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No.319836 : Anonymous [2021-02-22 08:15] [Report] 1613999710027.jpg (447754 B, 1066x1569) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
447754 B

Where’s Tegan?

No.319974 : Anonymous [2021-02-22 23:48] [Report] []

I miss him

No.319976 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 00:11] [Report] []

oh boy, did he have some crazy spicy tweets.

A very sexy man

No.320002 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 02:49] [Report] []

>>319836 he got very fat and basically deleted his social media presence. Serves him right he was another trumper along with C0lby k3ll3r. I remember they did a video mocking anti-Trump supporters. And a year later tegan got fat.

No.320009 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 03:11] [Report] []

>>320002 I missed all this! Do u have pics of how he looks now?

No.320075 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 12:12] [Report] []

I think he quit because he was mentally unwell. Wish him luck.

No.320076 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 12:25] [Report] []

>>320002 Colby Keller was not a Trumper.

He said Trump should win so the people can see what happens when you don't vote.

And he was right because now people finally understand that.

No.320079 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 12:42] [Report] []


He voted for Trump. Not because he wanted to "show what happens when you don't vote".
Lord knows Mr Ego has expanded at length on why he supported Trump: because he thought that having Trump would accelerate the "Revolution".
He is a white privilege piece of dog poo whose ideological fantasies came first before the lives and well-being of poor people and people of color who have been utterly screwed by four years of Trump.
Wank on him if you want but spare us trying to spin this shit as noble.

No.320093 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 14:08] [Report] []

>>320079 in all fairness, those who were committed to their ideological purity and said, “Fuck it. Burn the whole thing down, then,” didn’t actually think Trump would win or be as bad as he was if he did. Intent still matters in our judgment of consequences. There were consequences to that, yes, but let’s not lump people who were angry with the status quo in the complacent left (which is really center right) to those who on the far right who ultimately stormed the capitol. Don’t forget that Hillary did not do as well with poor people or people of color, either. Poor people and people of color are not a monolith, and part of the problem with the Dems has always been that they’ve felt entitled to those votes without ever delivering much to those communities.

We’ve had many reckonings over the past several years, and four years of Trump certainly complicated these, but systemic racism, LGBTQ inequality, xenophobia, imperialism, and climate crises were not born under Trump. Lifelong Democrat politicians have ignored and made concessions on these issues for far too long.

Centering so much blame on a single voter in the 2016 election is utterly ridiculous. We’re all to blame as we sit here commenting away on our smartphones and engaging in systems and cultures that are born of and depend on the exploitation of others and the planet.

No.320095 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 14:14] [Report] []

>>320079 You're going to be that 60-year-old queer we all know who still blames Nader for stealing the election from Gore. People are allowed to learn and grow, and if you're still focused on pointing fingers at people who voted one way in 2016, even though none of us could have predicted what would happen in 2020, you're refusing to learn and grow yourself. if you must point fingers, point them at the asshats who are part of the current problem. Those folks and their antics are far more pressing.

No.320169 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 21:00] [Report] []

>>320093 well he got what he wanted. The country is so divided and a mess. Congrats Colby.

No.320170 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 21:02] [Report] []

>>320095 must be nice to be able to sit back and stare at the country while it burns while defending guys you wish would give you the time of day.

No.320171 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 21:20] [Report] 1614133222350.jpg (27418 B, 295x320) [YIS] [GIS] []
27418 B

>>320009 I tried looking up what he looks like now and it seems he did a good job scrubbing the internet from what he looked like now. Last thing I read a few years back was him saying he was going to get back in shape and make a comeback... never happened. The best I could find was this. You can see how he’s wearing a shirt to try and cover up. :/ poor guy he must’ve fallen on some hard times. That’s the thing with porn, if you can’t keep up your strict regime, steroids, and workout you’ll be booted from it.

No.320173 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 21:27] [Report] []

>>320079 Oh! Those Americans who suffered under Trump! Woe be them. How fortunate white liberals managed to muster sufficient numbers of the oppressed to have him replaced by Joe Biden.

At least this moron has a pretty face and cock and voted correctly, albeit for the wrong reasons. Any attempt at a revolution in this country...Lordy. Would love to see that one go down.

No.320185 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 22:09] [Report] []

ughh, some1 just share his real name and the rest may be easier to be discovered.

I think he once said that his real name may start with the letter "A"?
so cue in generic middle eastern names starting with an "A": Ahmed, Abdullah, Amir, etc.

No.320218 : Anonymous [2021-02-24 00:19] [Report] []

Sorry to burst your bubble, this pic was from his Tumblr years ago.

No.320230 : Anonymous [2021-02-24 01:51] [Report] []

>>320218 fuck he’s good he scrubbed all fat pics. One of the videos I remember him was of him rubbing his tummy and saying “my tummy is big”.


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