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No.364307 : Robert Tres Hull [2021-09-20 02:36] [Report] 1632119770420.jpg (219197 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
219197 B

Anything on this insanely sexy fitness club manager based in Los Angeles? He's supposedly active on Grindr and a pretty big cock.

No.364308 : Robert Tres Hull [2021-09-20 02:37] [Report] 1632119844722.jpg (100046 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.364309 : Robert Tres Hull [2021-09-20 02:39] [Report] 1632119942444.jpg (120743 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.370732 : Anonymous [2021-10-22 15:23] [Report] []

He’s so hot!

No.374508 : Anonymous [2021-11-15 17:01] [Report] []

Bumping. I would suck his dick all day long!

No.374563 : Anonymous [2021-11-16 01:39] [Report] []

>>374508 I have his nudes. His dick is average sized but he has a nice hole. Really handsome face though

No.374628 : Anonymous [2021-11-16 11:51] [Report] []

Post them please?

No.374643 : Anonymous [2021-11-16 14:45] [Report] []

someone needs Rogaine

No.374664 : Anonymous [2021-11-16 17:01] [Report] []

He’s so sexy. Someone please post something!

No.374716 : Anonymous [2021-11-17 00:39] [Report] []

>>374643 He doesn't need Rogaine. Why the fuck are you making fun of someone probably 100x hotter than your sorry ass fugly face.

No.374745 : Anonymous [2021-11-17 12:20] [Report] []

I heard it was big.

No.374819 : Anonymous [2021-11-17 21:57] [Report] []

He is hot.

No.374820 : Anonymous [2021-11-17 22:13] [Report] []

>>374643 Rogaine does not help with frontal baldness.

No.374827 : Anonymous [2021-11-17 23:03] [Report] []


No.374871 : Anonymous [2021-11-18 08:41] [Report] []

Hey, he's a man and his hair is thinning up front. He is hot and should just shave it. He is giving off young Stan Tucci vibes from the Levis ad. Or young Chris Meloni.

No.374901 : Anonymous [2021-11-18 13:03] [Report] []

Anyone saying he's ugly is crazy. He is so sexy. I wanna see those nudes!

No.374929 : Anonymous [2021-11-18 15:41] [Report] []

>>374827 you're talking about yourself right? Yeah we know already.

No.374930 : Anonymous [2021-11-18 16:00] [Report] []

C’mon let’s see that dick

No.374931 : Anonymous [2021-11-18 16:05] [Report] []

gorj man. let's see the dong!

No.374943 : Anonymous [2021-11-18 16:43] [Report] []

>>374643 He is balding but not bald yet.

No.374996 : Anonymous [2021-11-18 22:47] [Report] []

I wish you people would stop talking less about his hair and more about his dick.

No.375155 : Anonymous [2021-11-19 21:08] [Report] []

Mmm he is sexy

No.375506 : Anonymous [2021-11-22 16:44] [Report] []

Anyone gonna post the nudes? He’s so hot.

No.375778 : Anonymous [2021-11-24 12:40] [Report] []

>>374563 Please post! I would love to see his cock.

No.376379 : Anonymous [2021-11-28 11:48] [Report] []

Bump for nudes.

No.376622 : Anonymous [2021-11-29 16:06] [Report] []

>>374563 Let's see that dick!

No.377067 : Anonymous [2021-12-02 17:56] [Report] []


No.377095 : Anonymous [2021-12-02 21:45] [Report] []

>>376622 he's a really sweet and caring guy. If he was a prick I would be more willing to share his nudes. Haha

No.379430 : Anonymous [2021-12-20 11:57] [Report] []

>>377095 that just makes me wanna see him naked even more. I bet the dick is gooood.

No.383332 : Anonymous [2022-01-10 13:27] [Report] []

Bump...anyone got his nudes?

No.396050 : Anonymous [2022-04-05 16:21] [Report] []


No.398594 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 20:23] [Report] []

>>377095 Sweet and caring is in short supply in LA, especially inside such a hunky package. Share any additional pics?

No.410129 : Anonymous [2022-07-05 11:59] [Report] []


No.410147 : Anonymous [2022-07-05 14:16] [Report] []

>>398594 he is not in LA anymore due to the violence. I think he's in San Jose now.

No.410167 : Anonymous [2022-07-05 17:44] [Report] []

>>410147 violence?

No.410356 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 13:57] [Report] []

>>410167 Yeah LA has gotten really bad he told me. Lots of vandalism, robberies, break-ins, attacks in public, etc.

No.410360 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 14:56] [Report] []

>>410167 Thank BLM activists. LA went to shit. I remember when they aired on TV trains robbed by local people looking hostile and dangerous. Mostly the people BLM activists support. No wonder law abiding people are fleeing that shithole.

No.410361 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 14:59] [Report] []

lol sure he told you

I've been here 10 years and never been involved in any violence or robbery. Someone has been watching too much Tucker Carlson.

Fuck off to your MAGA hillbilly meth ridden desolate town, you ugly fat troll.

No.410366 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 15:35] [Report] []

>>410361 meh i'm not maga and live in LA

crime has def gotten worse in the past few years and in 2022 in particular, so the friend was right on that point

No.410381 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 16:57] [Report] []

>>410366 crime has gotten worse everywhere in the U.S. though lol

You could say that about literally any city.

No.410384 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 17:25] [Report] []

>>410381 well we weren't talking about every city, the conversation was about la and why he left

calm down girls, not every statement has hidden political ramifications

No.410420 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 21:59] [Report] []

>>410384 whats really pathetic is some right wing troll made up this story about him leaving due to "violence" and you believed it.

No.410422 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 22:33] [Report] 1657247617217.jpg (49339 B, 484x334) [YIS] [GIS] []
49339 B

>>410420 whats really pathetic is you getting triggered by someone discussing crime rates in a big city

No.410423 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 22:44] [Report] []

I love how people forget the world shut down for 2 years and there was basically much less crime and almost no mass shootings. Of course crime is "up" compared to the last 3 years. I wish more people would leave LA because of "the (perceived) violence"

No.410429 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 23:46] [Report] []

>>410422 there was no discussion lol. It was a right wing troll screaming "MUH BLM DURR HURR THE CITY IS ON FIRE DURRRR"

No.410518 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 16:58] [Report] []

>>410361 F U C K you stupid moronic bitch. Do you have to resort to name calling and bring up politics when it is completely uncalled for? He did in fact tell me that. Do you want me to screen capture it from Instagram you worthless piece of shit? Remember that everybody has different experiences. You have been lucky so far but others haven't had great experiences. So do everyone a favour and jump off a cliff you bitch.

No.410519 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 16:59] [Report] []

>>410518 yup post the instagram screenshot.

No.410521 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 17:02] [Report] []

>>410429 I never said that you illiterate troll. Are you as stupid and brain dead and you are a foul mouthed moron? I literally just verbalized what he told me based on his own personal experiences. I never said LA is on fire and is a shit place. I just said that he moved because of the violence getting worse. Geez. You're so dumb.

No.410525 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 17:09] [Report] []

>>410521 He has zero reading comprehension skills.

Also, I don't know why the fuck he cares why some random queer decided to leave LA.

No.410526 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 17:10] [Report] []

>>410521 read through the thread and you'll realize I was referring to a different reply than yours. Can you read? Go word by word so you can comprehend what someone typed. Try to piece it together- you got this!

No.410528 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 17:17] [Report] 1657315070534.png (328495 B, 1440x2880) [YIS] [GIS] []
328495 B

>>410526 you WERE referring to me. You said "lol sure he told you that". Here's the proof you dumb bitch. If there's one thing I hate, it's being accused as a liar. Feel free to apologize now...

No.410529 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 17:23] [Report] []

>>410528 LOL leaving LA for San Francisco because of crime?!?! It's WORSE up there! 🤣🤣🤣

and omg you cannot read. I was literally referring to another reply that was just all like "BLM blah blah blah"

No.410530 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 17:24] [Report] []

>>410528 this dumb faggot should go back to bumfuck Texas.

No.410532 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 18:03] [Report] []

>>410529 as I said above everyone has different experiences. If he didn't feel safe in LA, it's his prerogative to feel that way. He's not the only one. I talked to multiple people who moved North because of the same reason. You're in no position to criticize and I don't even know why you care so much anyway.

No.410534 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 18:30] [Report] []

>>410528 no one's apologizing to you because you're silly faggot shitstain who has to reply to every single comment in this thread LOLOLOLOL

No.410535 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 18:31] [Report] []

>>410528 You're a liar.

You're a liar.

You're a liar.

You're a liar.

You're a liar.

No.410541 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 18:59] [Report] []

>>410535 go cry about it you waste of oxygen. You can't even just be a man and apologize even after I provided proof. That says a lot about your character and how retarded you are. Usually the most idiotic people get buttburt and defensive when they know they're in the wrong. What a total loser you are.

No.410542 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 19:00] [Report] []

And since some people on this thread are such total douchebags I'm definitely not sharing his nudes. You can thank this idiot above for ruining things for everyone else.

No.410545 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 20:17] [Report] []

>>410542 no one cares

No.410547 : Anonymous [2022-07-08 20:30] [Report] []

The point that he was making was that it doesn’t matter where he moves because the crime will be just as bad, if not worse.
IIRC, crime is SF is far worse.

No.410571 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 01:34] [Report] []

>>410541 You're the one who keeps replying all butt hurt that some anon on MG won't apologize to you, so I'm pretty sure that makes you the loser.

And no one believes you have nudes, you're just saying that because your clapbacks suck.

No.410573 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 01:55] [Report] 1657346156629.gif (127075 B, 220x220) [YIS] [GIS] []
127075 B

>>410542 How ever will we survive

No.410577 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 03:18] [Report] []

>>410571 aren't you replying to the replies? So that also makes you the biggest loser of all.

No.410578 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 03:20] [Report] []

>>410545 you care because you're on this thread posting a comment on malegeneral looking for nudes. You idiots never cease to make me laugh

No.410579 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 03:21] [Report] []

Jesus, am I the only one that sees this as a shameless self post? Dude needs to shave his head, it is too late for propecia. He looks ridiculous. He is not that hot to warrant being posted on MG. There are no nudes because nobody fucking cares. SELF. POST.

No.410582 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 05:12] [Report] []

>>410579 are you hotter? Then STFU. What is with you gays being so judgmental about someone else's looks. Are you that miserable and insecure about yourself (because the lord knows you're fugly) that you feel the need to put someone else down? Jesus get a life.

No.410598 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 12:52] [Report] []

>>410579 Oh yeah this is a def self-post.

Just look at the reply to you.

OP, your defensiveness is a real boner killer.

No.410612 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 16:53] [Report] []

this has to be a self post, bro is fug lol

No.410646 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 21:39] [Report] []

>>410582 Honey, you were the fucking retard who thought it was a smart idea to post your photos on MG because you what...? Stupidly thought we would all go gaga over your moderately toned body, generic face and balding scalp? I am a fair person. You ain't ugly, but you are so not MG-level hot. You need to address the hair and I say that as a favor, it is distracting. Own the bald head, it will make you look more masc, the battle is lost.

No.410648 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 21:45] [Report] []

>>410598 Yah I just reread the OP. Pretty hilarious how obvious it is. He is INSANELY hot. BIG. COCK. Oh, and he is supposedly active on Grindr. So basically this is just a cheap ad to go check out his Grindr. I feel bad, anyone who thinks a self post on MG has to be of lower-than-average intelligence, so I feel kind of guilty being so blunt, but self posts are generally insufferable because they rarely have cock.

No.410660 : Anonymous [2022-07-09 23:51] [Report] []

Wow the ironic thing is that the 5 people above are the ones with lower intelligence. Like how dumb can you be? Yes, I elaborately created an Instagram snapshot conversation with myself dated April (see above) to prepare for this very moment. God use your brains...just because someone disapproves of toxic culture doesn't mean it's a self post.

No.410700 : Anonymous [2022-07-10 13:30] [Report] 1657474205402.jpg (71902 B, 1125x618) [YIS] [GIS] []
71902 B

The fact that it's a self-post makes it a self-post.

No.410942 : Anonymous [2022-07-12 14:39] [Report] []

I just wanna see his cock

No.411126 : Anonymous [2022-07-14 00:43] [Report] []

>>410942 Honey, if you want to post your peen, do it. But it is sad posing as other people thirsting overself. Pathetic...really. And to do it on MG of all places. YIKES.


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