Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.262704 : Anonymous [2020-08-16 12:50] [Report] 1597596637586.jpg (552393 B, 1446x2000) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
552393 B

Does anyone have any nudes of this model? He goes by W1lly Chann1ng, W1ll1am Chann1ng, or W1ll1am Chann1ng Re1s. 1 = i

No.262712 : Anonymous [2020-08-16 14:04] [Report] []

He's Ch@z Dyl@nger on OF

No.262719 : Anonymous [2020-08-16 14:33] [Report] []

Is his OF worth it? Photos? Videos? Frontal?

No.262893 : Anonymous [2020-08-17 01:51] [Report] 1597643503228.png (225218 B, 396x428) [YIS] [GIS] []
225218 B

It’s pretty good. Shows full frontal. No videos that I know of. I joined just to see how big the D was. His face doesn’t really do it for me though. Reminds me of this guy from the Incredibles.

No.262912 : Anonymous [2020-08-17 03:11] [Report] []

>>262893 LMAO

No.262946 : Anonymous [2020-08-17 09:13] [Report] []

LMAO Frozone. I totally see it

No.262984 : Anonymous [2020-08-17 12:43] [Report] []

"I joined just to see how big the D was"
That's the only reason I'm considering it. Based on the underwear photos, he appears to be packing.
Is all the OF content visible upon subscription, or are there additional fees to see particular items (an aspect of OF which I despise)?

No.263144 : Anonymous [2020-08-17 22:21] [Report] []


its a good mix. I now know exactly what it looks like and didn't have to pay for any extras. I wish he had vid content though.

No.263147 : Anonymous [2020-08-17 22:29] [Report] []

lol i know him.

anyone wanna share a d pic?

No.263246 : Anonymous [2020-08-18 06:20] [Report] []

>>262946 That's not Frozone.... that's Syndrome...

No.263375 : Anonymous [2020-08-18 17:29] [Report] []

Request seconded.
And BTW - how do You know him?

No.263582 : Anonymous [2020-08-19 12:59] [Report] []

Yes, someone. Anyone. Please share.

No.264279 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 18:49] [Report] []

"Reminds me of this guy from the Incredibles.
That's just so wrong in so many ways.

No.266297 : Anonymous [2020-08-28 18:15] [Report] []

C'mon now - somebody must have a D pic of this guy. Anybody? Please?

No.268789 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 18:35] [Report] 1599431707443.jpg (423276 B, 854x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
423276 B

Just to clarify:
The Ch@z Dyl@nger on OF is this guy?
...And nude?!

No.269404 : Anonymous [2020-09-08 13:13] [Report] 1599585218135.jpg (84529 B, 850x415) [YIS] [GIS] []
84529 B

It's apparently the same guy. But this price has to be a mistake, right?


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