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No.347562 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 21:03] [Report] 1625360619355.jpg (947701 B, 1274x3089) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
947701 B

Does anyone still have the files from the Guys For Days discord? I know I'm late to the party but I saw the archived thread of it and I wanted to know if those files are still out there.

No.347574 : Anonymous [2021-07-03 22:47] [Report] []

yes pleaseeee

No.347612 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 08:45] [Report] []

Oh, yes FUCKING please

No.347635 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 12:25] [Report] []

I've got a bunch of those. Will say that the Taron ones aren't legit, I remember when this all was going on the poster kept teasing but when they would say they'd post, they just disappeared and didn't respond, then claimed lawyers reached out to them. This pattern repeated like five times before they got called out.

No.347644 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 13:21] [Report] []

>>347635 Do you have the Craig M file from these set, I would love to see that

No.347646 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 13:31] [Report] []

>>347635 If you have the Marcus D@sh ones can you post them.

No.347667 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 16:24] [Report] []

>>347644 hell, I've been looking for those for ages, I hope someone has Craig's nudes

No.347693 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 19:33] [Report] []

Please don't let this one die. Some incredibly hot men on here!

No.347694 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 19:46] [Report] []

Unfortunately I don't have any of the ones asked, sorry y'all.

No.347703 : Anonymous [2021-07-04 21:21] [Report] []

Sounds like a scam. Drake Abshire, no way.

No.347722 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 00:18] [Report] 1625458704836.jpg (0 B, 800x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

I don't know about the rest of this post/guy but there's plenty of Drake out there.

No.347723 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 00:19] [Report] 1625458752200.jpg (0 B, 534x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.347724 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 00:20] [Report] 1625458838086.jpg (0 B, 601x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

So hairy and his dick is ugly. I think I'll stop with this one.

No.347783 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 10:52] [Report] []

>>347724 I personally don’t see anything wrong with his hairy body and cock. I’m assuming you prefer smooth little twink boy bodies? 🤮

No.347817 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 14:51] [Report] []

>>347562 bump

No.347818 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 14:53] [Report] []

>>347783 to be fair he doesn't look like that anymore. Now his body looks like he airs it up at the gas station every morning.

No.347841 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 17:17] [Report] []

Ah, remember when just seeing Al3x Coh3n's dick was super sought after and now he's getting regularly fisted, elbow deep, on OF?

Good times.

No.347849 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 17:56] [Report] []

>>347841 don't forget he is a MAGAt dumb bitch zionist asshole!

No.347858 : Anonymous [2021-07-05 19:10] [Report] []

who has the link ??!?!?!

No.347887 : Anonymous [2021-07-06 00:44] [Report] []

>>347849 You just made him hotter.

No.347914 : Anonymous [2021-07-06 08:14] [Report] []

I have a lot of these. Who are ya'all wanting?

No.347924 : Anonymous [2021-07-06 10:20] [Report] []

>>347914 were the 3 pics posted above it for Drake Abshire or were there more? I personally would love to see more of him. Please and thank you.

No.347942 : Anonymous [2021-07-06 12:00] [Report] []

>>347914 can you pls share Craig malozzi?

No.347946 : Anonymous [2021-07-06 12:45] [Report] []

Just came across an amazing file on someone and I’d love for it to be included in things like this. Where do I send it so it gets the most views? 🍆🍆🍆🍆

No.347961 : Anonymous [2021-07-06 14:51] [Report] []

>>347946 post it here

No.347978 : Anonymous [2021-07-06 15:33] [Report] []


Are you able to post a link to all of them perhaps?

No.348121 : Anonymous [2021-07-07 11:15] [Report] []

>>347924 They're older. He still looks amazing but has bulked up a lot. Realtor in mormon country.

No.348190 : Anonymous [2021-07-07 21:45] [Report] []

Does anyone have the Ben L. file? I’ve been searching for so long

No.348215 : Anonymous [2021-07-08 04:27] [Report] []

I've got some of Ben L. But not the whole set. What made you search for him?

No.348219 : Anonymous [2021-07-08 05:25] [Report] []

How about Jess*e B*ddle or M*chael C*rr?

No.348249 : Anonymous [2021-07-08 11:51] [Report] []

>>348215 He was my favorite from the leak

No.348379 : Anonymous [2021-07-08 23:01] [Report] []

Anyone got the actor or Craig m?

No.348387 : Anonymous [2021-07-09 00:33] [Report] []

yes, Drake did have an OF, but nudity was limited. Those weren't there. Post more and I'll post what I have.

No.348388 : Anonymous [2021-07-09 00:34] [Report] []

these guys weren't "owned". All of them had leaked content or gave it up with willing.

No.348395 : Anonymous [2021-07-09 01:30] [Report] []


I got the Craig files. Marcus. And Ben.

No.348416 : Anonymous [2021-07-09 07:36] [Report] []

>>348387 Those files came from the guy he cheated on his fiance with.

No.348421 : Anonymous [2021-07-09 08:00] [Report] []

I want that F_ller Ch_ndler one

No.348429 : Anonymous [2021-07-09 09:47] [Report] []

>>348395 Can you share them pleease?

No.348436 : Anonymous [2021-07-09 10:52] [Report] []

>>348395 Can you post Marcus. I have most of them save him and I can post whenever you have him

No.348444 : Anonymous [2021-07-09 12:13] [Report] []

>>348395 pls share them

No.348562 : Anonymous [2021-07-10 03:08] [Report] []

Anyone have John Delaurentis?

No.348565 : Anonymous [2021-07-10 03:58] [Report] []

>>348395 can you pls share Craig?

No.348614 : Anonymous [2021-07-10 12:19] [Report] []

Anyone have Luc Franz?

No.349152 : Anonymous [2021-07-13 05:00] [Report] []

Does anyone have any of these files? 🤨

No.349956 : Anonymous [2021-07-16 16:43] [Report] []


No.350190 : Anonymous [2021-07-18 01:22] [Report] []

Don’t let this die :(

No.351164 : Anonymous [2021-07-22 19:55] [Report] []

dang no one has any of these files???

No.351635 : Anonymous [2021-07-25 16:53] [Report] []

this thread died

No.353223 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 22:13] [Report] []

Someone out here still has to have all of these files

No.353247 : yuh [2021-08-02 01:35] [Report] []


No.360453 : Anonymous [2021-09-04 02:53] [Report] 1630738387809.jpg (150155 B, 375x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
150155 B

Guess who

No.360455 : Anonymous [2021-09-04 02:53] [Report] 1630738433798.jpg (114977 B, 850x1100) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.360456 : Anonymous [2021-09-04 02:54] [Report] 1630738462993.jpg (32014 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.360457 : Anonymous [2021-09-04 02:55] [Report] 1630738510687.jpg (42107 B, 604x452) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.360458 : Anonymous [2021-09-04 02:56] [Report] 1630738581291.jpg (38126 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.360476 : Anonymous [2021-09-04 05:59] [Report] []

>>360458 can you please share his uncensored nudes?

No.361213 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 01:57] [Report] []

>>360453 who is he? any sextape?

No.361810 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 10:53] [Report] 1631199205647.jpg (322051 B, 1384x1212) [YIS] [GIS] []
322051 B

These guys?

No.361838 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 12:50] [Report] []

Is anyone generous enough to share Craig's nudes?


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