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closed No.271632 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 02:56] [Report] 1600066564847.jpg (0 B, 1125x1283) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
No thumbnail

Nudes of this racist?

No.271639 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 03:09] [Report] []

what did he do thats racist? :(

Used to workout out at weho gym I go to. Felt like working out next to a seancody model.

No.271649 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 04:19] [Report] []

>>271639 he probably ignored the original poster, and since accusing someone of being racist is a sure fire way of making everyone raise their eyebrows in alarm, that’s what the original poster is doing to exact vengeance for not being given the attention they believe they were entitled to.

No.271788 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 13:13] [Report] []

Nope, I never hit him up.

No.271818 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 14:17] [Report] []

>>271632 anything?

No.271838 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 14:53] [Report] []

Lol when a liberal doesn't like somebody they just call them a racist without any proof or context. Typical. Quit trying to ruin peoples reputations.

No.271886 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 16:10] [Report] []

Lol these democrats these days are so antidemocratic. Looks like all racists and Trump supporters are hot unlike democrats and BLM supporters who are mostly ugly guys noone want to have sex with so they just linger on forums and never fuck.

No.271888 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 16:12] [Report] []

>>271639 have you joined him in a steam room?

No.271992 : Who is this daddy ? [2020-09-14 20:12] [Report] []

He had a spanish bf

No.272005 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 21:05] [Report] []

>>271888 nah but he used to do the stairmaster for a LONG time and would be absolutely drenched in sweat. So hot.

He was very quiet...didn't see him socialize with other weho gays there.

No.272007 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 21:14] [Report] []

>>271886 looks like you are that eldery white man trumpie whose younger venezuelan lover left you for someone more educated/better looking.

And you spend every other post calling everyone a "commie"

No.272029 : Anonymous [2020-09-14 22:51] [Report] []

Uses "eldery" and still harangues someone else about not being educated enough(!) Priceless.

No.272073 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 00:34] [Report] []

“Didn’t socialize” = “I’m too good for y’all.”

No.272080 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 00:43] [Report] []

>>271886 "Looks like all racists and Trump supporters are hot"


oh honey, go to a trump rally and rethink that statement. You'll be lucky if you find a full set of teeth. Obese redneck trash

No.272169 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 08:52] [Report] []

>>272080 lol honey, I dont go to rallies to get killed by a crazy black supporter of Joe Fake Biden. I am talking about hot racists and Trump supporters on insta and here.

No.272225 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 11:46] [Report] []

WT actual fuck is going on here? Trump is a vile piece of shit, and supporting him means you've bought into his shitty propaganda that normalizes his assault on our Constitution. There is no real correlation to be made between hotness and political ideology, other than I'm not normally attracted to people who are stupid enough to fall for bad propaganda.

No.272243 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 12:31] [Report] []

>>272169 why are you trolling?

>>272225 why are you arguing with a troll?

No.272245 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 12:35] [Report] []

Sorry but you’re just as bad as the trolls if you don’t call them out on their shit

No.272248 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 12:37] [Report] []


Cletus, you sound nuts.

No.272251 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 12:45] [Report] []

>>272245 not worth the effort. Report or just don’t engage. They get off on it. You’re giving them exactly what they want.

No.272258 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 13:00] [Report] []

You've spent more time and effort policing me than you have calling out the guy spreading lies.

No.272265 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 13:24] [Report] []

>>272258 okay, Karen

No.272266 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 13:26] [Report] []

Is that supposed to be witty?

No.272270 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 13:31] [Report] []

>>272225 are you actually so mentally disabled that you are willing to vote for whatever the demoncrats are pushing?

No.272272 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 13:31] [Report] []

>>272266 you don’t win points arguing with trolls. They enjoy seeing you riled up, and all you get out of it is a feeling of self-righteousness. It’s just masturbatory ranting. Half the time these trolls don’t even believe what they’re saying. They just love seeing discord. Some are even liberals planting it just to see if anyone “speaks up” against it. Save your rants for a medium that isn’t anonymous sharing of unethically catfishes nudes.

No.272275 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 13:50] [Report] []

And yet why can't you follow your own advice and stop ranting?

No.272286 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:02] [Report] []

It is a known fact that if you support trump, your cock shrivels up and you smell like rotten eggs.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

No.272291 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:08] [Report] []

>>272272 thats true it’s just like self posting

No.272292 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:10] [Report] []

>>272286 stop projecting, faggot

No.272295 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:23] [Report] []

>>272292 go wash your stinky lil carrot cock.

No.272297 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:28] [Report] 1600194489498.jpg (1417306 B, 1125x2119) [YIS] [GIS] []
1417306 B


No.272304 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:45] [Report] []

Sorry but if you support Trump you’re unfuckable.

No.272312 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:51] [Report] []

>>272304 gonna disagree with you there, ace. hate-fucking trump supporters is v satisfying.

No.272314 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:53] [Report] []

>>272297 lol what the fuck is hornet?

No.272316 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 14:54] [Report] []

>>272297 If people vote him back in after all he's done then I truly believe the world is just following some prophecy. It's truly wild to believe

No.272320 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 15:03] [Report] []

>>272316 I think you're failing to realize that at least 40% of the population wants to vote him back in specifically because of everything he's done so far lol lol

No.272331 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 15:18] [Report] []

less than 40%. Most of the nation and world sees him for the criminal, con man, serial rapist, and bigot that he is.

No.272335 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 15:19] [Report] []

Trump's incompetence and corruption are so potent that he is apt to bring about the end of the world.

No.272343 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 15:43] [Report] []

holy fuck no wonder the world is burning with morons like you bunch running around

No.272344 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 15:49] [Report] []

It's burning because of leftist antifa arsonists and left wing governors who refuse to condemn the violence. Ever wonder why the three most liberal states in the country are the ones that are on fire?

No.272355 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 16:24] [Report] []

If you oppose Trump you probably hate America AND the Constitution.

No.272358 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 16:31] [Report] []

>>272344 There is no evidence of "antifa arsonists"

Stop going on Qanon wacko conspiracy bullshit pages and taking everything they say as fact. You are so fucking stupid.

There have always been fires in CA,OR,WA...its due to the climate.

Thats like asking the midwest always has tornados, or why the Gulf Coast always has hurricanes. Are you that fucking dumb?

We need an education overhaul in this country. I'm tired of reading these uneducated takes on something that is so simple easily researched.

No.272359 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 16:33] [Report] []

>>272320 Lol you need to look at the percentage of people who even vote. There is no way 40% of americans want trump hahahaha

I knew you fag for trumpers were idiots, but I did not know you were this bad. YIKES!

No.272361 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 16:33] [Report] 1600202013616.png (285019 B, 325x393) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.272370 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 16:53] [Report] []

>>272367 "Ashland Police Chief Tighe O’Meara last week called rumors that one of Oregon’s worst fires was being eyed as started by Antifa “100% false information.”

Thanks for proving my point!

No.272371 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 16:54] [Report] 1600203264190.jpg (37724 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
37724 B

Gay trumptards are such studs.

No.272372 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 16:55] [Report] []

sooo, back on earth where we're TALKING ABOUT SHARING NUDES.

No.272383 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 17:27] [Report] []

Imagine being a gay communist, lmao.

No.272394 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 18:17] [Report] []

>>272383 Imagine being a gay Nazi,lol

No.272409 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 18:31] [Report] 1600209069224.jpg (58660 B, 604x825) [YIS] [GIS] []
58660 B

commenters on malegeneral be like:

No.272426 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 19:16] [Report] []


Sadly, many seem to embrace the idea without any shame. The only thing that should be free on this planet is a helicopter ride.

No.272435 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 19:40] [Report] []

>>272426 sadly you don't understand the corporate socialist billionaires raping the economy.

No.272462 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 20:30] [Report] []

It's all fun and games being a gay Nazi--the snazzy uniforms, the barely concealed homoerotic aesthetic--until the people with real power decide it's time for the high-ranking f@ggots to die and your gay ass gets purged in the Night of the Long Knives.

No.272531 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 01:37] [Report] []


They keep the market shelves full of delightful stuff, money moving and ensure that people labor to sustain their consumption. It works. Marxism doesn't.

No.272533 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 01:53] [Report] []


I will take my chances. Still better than living in the market barren hellscape of the left.

No.272542 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 02:25] [Report] []

>>272533 Did you forget how 8 years under Obama recovered the economy? How exactly was it barren?

Notice how we only have recessions under republican idiots.

No.272549 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 03:21] [Report] []

Enough. This site isn't for all this political talk.


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