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No.415943 : Anonymous [2022-08-18 17:14] [Report] 1660857273881.jpg (2356770 B, 1284x1791) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
2356770 B

Anything on these four? I think there was a lot of talk about the two shirtless guys in the past

No.415946 : Anonymous [2022-08-18 17:44] [Report] []

I am wondering how these juicy gays travel with their roids. They cant possibly travel with all their syringes and vials of test, deca, poppers, viagra ...

No.415990 : Anonymous [2022-08-19 03:37] [Report] []


I'm certain most things you can just have inside your bag, check it in safely, and just pick it up once you land. At the most, have a doctor's note ready. I've personally traveled (to the US/UK/EU) with sildenafil and have had no issues ever.

If not, you can just buy locally. There's definitely people for it in Mykonos or wherever.

No.416019 : Anonymous [2022-08-19 10:00] [Report] []

>>415946 lol you guys are fucking stupid. they’re white gays with money, you think they’re carrying bootleg test they ordered online from China? Probably have prescriptions for most if not all of those things. They’re not hard to get if you’re willing to pay out of pocket if your health insurance doesn’t cover it. Go into any anti-aging/wellness clinic in a major US city and I guarantee they will be offering some sort of testosterone replacement therapy program.

Also you aren’t injecting steroids every day, it’s a once or twice a week thing. They’ll survive if they miss a dose.

No.416058 : Anonymous [2022-08-19 18:24] [Report] []

>>416019 I dont know. This guy was arrested for test and viagra

No.416075 : Anonymous [2022-08-19 19:46] [Report] []

the level of insecurity it takes to roid for gay men, when gay men will literally have sex with anyone must be next level.

No.416084 : Anonymous [2022-08-19 21:02] [Report] []

>>416058 can’t see what government that is, but that’s just shitty luck

Good lawyer and Embassy support should get you rid of that

No.416100 : Anonymous [2022-08-19 23:07] [Report] []

Why does Anthony B have this weird hetero cosplay fetish that makes him wear basketball attire in nearly every social situation?

No.416114 : Anonymous [2022-08-20 01:00] [Report] []


Uh lol gay people are allowed to be basketball fans hahaha

No.416122 : Anonymous [2022-08-20 03:12] [Report] []

>>416114 I think Anthony's obviously hot but I get what 416100 is saying.

He's always wearing basketball jerseys and trying to project this masc-bro image that is kinda comical if you've heard him speak IRL.

He'd be way hotter if he ditched the pomade and the too tight clothing.

No.416128 : Anonymous [2022-08-20 04:07] [Report] []

>>415943 The one on the far right is hot AF. Who is he?

No.416130 : Anonymous [2022-08-20 04:30] [Report] []

nothing about AB's attire is "masculine." I see it more as a brand flex. wearing designer brand shorts is the gayest thing out there lol. real masc men wear nike and Jordan bball shorts and gear... not fitted tops and rainbow socks.

No.416131 : Anonymous [2022-08-20 04:37] [Report] []

>>416128 his body is hot af. He’s a midget

No.416137 : Anonymous [2022-08-20 07:28] [Report] []

>>415943 It's all too much. The nicest looking has the vest on, typical.

No.416324 : Anonymous [2022-08-21 18:41] [Report] []

Anthony is weird. I tried to meet up with him on grindr as he seemed interested but all he really wanted to know was height, weight, and cock size. Then said " nice" and never messaged me back. I've heard him do that to other people too.

No.416326 : Anonymous [2022-08-21 18:53] [Report] []

Only the ugly ones.
Roids4roids is all instagays are into

No.416428 : Anonymous [2022-08-22 12:46] [Report] []

>>416058 do you move your lips when you read?

What part of “have a prescription” do you not understand…? You’re not getting arrested if you’re legally prescribed viagra or testosterone from your doctor. You’re getting arrested if you’re an escort with fewer brain cells than an amoeba, carrying roids and viagra you bought off a drug dealer all while partying in Miami with enough of an immigration/visa issue that your arrest has an DHS hold for deportation on it.

No.416659 : Anonymous [2022-08-23 21:13] [Report] []

How do you get a prescription for steroids? Which doctors are handing them out?
Not asking for a friend.

No.416676 : Anonymous [2022-08-23 22:29] [Report] []

>>416659 google “anti aging clinic” or “wellness clinic” and enter the name of whatever city you live in. Look for ones that say they offer hormone replacement therapy or testosterone replacement therapy.

upfront cost for labs and the initial consult will probably run you about $500 then the actual stuff they prescribe you will be anywhere from $150-$1,500 a month depending on what you get. Gets crazy expensive if you try to also do the meds that keep you balls from shrinking. Most insurance won’t cover it unless you actually are below the clinical threshold for low testosterone but if you’ve got an HSA you can try and use that to pay for it

No.416680 : Anonymous [2022-08-23 22:43] [Report] []

>>416676 These guys get it from teh local bodybuilder at the gym. They aren't going to these clinics and putting their names and credit info on paper.

No.418377 : Anonymous [2022-09-06 22:36] [Report] []

Lol no Dr or anti-aging clinic is prescribing the amounts of test required to run a proper cycle. (But uh if you know of one that does. Feel free to provide info lol) typically you’ll get an endo or urologist to prescribe enough for TRT (assuming your labs reflect a deficiency) which, at best, is a very very mild “cycle”


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