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No.279766 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 19:36] [Report] 1602200166634.jpg (1554935 B, 1242x1676) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1554935 B

Anything on Dr@yt0n?

No.279770 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 20:06] [Report] []

A million times YESSS! He’s on the apps. Come through Charleston!

No.279771 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 20:08] [Report] 1602202092632.jpg (24278 B, 1017x537) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.279774 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 20:13] [Report] []

Bitchy ass BASIC bottom with a tiny dick and big ole armpit fetish. Loves Disney, carnival cruises, Cheesecake Factory and going to Dollywood. Oh and a trumpster. Find him posting armpit selfies and whining about how he will never date. Entitled and self absorbed.

No.279778 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 20:33] [Report] []

Southern white privilege. He sent me pics on Grindr about 5 years ago. Wish I still had them.

No.279786 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 20:50] [Report] []

I wish you did too!

No.279787 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 20:57] [Report] []

>>279774 literally my worst nightmare.

No.279788 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 21:05] [Report] []

>>279771 sounds about right. Heard he is poz.

No.279800 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 22:31] [Report] []

We hooked up a few years back. Bottom who licked my feet clean. Tiny dick. Like tiny. Snorted and licked my pits. Loves coke.

No.279808 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 23:24] [Report] []

>>279774 i don't know this guy but he is now my enemy

No.279810 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 23:33] [Report] []

okay kink/hobby shaming and sph aside, can we take a second to recognize that this guy is like ugly ugly?

No.279816 : Anonymous [2020-10-08 23:46] [Report] []

...and when you thought Ross matthews couldn’t get any worse. No thank you.

No.279849 : Anonymous [2020-10-09 02:32] [Report] []
No.279901 : Anonymous [2020-10-09 09:27] [Report] []

There must be something out there on him.

No.280035 : Anonymous [2020-10-09 18:54] [Report] []

Anyone have a hookup story?

No.280040 : Anonymous [2020-10-09 19:35] [Report] []


are people actually interested in this "guy" or do ya'll just wanna expose him?

No.280041 : Anonymous [2020-10-09 19:36] [Report] []

Expose her.

No.280120 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 10:15] [Report] []

There has to be something

No.280161 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 13:51] [Report] []

Yes expose him someone. Please!

No.280170 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 14:57] [Report] []

Snooty douche

No.280197 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 17:29] [Report] []

Jezus people... what's with the revenge posts? He's not attractive enough to have people clamor for his pics, but he looks perfectly okay as the queeny sidekick of the group of doable guys at the bar. WTF is the beef with a guy who appears to be a hotel clerk?

No.280217 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 19:50] [Report] []

This bitch. She is an apartment leaser. Charged me so much $ when I moved out of that god awful place. I’m thankful I filled out an apartment checklist form at move in because she charged me out the ass for a filthy gross apartment that wasn’t even cleaned professionally or painted or carpet cleaning. I Disputed the charges based on that checklist and got all my money back. When I moved the roaches in the apartment greeted and welcomed me on the day of move in. Talks down to residents and acts so pretentious. Tried to do me bad but I prevailed.

No.280220 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 20:01] [Report] []

The dick pics would be a sweet justice for all the shit I had to go through.

No.280228 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 20:45] [Report] []

>>280217 I mean that sucks but I really don't want to see this disgusting blob naked

No.280239 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 21:41] [Report] []

>>280228 well go tf somewhere else then. Quit being the troll police. Bye Mary 👋

No.280246 : Anonymous [2020-10-10 22:01] [Report] []

>>280239 troll police? all I'm saying is I don't want to risk becoming permanently impotent if I have to look at any more pictures of this hambeast. troll her all you want.

No.280550 : Anonymous [2020-10-12 07:36] [Report] []

We can’t just let this die

No.280596 : Anonymous [2020-10-12 11:02] [Report] []

A "pretentious" apartment leasing manager? How could anyone with a job like that be so uppity? This guy is clearly not winning at life. Let's let this thread die. And yes, I get the irony of my post that bumps it back to the top.

No.280630 : Anonymous [2020-10-12 12:51] [Report] []

this guy is so fucking ugly...look at those teeth..gross! not putting my cock near that....can we please focus on good looking men only? thanks!

No.280926 : Anonymous [2020-10-13 08:07] [Report] 1602590832826.jpg (124908 B, 640x795) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.280927 : Anonymous [2020-10-13 08:07] [Report] 1602590875729.jpg (208674 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.280928 : Anonymous [2020-10-13 08:08] [Report] 1602590889516.jpg (190258 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.281209 : Anonymous [2020-10-14 07:42] [Report] []

Keep em coming

No.281686 : Anonymous [2020-10-15 22:46] [Report] []

She’s back at Disney for the second time in a month. Puke. And Dollywood in between without mask/protection. Taking loads.

No.282703 : Anonymous [2020-10-19 23:17] [Report] []

This ones a messy ass hoe

No.284540 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 22:33] [Report] []

Gay lovin #MAGA

No.284548 : Anonymous [2020-10-26 23:01] [Report] []

>>281686 Are these guys ever broke? These seem to have endless amoutns of renue to take vacations across the entire country 50 times or more a year.

No.284605 : Anonymous [2020-10-27 05:07] [Report] []

Not across the country. Just Dollywood and Disney World... In rotation... multiple times in the middle of a pandemic.🤮

No.284622 : Anonymous [2020-10-27 07:24] [Report] []

Don’t forget all of the cruises

No.285778 : Anonymous [2020-10-31 18:31] [Report] []

I don’t know if I’ve ever encountered a gay as basic as this.

No.287400 : Anonymous [2020-11-05 18:39] [Report] []

What a surprise. Back to Dollywood now. Eating at Paula Deens.

No.291154 : Anonymous [2020-11-19 18:45] [Report] []

And now she’s BACK in FL at Disney for the millionth time this year. Smh

No.291158 : Anonymous [2020-11-19 19:06] [Report] []

Why is there a thread on this guy, and why does it keep reviving? Can we please have some standards, boys?

No.291165 : Anonymous [2020-11-19 19:23] [Report] []

>>279766 it’s the self posting for me

No.291268 : Anonymous [2020-11-20 04:27] [Report] []

bumping this sexy fashionista

No.291351 : Anonymous [2020-11-20 12:08] [Report] []

Basic bitches love Cheesecake Factory and thinks she’s fancy

No.291925 : Anonymous [2020-11-22 08:27] [Report] []

How has he not been leaked yet

No.292417 : Anonymous [2020-11-23 19:05] [Report] []

My thoughts exactly.

No.292571 : Anonymous [2020-11-24 05:45] [Report] []

let's see what's hiding beneath that pink fabric

No.295615 : Anonymous [2020-12-04 19:01] [Report] 1607126471677.jpg (2297078 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
2297078 B


No.295744 : Anonymous [2020-12-05 09:51] [Report] 1607179918885.jpg (1705265 B, 1284x1765) [YIS] [GIS] []
1705265 B

He always hangs with this guy too - any pics of him?

No.296720 : Anonymous [2020-12-08 19:10] [Report] []

Anything on either of there two guys?

No.299628 : Anonymous [2020-12-18 19:06] [Report] []

Literally the worst. Back at Disney for the third time in like 2 months.

No.303097 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 19:17] [Report] []

And back to TN again.

No.318066 : Anonymous [2021-02-15 19:18] [Report] []

Anything new on Dr@yton?

No.372009 : Anonymous [2021-10-29 13:12] [Report] []

It’s been a minute, just checking back in to see if he has anything


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