Archive/Dongs 2021

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closed No.309755 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 00:29] [Report] 1611034186333.jpg (0 B, 802x776) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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Vids that were previously posted of M?

No.309759 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 00:53] [Report] []

what does the one on the left do for work?

All he does is workout and lay on sunroofs all day...

No.309763 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 01:39] [Report] []

Any T on those two? Are they fucking around?

No.309765 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 02:17] [Report] []

>>309759 he obviously has a SD. No Barry’s instructor, no matter how high up is driving ranger rovers, traveling every weekend, wearing Cartier, and only designer clothes. He posts an occasional story making a Barry’s schedule and he acts like he’s curing cancer saying it’s hard work.

No.309770 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 02:34] [Report] []

>>309765 LOL yeah I always wondered what "hard work" he's doing in a speedo laying in the sun.

I wonder if his SD is Donald Burns

No.309778 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 02:56] [Report] []

>>309765 Haha he’s a personal trainer for some billionaire

Anyways any of M? He has a big dick

No.309784 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 03:31] [Report] 1611045061171.jpg (0 B, 750x934) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Are these two dating now? They seem awfully close on IG.

No.309785 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 03:33] [Report] []

Matt is hot AF

No.309794 : Anonymous [2021-01-19 05:22] [Report] []

I need to see them fuck and leak cum out of their stretched holes.


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