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No.250458 : Anonymous [2020-07-10 23:35] [Report] 1594438503828.jpg (104601 B, 480x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
104601 B

Anyone knows real name of Trevor Fratmen?

No.250514 : Anonymous [2020-07-11 03:41] [Report] []

His real name is Bob Bobson.

No.250872 : Anonymous [2020-07-12 03:29] [Report] []

Really? That almost sounds made up.

No.250876 : Anonymous [2020-07-12 03:43] [Report] []

>>250872 It sounds made up cuz it is. His real name is Rob Robson.

No.250902 : Anonymous [2020-07-12 05:00] [Report] []

His real name is actually Sam Samson

No.250909 : Anonymous [2020-07-12 05:50] [Report] []

nah you guys are mistaken-

His name is Michael Angelo

No.250911 : Anonymous [2020-07-12 06:04] [Report] []

his name was " sure Jane " lol

No.251855 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 01:01] [Report] 1594789275332.jpg (103015 B, 500x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
103015 B

Hi again, still can't find the real name of this gorgeous hunk, Trevor from Fratmen.

Some of comment suggest Bob Bobson, Rob Robson, Sam Samson, Michael Angelo, but i couldn't find more of him.

Would anyone to help? Thanks

No.251881 : Anonymous [2020-07-15 02:52] [Report] []

The guesses are hilarious, but I believe it's public record.

The Custodian of Records is a person designated to be responsible for compliance with the terms of the United States Code, Title 18, Section 2257 which regulates the document retention requirements for pornographic films.
Proof that all models, actors, actresses and other persons who appear in any visual depiction of sexually explicit activity were at least 18 years of age at the time of production must be maintained and available upon request, for any film produced after November 1, 1990

No.254238 : Anonymous [2020-07-21 21:31] [Report] [] charming. Beautiful. Who is he...?

More about him?


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