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closed No.267743 : Anonymous [2020-09-02 23:43] [Report] 1599104637858.jpg (0 B, 690x1167) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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Anything new on this Grindr guy? He’s an escort who claims to have attended an Ivy League university, used to go by r@d@nsc and d@nxwe7 on Insta, but I think he’s deleted all his social media.

No.267745 : Anonymous [2020-09-02 23:47] [Report] 1599104850272.jpg (0 B, 750x945) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Here’s his rentmen profile, it has a few nudes on it. Anything more? He’s currently in DC.

No.267749 : Anonymous [2020-09-03 00:12] [Report] 1599106377332.jpg (0 B, 743x744) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Damn love his biceps

No.267923 : Anonymous [2020-09-03 14:32] [Report] []

LOL I used to follow his insta but I didn’t know he was an escort. No wonder he kept on changing his handle. What’s his current one?

No.267930 : Anonymous [2020-09-03 14:36] [Report] []

He always posted random book club subscriptions or other money grubbing schemes. Maybe he should have used his Ivy League education better lol, then he wouldn’t have had to resort to this.

No.268019 : Anonymous [2020-09-03 18:48] [Report] []

omg.. has anyone actually hooked up with him in NYC (for free)? he was always on grindr, so i figure it was a non-stop orgy at his place?

No.268026 : Anonymous [2020-09-03 19:08] [Report] 1599174532113.jpg (0 B, 750x739) [YIS] [GIS] []
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His hot ass, I want to see it being used

No.268408 : Anonymous [2020-09-05 14:04] [Report] 1599329066662.jpg (0 B, 528x571) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Sexy. Anyone know his current @?

No.271748 : Seb [2020-09-14 10:58] [Report] []

He's sexy

No.271908 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 17:02] [Report] []

Does anyone have access to his private album on rentmen? Please share the pics!

No.271919 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 17:24] [Report] 1600118681457.jpg (0 B, 613x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Saving his dick here in case he ever decided to delete his profile

No.271974 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 19:33] [Report] []

>>267743 ivy league? Yea sure...he's a hooker now? I guess that's the "smart" move?

He must have flunked out after one semester

No.271977 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 19:37] [Report] []

>>271974 He went to the “School of Professional Studies” at a particular ivy, which is basically the for-profit school within the university. It doesn’t accept on the same basis or require the same rigor, and the “degrees” are usually not in the liberal arts or STEM fields.

No.311173 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 12:35] [Report] []

>>311132 self post?

No.311189 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 13:19] [Report] []

>>311132 I don’t normally accuse people of self-posting, but reviving a months-old thread with a comment like that is definitely super sus. I’m def leaning toward that being D@n who posted that.

No.311194 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 13:50] [Report] []

>>311189 Any insta profile for this post?

No.311237 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 15:43] [Report] []

>>311132 Sure, you “went to college with him.” Then I’m sure you also know about him defrauding a ton of people out of money with his rackets and breaking NY rental laws?

No.311249 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 16:23] [Report] []

>>311132 This is the most blatant example of a self-post I’ve ever seen on this site.

>>311237 Damn spill the T.

No.311259 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 16:48] [Report] []

>>311237Agree, I want to hear more about the rackets.

No.311316 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 20:36] [Report] []

He’s great in bed. I hired him and had a great time.

No.311344 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 21:46] [Report] []

he has contacted me and sent me his nudes - both cock and ass. he is always on the apps and seems nice enough.

No.311421 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 05:29] [Report] []

>>271919wooow cock 😍

No.311428 : dwi [2021-01-24 06:38] [Report] []


This is a massive LOL photoshop. Look at how his knuckles are stretched out.

No.311460 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 09:49] [Report] []

>>311428 yeah. You are right.

No.311510 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 12:41] [Report] []

What his fee range?

No.311521 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 13:03] [Report] []

He photoshops the hell out of all his photos. Like the one in the OP, there’s no way his biceps actually look like that. I don’t know why he feels the need to do that with all his photos.

No.311522 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 13:05] [Report] []

>>311132 LOL the self-post got deleted. I think this confirms that it was him.

No.311535 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 13:48] [Report] []

He’s just as big as his photos. He does videocalls too to prove his looks

No.311539 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 14:02] [Report] []

I’ve chatted with him, very nice guy

No.338391 : Anonymous [2021-05-11 13:01] [Report] []

Anyone wanna share pics that aren’t on his rentmen profile? Like from grindr or anywhere else

No.338393 : Anonymous [2021-05-11 13:15] [Report] []

>>267743 btw he still has an IG it’s just private now

No.338505 : Anonymous [2021-05-11 20:44] [Report] []

>>338393 what's the IG?

No.338523 : Anonymous [2021-05-11 23:33] [Report] []

If he attended an Ivy League and is escorting, he must be a trust fund dumbass that has been cut loose by his folks. Who wastes an opportunity like that to spread their cheeks for gross men for cash??

No.338525 : Anonymous [2021-05-11 23:35] [Report] []

>>271919 YUCK! He is uncut?!

No.338526 : Anonymous [2021-05-11 23:43] [Report] []

>>271919 phizmosis

No.338533 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 00:37] [Report] []


even funnier:
who attends one of those overrated schools for a degree in physical therapy? like, at this point, if you pursue that kind of discipline at such schools, you are CLEARLY attending just for the "brand" and yearn for the fake a$$ entitlement one thinks they deserve for being accepted into these ca$h cow programs.

Anyway, this dude looks like the more stuck-up and even more self-absorbed, roided version of R0b Anderson. Just more bland yt gayz thinking of themselves as a divine gift of god to the world smh.

No.338537 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 01:03] [Report] []

LOL this man is straight up lying about graduating from Columbia. He either dropped out or was expelled by the university for defrauding a bunch of people with fake apartment listings, and he’s currently being sued by the city of New York.

So maybe all his escorting is to make money for his legal fees.

No.338539 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 01:12] [Report] 1620796339285.jpg (0 B, 455x579) [YIS] [GIS] []
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>>338537 here’s the court case in case you had any doubt

No.338540 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 01:12] [Report] []

>>338526 how is that “phizmosis”? 😂 dummy.

No.338542 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 01:20] [Report] 1620796843162.jpg (0 B, 756x396) [YIS] [GIS] []
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>>338539 Actually it looks like he owes the City of New York over 1.5 million dollars LOL

How many guys will he have to fuck in order to make that much money?

No.338575 : Kenny R. [2021-05-12 07:57] [Report] []

why did you black out the name? how are we supposed to know its him in the lawsuit? by the way, what IS his name? he has hit me up several times but I've not responded based on his bizarre profile

No.338578 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 08:28] [Report] []

>>338539 re-post without the redactions

No.338584 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 08:47] [Report] []

>>338575 I was thinking that lol. how is this proof of anything?

No.338585 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 08:55] [Report] []

This tea is very good. I want his name, current social media, and I would like to know explicitly what he did regarding apartments. If possible!

No.338587 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 09:08] [Report] []

>>338575 I guess I did it out of the kindness in my heart because he might be deported back to Brazil if the US Government finds out about his transgressions and main source of income

No.338604 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 10:38] [Report] []

How hasn’t he been deported yet? Fraud is a serious crime, no? You get deported for much less serious crimes in the US.

No.338606 : Anonymous [2021-05-12 10:49] [Report] []

>>338542 In my mind, he’s escorting and sleeping around with random men to pay off his $1.5 million debt. It’s like the gay real life version of Animal Crossing.

No.338842 : Anonymous [2021-05-13 18:44] [Report] []

Holy crap everything about him is so sketchy. I want more T though.


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