Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.316327 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 08:41] [Report] 1612878063171.png (7300116 B, 1170x2532) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
7300116 B

Any videos of this Chicago stud?

No.316343 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 10:26] [Report] []

Pics have been posted a few times.

No.316352 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 10:53] [Report] []


No.316370 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 11:51] [Report] []

>>316343 Really I’ve never seen anywhere

No.316443 : Anonymous [2021-02-09 15:50] [Report] []

>>316370 Probably same on former pages or the archives from when he had an OF

No.316559 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 04:43] [Report] []

This reeks of a D@vid self post. He gives away photos like this for free on Grindr and insta, and more if you are in unfortunate enough to have him slide in the DM’s. Tried to start an OF once but idk what happened. His personality is as great as you would expect for someone who’s only asset is a mirror selfie. - CG

No.316563 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 05:55] [Report] []

>>316559 You talk like the Lady Whistledown from Bridgerton but malegeneral version! Live for your hot tea but Can you share some nudes lol?

No.316584 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 09:13] [Report] 1612966382966.png (1420748 B, 636x1160) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.316585 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 09:13] [Report] 1612966410593.png (1361853 B, 640x1134) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.316586 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 09:13] [Report] 1612966431157.png (1443265 B, 644x1162) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.316589 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 09:28] [Report] []

>>316586 I wanna see his hole

No.316601 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 10:00] [Report] 1612969209347.png (1175733 B, 624x946) [YIS] [GIS] []
1175733 B

>>316589 His OF had a couple of vids of him teasing his role with a dildo. Not sure if anyone saved.

No.316673 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 13:47] [Report] []

He’s so hot I love his little body and face

No.316692 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 14:59] [Report] []


I would have shared nudes but those are the exact ones I get sent so someone beat me to it LOL -CG

No.316726 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 16:14] [Report] []

Bump for vids

No.316728 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 16:27] [Report] []

definitely a hottie

No.316734 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 16:31] [Report] []

What's his onlyfans?

No.316765 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 17:17] [Report] []

>>316734 He took it down maybe 5 months ago

No.316770 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 17:20] [Report] 1612995645666.png (1310222 B, 634x1158) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.316771 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 17:21] [Report] 1612995670381.png (1438218 B, 634x1156) [YIS] [GIS] []


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