Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.321088 : Anonymous [2021-02-27 18:55] [Report] 1614470105563.jpg (458258 B, 1000x1250) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
458258 B


No.321153 : Anonymous [2021-02-27 22:16] [Report] []
No.321192 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 00:41] [Report] []

>>321153 lol they’re pretty popular on social media idk what you’re talking about

No.321275 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 07:52] [Report] []

>>321192 popular on social media doesn’t equate to attractive or someone I’d want to see naked. Popular on social media equates to guys with big insecurities and too much time on their hands

No.321310 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 11:24] [Report] []

SOMEONE on here sounds extremely jealous...

No.321330 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 12:46] [Report] []

>>321275 Um, yes please. i'd take their hairy Italian cocks any day! Anyone got nudes?

No.321356 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 14:44] [Report] 1614541471067.jpg (139266 B, 589x790) [YIS] [GIS] []
139266 B

Here’s Beau

No.321357 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 14:45] [Report] 1614541538555.jpg (196747 B, 891x1473) [YIS] [GIS] []
196747 B


No.321358 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 14:46] [Report] 1614541580487.jpg (213092 B, 876x1473) [YIS] [GIS] []
213092 B


No.321359 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 14:46] [Report] 1614541618354.jpg (99940 B, 750x1172) [YIS] [GIS] []
99940 B

Beau’s ass

No.321360 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 14:48] [Report] []

Hooked up with them a couple years ago, before they had as big of a following. Matt and I took turns fucking Beau, Matt came in Beau while I face fucked him and came down his throat.

No.321361 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 14:58] [Report] []

>>321360 nice. Feel free to share any videos. haha

No.321370 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 15:32] [Report] []

>>321360 Yeah? And what does yours look like so we can get the full picture?

No.321402 : Anonymous [2021-02-28 17:47] [Report] []

Anymore on them?

No.321585 : Anonymous [2021-03-01 09:20] [Report] []

Hot. I used to flirt/sext with Matt a lot. He stopped once they got Insta “famous.” I can see if I saved anything

No.321726 : Anonymous [2021-03-01 19:46] [Report] []

Nice. Anyone else have anything?

No.321820 : Anonymous [2021-03-02 08:16] [Report] 1614690978161.jpg (164950 B, 750x1100) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.321836 : Anonymous [2021-03-02 09:57] [Report] []

>>321820 did he warm you up?
Did you eat it?

No.321842 : Anonymous [2021-03-02 11:01] [Report] []

>>321836 yes & yes

No.321861 : SFC [2021-03-02 12:27] [Report] []

>>321842 did you really? Because these are all screenshots I first posted here years ago 😉

No.321877 : Anonymous [2021-03-02 13:30] [Report] 1614709805626.jpg (116104 B, 861x854) [YIS] [GIS] []
116104 B

>>321861 ooop! Someone got caught😂😂

No.321908 : Anonymous [2021-03-02 16:01] [Report] []

Oops! Busted lol anyways! SFC, get us more nudes

No.321999 : Anonymous [2021-03-02 23:02] [Report] []

>>321861 😂😂😂 love ya SFC!

No.322002 : Anonymous [2021-03-02 23:55] [Report] []


Omg maybe i haven’t been looking enough but it was nice to see “sfc” somewhere on here! 🙏 for everything you do!

No.322014 : SFC [2021-03-03 00:45] [Report] []

>>322002 thanks for the kind words. Tbh with covid, there’s been so much less traveling and guys coming in and out if town that the apps are pretty stagnant. The underground events are still going strong but a lot of recent pics/vids I’ve acquired can’t be shared without compromising my accounts so there’s been less to post.

No.322091 : Anonymous [2021-03-03 11:54] [Report] []

is sfc he@rthr0br0b?

No.322092 : Anonymous [2021-03-03 12:07] [Report] []

If there are more of Beau’s ass, that would be amazing...

No.322098 : Anonymous [2021-03-03 12:14] [Report] []

>>322014 well, soon everyone is gonna have a vaccine and the gay will be absolute sluts, so I’m sure you’ll be back to normal soon!

No.322119 : Anonymous [2021-03-03 14:46] [Report] []

>>322091 oh y'all wanted a twist?!

No.332056 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 21:42] [Report] []

Oh wow! Anything else here?

No.356844 : Anonymous [2021-08-18 20:23] [Report] []

>>332056 BUMP let’s get some more!

No.358763 : Anonymous [2021-08-27 12:28] [Report] []
>>>321356 bump! I’d love to double barrel these two!

Come on, NOLA, come through for us.

No.358803 : Anonymous [2021-08-27 15:36] [Report] []

>>358763 I bet they have tons of threesomes with visitors to NOLA

No.359629 : Anonymous [2021-08-30 21:39] [Report] []

>>358803 looks like they’re staying with the PLs. They’ve been with them a good bit this summer. Group play?

No.359638 : Anonymous [2021-08-30 22:11] [Report] []

>>359629 doubtful, PJ's kind of a mess (he hasn't been working out, is on those acne meds/lots of skin issues/not feeling too pretty, and just pouring most of his time into their farm/or flip house) and they have 3 kids now. They're just another gay couple to have around and help normalize things for the kids in case they're like "what? 2 boys together? my 2 dads?!!!" etc. a way of educating w/o educating. I think it's sweet.


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