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No.345063 : Anonymous [2021-06-18 12:53] [Report] 1624035188792.jpg (1377011 B, 1242x1695) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1377011 B

Anyone got the video of this Fire Island cumdump being fucked?

No.345064 : Anonymous [2021-06-18 12:53] [Report] 1624035214470.jpg (450847 B, 1242x1695) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.345065 : Anonymous [2021-06-18 12:53] [Report] 1624035238775.jpg (332298 B, 1242x2143) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.345066 : Anonymous [2021-06-18 12:54] [Report] 1624035288587.jpg (408470 B, 1242x2139) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.345089 : Anonymous [2021-06-18 16:07] [Report] []

I could tell you some stories about this guy. He crashed at my place once when he was couch surfing and let’s just say he gave me and my roommate crabs 🦀

No.345141 : Anonymous [2021-06-19 05:30] [Report] []

>>345089 sounds like you pretty much told the story... just omitting if it was the three of you at once or one at a time

No.345179 : Anonymous [2021-06-19 11:13] [Report] []

I want to see that video too. Starting to think it doesn’t exist

No.345183 : Anonymous [2021-06-19 11:28] [Report] []


No.345195 : Anonymous [2021-06-19 13:20] [Report] []

>>345141 he fucked around with each of us individually and tried to be sneaky about it. I fucked him a few times the first night, then when I was at work the next day he asked my roommate if he wanted company in the shower and bottomed for him. Apparently when my roommate asked about me, he told him we just shared a bed but that was it, and he was feeling super horny. Lies! Haha

No.345387 : Anonymous [2021-06-20 13:25] [Report] []

This is Conor, and I didn’t give you crabs. I have you scabies. Get it right 🙄

No.345531 : Anonymous [2021-06-21 13:16] [Report] []

Is this video real?

No.345544 : Anonymous [2021-06-21 13:50] [Report] []

>>345089 lol this story is fake, why bother making shit up about others?

No.345549 : Anonymous [2021-06-21 14:18] [Report] []

>>345544 because it’s fun. Now leak the video!

No.345566 : Anonymous [2021-06-21 16:00] [Report] []

>>345549 who knows if the video even exists since we know the crabs story is fake

No.345709 : Anonymous [2021-06-22 08:00] [Report] []

A few people have claimed there’s video though


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