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No.359285 : Anonymous [2021-08-29 15:32] [Report] 1630265525260.jpg (826219 B, 1215x2061) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
826219 B

Anything on nathan wood in LA?

No.359287 : Anonymous [2021-08-29 15:33] [Report] 1630265625136.jpg (844494 B, 1971x1251) [YIS] [GIS] []
844494 B

Been around awhile, so pics may be old. Anyone in LA have more recent nudes/info?

No.359392 : Anonymous [2021-08-30 03:14] [Report] []

STAY AWAY from this one! Very, very disturbing. And, those pics you posted are old. She doughy as a MF. Rolls out 15 year old photos on apps, but I would be shocked if ever gets away with it. Shocked is anyone ever gets past the first exchange. This is some krazy shit, right here. Don’t say you weren’t warned, henny!

No.359456 : Anonymous [2021-08-30 10:48] [Report] []

Yeah. Total creeper. I’m a good looking guy and he’s literally stood me up twice. Once like 5 years ago and once earlier this year. He’s nuts.

No.360359 : Anonymous [2021-09-03 16:47] [Report] []

Bumping in case anyone has information on LA’s Nathan Wood.

No.360374 : Anonymous [2021-09-03 18:20] [Report] []

ppl have told you he's crazy, you already know what city he's in

what kind of info are you looking for exactly?

SSN? date of last shit? what he had for breakfast?

No.360656 : Anonymous [2021-09-05 05:26] [Report] []

“[a] what kind of info are you looking for exactly? [b] SSN? [c] date of last shit? [d] what he had for breakfast?”

[a] what he’s like sexually (other than trolls he obviously pissed off). [b] no. [c] definitely no. [d] no.

Are we clear cunt? Keep on scrolling. A dumpster fire with your name on it is up soon I’m sure.

No.362552 : Anonymous [2021-09-12 16:45] [Report] 1631479537359.jpg (1127969 B, 1939x1452) [YIS] [GIS] []
1127969 B

Used to cam a lot, but haven’t seen him in awhile. Changed his username from “WestLAMuscle” to “BiTabooPerv,” which tells you all you need.

No.362554 : Anonymous [2021-09-12 17:05] [Report] []

>>360656 blahblahblah stay mad bitch

or piss off and die just like this thread lmao

No.362562 : Anonymous [2021-09-12 17:29] [Report] []

This leather bag doesn't belong on MG.

No.362754 : Anonymous [2021-09-13 13:22] [Report] []

Ew. He’s so gross.

No.362755 : Anonymous [2021-09-13 13:24] [Report] []


LOL given all the replies to this thread, I'd say your name is on that dumpster

No.387594 : Anonymous [2022-02-04 13:35] [Report] []

Is he escorting these days?

No.387595 : Anonymous [2022-02-04 13:35] [Report] []

Is he escorting these days? Used to cam a lot.


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