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No.272832 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 20:48] [Report] 1600303684847.jpg (520476 B, 750x827) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
520476 B

Maxisms anybody?

No.272851 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 21:25] [Report] []

Gurl, we have moved on from this one. It's past his expiry date. Along with cronuts, Harlem Shake and planking.....

No.272861 : Anonymous [2020-09-16 22:15] [Report] []

>>272851 lol

spot on. He was the lil "it" boy back in 2014

No.272996 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 09:07] [Report] []

>>272832 shocking his nudes haven’t leaked considering how narcissistic he is. Prob stuffing and fluffing and scared to let the truth out

No.272998 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 09:11] [Report] []

>>272832 serious question but I cbf to look it up: who is this guy? I see him peripherally on ig every now and then but like...why?

No.273002 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 09:14] [Report] []

His dick was posted on a previous thread.

No.273014 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 09:39] [Report] []

You somehow missed this guy? Good for you (I say that non-sarcastically). He was a one time insta 'celeb' who peaked about 4 years back and who hung around equally vapid insta b-graders and prostitutes. Some say he faded because he showed no cock. The more compelling answer is that he is devoid of actual marketable talent or skill, and also his looks began fading rather quickly in the space of a year or so. Drugs?

No.273015 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 09:41] [Report] []

>>273002 i think it was alleged but nothing identifying? wouldn't mind a sex tape between him and his bf...

No.273138 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 15:29] [Report] []

He was one of the gay prostitutes accompanying a gay club owner on Below Deck.

No.273195 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 17:30] [Report] []

His bf is insanely hot and one of the handsomest Insta gays. He’s always bulging on Insta

No.273196 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 17:33] [Report] []

>>273195 max was on below deck?

No.273198 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 17:35] [Report] []

>>272996 agreed next

No.273239 : Anonymous [2020-09-17 18:56] [Report] []

Ha, ha. Soon me might start charging by the hour instead of by the day/weekend, like he used to because his appeal is way down. Once a prostitute always a prostitute.

No.273375 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 00:33] [Report] []

Good god, he has zero personality besides being a pretty face. What a boring human being

No.273376 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 00:37] [Report] []

Yes, but some of us might even argue his 'pretty face' was not all that....Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose.

No.273391 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 01:54] [Report] []

I too noticed that he aged so much in the last year. But lately it seems that youth is back on his face.

No.273393 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 01:56] [Report] []

Max does have a personality. He’s one of the few hot insta guys who don’t take themselves too seriously, at least as their public persona.

No.273395 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 01:59] [Report] []

Is there any actual proof that Max escorted? I wouldn’t be surprised but there aren’t stories either.

No.273405 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 03:15] [Report] []

Saw him in real life and couldn’t believe the dark circles under his eyes lol. I guess he Facetunes

No.273423 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 04:56] [Report] []

Numerous pics of him with other well known escorts in the company of well known johns at expensive places. I doubt they've gathered to discuss the weather.

No.273427 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 05:34] [Report] []

I wonder if his movie about being a hooker was semi-autobiographical?

No.273432 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 06:03] [Report] []

>>273427 If I was a betting man I would say yes. He doesn't come across as someone who would come up with a totally fictional idea that's not based on his life.

No.273483 : Anonymous [2020-09-18 10:08] [Report] []

>>273432 all this talk lets see the dick or a video lol

No.275211 : Anonymous [2020-09-23 20:06] [Report] 1600906001595.jpg (191675 B, 750x1000) [YIS] [GIS] []
191675 B

These are supposedly Max from an earlier thread

No.275213 : Anonymous [2020-09-23 20:07] [Report] 1600906079585.png (1514196 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
1514196 B

Second one

No.275526 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 17:05] [Report] []

Wish we got to see Andres

No.275541 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 18:04] [Report] []

Can't stop laughing my fucking head off!!! That is straight up below average weener right there, Max.

No.275579 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 21:23] [Report] []

Don’t be a size queen bitter bih. I think it looks great and proportioned. Plus it looks like it tastes good.

No.275583 : Anonymous [2020-09-24 21:33] [Report] []


I guess it's an unpopular opinion around the size queen faggots here on MG, but I prefer an average cock THAT ACTUALLY CAN GET FULLY HARD.

Most of the super hung guys can't get rock hard.


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