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No.385990 : Anonymous [2022-01-25 00:49] [Report] 1643089760730.jpg (647104 B, 1170x1159) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
647104 B

Any info on this Boston guy? @ustin b@her aka @austinfrmboston?

No.386006 : Anonymous [2022-01-25 08:16] [Report] []

>>385990 aren't there like three more threads on this guy?

No.386010 : Anonymous [2022-01-25 09:28] [Report] []

>>386006 haven’t seen any. Also spelled his name wrong it’s @ustin B@uer

No.386119 : Anonymous [2022-01-25 16:30] [Report] []

>>386010 He is constantly self posting. Someone put up his X pics and they were disappointing to say the least.

No.386213 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 08:40] [Report] []

>>385990 from what I know: he’s HIV+ and lies and tells people he’s not and barebacks. He has a 21 year old son and is constantly hanging out and getting fucked by guys in their mid 20’s. He’s a big drug addict that parTys a lot and goes to very sus events. Tiny dick. Can’t keep a boyfriend for the life of him because he cheats on all of them.

No.386217 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 08:46] [Report] []

>>386213 sorry, left out the best part. He was 30 and dating a 16 year old who was on high school and use to help him with his homework. The 16 year old was a classmate of his adopted brother.

No.386222 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 09:47] [Report] []

>>386213 sounds hot! got no probs with any of dat!

No.386246 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 11:07] [Report] []

>>386222 super hot if you’re a garbage individual like the ones he hangs out with! Can only imagine what his family and son thinks of him

No.386250 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 12:31] [Report] []

>>386246 maybe they think he's living his best life enjoying fulfilling and fun sexual experiences.

No.386271 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 14:48] [Report] []

>>386250 lol banging someone your sons age is not a sexual expierience. No wonder he has the HIV

No.386276 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 15:04] [Report] []

>>386271 really? banging a guy younger than you is not a sexual experience? are you psychotic?

No.386283 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 16:29] [Report] []

>>386276 lol someone who is the same age as your son yes. Also lying about your status just to bang someone ?

No.386307 : Anonymous [2022-01-26 20:01] [Report] []

>>386283 why is anyone wasting time on this person. From what I know from my friends in Boston he’s looser than loose and has bad breath.

No.387234 : Anonymous [2022-02-02 03:05] [Report] []

>>385990 bump

No.388127 : Anonymous [2022-02-08 03:33] [Report] []

>>385990 he has HIV and lies about it to people. That is really all you need to know

No.388139 : Anonymous [2022-02-08 07:18] [Report] []

>>388127 all I need to know, actually, is that he's a hot fucker and I would be all over him in a heartbeat.

No.395074 : Anonymous [2022-03-30 06:30] [Report] []

Has turned into a big drug user over the last few years. Can’t really seem to keep any friend group for long

No.395237 : Anonymous [2022-03-31 12:49] [Report] []

>>385990 Hot guy, great ass, we fucked in Ptown at Spookybear.

No.395944 : Anonymous [2022-04-04 19:28] [Report] []

>>395237 haha sure you did. He wasn’t even at spooky bear

No.396007 : Anonymous [2022-04-05 09:30] [Report] []

>>395237 really hope you get tested. The amount of times I’ve seen this dude take a load in a public place is unsettling

No.396032 : Anonymous [2022-04-05 14:20] [Report] []

>>395237 yea he was? If he wasn't there, then tell me where he was.

No.396035 : Anonymous [2022-04-05 14:25] [Report] []

>>395237 Got tested, neg for everything.

No.396052 : Anonymous [2022-04-05 16:37] [Report] []

>>396032 in Boston where he lives gurl

No.396054 : Anonymous [2022-04-05 16:40] [Report] 1649191239900.jpg (1354715 B, 1170x1705) [YIS] [GIS] []
1354715 B

>>396052 nope was definitely ptown lol. Also to the guy who tested neg, you’re lucky. My friend caught gonorrhea from him and when he confronted him also found out that the dude had hiv and didn’t disclose it. His Grindr profile literallllly had a last tested date and he told my friend it was the last date they tested for his viral load. Don’t care if your Undetecable or not but that’s fucked up

No.396055 : Anonymous [2022-04-05 16:54] [Report] []

>>396054 Most guys on Prep are getting tested every 3 months for stds. With how much bareback sex the gay community is having these days, it's no wonder how easy you can get (AND SPREAD) gon, chlamydia, syph.

I wonder how much sex the average gay man is having in a 3 month period...

No.396096 : Anonymous [2022-04-05 22:23] [Report] []

>>396032 Way to talk out your ass, gurl

No.396122 : Anonymous [2022-04-06 02:26] [Report] []

>>396055 no you’re not understanding. He put on his profile his last tested date and then told my bud afterwards that that date referred to the last time they tested for what his viral load was. He was duping guys into thinking he was neg by putting a lady tested date on his profile. When most guys see that date they think he’s neg and tested but he told my bud that it was actually the last time they tested what his viral load was AFTER he had bareback sex with him and ONLY when my friend confronted him about ginnorhea

No.396154 : Anonymous [2022-04-06 10:46] [Report] []

>>396122 Most people don't disclose if they're undetectable. If your friend is on prep, then he's overreacting. If he isn't then he should be wearing condoms or asking the other person beforehand. Also, any event weekend where everyone is being a hoe, you should expect to catch something, and get tested when you get home.

No.396160 : Anonymous [2022-04-06 11:44] [Report] []

>>396154 you are aware that you can test for hiv after 2 -3 months' period since you had sex, do you?

No.396171 : Anonymous [2022-04-06 12:39] [Report] []

>>396160 What does that have to do with anything? He's undetectable and it sounds like he didn't just recently get it from all the posts about him. It's been 5 months since Halloween. So either he got it or he didn't. I've been tested 3 times in that span.

No.396198 : Anonymous [2022-04-06 16:27] [Report] []

>>396171 how do you know he’s undetectable? Dude lies about having hiv and getting tested so who’s to believe him about being undetectable. Irregardless he seems like total trash from what I hear about him

No.396247 : Anonymous [2022-04-06 21:53] [Report] []

Like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. Hopefully daddy gets a daddy stitch soon.

No.396256 : Anonymous [2022-04-06 23:30] [Report] []

>>396198 cus I've fucked him and I don't have hiv? Unless he decided to become undetectable for just spookybear and then not the rest of the year. Either that or I have gods unscatheable penis.

No.396265 : Anonymous [2022-04-07 02:05] [Report] []

>>396256 did he tell you he was poz? That seems to be the issue with this guy is that he doesn’t disclose

No.396293 : Anonymous [2022-04-07 09:18] [Report] []

Saw him at the furball underwear party a few weeks back. He didn’t look well, and I don’t just mean not filling out his black underwear Speedo. He’s either really sick or he’s been parTying way too much. It’s embarrassing when 50yo men are chasing around 25yo boys.

No.396336 : Anonymous [2022-04-07 13:45] [Report] []

>>396293 he looked fine to me, I don't think you know what the effects of Tina actually look like.

No.396340 : Anonymous [2022-04-07 15:07] [Report] []

>>396336 dudes pupils were out of control and looked tired and worn. I know what people on meth look like.

No.396362 : Anonymous [2022-04-07 17:24] [Report] []

>>396340 lmao you literally just described the effects of Molly. Are you sure you’re not the one smoking that pipe? XD

No.396377 : Anonymous [2022-04-07 22:12] [Report] []

>>396362 yeah bro, Molly is the only drug that dilated pupils. He had meth breath, was jittery and manic and looked tired and worn like he had been partying for a while. Sunken eyes, gross skin etc.

No.396392 : Anonymous [2022-04-07 23:58] [Report] []

>>396377 Are you his ex or something? Really just sounds like youre trying to spin whatever narrative you can. It’s a little pathetic.

No.396541 : Anonymous [2022-04-08 19:24] [Report] []

>>396392 naw just funny when someone pushes back on perception of what drugs he’s on, like, I was there bro and I know the difference between Molly and Tina

No.396546 : Anonymous [2022-04-08 20:39] [Report] []

Anyone have his nudes

No.396724 : Anonymous [2022-04-09 11:13] [Report] []

>>396546 they’re on here somewhere but trust me it’s not worth tracking down

No.397153 : Anonymous [2022-04-10 15:31] [Report] []

>>396724 hi there. I’ve hooked up with him before. Decent hookup but he didn’t last long and his cock is about 6.5 inches cut. It looks a little funny but it’s not terrible. Needs to learn to prep better for bottoming as there was an incident

No.397463 : Anonymous [2022-04-11 15:09] [Report] []

So does he have nudes?

No.398576 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 20:05] [Report] []

Bumping this please

No.398608 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 20:34] [Report] []

>>397153 Wdym it looks a little funny

No.398652 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 22:50] [Report] []

>>398608 just not pretty

No.398876 : Anonymous [2022-04-15 16:34] [Report] []

>>398652 and….. small.

No.403560 : Anonymous [2022-05-11 21:33] [Report] []

Heard he got divorced and his ex left him for a younger guy. Chatted with him on Scruff but he wasn’t into me. Anyone have nudes?

No.405744 : Anonymous [2022-05-27 16:02] [Report] []

>>403560 ugh was coming here hoping for nudes. Anyone?

No.411816 : Anonymous [2022-07-20 07:29] [Report] []

Saw him at a sex party in Dorchester couple weeks back. Avg cock but bottomed the whole time

No.412569 : Anonymous [2022-07-24 23:54] [Report] []

Bump for his Grindr nudes

No.416716 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 10:27] [Report] 1661351229928.jpg (708868 B, 1170x1156) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.416792 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 23:57] [Report] []

Dorchester has sex parties? Huh

No.416842 : Anonymous [2022-08-25 12:33] [Report] []

>>416792 lol gurrrrl sex parties happen everywhere but I’m sure with all the trashy sluts in Dorchester it must happen there a lot

No.416844 : Anonymous [2022-08-25 13:16] [Report] []

>>416842 anyone have the link to the Boston telegram?

No.417067 : Anonymous [2022-08-27 01:57] [Report] []

>>416716 he’s a disease ridden pervert who preys on college aged guys

No.417172 : Anonymous [2022-08-27 17:45] [Report] []

>>417067 no better than Michael cohen or Bryan singer

No.417176 : Anonymous [2022-08-27 18:25] [Report] []

>>417172 I don’t care I just want to see the pics and vids of him getting fucked that are out there

No.417186 : Anonymous [2022-08-27 19:19] [Report] []

>>417176 my bf and I recently fucked him bare. He asked us to DP him so we tried. He hit the poppers hard and his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he came instantly. Was pretty much over after that even though we didn’t cum.

No.417399 : Anonymous [2022-08-29 13:01] [Report] []

>>417186 saw him getting fingered at Furball


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