Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.401879 : Anonymous [2022-04-29 07:00] [Report] 1651230002718.jpg (333955 B, 1194x1410) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
333955 B

Someone have more of this whore ?

No.401909 : Anonymous [2022-04-29 12:07] [Report] []

>>401879 ok now I wanna see the full picture from where this sticker was made

No.401962 : Anonymous [2022-04-29 20:27] [Report] []

>>401879 i love these exposing pictures. Especially when it’s superimposed on a picture that is public or showing them being “normal”. I can imagine the sinking shameful feeling and vulnerability they feel when they realize their darkest and dirtiest selves are full on exposed to the world. And knowing people are mocking and/or getting off to them. It must be overwhelming. And while I can’t understand from that perspective, I certainly understand from my perspective (the watcher) and the power I will always have over this pathetic faggot. He can sfo to church every Sunday but his cum stained whore face will always be available for anyone to enjoy at anytime.

No.401982 : Anonymous [2022-04-29 22:22] [Report] []

These exposure posts are worse than spam. No one wants to see these nudes and they attract the psychos who bump it

No.401997 : Anonymous [2022-04-29 23:45] [Report] 1651290337007.jpg (196793 B, 828x1020) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.401998 : Anonymous [2022-04-30 00:09] [Report] []

>>401997 this shit is so weird. You fuckers have some deep issues.


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