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No.351714 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 01:35] [Report] 1627277750789.jpg (814996 B, 828x1156) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
814996 B

Who got his nudes in DC? Ry@n

No.351722 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 02:16] [Report] []

Boring white dc gay

No.351750 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 07:49] [Report] []



No.351761 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 09:18] [Report] []


Basic DC gay

No.351781 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 11:35] [Report] []

Even if he's basic, still better quality than in my city. I'd not in him!

No.351782 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 11:35] [Report] []

Even if he's basic, still better quality than in my city. I'd nut in him!

No.351784 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 11:52] [Report] []

looks like a rally nice body. I want to see more

No.351797 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 12:52] [Report] []

>>351761 that’s most dc gays. It’s why most gays outside of dc don’t like dc gays

No.351800 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 13:14] [Report] []

>>351797 explain for us non-dc gays

No.352013 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 09:34] [Report] []


I lived in DC for two years. The gay scene there was excellent.

No.352034 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 10:37] [Report] []

No one said anything about the “gay scene.” Gays outside of DC don’t like DC gays because many are pretentious, think that because they work for a second rate Member of a Congress or in the government that they’re hot shit, most will never stop talking about politics, very judgy, and usually think they’re hotter than they are.

No.352046 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 11:33] [Report] []

>>352013 I lived there for ten. It’s not excellent by any stretch of the imagination. There isn’t even a dance club.

No.352058 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 12:07] [Report] []


I'll totally agree that many of them blab endlessly about politics, which can be incredibly boring after about ten minutes. They also know it's boring, but politics is what DC is about. And I'll take it over LA cocktail talk any day. Since I am from NYC and not in politics, it was pretty easy to steer the conversation toward something else. Like fucking.

No.352114 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 15:53] [Report] []

>>351722but body look perfect

No.352149 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 18:44] [Report] []

>>352034 couldn’t have described the banality of DC gays better myself. And if you don’t work in what they think is an important and connected job they look through you

No.352151 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 18:56] [Report] []

'Political' DC gays are the worst - on both sides. Prove me wrong.

No.352152 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 19:08] [Report] []

Let’s just show the dick pic please

No.352153 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 19:14] [Report] []

>>352149 sounds like someone tipped you poorly when you were waiting their table inDC

No.352154 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 19:20] [Report] []

He's been on here before. No nudes ever produced.

No.352171 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 20:49] [Report] []

>>352153 no shame in waiting tables. everyone's gotta make a living somehow.

No.352207 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 23:08] [Report] []

>>352171 agree. It’s not a insult they think it is. Besides most of the guys with abs on this site are in the “service” industry of some sort so…

No.352269 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 11:34] [Report] []


It's fine if you're in college. But if you're a grown ass adult waiting tables, you should be surprised if people don't invite you to their Mensa pot luck.

No.352338 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 16:51] [Report] []

>>352269 I agree. You should definitely be surprised that someone is an elitist about potluck invites.

No.352383 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 19:45] [Report] []

I’d love to meet someone who qualified to be Mensa in DC. Its best described as a bunch of high school class vice presidents pretending to be something when their value is entirely derived from whom they work for.

No.352395 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 20:33] [Report] []

>>352383 you must have a shitty job. Most people in most cities are proud of who they work for. You must be dumb and still stretching your stimulus check or some shit

No.352487 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 09:45] [Report] []


Where are you getting your information? DC is full of stupid, greedy Republican politicians... yes. But it's also full of lawyers, doctors, engineers, scientists and a huge variety of other professionals. In greater numbers than most other large cities. You've got NASA, the FBI and the CIA based there for christsakes. Try living in Vegas, Chicago, Atlanta or LA, and then moving to DC. It immediately feels like you're living amongst a much higher level of intelligence.

No.352505 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 11:25] [Report] []

DC gays are boring af - privileged and shallow. But can we see more pics of the hot guy this thread is about?

No.352513 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 12:19] [Report] 1627575587630.jpg (196240 B, 548x548) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.352520 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 12:41] [Report] []

>>352513 does he escort?

No.352533 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 14:01] [Report] []


Nice! I'm into Casper.

No.352636 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 00:31] [Report] []

>>352513 He looks thick? Has anyone seen the D?

No.359495 : Anonymous [2021-08-30 13:46] [Report] []

There’s got to be nudes

No.359501 : Anonymous [2021-08-30 14:02] [Report] []

>>352513 this screams escort

No.360241 : Anonymous [2021-09-02 22:34] [Report] 1630636495813.jpg (557334 B, 828x1029) [YIS] [GIS] []
557334 B

That bulge!

No.360243 : Anonymous [2021-09-02 22:49] [Report] []

Is he actually a lawyer? These guys like to show everything but their day jobs.

No.360281 : Anonymous [2021-09-03 07:41] [Report] []

>>360243 lawyer? He has shared he's a PE teacher several times.

No.365033 : Anonymous [2021-09-22 20:45] [Report] 1632357951725.jpg (698247 B, 828x1030) [YIS] [GIS] []
698247 B

That bootie

No.365065 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 00:25] [Report] []

Fuck he is hot. There's been so many threads for this guy, has a nude ever leaked?

No.365067 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 00:53] [Report] 1632372807582.jpg (142074 B, 750x1022) [YIS] [GIS] []
142074 B

>>360281 so he’s a PE teacher and posts pics like this constantly on IG? I’m surprised they haven’t fired him or told him to stop yet. Not complaining tho, wish he was my teacher when I was back in school.

No.365068 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 00:56] [Report] []

>>360241 his students can literally see his dick head in this photo lol

No.365128 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 10:41] [Report] []

>>360243 did you really see his last name and think he was a lawyer?

No.365139 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 11:30] [Report] []

>>365128 Yes I did. Don't judge me.

>>365067 They probably can't because they have female employees that most liekly do the same thing. And he can get away with it because "fitness" and "modeling"

No.365142 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 11:37] [Report] []


These look like women's panties. Guys should not pose like a fucking Kardashian

No.365147 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 11:45] [Report] []

he definitely have nudes out there

No.365166 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 13:17] [Report] []

>>365139 I respect an anon who can own up to it.

Good for you, buddy

No.365189 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 16:41] [Report] []

I'd breed that hot ass. Fuck yeah!!!!

No.365246 : Anonymous [2021-09-23 22:32] [Report] []


Look like dollar store hooker panties tho

No.366736 : Anonymous [2021-09-30 19:36] [Report] []

Anything on him?

No.367430 : Anonymous [2021-10-04 12:23] [Report] []

He keeps getting posted -- no one, yes no one, has posted any nudes of him


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