Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.249928 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 13:14] [Report] 1594314847086.jpg (287152 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
287152 B

Anything on sebastian?
Tumblr is c-ba$$meow ($ = s)

No.249967 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 14:49] [Report] []

there are nudes in the archives, but i'm here for new stuff!

No.250043 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 17:33] [Report] []

Hooked up with him in college

No.250047 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 17:49] [Report] []

>>249967 same! need to see more of that fat dick

No.250048 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 17:50] [Report] []

>>250043 how was he in bed?

No.250051 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 18:05] [Report] []

He bottomed... came super quick. I’d describe the whole thing as meh

No.250057 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 18:19] [Report] []

>>250043 what school?

No.250075 : Anonymous [2020-07-09 19:08] [Report] []

>>250057 UConn

No.250385 : Anonymous [2020-07-10 17:49] [Report] []

>>250051 did you get any nudes? Lol

No.250386 : Anonymous [2020-07-10 17:51] [Report] []

>>250051 oh wow...that's disappointing. Always talked a big game about being good at sex. I think he said/or I heard he fucked most of UConn?

No.250598 : Anonymous [2020-07-11 10:59] [Report] []

>>250386 sex addicts aren't always good at sex lol

He did fuck most of the UConn gays, and I know he had a bf he was cheating on constantly. A real class act

No.250649 : Anonymous [2020-07-11 13:06] [Report] []

>>250051 surprised he bottomed since his dick is huge

No.250684 : Anonymous [2020-07-11 14:55] [Report] []

>>250598 dang so the rumors are true and worse XD was he into bareback? I wonder what Ricky Roman saw in him, if he was bad at sex lol

>>250649 yea, there's always a lot of big dick bottoms, but he says on tumblr that he's allegedly a power vers

No.250953 : Anonymous [2020-07-12 10:07] [Report] []

I see a lot of talk and not a lot of pics! Lol

No.251100 : Anonymous [2020-07-12 18:19] [Report] 1594592342599.png (3222985 B, 1264x1694) [YIS] [GIS] []
3222985 B

He's got a fat cock

No.251611 : Anonymous [2020-07-14 09:31] [Report] []

Anything else? Would love to see that tight hole

No.252324 : Anonymous [2020-07-16 11:07] [Report] []

He lives in New Haven, CT if anyone wants to bait him

No.254972 : Anonymous [2020-07-24 12:00] [Report] []

Bump! Need to see more


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