Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.408254 : Anonymous [2022-06-20 19:58] [Report] 1655769491081.jpg (223105 B, 1170x994) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
223105 B

Atlanta is in need of a restart, it’s been like a year but prior it was clearly the superior thread. So Atlanta guys show us what you got in 2022

No.408257 : Anonymous [2022-06-20 20:21] [Report] 1655770879679.png (9834320 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.408258 : Anonymous [2022-06-20 20:22] [Report] 1655770925598.png (6207115 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.408259 : Anonymous [2022-06-20 20:22] [Report] 1655770967478.png (5077000 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.408260 : Anonymous [2022-06-20 20:26] [Report] []

Goddamn he’s hot what’s his name? cock pics?

No.408341 : Anonymous [2022-06-21 18:57] [Report] []

>>408337 I am sensing someone with a fetish that has not been reciprocated. Does not make him any less a piece of shit, though.

No.408353 : Anonymous [2022-06-21 21:02] [Report] []

If you like a city full of hoes, this is it.

No.408372 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 01:32] [Report] []

>>408337 What a fugly face, why would you post that on MG? He needs to go with the Belgua Whale into fetish eating/gainer and that busted up Asian guy with the decent body, ruined whole, and crooked cock. There needs to be prior approval before people are posted here.

No.408377 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 01:43] [Report] []

>>408337 LMAO why are you posting rightwing gay rag propaganda


No.408404 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 11:19] [Report] []

>>408377 Nope, It’s not propaganda if he posted those ideas. His beliefs are his truth. You calling facts propaganda is how a Putin troll operates. Gaslighting us about things we can see with our own eyes, very Trump.

No.408412 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 12:29] [Report] []

>>408404 if you say so, Komrade!

No.408421 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 13:15] [Report] []

>>408412 I say so, Malik.

No.408422 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 13:22] [Report] []

>>408412 Maybe they are Russian! Don’t be a racist bigot like Malik.

No.408423 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 13:55] [Report] 1655920556502.jpg (185082 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.408430 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 15:44] [Report] []

>>408422 In Malik's mind, racism is not what the definition of the word says. He says white people are evil so hatred of them does not make you racist, so you can still be a good person for hating people because of the color of their skin. Important to note!

No.408434 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 16:47] [Report] []

Less haters more hotties!

No.408435 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 16:49] [Report] 1655930985301.jpg (1419270 B, 1125x1415) [YIS] [GIS] []
1419270 B

Anything of this hot couple?

No.408455 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 18:21] [Report] []

Yea let’s see some dicks not some round face black panther boy

No.408457 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 18:54] [Report] 1655938480993.jpg (335409 B, 1242x1860) [YIS] [GIS] []
335409 B

Micah Plath from “welcome to Plathville” not in Atlanta but a Georgia citizen, so
Dumb and so hot

No.408458 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 18:55] [Report] 1655938549406.jpg (188902 B, 1242x1825) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.408459 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 18:56] [Report] 1655938603422.jpg (250849 B, 1242x1866) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.408462 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 19:44] [Report] []

>>408457 share the nudes. Vids and pics

No.408466 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 20:09] [Report] []

>>408457 OMFG BUMP IT!!!

No.408647 : Anonymous [2022-06-24 18:26] [Report] []

Please god pull it out

No.408735 : Anonymous [2022-06-25 16:48] [Report] 1656190131309.jpg (274802 B, 1125x2001) [YIS] [GIS] []
274802 B

Eric L

No.408829 : Anonymous [2022-06-26 14:36] [Report] []

>>408735 Who?

Let's see his face

No.409515 : Anonymous [2022-06-30 00:11] [Report] []

>>408258 More of this boy?

No.410053 : Anonymous [2022-07-04 18:10] [Report] []

Yes more atl boys

No.410055 : Anonymous [2022-07-04 18:15] [Report] 1656972938917.jpg (1517937 B, 2206x3193) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.410056 : Anonymous [2022-07-04 18:16] [Report] 1656972983509.jpg (1377700 B, 2120x2932) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.410369 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 15:51] [Report] []

Who is this?

No.410378 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 16:48] [Report] 1657226922424.jpg (1860130 B, 1242x1713) [YIS] [GIS] []
1860130 B

Anything on Ben?

No.410379 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 16:50] [Report] 1657227035229.jpg (2408338 B, 1242x1515) [YIS] [GIS] []
2408338 B

Would love to see his dick or hairy hole

No.410392 : Anonymous [2022-07-07 18:05] [Report] []

>>410055 >>410056 who is this ?

No.410666 : Anonymous [2022-07-10 00:29] [Report] []

>>408423 whose this?

No.410841 : Anonymous [2022-07-11 20:07] [Report] []

I’ll pay u to keep those nudes please

No.410847 : Anonymous [2022-07-11 20:48] [Report] []

I’ll pay u to keep those nudes please

No.411354 : Anonymous [2022-07-16 12:49] [Report] 1657990148602.jpg (102108 B, 891x544) [YIS] [GIS] []
102108 B

any of him?

No.411551 : Anonymous [2022-07-18 12:19] [Report] []

Is there an ATL telegram?

No.411613 : Anonymous [2022-07-18 21:49] [Report] []

>>408254 let’s get this forum running, who’s got pictures?

No.411757 : Anonymous [2022-07-19 22:00] [Report] 1658282412186.jpg (295112 B, 1170x1560) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.412348 : Anonymous [2022-07-23 07:28] [Report] 1658575701972.jpg (220337 B, 1169x1535) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.412363 : Anonymous [2022-07-23 09:12] [Report] []


No.412418 : Anonymous [2022-07-23 18:56] [Report] 1658617010963.jpg (124131 B, 851x1135) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.412460 : Anonymous [2022-07-24 01:50] [Report] []

>>408254 *Off

No.412556 : Anonymous [2022-07-24 21:13] [Report] 1658711600425.jpg (590810 B, 744x1092) [YIS] [GIS] []
590810 B

Anyone seen this guy around?

No.412587 : Anonymous [2022-07-25 06:58] [Report] 1658746685214.jpg (218005 B, 1169x1031) [YIS] [GIS] []
218005 B


No.412605 : Anonymous [2022-07-25 12:33] [Report] 1658766801331.jpg (47412 B, 472x1021) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.412625 : Anonymous [2022-07-25 14:02] [Report] []

>>412587 average but workable

No.412656 : Anonymous [2022-07-25 18:03] [Report] 1658786625425.jpg (154810 B, 1167x873) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.412861 : Anonymous [2022-07-26 18:50] [Report] []

Who is this? cute yams

No.412948 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 08:50] [Report] 1658926258018.jpg (208984 B, 1170x1553) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.412962 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 10:34] [Report] 1658932465272.png (2475680 B, 945x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.412975 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 12:21] [Report] 1658938873396.jpg (196506 B, 1280x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
196506 B

classic slut

No.412976 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 12:23] [Report] 1658938987555.jpg (144991 B, 750x984) [YIS] [GIS] []
144991 B

any of this slut?

No.412993 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 14:46] [Report] []

>>412975 please expose more of this dumb slut

No.412999 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 15:26] [Report] 1658949974827.jpg (226582 B, 1125x1374) [YIS] [GIS] []
226582 B

stupid slut

No.413000 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 15:27] [Report] 1658950029045.jpg (196125 B, 1125x1354) [YIS] [GIS] []
196125 B

stupid slut’s fat ass

No.413022 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 18:29] [Report] []

Who is that in the blue jock?

No.413024 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 18:39] [Report] []

>>412975 her new sugar daddy is so gross

No.413025 : Anonymous [2022-07-27 18:40] [Report] []

>>413022 garrison Mitchell

No.413095 : Anonymous [2022-07-28 08:06] [Report] 1659009967950.jpg (99553 B, 750x992) [YIS] [GIS] []
99553 B

twink 1

No.413096 : Anonymous [2022-07-28 08:07] [Report] 1659010024605.jpg (130498 B, 737x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
130498 B

twink 1

No.413097 : Anonymous [2022-07-28 08:07] [Report] 1659010075818.jpg (139315 B, 650x1197) [YIS] [GIS] []
139315 B

twink 1

No.413281 : Anonymous [2022-07-29 20:55] [Report] 1659142501539.jpg (172552 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
172552 B

i have more of this slut

No.413288 : Anonymous [2022-07-29 22:15] [Report] []


That’s a sexy happy trail

No.413397 : Anonymous [2022-07-30 21:31] [Report] []

Let’s see him !

No.413430 : Anonymous [2022-07-31 00:51] [Report] 1659243090233.jpg (112126 B, 750x854) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.413431 : Anonymous [2022-07-31 00:52] [Report] 1659243136521.jpg (72812 B, 750x528) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.413440 : Anonymous [2022-07-31 02:12] [Report] []


That’s a nice hole

No.413464 : Anonymous [2022-07-31 09:28] [Report] 1659274103666.jpg (216270 B, 1170x1753) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.413512 : Anonymous [2022-07-31 17:52] [Report] 1659304375751.jpg (19278 B, 400x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
19278 B

what about this one and his hot hubby?

No.413626 : Anonymous [2022-08-01 10:36] [Report] []

>>408337 What a douche bag. He has no place representing any community.

No.413649 : Anonymous [2022-08-01 13:54] [Report] []


The spelling mistake on that caption is so fitting for Atlanta.

No.413650 : Anonymous [2022-08-01 13:59] [Report] []

>>413649 You mean grammatical error, Judgey.

No.413656 : Anonymous [2022-08-01 15:01] [Report] []


No.413792 : Anonymous [2022-08-02 18:59] [Report] []

Who has the hottest ass in atl ?

No.413935 : Anonymous [2022-08-03 17:15] [Report] 1659561325342.jpg (1676988 B, 1284x1769) [YIS] [GIS] []
1676988 B

Anything on D3vin?

No.414108 : Anonymous [2022-08-04 18:53] [Report] 1659653612113.jpg (403728 B, 1125x1860) [YIS] [GIS] []
403728 B

Sexualizing children’s characters is extremely creepy. Defending it is also creepy btw.

No.414114 : Anonymous [2022-08-04 19:00] [Report] []

Dude I don’t know what’s wrong with those two, shit just seems so fucking weird to me, but so many people are into it and pay money to see them… nuts

No.414260 : Anonymous [2022-08-05 19:06] [Report] []

>>413433 he seems way too wholesome for naughty pics, and haven't really seen anything on him being bi.

No.414382 : Anonymous [2022-08-06 15:42] [Report] []

>>414108 I thoight R1ck and Gr1ff were Dallas whores?

No.414383 : Anonymous [2022-08-06 15:58] [Report] []

They’re based in Atlanta. They were pretty hot at first but then they started painting their nails and doing all that cross dressing tranny shit

No.414461 : Anonymous [2022-08-07 05:20] [Report] []

>>414108 why is this creepy?

No.414973 : Anonymous [2022-08-10 13:20] [Report] 1660152036354.jpg (72658 B, 920x715) [YIS] [GIS] []
72658 B


Manny has a great ass

No.414997 : Anonymous [2022-08-10 16:47] [Report] []

>>414973 what’s his socials?

No.415028 : Anonymous [2022-08-10 21:50] [Report] []

>>413281 is this Nico? Lololol

No.415720 : Anonymous [2022-08-16 15:14] [Report] []

Who’s the best atl fuck ? Top and bottom call um out with a pic

No.416734 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 13:51] [Report] 1661363491558.png (2876260 B, 1125x2001) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.416736 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 14:06] [Report] []

>>416734 who's this? that thang thangin

No.416737 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 14:57] [Report] 1661367444695.jpg (279815 B, 1170x1260) [YIS] [GIS] []
279815 B

M@tt m@rkh@m

No.416788 : Anonymous [2022-08-24 23:42] [Report] []

No to bad any of the ass isn’t he a bottom ?

No.416982 : Anonymous [2022-08-26 10:56] [Report] []

>>412976 it's like baby carrot small. And he's INSANE. Avoid at all costs

No.416998 : Anonymous [2022-08-26 13:21] [Report] 1661534461197.png (12238875 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
12238875 B

Speaking of who has his nudies ?

No.417610 : Anonymous [2022-08-31 18:12] [Report] []

Bump atl queens

No.417690 : Anonymous [2022-09-01 11:59] [Report] 1662047959428.jpg (126005 B, 956x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
126005 B

Any nudes? Br4nd0n l3v0y

No.417728 : Anonymous [2022-09-01 19:07] [Report] 1662073646549.jpg (190970 B, 624x1177) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.417732 : Anonymous [2022-09-01 19:25] [Report] []

>>417728 his bf is hot too

No.417760 : Anonymous [2022-09-02 00:49] [Report] []


Damn that ass, body, and waist are snatched. He’s hot af

No.418223 : Anonymous [2022-09-05 21:46] [Report] 1662428806082.jpg (2024893 B, 1170x1963) [YIS] [GIS] []
2024893 B

Anything on these Cincinnati boys? They’re always in Atlanta


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