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No.302214 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 02:20] [Report] 1609140030977.png (2224498 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
2224498 B

This is c0l0rslashf0rm from tumblr..anyone know what he actually looks like? I’ve been following him for years and he’s never shown face

No.302266 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 07:05] [Report] []

this dude is so hot. I'm p sure I saw a pic of his face once here or there. unhelpful, yes, but counts as a bump, so...

No.302334 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 12:42] [Report] []

oh man, haven't thought about this guy in years! still looking hot. looks like he's got an of now

No.302354 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 13:26] [Report] []

There were a couple zip files with a huge amount of his stuff shared either here or on LPSG maybe like a year ago, and out of like ~1500 pics there's one clear shot where he doesn't obscure his face but it's in profile. Then a few more that are either really old low-res selfies or where he shows more of his face than normal but still not all of it. Kind of impressive that he's been posting for years and that's it lol. I'll try to find them and add them here.

No.302356 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 13:28] [Report] 1609180100949.jpg (274250 B, 600x910) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302359 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 13:33] [Report] []

^^^^ yeah that's the one.

No.302364 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 13:53] [Report] []


any chance anyone has the zip and is feeling generous enough to upload?

No.302384 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 14:21] [Report] []

>>302356 ugh hes so cute omg thank you for this. I personally like him better as a twunk but would never kick him out of bed either way tbh

No.302401 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 14:57] [Report] []

Here's the two zip folders--together they are just under 1.5gb. I was looking through the photos and realized I'd forgotten how sexy he is and how legit beautiful his photography can be.

No.302408 : boats [2020-12-28 15:03] [Report] 1609185782063.png (931866 B, 672x1004) [YIS] [GIS] []
931866 B

Same guy? Went as homohomosapien for a while and used to post himself on another board

No.302417 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 15:24] [Report] []

That collection is hot. His cock is so thick.

No.302456 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 17:28] [Report] []


hell yeah, tysm!

No.302596 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 01:31] [Report] []

>>302408 not the same guy. Homoh0mosapien has a bunch of trashy tattoos now, has an OF, and is VERY juiced up. Really sad. He was so hot without the tats and juice.

M!les B@rney is homohomos real name.

No.302597 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 01:33] [Report] []


No, different person. That guy still posts on reddit (same username) and has an OF. Looks totally different now.

No.306706 : Anonymous [2021-01-09 11:43] [Report] []

can someone please repost the wetransfer please?

I miss it


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