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closed No.300034 : Anonymous [2020-12-20 08:08] [Report] 1608469730354.jpg (0 B, 400x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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Anything on this muscular guy/model? I think he's from Oklahoma. He's so hot and seems like a good guy. I get some hidden gay vibes from him, no girlfriend photos, following more than enough men on ig.

No.302818 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 19:46] [Report] []

He just had a live interview on instagram. At one point he was asked if he's single or not and he said he's in a relationship with someone. The rest of the discussion he kept using words like someone/the person, not specifying gender. Later, on a question about dating apps he said he had used tinder when it got out and he had met with a scottish girl back then. Hmm, still not sure he's straight.

No.302832 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 20:28] [Report] []

keep hope alive.

No.304049 : Anonymous [2021-01-02 16:01] [Report] []

Attended the same high school as him. Heard through the grape vine he’s gay.

No.347753 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 06:05] [Report] []

Apparently a vid of him leaked. Anyone have it?

No.347828 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 15:36] [Report] []

>>347753 Wow, definitely interested to know more about this supposed video

No.360381 : Anonymous [2021-09-03 18:47] [Report] 1630709250350.jpg (0 B, 544x1032) [YIS] [GIS] []
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This is the only thing I’ve seen from it. Hoping to see the rest

No.360429 : Anonymous [2021-09-04 00:21] [Report] []

He's gay, I mean he looks like he could very well likely be gay.

No.361518 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 08:16] [Report] []

Bump! I’ve seen the 3 second censored video, but there has to be more

No.361758 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 02:58] [Report] []


I’m sorry am I watching this bitch shove a straw up his ass? He trying to be like a turtle or something to protest plastic?

No.366056 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 14:48] [Report] []

Anything new? Anyone has the video?

No.375092 : Anonymous [2021-11-19 16:00] [Report] 1637355652427.webm (0 B, 592x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Not only straws, but also wine bottles

No.375098 : Anonymous [2021-11-19 16:35] [Report] []

>>375092 that's hilarious. This girl is clearly hard up for cock. Next thing you know, she'll be ramming a vacuum cleaner up there

No.375223 : Anonymous [2021-11-20 16:26] [Report] 1637443578907.jpg (0 B, 651x993) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.375271 : Anonymous [2021-11-20 21:38] [Report] []


Hot! Where is this from / can you share more?

No.375755 : Anonymous [2021-11-24 09:24] [Report] []

can someone share the vid?

No.376472 : Anonymous [2021-11-28 22:03] [Report] []

Wanting to move this up to see if there's anything updated with this. The wine bottle one is interesting, for sure


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