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No.304694 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 09:11] [Report] 1609769466216.png (2245953 B, 1176x2194) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
2245953 B

Who is this again? Looking if he has an OF so I can subscribe.

No.304702 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 09:39] [Report] []

this is exactly the kind of pretty faggot whose hole I would ruin and never tell anyone about it

No.304705 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 09:53] [Report] []

ok i remembered, its 'jackforadults' on OF.. i read pretty miserable reviews for his OF but that was a while back, anyone who has a more recent opinion?

No.304766 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 14:05] [Report] []

Not worth, he doesn’t show his cock

No.304773 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 14:20] [Report] []

>>304766 great body, but what’s the deal with his eyebrows? Is that just a filter?

No.304781 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 14:54] [Report] []

Those brows are too bushy! They need a damn good trim. Too big for his face.

No.304806 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 15:47] [Report] []

>>304773 i think its called theatre

No.304828 : Anonymous [2021-01-04 16:49] [Report] []

>>304806 need to see more pictures. There are a lot of boys rocking these blocky, super thick painted on eyebrows right now. Fab on a drag queen. Bizarre on a boy at 11:00 AM.

No.305450 : Anonymous [2021-01-05 21:42] [Report] []

>>304828 oh great. Another homophobe.

No.305581 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 07:23] [Report] []

Twitter @jacklikesd0gs
Insta Jack_debru1n


No.305597 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 08:54] [Report] []

>>304781 Bushy? They're drawn on!

No.305598 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 08:55] [Report] []

>>305450 It's not homophobic to not like those brows. They don't look good on anyone - male, female, or nonbinary. They're universally terrible.

No.305601 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 09:02] [Report] []

>>305598 agreed. he's cute, and i have no problem with a guy who wears makeup, but the sharpie brows are not it.

No.305603 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 09:06] [Report] 1609941977483.jpg (115013 B, 1008x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.305633 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 09:50] [Report] 1609944651230.jpg (1323007 B, 1125x1570) [YIS] [GIS] []
1323007 B

>>305603 and a Roman numeral tattoo

No.305640 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 09:58] [Report] []

>>305633 basic

No.305657 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 10:22] [Report] []

it's cute that his dying his hair bright orange so he can play Ronald McDonald when he's working the drive thru

No.305665 : Anonymous [2021-01-06 10:41] [Report] []

Is he changing his name to jack deorange?


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