giant ass up to?


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