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No.268505 : Anonymous [2020-09-05 21:35] [Report] 1599356139180.jpg (90003 B, 750x1194) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
90003 B

Does anyone have this video of Eddi3 Grang3r getting fucked?

No.268510 : Anonymous [2020-09-05 22:04] [Report] []

>>268505 Holy shit is that really him? This is definitely new stuff if it is, someone gotta leak it quick.

No.268543 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 00:33] [Report] []

Looks hot

No.268545 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 00:43] [Report] []

fuck this is so hot

No.268595 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 07:18] [Report] []

>>268505 the top looks like this famous gay porn star I dont remember the name of.

No.268603 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 08:10] [Report] []

Either new or old - don’t see his tattoos- we sure this is him?

No.268617 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 09:23] [Report] []

top looks like it could me M0n$!eur R0me0 on insta. would track that they've fucked.

let's see the vid!

No.268668 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 12:17] [Report] []

>>268618 omg thanks, you’re right! Pretty sure that’s him exactly, just checked his IG and he indeed has the same small tattoo on his left hip just like the top!

They also follow each other too, so yeah I’m convinced that’s 3d alright. Now this is getting even sexier.

No.268670 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 12:23] [Report] 1599409412433.jpg (142102 B, 1100x619) [YIS] [GIS] []
142102 B

>>268668 the pic in case anyone’s too lazy to check, tan line included. Now I’m getting too excited lmao.

No.268772 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 17:35] [Report] []

lets see the video!!

No.268853 : Anonymous [2020-09-06 23:09] [Report] []

He's hot, but a tool (the top). Big uncut dick. Dirty and a really fun fuck. But an asshole.

I bet their sex was amazing. We need the video.

No.268895 : Anonymous [2020-09-07 02:19] [Report] []

>>268853 yum, used to see him all the time at the gym and gave off cocky BD vibes

No.269057 : Anonymous [2020-09-07 16:05] [Report] []

>>268670We need video?

No.269080 : Anonymous [2020-09-07 17:22] [Report] []

yessss Eddie is sooo sexual and his other vids (tho short) are hot. someone PLEASE find this vid!!

No.269085 : Anonymous [2020-09-07 17:30] [Report] []

there are bj vids out there too

No.269089 : Anonymous [2020-09-07 17:54] [Report] []

>>269085 Anything to share?

No.269165 : Anonymous [2020-09-07 21:23] [Report] []

>>269057 I don’t have it, that’s the point of this thread.

No.269367 : Anonymous [2020-09-08 11:00] [Report] []

>>268505 omg yess need this vid

No.269394 : Anonymous [2020-09-08 12:49] [Report] []

Really need to see this!

No.269612 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 01:04] [Report] []

>>268505 someone share the vids? Love EG sucking and getting fucked

No.269646 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 05:49] [Report] []

>>268505 Has anyone seen the video of him and T1m Sn0w?

No.269687 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 09:31] [Report] []

>>269646 wow i am intrigued lets see that

No.269722 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 11:30] [Report] []

>>269646 omgggg no what's that one?!

No.269785 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 13:32] [Report] []

>>269646 now that’s interesting. Where exactly did you hear/see that? Afaik unless there’s some proof that it exists (like this OP’s pic) it’s not real then.

No.269964 : Anonymous [2020-09-09 22:16] [Report] []

Anyone got the link?

No.270423 : Anonymous [2020-09-10 21:51] [Report] []

Please post the video!

No.270757 : Anonymous [2020-09-11 20:26] [Report] []

Anyone have proof this vid exists?

No.271021 : Anonymous [2020-09-12 14:37] [Report] []

Love this.

No.271380 : Anonymous [2020-09-13 15:20] [Report] []

Who has the video?

No.271409 : Anonymous [2020-09-13 16:15] [Report] []

>>269785 It’s been shared 1 million times on this board

No.271650 : Seb [2020-09-14 04:22] [Report] []

Someone share the video please

No.271728 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 10:14] [Report] []

The original vids have but haven’t seen the one of him in doggy like that. Can someone share it please? I have a couple new nudes of him I can share too

No.271787 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 13:10] [Report] []

>>271728 yess plz! why the wait!? ;)

No.271935 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 17:52] [Report] []

>>271728 yes please

No.272226 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 11:49] [Report] []

Going to keep trying for this

No.272461 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 20:30] [Report] []

Yes please

No.272675 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 12:18] [Report] []

can someone share it?

No.272680 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 12:25] [Report] []

Please share the OP video

No.272709 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 13:54] [Report] []

>>272680 don't think he has it.

That screencap was posted on LPSG but no actual video was attached.

No.272728 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 14:35] [Report] []

lol Eddie seems pretty open and willing. maybe just go to IG ask him for it? ;)

No.273188 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 17:16] [Report] []

>>272728 he’s low key these days

No.275049 : Anonymous [2020-09-23 11:54] [Report] []

I need this to provide some small amount of joy in 2020

No.275488 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 14:21] [Report] []

where is the video!!!?

No.275542 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 18:14] [Report] 1600985669388.jpg (17833 B, 309x440) [YIS] [GIS] []
17833 B

We need to see that vid!

No.275545 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 18:33] [Report] []

>>275542 is that who's fuckin' eddie? dang. he looks hotter in that pic than in the screengrab.

No.275548 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 18:48] [Report] []

>>275545 LOL that pic is at least 6 or 7 years old tho.

Met him when I was checking out colleges in LA.

No.275778 : Anonymous [2020-09-25 14:33] [Report] []

Where is the video?

No.276116 : Anonymous [2020-09-26 21:32] [Report] []

lets see the video please

No.276575 : Anonymous [2020-09-28 10:56] [Report] []

Someone please post the video of Eddie in doggy!

No.276679 : Anonymous [2020-09-28 16:29] [Report] []

it's never gonna surface. never. deal with it

No.276718 : Anonymous [2020-09-28 18:40] [Report] []

>>276679 the rest did. Why wouldn’t this one

No.276797 : Anonymous [2020-09-28 23:52] [Report] []

>>268505 would love to see this - share wt link?

No.276933 : Anonymous [2020-09-29 14:00] [Report] []

>>276797 learn how to read dude

there's no link to share the vid because no one has posted it yet.


No.276943 : Anonymous [2020-09-29 14:18] [Report] 1601403534032.png (254013 B, 396x657) [YIS] [GIS] []
254013 B

anyone can re-up the video?

No.277318 : Anonymous [2020-09-30 15:46] [Report] 1601495170327.jpg (141982 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
141982 B

Please lawd let that video of him leak

No.277324 : Anonymous [2020-09-30 16:04] [Report] []

eddie is such a bottom bitch hot boi. need to see that vid

No.277625 : Anonymous [2020-10-01 15:30] [Report] []

Please post it!

No.277886 : Anonymous [2020-10-02 15:02] [Report] []

Damn nobody has that video?

No.277890 : Anonymous [2020-10-02 15:27] [Report] []

what's his IG

No.278607 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 13:33] [Report] []

Please find it

No.278620 : Anonymous [2020-10-05 14:13] [Report] []

i saw a vid of him in a 5some.. ill never post.. yall hoes dont ever post orgies.. step ya bussies up nqq

No.279027 : Anonymous [2020-10-06 11:53] [Report] []

just post the 5sum vid

No.279043 : Anonymous [2020-10-06 12:39] [Report] []

do it for the gays

No.279240 : Anonymous [2020-10-07 01:36] [Report] []

>>278620 As an easy rule to not get baited, if anyone says they have/saw something but provide nothing to back that claim up, it’s not real. People on these sites lie all the times to get traction.

Not saying Ed doesn’t do 5way (on the contrary we know he’s a whore), just saying post something to prove you have it, or quit it.

No.280142 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 12:31] [Report] []

We still waitin' ya'll

No.281531 : Anonymous [2020-10-15 13:21] [Report] []

where is it?

No.281632 : SFC [2020-10-15 19:52] [Report] []

>>278620 no you don’t. 🙄

No.281814 : Anonymous [2020-10-16 12:28] [Report] []

Still hopeful for this

No.282476 : Anonymous [2020-10-19 10:50] [Report] []

Bump need to see!!

No.283769 : Anonymous [2020-10-23 19:53] [Report] []

where is the video?

No.283770 : Anonymous [2020-10-23 20:01] [Report] []

>>283769 the OP never had it. Just a screencap posted on another board.

No.283772 : Anonymous [2020-10-23 20:10] [Report] 1603498202532.jpg (338560 B, 1466x825) [YIS] [GIS] []
338560 B

Here's a different video that needs to see the light of day!

No.283801 : Anonymous [2020-10-23 22:39] [Report] []

>>283772 yes - let’s see any Eddie vids

No.283814 : Anonymous [2020-10-23 23:32] [Report] []

More videos

No.283815 : Anonymous [2020-10-23 23:33] [Report] []

Guessing sfc has it. :X

No.283875 : Anonymous [2020-10-24 06:54] [Report] []

looks that Eddie got more new video out there.. but not gonna surface cause those people just want trolling lol

No.283891 : Anonymous [2020-10-24 09:58] [Report] []

>>283772 Two different teases and still no actual new video? where are people even getting these screenshots from in the first place?

No.283894 : Anonymous [2020-10-24 10:15] [Report] []

>>283772post 😜

No.283955 : Anonymous [2020-10-24 16:01] [Report] []

im actually surprised he doesn't have an onlyfans yet

No.283971 : Anonymous [2020-10-24 17:44] [Report] []

A couple of folks on here have this video and a lot more. If they share theirs I'll share mine.

No.283976 : SFC [2020-10-24 18:23] [Report] []

>>283971 that’s not how it works.

No.284157 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 15:03] [Report] []

does he only bottom? seems like all pics and vids are just hit bottoming

No.284176 : Anonymous [2020-10-25 16:20] [Report] []

3ddie himself sends out screenshots of his vids, including the pic in the op, so while those screenshots are out there, there’s a good chance the actual vids might not be

No.284512 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 20:26] [Report] 1603758399054.jpg (287690 B, 761x1234) [YIS] [GIS] []
287690 B

This has leaked.

No.284523 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 21:29] [Report] []

Can someone post it

No.284533 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 22:20] [Report] []

where is that video goddammit

No.284807 : Anonymous [2020-10-27 18:44] [Report] []

Please share

No.284808 : Anonymous [2020-10-27 18:45] [Report] []

If you're s3lling or tr@ding, let us know how to contact you at least.

No.284852 : Anonymous [2020-10-27 21:54] [Report] []

trolling ................

No.285218 : Anonymous [2020-10-29 09:54] [Report] []

Damn share please

No.285371 : Anonymous [2020-10-29 23:25] [Report] []

>>268505 so hot - let’s see these vids. Dying to see Eddie in action

No.285462 : Anonymous [2020-10-30 11:58] [Report] 1604073523358.jpg (439496 B, 861x1500) [YIS] [GIS] []
439496 B

Eddie sent me these but not the video. He wouldn't send it because, according to him, the top is someone "famous".

All we have to do it make a list of all the famous guys with beards and start the elimination process.

No.285465 : Anonymous [2020-10-30 12:06] [Report] []

>>285462if that intel is legit, I think the top is that vocal guy in broadway.

No.285476 : Anonymous [2020-10-30 13:00] [Report] []

>>268505 what abt this one

No.285502 : Anonymous [2020-10-30 15:36] [Report] 1604086591921.jpg (497686 B, 723x1353) [YIS] [GIS] []
497686 B

>>285462 looks like the same room?

No.285508 : Anonymous [2020-10-30 15:59] [Report] []

>>285465 Who?

No.285513 : Anonymous [2020-10-30 16:15] [Report] []

>>268505 As many pics as he’s “sent out”, we could probably piece the video together 🤣

No.285516 : Anonymous [2020-10-30 16:39] [Report] []

>>285502 the topis hot

No.285932 : Anonymous [2020-11-01 11:54] [Report] []

>>285809 HOLY SHIT! Yessssss. K, so it's been retweeted enough. someone post the fuck vid.....

No.285963 : Anonymous [2020-11-01 13:39] [Report] []

Someone want to split the price to get the whole stuff ? The twitter acount seems to have a lot. If we are a lot, it will be cheap.

No.285991 : Anonymous [2020-11-01 15:37] [Report] []

>>285963 I would looove to see all this. But it looks shady af.

No.286107 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 00:23] [Report] []

>>285809 they posted the fuck vid from the op, or at least part of it

No.286137 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 02:00] [Report] []

>>285502so who is this famous person? ID?

No.286139 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 02:29] [Report] []

I want to see more of the top if anyone has anything

No.286216 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 12:05] [Report] []

>>286139more videos

No.286244 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 13:36] [Report] []

>>286216 where?

No.286294 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 15:45] [Report] []

>>286107 thank you!

Greg is so nasty in bed.

No.286296 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 15:46] [Report] []

Who is that top?

No.286347 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 20:00] [Report] []

>>286296 whoever he is, he is putting in work. Hot.

No.286364 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 21:40] [Report] []

top is M0n$!eur R0me0 on insta

No.286377 : Anonymous [2020-11-02 22:23] [Report] []


Hoooooolllleyyyyy Shit. Yes, this twit acct looks suuuuper sketchy, but they are DELIVERING.

No.286460 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 10:25] [Report] []

Did anyone save these and are willing to repost. Account was suspended

No.286470 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 11:27] [Report] []

I missed the video...can anyone upload

No.286473 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 11:39] [Report] 1604421582798.png (1494744 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
1494744 B

>>286470 if we all chip in $5 we can buy the collection for $90 which is actually very cheap

No.286476 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 11:58] [Report] []

I forgot to save those videos... someone from here must’ve reported them

No.286481 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 12:13] [Report] []

>>286476 What dumpster person tried to play white knight and got that twitter page taken down?

No.286529 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 14:18] [Report] 1604431093241.jpg (409916 B, 690x956) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.286530 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 14:19] [Report] []

>>268505 someone must have the full vids... post? 🙏🏼

No.286839 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 04:37] [Report] []

What kind of shit bag tries to make money off private videos that were shared confidential? Disgusting.

No.286844 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 04:50] [Report] []

I guess the account got reported bcuz they charged 90 dollars (us) and not bcuz of the questionable legality of the cuntent.

No.286853 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 05:27] [Report] []

I love the way Eddie eager takes dick in this vid. What a pro bottom!!!

No.286865 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 06:07] [Report] []

Did someone save

No.286878 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 07:52] [Report] []

post what you have you greedy fucking cunts

No.286923 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 11:55] [Report] []

>>268505 Hot - thanks for sharing. Who is the longer actual vids?!? 🙏🏼

No.286932 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 12:16] [Report] []

>>286923 I am

No.286943 : Anonymous [2020-11-04 12:57] [Report] []

Did you manage to save the one with the married guy?

No.287505 : Anonymous [2020-11-06 07:04] [Report] []

>>268505 We were getting so close...

No.288188 : Anonymous [2020-11-09 09:32] [Report] []

>>268505 Video owners feeling generous? WT link?

No.288452 : Anonymous [2020-11-10 11:32] [Report] 1605025932190.jpg (293582 B, 593x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
293582 B

More have leaked. I suspect he's leaking these himself.

No.288495 : Anonymous [2020-11-10 14:13] [Report] []

>>288452 what’s the source of these thumbs? twitter?

No.288550 : Anonymous [2020-11-10 17:57] [Report] []

>>288452 why would he do that?

No.288609 : Anonymous [2020-11-10 22:50] [Report] []

>>288550 he's an exhibitionist

No.288635 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 01:31] [Report] []

i can confirm he leaks at least one because i talked to him on grindr and he sent me a vid with his face, but that one is already released. it's the vid from the pic here in original post

No.288647 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 02:19] [Report] []

>>288635 idk if that confirms anything. It may mean he sends out the same vid that someone else happened to leak at some point. Also, does Grindr let you send vids? I thought you could only record a live vid to send.

No.288701 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 09:56] [Report] []

If you have the full video without watermark in full screen, can you post it here please

No.288719 : Anonymous [2020-11-11 11:39] [Report] []

>>268505 Loving all these teaser pics - Post the vids! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

No.290234 : Anonymous [2020-11-16 18:44] [Report] []

>>268505 Anyone ever get the vids?

No.291343 : Anonymous [2020-11-20 11:59] [Report] []

Who is posting clips from his videos?

No.297310 : Anonymous [2020-12-10 18:11] [Report] []

Nothing will surface I suppose

No.297648 : Anonymous [2020-12-11 22:59] [Report] []

>>268505 One final bump for E. G.‘s vids.

No.300574 : Anonymous [2020-12-22 07:41] [Report] []

>>297648 christmas miracle pls

No.300659 : Anonymous [2020-12-22 14:42] [Report] 1608666127465.jpg (427885 B, 1080x1115) [YIS] [GIS] []
427885 B

Crooked tooth whore

No.308440 : Anonymous [2021-01-14 18:25] [Report] []

We need more, can we have the two leaked videos with a better quality ?

No.308445 : Anonymous [2021-01-14 18:58] [Report] []

>>308440 eyeroll

if someone had it in better quality, they would have uploaded it, you needy turd

No.308549 : Anonymous [2021-01-15 01:32] [Report] []

anyone plssszzzz

No.325133 : Anonymous [2021-03-15 19:38] [Report] []

video with Romeo?

No.325137 : Anonymous [2021-03-15 20:15] [Report] 1615853745505.jpg (29789 B, 460x460) [YIS] [GIS] []
29789 B



No.336984 : Anonymous [2021-05-03 14:19] [Report] []

there’s gotta be more out there

No.339158 : Anonymous [2021-05-15 18:40] [Report] []

who cares about his teeth he’s so hot

No.346858 : Anonymous [2021-06-29 10:48] [Report] []

we need all
the videos

No.347457 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 09:12] [Report] []

can someone leak the vid with Romeo?

No.347460 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 09:25] [Report] []

Eddie is beautiful. I could fap to his fuck vids all day

No.347522 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 15:47] [Report] []

>>325137 a lot of these guys have the worst teeth, I blame the meth

No.347588 : SFC [2021-07-04 02:42] [Report] []

>>347522 if you think those are meth teeth, you’re like literally stupid. Not everyone is born with perfectly straight teeth. If you’re gonna come here to judge someone at least judge their dicks or ass 💕

No.351018 : Anonymous [2021-07-22 04:58] [Report] []

No one got the video?

No.351055 : Anonymous [2021-07-22 11:16] [Report] []

I wish I had that video. I have the one of him getting plowed by the muscled artist with all the tattoos. Eddie does a major hit of poppers and shoots a big load with that cock up inside him.

No.370169 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 12:58] [Report] []

Been a while so has anything new from him been leaked again? He’s hot.

No.370173 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 13:17] [Report] []

>>351055 That's the one I have. It's hot and even though it's short, I definitely have lost a load or two watching it. Would love to see more. He's gorgeous.

No.370174 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 13:26] [Report] []

>>370173 I have two others. One of EG on his back getting plowed and bred by a hairy guy. Another of EG in doggy getting fucked hard (no faces).

No.370191 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 15:21] [Report] []

>>288452 did any video of this get leaked in the end? From the state of this thread I guess not, shame. Looks really promising knowing how much of a hungry bottom he is.

No.370205 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 16:56] [Report] []

>>370191 He's a talented bottom. Amazing ass and great hole.

No.370219 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 18:46] [Report] []

We all have these, they leaked multiples times. it's irrelevant, talk about new ones.

No.370269 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 22:16] [Report] []

nah let's keep talking about the old ones since it annoys you so much.

No.370484 : Anonymous [2021-10-21 11:02] [Report] []

Can anyone post the video that is in the original photo of this post?

No.370492 : Anonymous [2021-10-21 12:38] [Report] []

>>370205 first hand experience?

No.375094 : Anonymous [2021-11-19 16:08] [Report] []

Does anyone have any of the other videos?

No.375532 : Anonymous [2021-11-22 20:45] [Report] []

>>351056 do we know who the top is?

No.375538 : Anonymous [2021-11-22 22:15] [Report] 1637637325311.png (274333 B, 1868x570) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.378906 : Anonymous [2021-12-16 02:20] [Report] []

Does anyone have any other vids?


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