Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.414670 : Anonymous [2022-08-08 15:43] [Report] 1659987782048.jpg (79766 B, 1125x587) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
79766 B

Can we please start a new thread for huge guys for big muscles and fat thighs but have tiny cocks? I’m a really small guy with a big dick and I am obsessed with muscle dudes with small cocks. There’s something so hot about me being better than them in at least one way, and there is nothing they can do about it.

No.414756 : Anonymous [2022-08-09 06:48] [Report] []

>>414670 fuck!

No.414759 : Anonymous [2022-08-09 07:26] [Report] []

>>414670 I would not say I seek this. But I have fucked a handful of guys who look like this. Big and small dicks. It’s hot

No.418386 : Anonymous [2022-09-06 23:48] [Report] []

>>414670 this picture made me cum so hard just now… wow

No.418389 : Anonymous [2022-09-07 00:02] [Report] 1662523365460.png (1338339 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.418404 : Anonymous [2022-09-07 03:15] [Report] []

>>418389 Who is this beautiful specimen? Wow!


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