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No.351925 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 23:04] [Report] 1627355087872.jpg (276402 B, 1122x1496) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
276402 B

FIP shower orgy
Posted on Twitter

No.351927 : Anonymous [2021-07-26 23:35] [Report] []

on Twitter where?

No.351935 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 00:00] [Report] []

>>351925 You can almost smell the hiv.

No.351961 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 01:26] [Report] []

Who? Link?

No.351964 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 01:47] [Report] []

Link the Twitter account

No.351991 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 07:31] [Report] []

>>351925 that shower is gorgeous

No.351998 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 08:00] [Report] []

The Twitter is _Disco_Dick

Not much more info other than the pic.

No.352017 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 09:53] [Report] []

>>351925 whats FIP?

No.352023 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 10:05] [Report] []

>>352017 we don't have time to educate losers

No.352024 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 10:08] [Report] []

Some losers may refuse to educate, but I'll answer it: Fire Island Pines.

No.352064 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 12:20] [Report] []

Do you think they all douched before the shower?

No.352068 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 12:34] [Report] []

>>352017 Fire Island Pines

No.352077 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 14:20] [Report] []

>>352064 I wanna know too

No.352115 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 15:58] [Report] []

I'm sad I missed the invite, where is this house? lol

No.352116 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 16:05] [Report] []

pretty sure FIP is the main source of new strains of STDs

No.352123 : Anonymous [2021-07-27 16:14] [Report] []

>>352023 what kind of washed up leathery circuit queen thinks everyone should know FIP = Fire Island Pines?

No.352324 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 15:38] [Report] []

>>352123 it's fairly common to be a young gay person and know that if you see FIP being referred to as a place online, it's referring to fire island pines.

No.352334 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 16:40] [Report] []


FIP = Fire Island Pines = drugged up white gays that have no sense of self.

That whole place is really sad and pathetic.

Be GLAD you don't know that acronym.

No.352346 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:27] [Report] []

>>352334 lol someone’s bitter they don’t get invited into share house or can’t afford one (from someone who stays in a predominately non-white house)

No.352351 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:38] [Report] []

>>352346 no, hun. I don't live anywhere close to NYC.

There is literally nothing to do on Fire Island except do drugs and judge other fags.

No.352353 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:39] [Report] []

>>352123 lol everyone knows FIP = the Pines. Do you have social media?

No.352354 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:41] [Report] []


I suppose it's easy to believe that if you live your life alone behind a keyboard while observing others from afar. The reality is, Fire Island is amazing.

No.352356 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:42] [Report] []

>>352334 Whenever someone bad mouths FIP, they almost always have never been there. You can tell because the way they describe it doesn’t match reality. Don’t be bitter just because you’ve never been invited or can’t afford to stay there.

No.352359 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:45] [Report] []

>>352346 This ^ FIP is as diverse as NYC ethnically and racially. It is however not diverse in terms of income.

No.352360 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:46] [Report] []

>>352351 You obviously haven’t been, or you went and didn’t get invited to the countless house parties because you are extremely unapproachable / unfriendly looking

No.352362 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:51] [Report] []

>>352360 "omg you're critiquing negative aspects of gay must be ugly and weird"


Is that all you've got? Sorry not everyone wants to get roll all night and get fingered on the dance floor.

No.352363 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 17:53] [Report] []

>>352356 have you thought maybe people aren't into the copious amounts of drug use and std ridden sex parties? Has that crossed your mind?

No.352367 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 18:04] [Report] []

>>352362 LOL so much this.

Don't care one way or the other about FIP, but these queens getting all bent out of shape bc someone else doesn't like it?

No.352369 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 18:10] [Report] []


Anyone who hasn't been to Fire Island this year KNOW THIS: You're poor, ugly, autistic, unapproachable, your parents hate you, have no friends, you take the bus, no taste, and you poop on tops during sex.

No.352373 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 18:27] [Report] []

>>352369 pooping on tops is my passion

No.352376 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 19:01] [Report] []

Shit on me twink!

No.352381 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 19:37] [Report] []

only if we do it on the bus

No.352382 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 19:43] [Report] []


Would be fun to know which insta gays were in that shower.

No.352385 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 19:48] [Report] []

>>352382 gjvalley

No.352387 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 19:57] [Report] []

His Instagram is private. If I have the right person.

No.352388 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 19:59] [Report] []

>>352369 Honestly if you're decently attractive(i.e. white which is the majority of gay men in America) and in the area you probably can easily participate in this type of stuff. Lots of this seems spontaneous and open. Unless they're are planning these parties via Instagram DM.

No.352389 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 20:00] [Report] []



No.352390 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 20:19] [Report] []

Is someone gonna shit on me or…

No.352412 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 22:38] [Report] []

>>352389 what exactly was racist about that statement? As someone who is a white gay who has been to fire island plenty, that statement is 💯 accurate

No.352414 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 22:50] [Report] []


What exactly isn't racist about "decently attractive = white"?

No.352415 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 22:54] [Report] []

>>352412 everything is racist about that statement

And every fucking white fag at FIP is a racist piece of garbage.

No.352416 : Anonymous [2021-07-28 22:55] [Report] []

White gay wonders why something is racist. LMFAO.

No.352431 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 00:28] [Report] []

This thread has completely gone off the rails lol. White gays overwhelmingly prefer other white gays. To even quibble with that statement is to not live in reality. Look at the bars, the gays who are popular on social media, the gays getting thirsted over. Hell, I’ll bet you $20 that there were less than 3 POC at that STS Petri dish. I’m sorry if you aren’t racist or are offended. Maybe work with queer POC to actually change it?

No.352441 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 00:58] [Report] []

"To even quibble with that statement is to not live in reality."

You're the only one who said that. Ppl took issue with him generalizing that "white = attractive." He got called out, that's all.

No.352450 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 01:53] [Report] []

>>352441 yes looking back on it I agree. My fault! (See it’s not so hard to admit when you’re wrong.) 🤣

No.352532 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 13:33] [Report] 1627580031982.jpg (109490 B, 833x1111) [YIS] [GIS] []
109490 B

Lol ohhh you gays

No.352574 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 17:55] [Report] []

You fucking people bitching about race. Can we just anonymously enjoy stolen photos of naked pretty people and leave the sociology for somewhere else?!?

No.352582 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 18:27] [Report] []

>>352363 Have you thought that maybe there is more to fire island than that? Learn your history and stop speaking about which you know nothing. moron

No.352583 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 18:29] [Report] []

>>352415 Lol and you wonder why no one takes you seriously you bitter old queen. Go outside. Make a friend :)

No.352588 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 18:51] [Report] []

>>352582 so what are gays doing besides doing drugs and fucking all night on Fire Island?

Please oh wise one, tell us!

No.352591 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 19:28] [Report] []



Sorry, just trying to distract from this dumb ass conversation 😊

No.352592 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 19:29] [Report] []

seriously, you people who assume all these gay vacation places and gay events that you see on instagram are just about drugs and sex have clearly just never been.

there's sex and drugs in FIP, yeah. but there's also camaraderie you won't find anywhere else. making dinners every night with your house. hanging out on the beach all day. singing showtunes. watching the sunset in the harbor every night. being able to let go of all the self-consciousness you've ever felt about being gay. it's magical.

you guys bash all these places and events, and yet you're obsessed with knowing what happens at them. so... how about you just go and see for yourself?

No.352593 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 19:30] [Report] []


No.352594 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 19:31] [Report] []



No.352596 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 19:38] [Report] []

>>352592 you can do that literally anywhere. Any vacation. Rent a house and cook dinner with friends.

I'm sure a place like FIP was more important in the 70s and 80s. But gays act like fags all over the places now.

No.352598 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 19:40] [Report] []

>>352592 and correction*

I have been there. It's not just me guessing based on instagram stories

No.352599 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 19:45] [Report] []

Can we keep talking about poop? It would be better than this cringe conversation 😂

No.352610 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 20:17] [Report] []

If you stretch the hole just right a big old pile will fall right out. Eat it up. Crunch crunch munch munch.

No.352614 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 20:44] [Report] []

>>352610 fuck fart from a sloppy hole

No.352615 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 20:47] [Report] []

>>352614 yes daddy fill me up with that mushy gushy brown goodness

No.352616 : Anonymous [2021-07-29 20:54] [Report] []

I love a good old fashioned shit dumpling

No.352637 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 02:15] [Report] []

>>352388 "Lots of this seems spontaneous and open." Some of the best are usually organized by a host and a couple of friends. Some of the guys have zero social media presence.

Most have Grindr accounts but you'll never get a face or dick pic.

They fuck around with guys from their gyms - lots from Barry's including the instructors.

And, yeah, mostly white A-gays.

But for all that discretion, etc., you can still find them getting spit-roasted by two hung tops, high on molly, at 3 am with a dozen people crowded around them.

No.352639 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 02:36] [Report] []

>>352334 putting FIP on my travel list. Definitely a place to be.

No.352650 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 06:30] [Report] []

>>352598 you’ve been but you have a shit personality and are maybe ugly so no one talked to you. Seriously have never heard anyone complain about FIP or compare it to any other beach town other than maybe Ptown. It sounds like in your case, you’re the problem

No.352651 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 06:32] [Report] []

any more details who are the barry's instructors in FIP?

No.352662 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 08:53] [Report] []

Shit on my face! Just shit on it and lap it up baby. Feed it to me like the shitty baby bird I am. FEED ME MY OWN FECES!

No.352663 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 08:57] [Report] []

I love to go to Fire Island and shoot out my Taco Bell diarrhea explosion all over the white gays. Just cover them all in it. It’s what they deserve.

No.352666 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 09:15] [Report] []

>>352650 Yeah you've never heard anyone complain about Fire Island because all of your friends are probably drug addicted whores.

Not to mention its a COVID hot spot just like ptown this year.

No.352672 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 09:21] [Report] []

>>352666 lol you’re one of those. Yikes. Good luck

No.352675 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 09:42] [Report] []

FIP= mosquito infected summer camp for fags with peter pan syndrome.

No.352677 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 09:50] [Report] []

FIP = fiery icky poops

No.352715 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 14:44] [Report] []

>>352369 lolllll... salty much

No.352716 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 14:47] [Report] []

>>352592 100%. I bought into all the stereotypes until I went w/ some queer friends 3 years ago. It was truly magical. (Also I am sober, fwiw)

No.352719 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 15:02] [Report] []

Ew.. showtunes?
That's almost as bad as gaga and madonna.

No.352778 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 22:44] [Report] []

>>352719 You sound fucking terrible.

No.352779 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 22:46] [Report] []

>>352064 absolutely not

No.352787 : Anonymous [2021-07-30 23:18] [Report] []

Cause I don't like shitty music?


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