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No.331992 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 16:27] [Report] 1618345637059.jpg (538447 B, 1169x1292) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
538447 B

Anything on these two?

No.332004 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 17:34] [Report] []

Did Blake and the Australian break up?

No.332010 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 17:55] [Report] []

BB came back To the US a while ago. Did he move to Miami cause of ML though? I’m confused lol. I thought ML was in Orlando

No.332015 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 18:07] [Report] []

>>332010 they broke up a while ago. Both Bl@ke’s and Hest0n’s nudes have leaked already, I remember seeing them on lp$g but I’m sure it’s been deleted already like everything on that website.

No.332018 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 18:23] [Report] []

>>332015 Actually Bl@ke’s solo video is still in his thread on lpsg, should probably download it because media is removed on that site all the time.

No.332019 : Anonymous [2021-04-13 18:24] [Report] []

Cant find Hest0n’s video anymore though.

No.332082 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 00:49] [Report] []

I have Bl@ke’s vid. Where’s Hest0n’s?

No.332084 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 00:50] [Report] []

M@tthew was called a super spreader on Instagram lol.

Bl@ke on the other hand is a proven racist from Arkansas. Speaking from my personal experience.

No.332096 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 02:10] [Report] []

>>332084 Heston is openly racist too, so that don't shock me about BB, lol.

No.332100 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 02:33] [Report] []

Share the video!

No.332108 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 04:15] [Report] []

Any nudes, vids, I need to see their dicks.

No.332127 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 07:52] [Report] []


No.332137 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 08:42] [Report] []

M@tt’s vids were shared a few times. You can still find those for sure. Big dick. Idk about Bl@ke’s though.

Idk about the racist thing. Kind of a bold claim to make considering they don’t have anything problematic like that on their feed

No.332141 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 08:50] [Report] []

>>332084 It’s crazy how people “cared” about gaysovercovid for about a week or 2 😂 but Mat got roasted every other day haha It was kinda funny

No.332153 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 09:24] [Report] []

Never cared about Hest0n, but what did he say?

No.332155 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 09:28] [Report] []

>>332010 BB seems to have such a vapid aimless life that he loves to broadcast on social but at least he seems happy. I guess he’s not a blatant hooker like Alec so that’s a plus. Doesn’t he live rent free with daddies in every city he’s in stateside?

No.332156 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 09:30] [Report] []

what to search for on LPSG for bl@ke's thread?

No.332158 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 09:32] [Report] []

I have Bl@ke’s video. Where can I find Hest0n’s?

No.332170 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 10:09] [Report] 1618409353966.jpg (163961 B, 640x980) [YIS] [GIS] []
163961 B

Mat is Brazilian?

No.332179 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 10:37] [Report] []

>>332170 yes, Matheus is from Brazil

No.332190 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 11:16] [Report] []

>>332137 people keep on talking about Mat’s videos but I’ve never managed to find these mythical vids, can someone share or at least tell us how we can find them? Thanks!

No.332192 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 11:25] [Report] 1618413932778.jpg (183986 B, 750x846) [YIS] [GIS] []
183986 B

>>332190 actually I found the solo videos, but I’m talking about Mat’s sex video with these two guys

No.332193 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 11:28] [Report] []

>>332155 I forget about Alec lol. Aren’t M@tt and Alec friends too? I’ve seen them hanging out a few times on their stories.

I wonder if they are all in the same “profession”. Bl@ke too lol.
All they do is travel and party

At least M and B seem to be in a legitimate relationship. But who knows

No.332195 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 11:30] [Report] []

>>332192 I’ve heard about those. But also was never able to find them...Maybe someone made that up

No.332199 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 11:42] [Report] []

>>332193 yah Alec and May were posting on social together in LA a couple months ago I think. Perhaps they were there together to entertain a benefactor? Who knows

No.332217 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 12:41] [Report] []

>>332158 can you share the vid?

No.332219 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 13:09] [Report] []

>>332082 not the full video, but here’s a still from Hest0n’s vid:

No.332223 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 13:39] [Report] []

Heston routinely posts himself using racial slurs in his IG stories. He's dumb enough that he thinks it's funny.

No.332225 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 13:46] [Report] []

>>332223 oh shit, really? I don’t follow him but that would be an immediate block from me. Sucks when hot guys are just terrible humans

No.332226 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 13:53] [Report] []

Blake is the personal trainer to billionaire gay tech mogul Keith Rebois

No.332272 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 17:56] [Report] []

>>332219 did anyone save the full Hest0n video from lp$g?

No.332277 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 18:08] [Report] []

>>332272 Does he train his asshole with his rod?

No.332278 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 18:09] [Report] []

They are all escorts, right? He is going bald not so nicely,

No.332282 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 18:20] [Report] []

>>332278 Matt and Blake aren’t. I’ve met both before separately and they definitely aren’t escorts.

No.332283 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 18:32] [Report] []

Bump for anything on both of them. Can’t find anything in the archive

No.332289 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 18:57] [Report] []

>>332283 there are nude videos of both Bl@ke and M@t still on lpsg in their respective threads. Just search their names.

No.332298 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 19:29] [Report] []

Blake must have a sugar daddy on the side or he must be someone's "personal trainer", without a known job there is no way he just parties and travels all the time. He is part of the "instafake" group, where they portray the life of luxury without having anything.

No.332299 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 19:29] [Report] 1618442959798.jpg (0 B, 1025x1595) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

I was surprised by Matt big ole uncut dick

No.332300 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 19:29] [Report] 1618442993839.jpg (0 B, 994x871) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.332306 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 19:50] [Report] []

>>332300 can you post the vids?

No.332312 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 20:06] [Report] []

>>332298 he personal trains Keith Rabois, who is a tech billionaire. That’s whose house Blake is always at in Miami (and before then SF). Keith is married to Jake Helberg who Blake is constantly posting with.

So yeah, he is probably their personal trainer “with benefits”

No.332336 : Anonymous [2021-04-14 22:37] [Report] []

>>332300 those tits! 🥵🥵

No.332350 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 00:07] [Report] []

>>332312 he's probably not their trainer at all and they're a throuple on the DL. A quickie google of Keith Rabois shows that dude doesn't train for shit. LOL

No.332365 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 00:56] [Report] []

>>332350 agree, Keith doesn’t look like he is ever in the gym. Jake, on the other hand, has turned into a mini-Blake. Maybe Keith pays Blake to make his husband hot - then sleep with both of them. Not a bad deal, I guess.

No.332370 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 02:16] [Report] []

>>332084 Wait Blake is from Arkansas?

No.332427 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 09:41] [Report] []

I doubt ML would be dating someone who is a PT with benefits. And he seems to be friends with Jake as well. I think you guys are just making stuff up at this point.

Less gossip, more nudes!

No.332484 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 14:25] [Report] []

Yes can someone please share either Hest0n’s nude video or more nudes from Bl@ke besides that one video from lp$g?

No.332487 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 14:42] [Report] []

damn that vid

No.332534 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 18:18] [Report] []

Can anyone repost the pics. They are gone.

No.332542 : Anonymous [2021-04-15 19:15] [Report] []

>>332534 “ If a thread is locked and images are removed, reposting the media will result in a ban.”

Anyway they were just screenshots of the lp$g videos. Just go to M@t’s thread on lp$g and download the videos before they get removed there as well.

No.385348 : Anonymous [2022-01-20 21:55] [Report] []

>>332542 how are these two still together? I swore they would be done by now. I want new leaked content already ha


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