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No.310824 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 15:23] [Report] 1611347004234.jpg (629657 B, 1168x1223) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
629657 B

Anything on Victor Turpin?

No.310871 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 17:46] [Report] []

A pic or two and a short vid leaked a couple years ago. Wasn't anything special.

No.310991 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 23:40] [Report] 1611376837625.png (443938 B, 698x815) [YIS] [GIS] []
443938 B

his old A4A profile.

what a prick

No.310992 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 23:41] [Report] 1611376902286.jpg (28563 B, 457x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.310994 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 23:44] [Report] 1611377071032.jpg (48668 B, 482x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.311004 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 00:31] [Report] []

His dick is beautiful.

But that profile.
“ so many assholes here and crazy people.”
“ no skinny, no Asians, no fat and not over 45”
Be nice. No excuses.

But that dick. So gorgeous.

No.311050 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 05:32] [Report] []

Anyone fuck him? Videos?

No.311385 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 00:31] [Report] []

his profile reflects how he acts and treats people in real life. I can hear him say those words with a smile.

No.311478 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 11:02] [Report] []

Wait. Did he think he is hot? Why did he even write those in his profile?

No.311894 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 15:42] [Report] []

"no skinny, no Asians, no fat and not over 45"

He's sexy, but seems dumb. It's always a red flag when someone lists all the stuff they don't like. Just say what you're attracted to. This guy isn't exactly a spring chicken. He should know better.

No.311936 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 17:45] [Report] []

Luke Evans' ex. These two crazy bitches used to go back and forth

No.311967 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 18:59] [Report] []


LOL the actor? Unsurprising, seems like he'd be tiresome in a relationship.


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