Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.360913 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 04:36] [Report] 1630917409286.jpg (748334 B, 1080x1512) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
748334 B

🇯🇵🇨🇳🇭🇰🇹🇼🇰🇷🇹🇭🇻🇳🇸🇬🇲🇾🇵🇭 etc.

Can we start a thread for Asian Men here??
Let's start with these hotties pictured 🔥

Also please share dating and hook up stories about guys.
This should be fun!

No.360930 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 08:56] [Report] []

Guy on the right is cute.

No.360941 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 09:48] [Report] []

No thanks

No.360945 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 10:21] [Report] []

The end

No.360946 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 10:27] [Report] []

Those are the guys you chose for this? This has to be trolling

No.360947 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 10:27] [Report] []

Fucking racists.

No.360951 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 10:52] [Report] []

>>360913 White gays get absolutely OFFENDED when you say how racist the gay community is and yet look at the comments in this thread. You may not be attractive to them, but they are ABSOLUTELY attractive men. And the fact that half the men on her are white men with butterfaces says a lot. So how about if they’re not your cup of tea y’all shut the fuck up, ok?

No.360952 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 10:52] [Report] []

Asian haters are coming as they are angry Asian reject them on grindr. LOL

No.360955 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 10:57] [Report] []

>>360951 There are lots of hot Asian men. The ones in OPs pic are not.

No.360958 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 11:03] [Report] []

>>360951 there are like...two/three comments...calm down.

No.360966 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 11:50] [Report] []

>>360958 look at other threads with Asians guys you’ll see the same thing. It’s a pattern. That’s what I’m talking about.

No.360968 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 12:01] [Report] []

>>360966 literally the message right below this is:

No.360960 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 11:14] [Report] [Permalink]
Who cares about this [not gonna repeat the word]

No.360971 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 12:21] [Report] []

Can we please just enjoy chatting and share images and info about hot Asian dudes here?

Please no outrage.

No.360974 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 12:53] [Report] []

>>360971 The offending posts got taken down, so I’m done with my outrage!

No.360975 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 12:53] [Report] []

Tbh I thought only the white gays went to FIP. So relieved to find out that’s not the case.

No.360981 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 13:49] [Report] []

I’m offended that white gays will settle for butterface circuit trash when there’re hot POCs with a much better education, great career and mental + financial stability that are never even looked at.

No.361001 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 15:18] [Report] []


No.361005 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 15:38] [Report] []

>>360981 not these orientals

No.361006 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 15:40] [Report] []

2 power bottoms

No.361009 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 15:50] [Report] []


>White homos being racist towards Asians
>Asians being offended because whites are racist towards them

Asians both Straight and Gay female/gay boys Asians are the only race that ends up dating strictly white people, and it's like they're constantly looking for white people's validation, it's sad. you see that a lot in the NYC dating scene, this thread is a great representation of this.

No.361011 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 15:52] [Report] []

>>361009 Uh where the fuck are you getting this information from? All I see are Asians dating other Asians...

No.361014 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 15:59] [Report] []

International/foreign Asians living in the US usually date their own or are flexible than their American counterparts, Asian-Americans usually only date white people, at least in NYC and SF areas, I'm not sure about other major metro areas, though.

No.361016 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:01] [Report] []

>>361014 you see it all the time. If they don’t date within their ethnicity they go yt, most of the time.

No.361018 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 16:10] [Report] []

for me, it's getting very rare to see Asian-Americans gay boys and girls dating Asians at this point, tbh.

No.361103 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 19:28] [Report] []

>>361014 Only the east Asians kiss white ass. Southeast asians appreciate darker people more.

No.361153 : Anonymous [2021-09-06 22:16] [Report] []

>>361014 Ummm not according to any current medical drama shows. Asian men date black girls. Asian women date black guys.

No.361193 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 00:09] [Report] []

There are so many attractive Asians but these guys are not

No.361201 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 00:26] [Report] []

>>361153 are these western shows?

No.361205 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 00:53] [Report] []

Can we please focus on sharing images and hookup and stories about Gaysian hotties.
This first image was supposed just be a starter. If you don't like them please share something else.

This is supposed to be fun.🤷‍♂️

No.361216 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 03:00] [Report] []

These New York gaysians are full of themselves. Let’s talk about LA gaysians

No.361221 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 03:34] [Report] 1631000073277.jpg (975673 B, 1680x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361222 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 03:42] [Report] 1631000553525.jpg (221154 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361223 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 03:51] [Report] 1631001111976.jpg (456098 B, 1524x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.361280 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 12:37] [Report] []

>>361222 who is he

No.361374 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 18:51] [Report] 1631055094921.jpg (885174 B, 1170x1642) [YIS] [GIS] []
885174 B

Anyone know this one?

No.361378 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 19:14] [Report] []

LA gays are even worse, and they all look like fucking plastic with all the shit they've done on their faces.

No.361406 : Anonymous [2021-09-07 21:37] [Report] 1631065064566.jpg (285273 B, 1125x1925) [YIS] [GIS] []
285273 B

This LA gaysian is the worst.

No.361505 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 06:48] [Report] []

>>361280 johnnysung524

No.361574 : Anonymous [2021-09-08 11:47] [Report] []

>>361505 Ummm that's def not the same guy

No.361771 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 04:54] [Report] 1631177666520.jpg (1290543 B, 1170x1614) [YIS] [GIS] []
1290543 B

this muscle boy

No.361822 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 12:08] [Report] []

>>361374 I remember to see his pic here but could not find it

No.361823 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 12:20] [Report] []

I'm not sure why this thread is necessary. Very little interest.

No.361824 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 12:22] [Report] []

>>361771 seriously, he looks retarded. LOL. OMG.

No.361827 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 12:24] [Report] []

>>361822 your English is pathetic.

No.361834 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 12:45] [Report] []

As bottoms, I guess they are ok I wouldn't want anything else from them tho. No thanks. gross

No.361898 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 17:20] [Report] []

>>361771 he's hot, but that's a bad pic.

and can you racist assholes go find a different thread to troll? i know being anon brings out your toxic tendencies but go see a shrink

No.361925 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 19:33] [Report] 1631230424764.jpg (847564 B, 1080x1209) [YIS] [GIS] []
847564 B

This dude is pretty popular in the gay cruiseline promotion world.
Anyone have his nudes??

No.361926 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 19:36] [Report] 1631230585763.jpg (101512 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
101512 B

This was posted elsewhere but got buried. Anyone have any info or social for this macho man?

No.361933 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 19:56] [Report] []

Justjoeyt is a cunt.

No.361936 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 20:22] [Report] []

>>361925 prob has a small egg roll

No.361959 : Anonymous [2021-09-09 22:33] [Report] []

hahaha closeted rice queens hate Asians more than any others hahahahahaha

No.361978 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 00:49] [Report] []

Why is it whenever it comes to As!an dudes people are instantly ready unload all this nasty hate!? 🤦‍♂️🤷🤬

The purpose of this thread is to share images, social media links, hookup stories and gossip about these hot boy GAysians!
This is supposed to be fun‼️

Please, if you are not here for that, take ur hateful raci$t comments to St0rmwatch!!!

No.361979 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 01:57] [Report] []

some asian guys are hot and some aren't. sorry to those who can't see outside their abercrombie shopping bag

No.362038 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 11:47] [Report] 1631288846495.jpg (1248508 B, 1148x1752) [YIS] [GIS] []
1248508 B

>>361926 p0cket_ray

No.362048 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 12:33] [Report] []

>>361925 his body is ok, but his eyes fuck up the whole vibe

No.362050 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 12:50] [Report] []

No one grows up and works hard in life only to settle for a chinaman. Let the fat jews have them.

No.362052 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 12:53] [Report] []

>>361280 sum dum fuk

No.362054 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 13:03] [Report] []

>>362052 be gone redneck devil.

No.362088 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 16:06] [Report] []

He's in the SF area on grindr. Can't get him to give me anything.

No.362114 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 18:48] [Report] []

>>362050 There are a lot of Asian men with stunning bodies and handsome faces. The skin is perfect. Just because you can't handle that is not their problem. Only problem is too many are uncut.

No.362121 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 19:18] [Report] []

>>361824 have to agree with you on that one

No.362123 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 19:38] [Report] []

>>361009 Because they are successful, want to continue to succeed so they idolize them? Not seeing your point. Power is power.

No.362125 : Anonymous [2021-09-10 20:02] [Report] []

Trololol. Men are into asian women, but not gaysians.
It has nothing to do with “power.”

No.362294 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 13:55] [Report] []

>>362125 I think you misinterpreted the post, they’re talking about how some Asians are into yt ppl because of perceived power. No one in this thread ever said yt ppl are into Asians bc of power

No.362394 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 21:53] [Report] []


> Implying successful whites date gay Asians

Asians usually go for the thrashiest white dudes out there.

No.362400 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 22:43] [Report] []

>>362294 Correct. I was suggesting Gasians like whites because of success, in addition to the power. Culturally similar.

No.362401 : Anonymous [2021-09-11 22:44] [Report] []

>>361925 Very pretty! I would suck him off for sure. Well, if he was cut.

No.362694 : Anonymous [2021-09-13 06:57] [Report] 1631530675138.jpg (1258965 B, 1170x1305) [YIS] [GIS] []
1258965 B

Why not stop talking shit and keep posting hot guys

No.362697 : Anonymous [2021-09-13 07:25] [Report] 1631532355593.jpg (570050 B, 828x1154) [YIS] [GIS] []
570050 B

Lol girls girls stop fighting. Can’t you just get over the fact that WhiteBois and AznBoys love each other. It’s not bc one calls the other one his little crunchy roll while he tells him to smell his feet OR for the other one to yell “Colonize me bb” while in bed.

Lol It’s always people that have never even been in those relationships that always wanna call someone a “rice queen” or say the Asian guys just being fetishized. They just find each other attractive. Let it go. It’s not like their hurting your ass.

Y’all should be bitching about that traitor Arron Shock being allowed to enjoy our gay functions or Milo Yiannopoulos making the LGBT comm. look bad by just being a garbage person.

There. Said my peace. Now let us join hands and unite over what we’re all here for ☺️ Hot Dudes and their D’s!

No.362746 : Anonymous [2021-09-13 12:54] [Report] 1631552088948.jpg (938289 B, 1170x1357) [YIS] [GIS] []
938289 B

Do you know anything on this guy from New York

No.362856 : Anonymous [2021-09-13 21:19] [Report] 1631582345405.jpg (275936 B, 1170x1416) [YIS] [GIS] []
275936 B

Saw him on grindr before but think it was a catfish

No.362858 : Anonymous [2021-09-13 21:21] [Report] []

>>362856 lets see him and his bf

No.362863 : Anonymous [2021-09-13 21:56] [Report] []

>>362697 sure but where are the hot guys?

No.362892 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 01:30] [Report] []

>>362694 loved sucking her tiny pee pee

No.362894 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 01:35] [Report] []

>>362114 uncut and refuse to trim their 2 inch long patch of pubes obscuring their genitals

No.362896 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 01:40] [Report] 1631598009683.jpg (1517211 B, 1170x1461) [YIS] [GIS] []
1517211 B

Easily the hottest dude in this thread. Someone posted his nudes way back and he’s got a package as well

No.362897 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 01:41] [Report] 1631598061319.jpg (1210609 B, 946x1265) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.362898 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 01:42] [Report] 1631598156782.jpg (879027 B, 804x1269) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.362903 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 02:03] [Report] []

>>362897 this Asian Pete Davidson looking ass??

No.362912 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 03:24] [Report] 1631604250655.jpg (1312316 B, 1170x1620) [YIS] [GIS] []
1312316 B

Anything Allan in San Fran

No.362913 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 03:39] [Report] []

>>362896 I remember he was interning at Stanford an was exclusively hooking up with white sugar daddy’s lol

No.362915 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 03:49] [Report] 1631605793914.jpg (311784 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
311784 B


No.362917 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 04:01] [Report] 1631606478874.jpg (1226689 B, 1242x1709) [YIS] [GIS] []
1226689 B

Nyc boy with a hungry hole

No.362930 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 07:59] [Report] 1631620790357.jpg (750274 B, 1170x858) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.362933 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 08:04] [Report] 1631621087359.jpg (1429143 B, 1170x1639) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.362934 : Anonymous [2021-09-14 08:05] [Report] 1631621152229.jpg (1584229 B, 1170x1627) [YIS] [GIS] []
1584229 B

>>362746 hot bottom

No.363172 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 06:23] [Report] []

These guys are hot. We need more hot gaysians and less racist bullshit

No.363192 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 08:33] [Report] 1631709184767.jpg (1209110 B, 1125x1346) [YIS] [GIS] []
1209110 B

@ulyvefor3v3r (replace 3's with e's)

What happened to him? he used to post so many videos being blowed by white cock on tumblr as sweetboi4u

No.363223 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 11:44] [Report] []

I found this vid and a couple others by googling the name. seems like a lot more have been deleted

No.363229 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 12:12] [Report] []

>>363227 the top seems hot anyone can id?

No.363304 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 16:32] [Report] []

>>363192 Key here is "hot" gaysians. Not this guy.

No.363323 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 18:13] [Report] []

>>363304 Key is you pop up with this same reply every single time.

STFU and let them post who they like.

No.363332 : [2021-09-15 19:35] [Report] []

You have any of his nudes? shoot me an email

No.363333 : Anonymous [2021-09-15 19:39] [Report] []

There doesn't need to be a thread for a specific race. Fuck the moderate racists who want to batch together minority men so they know where to go when they are feeling some type of way about them... until they cum.

If you think someone is hot, post that shit like normal. If people are tired of seeing Asian men coming up thread after thread after thread - fuck them! (No white sympathy here)... Not literally tho... Please don't fuck trash.

I'm not even going to get into the numerous Asian men who approach race the exact same way, but y'all aren't off the hook either. Be a thirsty hoe all you want, just not a racist one.

If the OG poster is not Asian (especially white) - fuck you. Learn a little something.

If the OG poster is Asian - have better sense. You're making it way too easy to remain a fetish for these boys.

No.363615 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 21:42] [Report] []

>>363333 Thank you Sir, but nothing will ever change. Resume postings!

No.363628 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 23:51] [Report] 1631850696895.jpg (528059 B, 750x846) [YIS] [GIS] []
528059 B

Anything on this guy?

No.363630 : Anonymous [2021-09-16 23:57] [Report] []

>>362934 you have anything else on Simon? That’s a really nice ass.

No.363632 : Anonymous [2021-09-17 00:54] [Report] []

>>363628 eww have you seen his face?

No.363634 : Anonymous [2021-09-17 01:01] [Report] []

>>363632 I think he’s cute. Your comment is disgusting.

No.363642 : Anonymous [2021-09-17 02:41] [Report] []

>>363628 he’s so hot… his insta is full of ass pics

No.365464 : Anonymous [2021-09-24 23:27] [Report] 1632540424204.jpg (363991 B, 1170x1326) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.365469 : Anonymous [2021-09-24 23:38] [Report] []

This Tak guy is full of himself. Posts a shirtless picture right after a post of how sad he is that a friend died.

No.365493 : Anonymous [2021-09-25 01:56] [Report] []


No.365499 : Anonymous [2021-09-25 04:55] [Report] []


No.365926 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 05:08] [Report] 1632733701665.jpg (660406 B, 1440x1440) [YIS] [GIS] []
660406 B

Anything on these boys?

No.365928 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 05:25] [Report] []

Hard pass

No.365929 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 05:51] [Report] []

The one on the far left looks like a raisin face preschooler with membership at Crunch Fitness. I see him a lot at parties with the one on the far right that looks like Asian Justin Jedlica.

No.365930 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 05:53] [Report] []

Stop posting fuglies!

No.365933 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 06:29] [Report] []

I’m surprised has friends since he is so self absorb and wreck less. Seems like people abandon him and he goes and makes new ones.

No.365934 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 06:32] [Report] []

Who are the two with the sunglasses in the middle?

No.365935 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 06:38] [Report] []

Tan has many threads. Karma bitch!

No.365937 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 06:45] [Report] []

They all look like power bttms. Maybe one of them is a top.

No.365951 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 09:57] [Report] []

>>361222 Can someone please tell me who this is??

No.365953 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 10:07] [Report] []

Is Tan really that crummy of a person?

No.365959 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 10:38] [Report] []


No.365960 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 10:39] [Report] []

Jay and Lawrence! They are sweet!

No.365968 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 11:17] [Report] []

Yes he is and he has a crummy face to go along with it

No.365977 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 11:57] [Report] []


No.366123 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 21:32] [Report] []


No.366132 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 22:47] [Report] []

>>360913 Where are the woke folks jumping all over these guys for being racially homogenous??!? Hmmmmmm!!?!!

No.366134 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 22:49] [Report] []

>>366132 You’re pathetic and your argument is dumb. Many white gays don’t hang out with Asian gays. So they create their own community. Same with Black gays. Maybe if white gay men weren’t so unwelcoming there would be less homogeneity among queers of color.

No.366135 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 22:50] [Report] []

I love Chinese food

No.366136 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 22:51] [Report] []

>>363333 Your hatred for people based on their race is showing, sugartits. Might want to look in the mirror.

No.366148 : Anonymous [2021-09-27 23:20] [Report] []

sugartits is the best insult ever lol

No.366200 : Anonymous [2021-09-28 06:18] [Report] []

Is it true they all have little tiny dicks and whine when they're being fucked?

No.366285 : Anonymous [2021-09-28 14:20] [Report] []

>>366200 It is true just like you said!

No.366288 : Anonymous [2021-09-28 14:32] [Report] []

>>366285 it is true racist jokes are made by bald fatties with limp pencil dicks

No.366301 : Anonymous [2021-09-28 15:50] [Report] []

>>366288 what's racist about what I asked? Fuck off. I never fucked an gaysian and want to know if what I heard was true. Thanks for being a total cunt.

No.366348 : Anonymous [2021-09-28 20:09] [Report] []

Wait.... I hope youre joking about not seeing how racist your comment was. You've truly been fucked by Uncle Sam if you were actually serious. HE for sure has a small dick.

No.366392 : Anonymous [2021-09-28 22:05] [Report] []


Don't act coy, you fucking shit stain. You said racist shit and got called out.

No.366610 : Anonymous [2021-09-30 05:19] [Report] []

>>366200 This just made my dick hard. They Def don’t all have small dicks. But I love topping squealing Asian twinks! 🤤

No.368320 : Anonymous [2021-10-08 13:40] [Report] 1633714815592.png (7204344 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.368378 : Anonymous [2021-10-08 18:01] [Report] []

>>366392 What would we do without y'all social justice warriors? My heart...

No.368379 : Anonymous [2021-10-08 18:03] [Report] []

>>366135 Kung Pao Chicken?

No.368381 : Anonymous [2021-10-08 18:36] [Report] []

Sounds like every gaysian out there tbh

No.368397 : Anonymous [2021-10-08 21:14] [Report] []

>>368378 Oh please, "don't say racist shit" ≠ SJW

I know it's asking a lot of you to not show your saggy flabby ass, but do it for your pals at MG

No.368398 : Anonymous [2021-10-08 21:31] [Report] []

this thread is full of ugly fat losers crying why hot Asians don't love them unconditionally

No.368545 : Anonymous [2021-10-09 18:10] [Report] []

>>360952 You been smoking crack, sis?

No.368549 : Anonymous [2021-10-09 19:25] [Report] 1633821909162.jpg (312351 B, 1241x1552) [YIS] [GIS] []
312351 B

What about this doctor

No.368561 : Anonymous [2021-10-09 20:49] [Report] []

>>368545 apparently you are smoking crack now

No.368593 : Anonymous [2021-10-10 02:03] [Report] []

>>368561 I'm not the one making delusional statements such as "... they are angry Asian reject them on grindr". In reality, the Asians are the ones being rejected, and you know it.

No.368722 : Anonymous [2021-10-10 18:56] [Report] 1633906608898.jpg (339405 B, 1360x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
339405 B

Anything on him?

No.369733 : Anonymous [2021-10-16 14:45] [Report] []

>>361406 LPSG has 7 vids of getting fucked raw. Does anyone have anything else on him?

No.369759 : Anonymous [2021-10-16 18:11] [Report] []

>>360913 I’ve heard the two middle guys in OPs post are super hung. Would love to see pics tbh

No.369779 : Anonymous [2021-10-16 20:53] [Report] []

>>369733 can you share the videos of tan?

No.369803 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 01:10] [Report] []

>>369789 wow thanks. He looks good getting used. Going to put these online for the world to see

No.369806 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 01:21] [Report] []

hot. anyone have a picture of his hole?

No.369807 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 01:34] [Report] []

Ok now that the ugly asians are outta the way, can we actually get some attractive asians that don't look like a used condom?

No.369826 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 06:48] [Report] []

There’s a leaked vid of tan getting bred at a circuit! I also saw him giving head at a party. He’s a whore

No.369830 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 06:58] [Report] []

Tan is so ugly. Why is he even on here?!

No.369831 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 06:59] [Report] []

I don’t like Tan.

No.369834 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 07:54] [Report] []

Tan is an ugly, narcissistic, mentally unstable, back stabbing hairless cat. (With ratchet tattoos).

Those are probably self post.

No.369841 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 08:42] [Report] 1634474578469.jpg (334315 B, 1125x1469) [YIS] [GIS] []
334315 B

Tan-honey. You are not tasty Either are your friends. You know what’s tasty? Chipotle.

No.369842 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 08:50] [Report] []

Stupidly unstable narcissist he is.

No.369856 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 11:25] [Report] []

>>369826 where’s the video tho??

No.369890 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 14:49] [Report] []

>>369826 Where can we find the circuit vid? I want to see more of him getting fucked as well as nudes. I feel like he's on all the apps and must be easy to get stuff from.

No.369945 : Anonymous [2021-10-17 21:32] [Report] []

Tan is always on Grindr or drugs.

No.370057 : Anonymous [2021-10-18 19:07] [Report] []

>>369945 can someone get hole pics?

No.370058 : Anonymous [2021-10-18 19:24] [Report] []

Whose hole?

No.370096 : Anonymous [2021-10-18 23:32] [Report] []

>>370058 Tan

No.370224 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 19:02] [Report] 1634684542576.jpg (244944 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
244944 B

>>360913 any nudes from this guy?

No.370232 : Anonymous [2021-10-19 19:53] [Report] []

He looks plastic

No.370300 : Anonymous [2021-10-20 03:07] [Report] []

>>370232 looking very stuck up at artificial

No.370344 : Anonymous [2021-10-20 11:52] [Report] []

>>370224 very handsome, what are his socials?

No.370389 : Anonymous [2021-10-20 17:54] [Report] []

Do Asians not send out dick pics? Pathetic thread. Lots of hot asian men and zero cock.

No.370789 : Anonymous [2021-10-22 17:47] [Report] []

Anymore videos of Tan?

No.370793 : Anonymous [2021-10-22 18:08] [Report] 1634940493136.jpg (219023 B, 1200x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
219023 B

He’s a model now.

No.370801 : Anonymous [2021-10-22 19:11] [Report] []

What a bunch of ugly chinks. I already survived calculus so I literally have no use for these ugly chinamen

No.370802 : Anonymous [2021-10-22 19:50] [Report] []

You are probably an overweight white guy with psoriasis and hydrocele sitting behind your dell laptop.

No.370909 : Anonymous [2021-10-23 15:02] [Report] []

>>370801 if it ain’t white. It ain’t right. No one wants to exercise, diet, and then waste their body on a chink

No.370910 : Anonymous [2021-10-23 15:07] [Report] 1635016049016.jpg (364243 B, 780x501) [YIS] [GIS] []
364243 B

>>370909 attach your pic next time, incel

No.370986 : Anonymous [2021-10-23 22:48] [Report] []

>>370910 based on how they talk, probably look like a dried out cokehead with a small dick.

No.371081 : Anonymous [2021-10-24 11:01] [Report] []

>>370986 stinky chinkies also have tiny wee wees. Go have some more dumpling, sum dumb fuck

No.371132 : Anonymous [2021-10-24 16:40] [Report] []


The most disturbing thing is that you are saying all of this and are probably over the age of seven. People like you will be owned by an Asian person. And you'll need to find a way to deal with that.

No.371140 : Anonymous [2021-10-24 17:27] [Report] []

>>370986 Stop feeding the troll please. Let his heart be black as he wants.

No.371157 : Anonymous [2021-10-24 18:51] [Report] []

>>371081 I hope you enjoy being blocked. Bye! 👋🏻

No.371197 : Anonymous [2021-10-24 22:03] [Report] []

>>371157 SJW triggered!

No.371202 : Anonymous [2021-10-24 22:27] [Report] []

less racists. more nudes

No.371210 : Anonymous [2021-10-24 23:25] [Report] []

>>371157 Honey...whatever, no fucking block function on here, this ain't lpsg. Learn to deal with people's BS instead of living in a fucking bubble. Pussy.

No.371255 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 05:10] [Report] []

>>371157 I'd ask if you're new here, but you've posted the same reply on other threads. Dumbass.

No.371267 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 08:33] [Report] []

OK, then. Y’all go ahead and keep using such vile words and see what happens. 🤷‍♂️

No.371268 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 08:49] [Report] []

We intend to. Y'all need to remember your place.

No.371273 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 10:54] [Report] []

Who are we? There’s only one of you.

No.371290 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 12:36] [Report] []

lol fat neckbeard shut-ins acting tough online being scolded by fat neckbeard shut-ins who feel brave enough to scold fat neckbeard shut-ins online.

y'all all need to go touch grass.

No.371313 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 17:03] [Report] []

black lives matter. if you ain't black, you ain't right!

No.371314 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 17:05] [Report] []

wow so many poor white guys here hating rich asians for getting rejected on grindr. you're all a bunch of losers living in a tent.

No.371343 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 18:53] [Report] []


A "tent?" What a lame statement. Let's not overstate reality here. No one is jealous of Asian men. As a group, they're pretty much last on the list that ranks attractiveness.

No.371347 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 19:05] [Report] []

>>371313 A slogan developed by marxists. It is a cancer than needs to be extinguished. One of these days people will realize morals a worthless. Power is power. Nothing else matters.

No.371349 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 19:09] [Report] []

>>360951 Uhhhh. Lots of gorgeous Asian men. Those four in the OP are not.

No.371354 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 19:36] [Report] []

lol you're a bunch of imbeciles who don't even know what a tent is

No.371355 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 19:39] [Report] []

very refreshing to see MG's copyin 4chan

No.371372 : Anonymous [2021-10-25 20:40] [Report] []

>>363192 probably with white daddy?

No.371718 : Anonymous [2021-10-27 15:11] [Report] 1635361865650.jpg (604281 B, 1079x1520) [YIS] [GIS] []
604281 B

Anyone have the real iD name for this sexy dicklover i found on tw!tter?
Is there a real name insta out there for him??
Thank you.

No.371748 : Anonymous [2021-10-27 19:02] [Report] []

>>371718 gross slant eyes

No.372003 : Anonymous [2021-10-29 12:46] [Report] []

>>371718 he’s so hot! Would love to ID him. Love watching him suck cock.

No.372547 : Anonymous [2021-11-02 11:37] [Report] 1635867421898.jpg (1160695 B, 1284x1439) [YIS] [GIS] []
1160695 B

How about this hottie from CA whose in NY now? Any nudes?

No.372548 : Anonymous [2021-11-02 11:37] [Report] 1635867457687.jpg (1620101 B, 1284x1756) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.372575 : Anonymous [2021-11-02 14:36] [Report] []

>>371748 Fuck you, racist - literally go choke - don’t talk about people this way

No.372580 : Anonymous [2021-11-02 14:51] [Report] []

Don’t feed the troll stupid.

No.372594 : Anonymous [2021-11-02 16:05] [Report] []

>>372547 anything on Ricky?

No.372621 : Anonymous [2021-11-02 17:36] [Report] []

>>372547 even he knows he has to cover half of his face

No.372709 : Anonymous [2021-11-03 02:57] [Report] []

>>362856 anyone?

No.372710 : Anonymous [2021-11-03 02:59] [Report] []

>>360913 does someone have the guy in the black shorts?

No.372752 : Anonymous [2021-11-03 14:03] [Report] 1635962624090.jpg (0 B, 828x939) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Top or bottom?

No.372788 : Anonymous [2021-11-03 17:28] [Report] []

>>372752 vers. Used to be more bottom but his Twitter (citybottomboy) has him topping twinks all the time now since he broke up with his BF.

No.372864 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 04:53] [Report] []
No.372890 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 11:25] [Report] []

>>372752 he follows SOOOO many white asian raceplay accounts on Twitter lmao

No.372892 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 11:56] [Report] []

>>372864 so gross when Asians sleep with old gross white men…like…sis…at least find a good looking white dude yikes

No.372894 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 12:23] [Report] 1636042999089.gif (1348724 B, 480x348) [YIS] [GIS] []
1348724 B

>>372892 what I always think when I see that.

No.372900 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 12:59] [Report] []

>>372899 so you’re implying he’s an escort? He has a legit career he doesn’t need to whore himself out for cash. He clearly whores himself out to ugly white dudes bc of internalized racism. Like I like white cock as much as the next guy but I would never stoop so low as to sleep with someone so old and gross looking

No.372902 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 13:01] [Report] []

>>372892 They can get old white guys and "good looking white dude".
You can't lol

No.372911 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 13:31] [Report] []

>>372902 lol if that makes you feel better I guess? And what exactly makes you think I can’t get good looking white dudes? Simply the fact that I called out another Asian for stooping so low as to getting bred by someone’s grandpa? Great logic lmao.

No.372914 : Anonymous [2021-11-04 13:52] [Report] []

>>372864 so is he poz now?

No.373218 : Anonymous [2021-11-06 18:30] [Report] []

He posts on twitter about taking toxic cum so… username is citybottomboy

No.373651 : Anonymous [2021-11-09 14:18] [Report] []

Anything else on Tan?

No.373697 : Anonymous [2021-11-09 18:56] [Report] []

Guys, Asians aren’t attractive

No.373698 : Anonymous [2021-11-09 18:57] [Report] []

Asians aren’t attractive

No.373724 : Anonymous [2021-11-09 20:45] [Report] []

Got that out of your system for the day? Good, let's move on.

No.375305 : Anonymous [2021-11-21 08:57] [Report] []

>>372547 any nudes on Ricky?

No.380168 : Anonymous [2021-12-25 14:43] [Report] []

can somone share his nudes pls

No.380218 : Anonymous [2021-12-25 19:26] [Report] 1640478373994.jpg (50209 B, 422x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
50209 B

Let's post real hot Asians, not just random Asians.

No.380219 : Anonymous [2021-12-25 19:27] [Report] 1640478426300.jpg (344972 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.380243 : Anonymous [2021-12-25 21:40] [Report] []

>>380218 im cool with random asians too. if you don't like em, scroll on by.

No.380299 : Anonymous [2021-12-26 11:47] [Report] 1640537276094.webm (3238746 B, 852x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.380405 : Anonymous [2021-12-26 21:38] [Report] 1640572684750.jpg (255196 B, 754x1025) [YIS] [GIS] []
255196 B

Anyone have his nudes? Is he top or bottom?

No.380669 : Anonymous [2021-12-28 01:05] [Report] 1640671529813.jpg (66193 B, 365x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.382662 : Anonymous [2022-01-07 00:22] [Report] []

>>380669 he’s super sexy

No.382679 : Anonymous [2022-01-07 04:14] [Report] []

Anyone got any of Aleufit?

No.392626 : Anonymous [2022-03-11 22:46] [Report] 1647056772921.png (3961680 B, 1284x2778) [YIS] [GIS] []
3961680 B

>>361925 He has an OF now, goes by KianRaiX, has nudes on twitter

No.392989 : Anonymous [2022-03-14 20:55] [Report] []

>>392655 Love seeing Tan take cock, is there anymore out there?

No.393032 : Anonymous [2022-03-15 08:45] [Report] 1647348316131.jpg (684661 B, 711x1268) [YIS] [GIS] []
684661 B

Anything on this one?

No.393117 : Anonymous [2022-03-16 00:03] [Report] 1647403427124.jpg (1399281 B, 1170x1620) [YIS] [GIS] []
1399281 B

What about Mitch?

No.397874 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 17:44] [Report] []

The racism on this thread is so vile.

No.397876 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 17:49] [Report] []

People who thinks gays are kinder and more understanding because they were discriminated against and therefore know what mindless hate feels like are kidding themselves. Gays can be just as nasty as homophobes. Keeping it 100, guys.

No.397899 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 18:53] [Report] []

Gays are worst of all. Unfortunately that's the way it will be for a while until everybody turns tan. No amount of protest marches are going to get rid of the virus of hate from the gay community.

No.397971 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 23:28] [Report] []

Agree with most of what you say. I don't know about "worst of all", but it's undeniable that LGBTQ are just as capable of being racist as non-LGBTQ racists. I never bought into that crazy nonsense that being Generation-X/Z gay somehow makes me a morally better person(!)

No.397979 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 23:43] [Report] []

>>361926 who is this? Looks very familiar - I think he travels often

No.397997 : Anonymous [2022-04-13 02:33] [Report] []

>>397979 He's from the bay area, CA. His IG is posted 6 posts down.

No.398293 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 11:28] [Report] 1649950121343.jpg (91808 B, 675x900) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.398350 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 15:53] [Report] 1649966027705.jpg (251479 B, 1000x1503) [YIS] [GIS] []
251479 B

@ndy d@v!e
Str8 but I still adore this cutie.

No.398525 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 19:05] [Report] []

I know J.Kim is on the DNP list, but he's so fucking fit. Perfect Asian hunk (funny too).

No.399196 : Anonymous [2022-04-16 18:17] [Report] []

>>398293 any socials or more pics of these two?

No.399333 : Anonymous [2022-04-17 06:28] [Report] []

Sexy AND smart. Andy interns for a law firm but still finds time to pose for fashion shoots on the Gold Coast.

No.400408 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 07:54] [Report] []

>>362917 who is this? Gorgeous ass and face

No.400457 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 13:14] [Report] 1650561279746.jpg (351553 B, 1241x1430) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.400467 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 13:30] [Report] []

>>397997 Thanks. I am pretty certain we hooked up once a long time ago. I’m laughing because it’s sad that I can’t even really remember it. That’s not a reflection on him it’s a reflection on me. Do you have any more pics or nudes? I like his hot body.

No.400469 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 13:33] [Report] []

>>361926 he looks retarded. sorry.

No.400494 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 15:01] [Report] []

>>400469 I mean, I never said his face was nice

No.400502 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 15:28] [Report] 1650569316177.jpg (395414 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
395414 B

In San Francisco

No.400531 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 16:13] [Report] []

>>400502 is that him? He looks different. Either way this guy is cute too

No.400559 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 17:23] [Report] []

>>400531 Who? I don’t know who you’re talking about so I’m sure it’s two different guys. The one I posted is syranol on IG

No.400560 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 17:25] [Report] []

>>400467 nope. he's pretty careful with nudes, but he's on grindr if u wanna try...

No.400580 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 18:35] [Report] []

>>400560 Nice. I want to fuck some right smooth Asian ass again bad. Rough and mean until he speaks like a mouse!!⛓

No.400585 : Anonymous [2022-04-21 18:44] [Report] []

From left to right:

Sum Ting Wong
Wi Tu Lo
Ho Lee Fuk
Ding Bang Ow

No.401151 : Anonymous [2022-04-24 20:48] [Report] []


No.401343 : Anonymous [2022-04-26 01:42] [Report] []

>>360913 what about CityBB in NYC?

No.404023 : Anonymous [2022-05-14 19:39] [Report] 1652571599385.jpg (328016 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
328016 B

Idk if he’s ever posted nude but he’s so hot

No.404160 : Anonymous [2022-05-16 06:52] [Report] []

>>393032 def would love to see

No.411656 : Anonymous [2022-07-19 02:08] [Report] []

anyone have anything on k0h4uku on twitter

No.411714 : Anonymous [2022-07-19 15:03] [Report] 1658257396851.jpg (799263 B, 2048x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
799263 B

Mic@h and Jun0h 🤤

I wanna bounce M’s tonsils off my dick I swear bet he fun as hell in bed.

J got the body ody but painfully awkward and won’t bttm.. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Still, i wouldn’t kick either of them out of bed for eating crackers that’s for sure. Ughh let them 🍜 leak already!

No.411734 : Anonymous [2022-07-19 17:57] [Report] 1658267852573.jpg (321012 B, 1096x2164) [YIS] [GIS] []
321012 B

Who is this

No.411767 : Anonymous [2022-07-19 23:32] [Report] []

>>401343 pics of him?

No.411959 : Anonymous [2022-07-20 21:12] [Report] []

Snap: zl945 (Cole)

No.413048 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 20:37] [Report] []


what are their handles?

No.413050 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 22:31] [Report] []

>>360913 Oh all the gorgeous Gaysians out there, how did you manage to find a photo of 4 butterfaces? I am actually impressed.

No.413055 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 22:41] [Report] []

>>397876 As a community we are very bigoted. Look at MG, look at LPSG. Classic liberals died years ago. Everyone is a self righteous cunt now.


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