Archive/Dongs 2021

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Dongs archived. Archive/Dongs 2021.



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closed No.302403 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 14:57] [Report] 1609185460346.jpg (0 B, 1276x1611) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
No thumbnail

Anything on Joe?

No.302414 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 15:10] [Report] []

He’s super hung.

No.302415 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 15:18] [Report] []

super liberal, super hung, super italian, super hot, super tall

a dream man for me 😍

No.302501 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 19:10] [Report] 1609200620009.jpg (0 B, 1125x1954) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302502 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 19:10] [Report] 1609200642520.jpg (0 B, 1125x1405) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302508 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 19:37] [Report] []

why are the dick images fuzzy? Others? Social media?

No.302511 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 19:46] [Report] []

Mamma mia, thatsa big spicy Italian sausage!

No.302540 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 21:00] [Report] []

Hot. IG?

No.302570 : Anonymous [2020-12-28 23:00] [Report] []

>>302508 if I remember correctly, these are stills taken from short video clips. his IG is hopelesslyh!pp!e

No.302672 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 10:29] [Report] 1609255799068.jpg (0 B, 640x1137) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302690 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 11:21] [Report] []

>>302672this is hooot

No.302762 : Anonymous [2020-12-29 14:56] [Report] []

So hot! Anyone have the video?

No.302930 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 05:32] [Report] []

crazy hung

No.303916 : Anonymous [2021-01-02 09:20] [Report] []

Bump for this

No.303976 : Anonymous [2021-01-02 13:13] [Report] []

I know his vids and other pics are on a different thread that was active a couple of weeks back. I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to search on this website, otherwise I would link it.

No.304111 : Anonymous [2021-01-02 18:56] [Report] []

Bump for this

No.304146 : Anonymous [2021-01-02 20:57] [Report] []


There's a search bar right at the top. You can also google make general + whatever his name is and hope


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