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No.248035 : Anonymous [2020-07-03 18:43] [Report] 1593816223385.jpg (552168 B, 750x1226) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
552168 B

Anything on him?

No.248036 : Anonymous [2020-07-03 18:45] [Report] []

>>248035 lolololollllllllll

No.248093 : Anonymous [2020-07-03 22:06] [Report] []

never seen him

No.248163 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 01:26] [Report] []

I think he has another thread. He must either not use slutty apps be extremely selective in who he gives nudes to. Not seen any evidence he has sent any risque photos to anyone.

Sad really, his face is incredibly handsome and I want to massage and suck on those fabulous, fuzzy tits SO bad.

No.248233 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 10:40] [Report] []
>> There have been multiple threads on him (and him and his twink bf). No nudes to speak of. Seems as if he's careful not to give out nudes. I figure because he (was) trying to become a YouTube personality, branding himself as a fitness expert. From the YT videos I recall seeing he was rather bland and had no personality. Maybe he was nervous.
No.248239 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 11:12] [Report] []

>>248233 ok Dr Phil šŸ™„

No.248252 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 12:39] [Report] []

>>248233 Agreed this guy is a professional or rather has a stake in a professional career. An army officer. He's not gonna ruin his image, his brand.

I do like he has taken a public stance for removing the president in November.

No.248259 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 13:24] [Report] []

What professional career? What brand? Is he selling something? He doesnā€™t have to be cautious about anything.

No.248286 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 16:05] [Report] []

>>248259 lol exactly

he's selling his body on instagram. what's there to protect? a tiny dick?

No.248290 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 16:07] [Report] []

>>248286 ok retard. He went to West Point and now has a fairly successful career in technology.
Some gays decide to send everything to everyone and some donā€™t - just deal with it and move on

No.248293 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 16:09] [Report] []

>>248290 you get really triggered by anon replies on the internet


No.248304 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 16:36] [Report] []

>>248293 nope, triggered would deploy some long ass prose with useless references etc.
just tired of reading stupid comments. yes weā€™re here for pics but some ppl donā€™t have a sorted past despite all of your projection sis

No.248313 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 17:03] [Report] []

So I guess nothing as of yet. Thanks everyone. Itā€™s a shame. šŸ˜­ Iā€™m sure something will ā€œleakā€, hopefully. šŸ™šŸ»

No.248330 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:16] [Report] []

>>248313 youā€™ll probably have to wait until he and Trevor break up. I donā€™t have the facts but I think itā€™s first out boyfriend?? They posted earlier have been together for 4 or 5 years now.

No.248331 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:19] [Report] []

>>248304 you're the only one projecting sis.

ppl just pointed out he's a professional instathot. don't get your panties in a twist.

No.248336 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:31] [Report] []

He has a some sort of sales or office type job that he works in addition to his insta and fitness stuff. He has talked about it before.

No.248337 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:35] [Report] []

Trevor is not even cute. he's probably self loathing gay.

No.248341 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:43] [Report] []

>>248337 donā€™t being that shit around here

No.248342 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:45] [Report] []

>>248331 wow yikes youā€™re even more retarded than we thought
ā€œPeople pointed outā€ no no no, they wish he was just an instathot to fulfill some twisted fantasy in which they cannot divorce someoneā€™s online persona and their professional career.
A five second google search shows he can keep them separate ā€” unlike you hoes.

No.248343 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:50] [Report] []

>>248336 lol itā€™s disturbing that most on this site believe someoneā€™s social media is their first priority (I.e. in addition to his insta) šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

No.248345 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 18:59] [Report] []

trevor is at least a 4. his smile is retarded

No.248346 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 19:08] [Report] []

>>248342 maam, this is a Male General...

No.248362 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 19:58] [Report] []


You're clearly stoned. He's cute as fuck. Maybe a little too insta-thirsty... but still a hottie even though he's one of those guys that's everywhere all the time.

No.248387 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 21:56] [Report] []

>>248362 ok sis think what you think. Heā€™s educated and is a nurse at Cedars 90 hours a week actually helping people instead of being a keyboard warrior.

No.248388 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 22:01] [Report] []

Why do people hate on the SO of guys they find desirable? Do you think he'll see your post, dump him, and then seek you out? LOL

No.248394 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 22:34] [Report] []

>>248388 šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ yes this

No.248402 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 23:56] [Report] []

>>248388 Honestly this guy is a dime of dozen of many on grindr and other apps. You can find an IG friendly BF if you want, just gotta have the same level of conventional attractiveness that they do. For some that includes the body, the face, and (in some cases) the race.

No.248406 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 00:22] [Report] []

>>248402 I think you had a stroke writing this shit. Makes zero sense.
He picked who he picked ā€” it was not YOU. Move on.

No.248414 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 00:52] [Report] []

>>248406 LMAO you sure do get personally offended by what some randos on a message board have to say about the guy

No.248422 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 01:16] [Report] []

>>248414 sigh - another failed product of a public school probably.
Yā€™all cannot understand the difference between a ā€œpersonalā€ inference and someone who is observing the implications of anonymous people talking out of their asses.
Keep posting that trite expression no matter how wrong you are using it šŸ‘ (you may want to look up the definition for future reference)

No.248752 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 04:41] [Report] 1594024919137.jpg (1910983 B, 1125x1911) [YIS] [GIS] []
1910983 B

Ugh. Just another selfish homo who refuses to stay put during a pandemic traveling wherever he pleases.

No.248863 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 13:27] [Report] []

>>248752 As opposed to all the hets who refuse to stay put during a pandemic and travel wherever they please without wearing masks.

No.248915 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 16:13] [Report] []

>>248752 This looks like a pool in a yard...

No.248952 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 17:34] [Report] []

>>248752 stop trying to make something out of nothing. Four people in a private home is not the same thing as the beach parties in the news šŸ–•

No.248974 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 19:13] [Report] []

>>248752 The picture is probably old, but he's posting to keep up appearances/the vibe of his feed. lmao @ his hashtags, tho. I mean doesn't he get enough likes that he doesn't need to be this desperate?

No.248979 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 19:27] [Report] []

Texas this weekend. Palm Springs last weekend. Plus LA. How hard is it to just stay put? There were 3200 new cases in LA Friday. It's time to start calling out the selfish.

No.249000 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 20:47] [Report] []

>>248979 how about you shut the fuck up mkay? Would be a much better outcome for all. Itā€™s not like heā€™s hosting 1,000 people parties šŸ™„

Also none of the SoCal counties are under a shelter in place order so as long as someone wears proper PPE in public they are actually protecting self and others.

Perhaps you should work on yourself for a day instead. Or stop being poor and maybe you can travel too sis

No.249003 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 20:50] [Report] []

>>248979 smh starting shit when there is nothing there

No.249012 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 21:23] [Report] []

COVID exists, it is a major problem, itā€™s going to continue until we admit it and each of us stands up to do our part. Selfishly traveling can only hurt the situation. Period.

No.249025 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 21:39] [Report] []

>>249012 PREACH

No.249026 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 21:49] [Report] []

>>248979 he's dating a nurse... he probably takes more precautions than you or I do, lbr.

No.249027 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 21:51] [Report] []

>>249012 ok so how about you pay the salaries of everyone in the travel industry for the next 2 years. Cut that check for umpteen-billion and then you can run that mouth all you want šŸ™„

No.249029 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 21:56] [Report] []

>>249012 you mean like wearing masks and washing our hands? That is protection enough to be realistic.

You literally sound worse then the trumpā€™rs. Moron.

No.249092 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 02:32] [Report] []

Anyways back to the hot guy with the perfect tits!

He must not send nudes to anyone, ever. Never seen anything other than rated G pics of him.

No.249101 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 03:05] [Report] []

>>249092 is it bc he has only had one boyfriend? He found Trevor when was still in the army and in the closet I think


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