Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.272511 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 23:33] [Report] 1600227237728.jpg (1306064 B, 1242x1385) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1306064 B

this Yale and Harvard grad is so fucking hot. any tea?

No.272514 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 23:47] [Report] []

So hot!

No.272515 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 23:51] [Report] []

>>272511 tea on this beauty!

No.272517 : Anonymous [2020-09-15 23:54] [Report] []

>>272515 his dad owns Duane Reade I think?

No.272528 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 01:28] [Report] []

Straight, gay? Baitable?

No.272577 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 07:38] [Report] []

>>272528 that smize? Gay

No.272613 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 08:28] [Report] []

gay but very difficult to get a response from

No.272616 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 08:34] [Report] []

>>272613 which app?

No.272618 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 08:41] [Report] []

>>272616 he’s never responded on Grindr.

No.272640 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 10:27] [Report] []

He looks like the love child of David Muir. Sidebar David cum out already. The only person your kidding is your dog in all your instagram pics. And even he suspects.

No.272661 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 11:38] [Report] []

Someone must've gotten something from him...

No.272689 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 12:41] [Report] []

one hopes he has responded to a few. when we chatted he was high as a fucking kite on coke and was cagey about sending photos

No.272737 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 15:24] [Report] []

this guy is a big asshole. no personality but his Ivy League credentials and money. socially awkward.

from one of your HLS classmates

No.272740 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 15:33] [Report] []

>>272737 did you get dom top or cum dump bottom vibes from him in school?

No.272751 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 16:18] [Report] []


Smile with your eyes? I am not getting it. Are you saying he has particularly vivacious eyes?

No.272757 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 16:36] [Report] []

>>272737 yes - same at yale. total douche and not at all interesting. would 100% fuck him, but still

No.272954 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 05:08] [Report] []

he's definitely gay...but where are the nudes?

No.272957 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 05:12] [Report] []

Loves nipple play. Can cum from just having one tongued.

No.272973 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 07:05] [Report] []

>>272957 oooof sign me up 👅👅

No.273006 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 09:20] [Report] []

where are the pics?

No.273009 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 09:25] [Report] []

>>272957 tell us more!

No.273069 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 12:52] [Report] []

omg pics please!

No.273113 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 14:37] [Report] []

will only fuck other rich Jewish boys

No.273131 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 15:16] [Report] []

>>273113 L'chaim 🥂

No.273134 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 15:21] [Report] []


How boring. Anyway, let's see that cut Jew meat.

No.273135 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 15:25] [Report] []

no one cares about this no personality jew dick. next.

No.273137 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 15:29] [Report] []

We just wanna see his Matzah balls 🥺

No.273162 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 16:23] [Report] []

let's maybe ease up on the antisemitism and concentrate on the cock pics

No.273288 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 20:43] [Report] []

>>273162 shut up you fucking jew

No.273303 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 21:25] [Report] []

>>272511 yuck. Looks like a faggy egyptian

No.273313 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 21:35] [Report] []

Who has these?

No.273354 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 23:05] [Report] []

Give us the pics!!!!!

No.273426 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 05:28] [Report] []

where are the pics??

No.273783 : Anonymous [2020-09-19 08:35] [Report] []

someone must have some

No.274710 : Anonymous [2020-09-22 12:41] [Report] []

don't let this die. who has the dish?

No.274863 : Anonymous [2020-09-22 19:46] [Report] []

Must be super snooty. Nobody seems to have pics.

No.275245 : Anonymous [2020-09-23 21:58] [Report] []

At least give us some gossip

No.275361 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 05:06] [Report] []

>>275245 Gossip is usually just fan fiction on this site.

No.275395 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 08:49] [Report] []

>>274863 not sending nudes makes you snooty?

No.275561 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 20:02] [Report] []

>>275395 Not responding to people on apps does.

No.275563 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 20:07] [Report] []

>>275561 no one is entitled to responses. Don’t take it personally. Someone who looks like him probably gets a ton of messages. I’m not as good looking as him, and I get a ton and ignore most of them.

No.277197 : Anonymous [2020-09-30 09:18] [Report] []

any dish or pics on this cutie?

No.277200 : Anonymous [2020-09-30 09:21] [Report] []

>>275563 amen. who the hell thinks they’re owed a response?

No.277411 : Anonymous [2020-09-30 21:56] [Report] []

Can someone just leak his stuff?

No.277522 : Anonymous [2020-10-01 10:03] [Report] []

Post the pics

No.278186 : Anonymous [2020-10-03 21:06] [Report] []


No.300750 : Anonymous [2020-12-22 20:52] [Report] []

anyone have anything?

No.300780 : Anonymous [2020-12-22 22:32] [Report] []

>>300750 what hallened to his ig

No.301268 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 15:17] [Report] []

Need tea

No.301283 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 16:04] [Report] []

oh look another rich jew who was gifted an ivy league diploma

No.301284 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 16:06] [Report] []

ohhhk let's maybe leave religion out of this

No.301286 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 16:10] [Report] []

>>301284 where the fuck are the pics of this pretty boy?

No.301289 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 16:27] [Report] []

>>301286 the pecs look nice. Please share. His ig is private and I don’t wanna have to add and be outed as a frequent reader of this board.

No.301294 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 17:06] [Report] []

>>301284 maybe if they stopped hoarding wealth people would shut up about them

No.301299 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 17:42] [Report] []

>>272511 the ig handle looks fake

No.301300 : Anonymous [2020-12-24 17:43] [Report] []

>>301294 he’s so yummy mmm

No.301376 : Anonymous [2020-12-25 00:58] [Report] []

>>301300 fuck yes mygosh

No.301381 : Anonymous [2020-12-25 01:17] [Report] []

Having money doesn't change the fact that he's average looking

No.301430 : Anonymous [2020-12-25 07:03] [Report] []

>>301289 0 posts on that ig anyway, so...

No.301565 : Anonymous [2020-12-25 22:00] [Report] []

>>301381 On what fucking planet is he average?! I want to live there!

No.349282 : Anonymous [2021-07-13 14:44] [Report] []

Hard to believe no one has anything


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