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No.248102 : Anonymous [2020-07-03 22:28] [Report] 1593829739341.png (11404957 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
11404957 B

Anything on this cutie?

No.248103 : Anonymous [2020-07-03 22:50] [Report] []

>>248102 he is really cute! i like his IG post pretty funny

No.248201 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 04:06] [Report] []

So gorgeous, anyone have anything on him??

No.248210 : Anonymous [2020-07-04 05:57] [Report] []

Anyone got something?

No.248493 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 09:37] [Report] 1593956265458.png (7845176 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
7845176 B

He’s on Fire Island right now.

No.248509 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 10:58] [Report] []

Anything new? Anyone?

No.248512 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 11:23] [Report] []

Anyone have screenshot of his info?

No.248571 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 14:37] [Report] []

Bump?! Something?!

No.248583 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 15:28] [Report] []

He’s a cum guzzling power bottom.

No.248594 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 16:31] [Report] []

profile info screenshot?

No.248655 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 21:21] [Report] []


Any documented evidence of this allegation?

No.248658 : Anonymous [2020-07-05 21:28] [Report] []

he's so fucking hot. ass? cock?

No.248690 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 00:06] [Report] 1594008370886.png (3589899 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.248734 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 03:01] [Report] []

>>248102 he’s a pretty cool person, extremely nice etc. his dicks pretty small tho

No.248737 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 03:29] [Report] []

Ass, vids?

No.248740 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 03:54] [Report] []

>>248493 Interesting. Bet his hypocritical "Gay Twitter" friends won't call him out like they've been doing all the other gays there lol.

No.248742 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 04:06] [Report] []

>>248734 seconding all of this

No.248744 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 04:13] [Report] []

>>248493 he probably has covid now with all the gays partying without masks and Corey Hannon being there.

No.248748 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 04:20] [Report] []

>>248740 He should be getting called out for not taking this pandemic seriously and going on “vacation” to Fire Island. The fact that he thinks he’s excluded from the possibility of contracting and spreading this virus just goes to show how young and immature he is. He recently posted he’s going to “miss the East Coast” but fuck that. Quarantine your ass there and don’t spread Covid. Ugh.

No.248757 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 05:21] [Report] []

>>248748 He was just at protests on fire island. The virus doesn’t spread if you’re protesting :)

No.248763 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 06:37] [Report] []

Also wasn’t tiktok supposed to be “cancelled” for hiding blm hashtags etc? It’s annoying no ones called him out for continuing to use it he just keeps posting those stupid mac book videos

No.248785 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 09:01] [Report] []

Does anyone have any pics or anything? He’s beautiful!

No.248839 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 12:06] [Report] []

Very interested in pics of him, definitely bottom vibes

No.248852 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 13:08] [Report] []

>>248757 right. That’s if you’re wearing a mask and socially distancing which let’s be honest, the gays in fire island were doing anything but that.

No.248854 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 13:10] [Report] []

He hasn’t posted anything in the past day on his twitter or Insta and he deleted tweets that he posted saying he was at fire island. Hmmmmm.

No.248880 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 14:37] [Report] []

>>248852 50,000 people protesting shoulder to shoulder isn’t social distancing but ok, keep making excuses hypocrite.

No.248881 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 14:48] [Report] []

>>248880 There's a difference between protesting systemic racism WHILE wearing masks and desperate gays going to FIP for a weekend getting high on K and c*ke getting their tired assholes stretched even more <3

No.248922 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 16:23] [Report] []

>>248880 the only one making excuses here is you sweetie. Keep defending a guy that you don’t even know and are infatuated with. Be better and hold people accountable

No.248927 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 16:26] [Report] []

People should be calling him out on his social media as to why he is somehow immune to a virus that has killed 130,000 people in the country. This needs to be taken seriously and don’t try and use the people protesting as a reason. There’s a difference between activism and getting your fix of dick.

No.248929 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 16:38] [Report] []

>>248927 I actually don’t care about the guy at all. He’s not my type, I was just scrolling and saw how you were a hypocrite so thought I’d chime in. Death rates are going down and if you follow the guidelines you’ll be fine, sweetie.

No.248933 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 16:48] [Report] []

>>248929 oh honey I plan on following the guidelines. I’m staying home and I will say it like it is when I see the people who are being selfish towards the healthcare workers by continuously refusing to follow the “guidelines”. Meanwhile you can continue calling people hypocrites.


No.248945 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 17:26] [Report] []

>>248933 thanks I will!

No.248956 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 17:48] [Report] []

>>248933 Ha yeah you have the Democrat run cities to thank for 102k deaths boo!

No.248975 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 19:14] [Report] []

>>248956 meanwhile the republican run states are barely catching up with the times and imposing a mask mandate, closing bars, and dine-in restaurants. After they were reopened with only 2 hours of shelter in place because you needed a vodka soda and your roots touched up for your virtual Barry’s boot camps workouts. but keep going off sis.

No.248985 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 20:01] [Report] []

>>248956 lol why are gay republicans so fucking stupid? Do you have brain worms?

Look at Arizona, Florida and Texas daily case counts.

No.248991 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 20:21] [Report] []

Okay let’s not make this a political thread. We can all agree he’s hot and want to see more

No.249042 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 22:50] [Report] []

Yeah because of you all he saw the thread and isn’t giving out anything without verifying....thanks

No.249048 : Anonymous [2020-07-06 23:21] [Report] []

>>249042 Just stop being ugly before talking to him. Simple.

No.249120 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 05:55] [Report] []

Something new?

No.249126 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 06:35] [Report] []

>>248881 That’s literally what he was there to do lol you don’t need to go on grindr for protests. He was actively looking for dick. If he cared about Black lives he would stop using tiktok, but alas, his following and going viral on there is more important to him. It’s clear as day who he is as a person and what his priorities are.

No.249197 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 12:26] [Report] []

any nudes at all???

No.249211 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 13:01] [Report] []

>>249042 if you wanted to see more pics of a horse face just google it.

No.249302 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 17:55] [Report] []

>>249042 if he is looking at this thread, “You better quarantine yourself for the full 14 days and get yourself tested after getting back from Fire Island. Oh and get a Covid test also, ho”

No.249319 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 18:39] [Report] []

>>249302 Someone replied to one of his tweets saying this

No.249351 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 20:22] [Report] []

>>249302 y’all bitter jealous queens are gonna be real mad when the outdoor gay gatherings don’t actually result in a spike. This is not indoor dance parties in March all over again. When all these gays get on with their lives without you while you refuse to leave your apartments - even as NYC is in phase 3 and soon to be phase 4 - and are happier, healthier, and more sane for it, you’ll still self-righteously claim that it was too early. Just wait...

No.249352 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 20:24] [Report] []

>>248933 I bet you think you’re better than all the people who protested because you followed the guidelines and stayed home, right? slow clap

No.249399 : Anonymous [2020-07-07 23:10] [Report] []

>>249351 "Healthier" and "Sane" aren't words one would associate with meth-fuelled orgies.

No.249423 : Anonymous [2020-07-08 00:08] [Report] []

>>249352 Nah I was out there protesting too and everyone around was wearing a mask. The problem here is not who did what right or wrong, it’s the audacity the gays had to go to Fire Island and further push the spike of Covid for their selfish gain. Our healthcare system unfortunately is not equipped for this type of problem mainly because of the current administration. If this wannabe actor, who recites other people and can’t come up with his own material, wants to come to LA he’s going to be shunned and I look forward to it. :)

No.249426 : Anonymous [2020-07-08 00:09] [Report] []

>>249319 Good! More people need to call him out. Just because he’s “pretty” doesn’t exclude him from being a dumb twat “protesting” in Fire Island whole on Grindr.

No.249497 : Anonymous [2020-07-08 04:39] [Report] []

Something new?

No.249518 : Anonymous [2020-07-08 07:15] [Report] []

>>248102 what’s his twitter again?

No.250325 : Anonymous [2020-07-10 14:23] [Report] []

Ass pics?

No.261719 : Anonymous [2020-08-13 09:20] [Report] []


No.261720 : Anonymous [2020-08-13 09:21] [Report] []

He looks good in his new posts

No.262004 : Anonymous [2020-08-14 01:08] [Report] []

He disappeared for 3-4 weeks and came back with a much better looking face hmmm

No.262015 : Anonymous [2020-08-14 01:19] [Report] []

>>262004 omg it's not just me! I was he's cuter than I remember.

Maybe got his chin shaved? nose job possibly...


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